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Mitron (2018)
Great lighthearted fun
12 May 2019
Saw this for the second time and the rewatch today forced me to write this review.

This story is about three middle class boys struggling to launch a career but none the less fun loving. Soon they are joined by a girl facing similar problems of traditional parents, customs etc. How they overcome all the barriers and build a successful business of their choice is where the narrative leads to. A sweet love story is interwoven nicely in the story. The element of friendship and having fun in all situations is crux of the film. This ultimately lifts your spirits. The music totally supports the films mood ie light & fun. The origins of the movie is somewhat connected to Dil Chahta hai but with charactors not that suave but middle class. Jackky bhagnani has redeemed himself with this movie. All the cast is good and characters are very likable. Overall the movie has loads of good stuff ie good cast, relatable and likable characters, light music, motivational elements, food etc. I fail to understand the failure of this movie at the BO.

Watch it for having a good time. I give it a 10
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
writing brings the fun down...
29 November 2011
I had to see this being a huge sandler fan, despite the universal dismal reviews, below are the FAQ's that i will try to answer about jack and jill

1. Does it deserve IMDb 2.8 rating? No, it is not that bad, unfortunately it became the object of hatred for critics and public for no reason

2. Is it better than average sandler fares? Not as good as any sandler film till 2008, better than 'just go with it' (which i thought was the lamest sandler movie till date), as good as 'grown ups' may be

3. what doesn't work about this movie? the writing, the dialogues should have been more funnier, although its not totally lame, there are some funny lines in between and some physical comedy which saves the movie from a total fiasco.

4. How are the performances? Sandler is usual, shouting and screaming which will please his fans as usual, he looks pretty funny as jill and pulls out good physical comedy, Al pacino is a great actor make no mistake, but i felt that he was a miscast, he is too serious an actor to mock himself and because of that in his screen time the movie loses momentum over the humour, i felt that an actor of sandler brand like rob schnieder would have done justice to that role, Katie holmes is there for 15 minutes which is as good as a special appearance.

5. Is it going to be detrimental to sandler's career? No

overall i did not find this movie bad, it was entertaining in parts and sandler fans can watch it, The strength of the movie was its premise which i felt was one of the best ideas, i mean sandler playing his own twin sister made me laugh from the first go, but the ordinary writing stopped it from becoming a happy gilmore or a billy madison...

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Unstoppable (2010)
The train is the star !!
29 November 2010
Unstoppable in one line is a story of two railway employees trying to stop an out of control unmanned train loaded with explosive chemicals, Thats almost it about the story, It is comparable to a program on discovery channel with the same theme when it comes to storyline but it works in its favor as there are no emotional subplots involved with the heroes families , the movie starts with how a train goes out of control and ends obviously with our heroes stopping it without much damage caused, Denzel washington and chris pine almost spend all their screen time on trains or around them, Although they don't have much to do as the film focuses more on the technical aspect of how the train has to be stopped but still both do justice to their supporting roles as the real star of the movie is the out of control train '777' as they call it, the train has the maximum screen time then anybody else and i must say that tony scott did a great job in portraying the train as a beast on a rampage which is going to destroy anything that tries to stop it, There are moments in the movie where as an audience i was intimidated by the train and its monstrous power showing how helpless human beings can get facing such a artificially created force. Tony scott has a fascination for speed , first it was top gun (airplanes)then days of thunder (race cars) then crimson tide (submarines) and now unstoppable (trains), The movie focuses on high speed drama and is able to entertain throughout without a dull moment although i must say that i have seen better movies featuring trains for eg. under siege 2 but still unstoppable is pretty decent 7 /10
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Good Job Vivek and RGV !
25 October 2010
The movie tackles a revenge story that a guy (vivek) successfully takes for the murder of his wannabe politicians father and brother and ends up becoming a robin hood kinda politician himself, Story is fairly simple but execution is quite brilliant. Technically the movie is completely an RGV movie, Close up shots, awkward camera angles, sporadic use of shaky cam, dim-lit, backgrounds, and loud but effective background score, in one scene the camera even takes a 360 degree rotation. The movie relies heavily on the treatment as the story is pretty straightforward and RGV does just that, By providing a heavy background score he builds tension and background score replaces dialog's at many places, Another strong point of the movie are the acting performances. Vivek has done a excellent job as expected of him 'cause of his previous gangster movie outings in company and shootout at lokhandwala, its a role which is made for vivek only and he does it with utmost ease, i am sure this movie is going to change his career for good, RGV also comes back in his company ,satya, sarkar mode and makes a realistic entertaining movie, shatrugan sinha also has done good justice to his rather short role .A special mention for abhimanyu singh who has played bukka reddy, haven't seen such a terrifying evil act ever in any movie, his bloodshot eyes , ruthless expressions and merciless killings is enough to give the fainthearted nightmares, kudos for the brilliant performance. The movie is quite graphic in nature , the killings are brutal and so are the depicted atrocities on women, certainly not a fare for people who like to stay away from gore but else everyone should like it 8/10
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Knock Out (2010)
wow !!
20 October 2010
I went to see this movie frankly because i was totally free and my friend insisted me to, I beforehand knew that this was a straight lift from the holly movie Phonebooth starring collin Ferrell and i wasn't to keen to watch this anyway 10 minutes into the movie i got proved right that it was a straight lift indeed but i was pleasantly surprised !! 'cause the movie was really gripping and i forgot about all the copying stuff and got engrossed completely , For those who have not seen phone booth they will like this even more, irrfan who is a black marketeer gets into a public telephone booth to do some usual business and gets captivated into the booth by sanjay dutt who calls him on the public phone and tells him that he has a sniper pointed on irrfan from a nearby building and then asks him to do stuff which exposes a corrupt politician ultimately , i wont reveal who sanjay is and why he holds irrfan captive 'cause thats for the viewer to find out and the reason is very compelling, valid and relevant to our country's biggest problem i.e black money , In Phonebooth the captivator was a psycho but its not the case here sanjay's character is of a very sane and intelligent tech savy person ,The movie also features a fight sequence involving sanjay which looks a straight lift from 'the bourne ultimatum' but none the less its pretty well done as well, the movie also has some laughs provided by irrfan but it doesn't loose its focus on the main theme ,what i didn't like though about the movie was that the makers blatantly denied on TV interviews that the movie wasn't a copy of phone booth but those were just blatant denial's. Barring that i liked the movie a lot , hats off to sanjay dutt, irrfan khan and mani shankar for making a focused , entertaining , no - nonsense movie 8/10
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11 July 2010
i was waiting for the movie for an eternity (yes i am a die hard fan of cruise), from the glimpse of the trailer i knew that this movie will have the touch of mission impossible , bingo ... i was right , i had huge expectations from this movie , and it didn't let me down at any point, action was mindblowing and non stop, i was not a fan of diaz but boy.. she has acted amazingly and provides the comic relief superbly as cruise goes on destroying the enemies, the bike chase sequence in the end shot in spain is just amazingly shot and brought me to the edge of my seat , as far as story goes ,cruise is a spy protecting a perpetual energy source battery called as Zephyr and his inventor geeky friend who obviously has invented the battery, the evil FBI agent and a Spanish mafia lord are after the battery while diaz gets herself entagled in all the havoc , don't bother about the story much.. just enjoy the action, humor and beautiful scenery as the duo goes globetrotting,

a special note for cruise, he proves why he is the biggest movie star on the planet , he does the stunts with a amazing grace , this movie is on to make 300 million worldwide for sure (thats my bet)

way to go Mr cruise.... waiting for MI4
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