
3 Reviews
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Basta un paio di baffi (2019 TV Movie)
Confusing. But not 4 the moustache
30 May 2021
Nice because it is syncopated. For an Italian fiction.

But offends Trying not to offend Offends More and more

Dialects Stereotypes People Food Restaurateurs Restaurant flies Are offended Nice too see when not really listening

Great actors Poor them.
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Anna (II) (2019)
Mr Besson favourite obesession
29 June 2020
After Nikita it was fun but a bit ... lumping.. Welcome back Luc ... and Eric 💗🔥🎯
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The Gentlemen (2019)
To swoon
17 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Mr Ritchie welcome back!!! Your script line it is more than excellent as always ; following it's to swoon !! ... and... : you did the best "hashtagmetoo" film ever till now. A MA ZIN G!
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