
3 Reviews
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They Live (1988)
Must be shown in schools and acadamies.
15 September 2021
This movie should be played in every schools and colleges, we as human society is poised by few bunch of elite people. "They live" and rule us.. we are now being slaved not by physically but definitely through mentally.

Movie is not perfect in technical terms but so perfect in politically and socially.. As i am Indian citizen and current situation of indian politics and social life is so relevant here, every thing is controlled by media and few elite people. Now "They" will penetrate in more deep , will make us slaves , dedicated to their voters and consumers...
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Stoker (2013)
Standard hollywood crap !
9 April 2020
Cant watch this movie 30 minutes even, It is highly commercialised movie, . No acting , no music, no thrilling at all. , it is like to hurt soul of alfred hitchcock if some one claims hitchcockian kind of movie..
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Intense, brutal and suspense but unlike typical hollywood craps..
12 March 2019
Nice to see such a movie like this , truly entertaining..

Asad is cool, carl is tough , amazing acting from both actors.

Wonderful direction,I like the way of moving story while investigation is ongoing.

Ending is also much better, quiet predictable but it was perfect way to end.

just i gave 1 star less due to predictable ending. that is it;.
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