
1 Review
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20 December 2010
1st time i'm writing a review on IMDb, but i had to say how bad is this movie.

Im french and the original movie "Le diner de con" was one of the funniest movies have ever seen. I still can remember the 1st time i seen it in theater 12 years ago. Like all the people in the room i laugh my ass of. I cry by laughing so hard during all the movie (sorry for my English). And every time i saw it again on video, the magic still working

The only time i laugh in "Dinner for Schmucks" was in the very beginning when we see the mouses pictures. I thought it was well found , a good idea for the lobby of the "idiot". After that, nothing... Few smiles in the first part of the movie but thats all.

Im a big fan of Steve Carrel but in this movie his character is too idiot, its too much. The reason why the original movie was that funny its because its was realistic in a way. Her its just too much and for me it make it loose all the fun. And its like that for all the character and the situation.

The reason the original was so funny, and was such a huge success when it was released in France,it is because the writing was very well done, very subtle. "The idiot" is funny because he is clumsy, do some stuffs too quick without thinking of the aftermaths, but he is not in any way somebody that look like he escape from an asylum with 10 of IQ like Carrel character in this remake..

Very hard to go to the end of this movie.. In fact during watching it i had to check on IMDb to see some reviews to see if i was the only one who didn't laugh at all. Im surprise to see that many people finding this one hilarious. May be the fact i see the original movie, knowning the mecanic of the script. But i try to see this one with a fresh eye.

Anyway it doesn't work, and this one is the worst movie iv seen this year. My English isn't good enough to express what i fell about this movie but for me its a waste, a shame consedering the original material, as i said its my first review her but i had to warm people. My only advice, watch the original.

It is a typical Hollywood failed remake when the writter thought "let's make the schmuck even stupidier so it will be even funnier!!!" Nope... it doesn't work like this.

Again, sorry for my English, i just hope you get the the point.
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