
2 Reviews
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"Broadway" is even better!
18 September 2004
I saw this movie last year and loved it. It was before it had distribution and i have watched happily as it went on its way to national theatrical runs and great

reviews. I had heard that the filmmaker had changed it since then, but I

assumed it was minor. I am in Chicago for a gig and when I read the great

reviews in the Chicago papers today I ran to see it again - almost a year later. Amazingly, the filmmaker Rick McKay was at the theatre again! In a whole

different part of the country, as he lives in NYC and I saw the film AND him in LA. He must be the moist passionate filmmaker ever to have made this film with 100 stars and taken six years.

But, most important, the film is much, much different. it is absolutely brilliant. Moving and touching. There were people laughing and sobbing at the same

time around me. It is such a lost era and it seems even more profound a year

later. Not to mention that at least five of the stars have died in this last year, making it more precious.

The audience gave McKay a standing ovation and he regaled him with stories. I know I have friends who are going to kill me. They were so jealous when I saw an advance screening a year ago and it has been opening up in ciites all over the country but a lot of people still can't find it. SO , the good news is that McKay announced that the film comes out on DVD on November 9th. "Loaded with

extras," he said. I am counting days.

Nobody wanted to leave the theater. Everyone waited after in the lobby for

McKay and he told stories after to us. It was like we were trying to hang on to the last of this era and time in the film. I read a review on Ain't It Cool News that said this movie is a national treasure. They are right. And so is McKay. It would have all been gone were it not for this film. Thank you.
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Wow! And I thought Broadway was corny - WRONG!
28 April 2003
Saw this cool movie at the Palm Beach International Film Festival and was blown away. The screening I went to had Fay Wray (yes! FAY WRAY!)doing the Q&A after the film with the director Rick McKay, who was charming and funny as well. I can see why the film won the Audience Award-Best Documentary. The audience went crazy in the theater. They laughed and spontaneously broke out in applause many times during the movie. I still can't believe how many great stars are in this film. From Jeremy Irons and Alec Baldwin to Shirley MacLaine and Carol Burnett. I have to admit that I only went to see this movie cuz my girlfriend wanted to. I was never into "Broadway" at all. But, I had no idea what it was like "back in the day." Wow. Very cool. I don't think I have had this much fun, not to mention learned this much, in a movie theater ever before. Can't wait to see it again when it is in theaters later this year.
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