
71 Reviews
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Fireworks (2023)
Beautiful Movie
24 April 2024
A movie of sadness, joy, struggle, heartbreak, betrayal... it captivates the heart and mind through a most difficult time in Sicilian society in the 1980's. The enormous love shared by two won out over the ridicule and rejection of others. Watch this movie, it might be just above a snails pace at times, but overall is worth the time.

Gabriele Pizzurro and Samuele Segreto do an outstanding job in acting and the subtle expressions that make the movie so believable... then when you learn its based on a true story, it leaves you contemplating it for days. Very touching...

You will enjoy this movie very much.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Started good... but... fizzle
8 February 2024
Jason Statham is always awesome. This movie starts out grabbing you by the butt and swinging your emotions all over the place. But then, past the half-way mark, some of the things are just not believable especially regarding the secret service and the manner in which they operate.

I liked all the characters, the story line is really good, but the bang in the beginning fizzles out and there's almost a disconnect.

The writers could have done better... but it seems the talent in Hollywood these days are lacking. About the only thing they are good at is using the F--- word, which tells a lot about them and their inability to write good dialogue and story lines.

Not sure I will see this movie again. I give it a four star although Jason is a 10 star in my book...
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Balloon deflated slowly... but finished the game.
10 July 2023
I have been a fan of Indiana Jones since Raiders of the Lost Ark. Each sequel was filled with action, suspense, and believable situations.

The storylines were done in a way that kept you involved and plugged in... sadly, the newest installment with The Dial of Destiny was a bit of overkill. After it started, I found myself bored with just another bunch of unbelievable stunts. I think the new writers have lost a sense of realism that audiences so desperately need in order to fully enjoy such movies. The older writers knew how to engage their audience, not so anymore.

I spent two and half hours watching a potentially great move sequel but ended up finally connecting near the end, because of a change of heart with Dr. Jones' goddaughter; probably the best part of the movie!

The one best thing about the movie is our whole family could have watched it, there were no F bombs (which seems to be the norm for Hollywood these days) and no sick nudity or language. For that alone, it was worth the money and time... otherwise, doubt it ends up a classic.
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Complete Loss of Realism
30 June 2023
The basic story lines in the JW franchise is awesome, but the later sequels since inception has reached a level of absurdity with the human impossibility of physical brutality John could withstand... it is no longer realistic or believable. Many scenes became mundane and "just another fight scene." Things like falling from a four story building on to a VW van and walking away, hit by a car (several times) and walking away, brutal fight scenes and walking away, it's all humanly impossible to be considered real. A waste of time and money!

If this happened to be the last John Wick film, then so be it! Good bye and good riddance! I give it two stars because of the final scene.
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The Whale (2022)
Outstanding performance by Branden Fraser
26 May 2023
First, the film deserves a 10, but it's dark, theater stage-like performance made the movie dull and depressing. The story line itself is depressing but heart-drenching and sad. I would have preferred a brighter venue in which it was filmed to offset its very sad story.

We never know the internal struggles of others often times, and it is a much more required effort on our part to be more compassionate with others. This movie profoundly proves this.

Mr. Fraser is an outstanding talent and should be commended for his portrayal. It is a much-see movie. We will watch this one again! Not a family movie however, as usual, Hollywood seems to have an agenda against children and family as most are inappropriate these days.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Better Than Normal Out of Hollywood...
26 May 2023
Good movie... acting was a bit stringy. Great story line but the acting could have been much better. I was disappointed with Chris Evans and Ana de Armas with their interaction and "reading" lines. There were a few scenes that appeared believable with their lines being delivered with realism, but most of the time it was if they were still reading the script... very disappointing.

Director Dexter Fletcher needs to have a little more expertise in directing (especially A rated actors) to do their job a bit more professional.

One thing I liked the most about this movie was it could be viewed by any audience, especially those with children. The language was family appropriate and kind of fun to watch.

Probably one of the better film productions for family out of Hollywood these days and very rare!
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Brilliancy in the midst of filth
26 May 2023
This is probably one of the best series of this decade. It offers a real presentation of the complexities of life with all its pain, secrets, and disappointments; yet it grabs the heart to a point you are weak as a limp noodle.

This would have been a rating of 10 but it appears there's a constant agenda being delivered out of Hollywood and other studios (Apple+) to bring nothing but insulting language, perversion, and just plain filth to their audiences. Although it has great story lines and outstanding actors, nothing is being offered for the entire family.

I enjoyed watching this series but had to do so alone. They have no respect for children nor the family unit. Ted Lasso is a good series filled with filth! There will be no re-runs in our home.
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Close (I) (2022)
5 March 2023
Close, is a masterpiece of humanity, emotionally over-whelming yet brilliantly consuming from the first frame to the last.

To imagine the director, who is undoubtedly the most talented director of this century, found (Leo) Eden Dambrine on a train just by happenstance; and cast him for this movie; he is truly very talented. Then you have (Remi) Gustav De Waele, who is just as talented along with (Sophie, Remi's mom) Emile Dequenne, who give masterful performances making the move so believable and realistic, I though I was right there with them crying and grieving. This movie is destined for all-time greatness to be watched many times over.

I guess my only disappointment is that it is not an American film, spoken in English and enabling us to watch it without closed captions. Even still, it did not take away from fully engaging us into the story line. We will watch this movie again... it is a must see by all!!!
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Bones and All (2022)
One Time Only
18 February 2023
The first thing I thought about after the movie started was, what is the mental stability of this writer? Who comes up with such sick stories?

This movie overall, as for us, was offensive,gross, gruesome, and lacked entertainment quality completely!

The actors did an outstanding performance, however I find them to be disappointing in even considering making the film... it has hurt their fan-following with us. Maybe they just needed the money.

We saw the movie, we did not like it, we will never watch it again.

It is a shame to have spent millions of dollars in production of this film using a story line that is doomed to be placed in a cold dark closet gathering dust. Something has gone awry in Hollywood... nothing worth spending money on anymore like it was years ago...
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Finally here!
15 January 2023
After waiting so long for the sequel, it finally came out. The first one was really good, and this sequel is too. The digital photography is magnificent and realistic. The story line is good... I think it could have been better. It fell into that logical standard story line everyone could figure out not long after it started. But even still, it was a good movie, kinda long... not sure I will be willing to revisit it again without wearing Depends. Of course, it would be the ideal movie on a boring rainy day with some wings and beer. Now, that I might do!

I gave it a 5 Rating because of the length and the bit under par story line... but even still, it was a good movie.
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The Estate (II) (2022)
Walked out
15 January 2023
The movie seemed to have a great story line from all that I had read, and along with the trailer made it appear we were in for a great movie... DUH!

Right off the bat, within the first minute, we were confronted with filthy language and then shortly afterward a dining room table conversation about female anatomy that was just plain gross.

Movies are supposed to be entertaining, The Estate is nothing more than filth and offensive.

We did not make it to the 30 minute mark and walked out... a total waste of money and out time! This one will bomb!

If you are really interested in seeing this movie, wait until you can rent it for 99 cent and stuck at home on a rainy day... make sure you've got a lot of booze, you will need it.
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20 October 2022
In a time when nothing but filth, crime, perversion, and empty value is mainstream coming out of Hollywood, this movie proves to offer everything the movie-goer wants and desires. Uplifting, positive, encouraging, hope, kindness, family, friendship, loyalty, truth, and most of all... love!

We all loved this movie. It was well worth the money spent and the time. All the actors were stellar in their performances. The story-line was beautifully done and rendered in a way that wasn't religious, but revealing and heart-warming.

The entire family can watch this movie... something hard to find these days out of Hollywood. That in itself makes it a jewel filled with great value for your entertainment dollar. Go see this movie, buy it, or rent it... you won't be disappointed.
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Men (2022)
A Sick Waste of Time
20 October 2022
Movies should be entertaining, an escape from a hard days work, relaxing, and most of all enjoyable!

This movie was useless nonsense, gross, vulgar, sick, grotesque and perverted. It offered no entertainment value and was apparently the conjuring of a sick mind... the movie never should have been produced.

It is not a family movie, nor is it for the faint of heart. It isn't even worthy of being a horror film as it is just plain sickening.

We wasted our time and money. This review may create some curiosity in watching the movie but if it does, wait until you can watch it free... don't waste your money!

The main character offers a fair talent in acting out what the writer and director must have wanted though falling below being a "B" movie.

It is hard to follow, slow to reveal a plot, and then ends with imagery filled with grotesque bloody perversions that bring to light nothing associated with the main characters dilemma. It is a very disappointing movie... very disappointing!
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Elvis (2022)
The End is very good...
12 September 2022
This was not a movie created with a sense of enjoyable entertainment. The entire presentation was gloomy, dream-like, and a depressing expose'. Whether factual or not, and involved a lot of controversial issues surrounding this enormous entertainer, the entire film could have been done much much better. It failed as entertainment and as a documentary.

The best part was the last few minutes of the film... if you watch it, you will understand (didn't want to be a spoiler here).

Lastly, Elvis deserved a quality representation of his life in this movie, this was not achieved. Tom Hanks was a poor choice in representing Col. Parker and never should have been given the part, he took away from the movie rather than enhancing it. However, Austin did a magnificent job in trying to portray Elvis.
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Best This Year!
7 September 2022
Finally!!!! A movie comes out of Hollywood (?) with some quality and historical entertainment. After years of filth and perverted mess, it's good to finally see a movie worth your hard earned money.

This is a magnificent true story portrayed by some excellent actors and filmed with a beautiful story line.

What makes it really good, is the entire family can enjoy it and learn about some history involving the struggles during the late 1800's.

For the producers and directors, you should be commended for making a movie with integrity and view-ability for the entire family... something Hollywood should take note of and start offering some films that are wholesome.

We will watch this movie again!
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Mack & Rita (2022)
Dead...just plain dead...
31 August 2022
Our ladies group got together for lunch and then saw this movie. It did not take long to realize the indigestion we were getting wasn't from lunch, but it was this lifeless and dead movie.

Diane Keaton is usually a good actress who brings a lot of character and laughs to any movie... but she has lost everything with this movie!

The "so-called" funny remarks fell silent with everyone in the theater, and the timing was horrible.

We wasted our time, we wasted our good hard-earned money, and along with the over-priced concessions, it was a costly dead afternoon!

A few days after we saw it, we noticed it had been removed from the listing of movies at the theater... well, the writing was on the wall for this one! Good bye and good riddance!
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Ambulance (2022)
Kinda a good movie...
5 August 2022
This movie has a good story-line, it moves at a good pace, the photography is good, the actors did a good job, and kept us engaged.

I was impressed with Yahya and his acting ability, he did an outstanding job; so did Eiza, who was the glue in this film.

Jake Gyllenhaal, in the past, has done a good job in his movies; this time not so good. It seemed he lost his finer edge and some scenes and dialogued came across like he was reading rather than acting... even still, this is a good movie.
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Morbius (2022)
Dark and Depressing...
5 August 2022
Here's another one out of Hollywood scraping the bottom of the barrel. This movie had great potential with the story-line, but was completely destroyed with dark, gloomy, scenes and UN-engaging dialogue that crept along until we were glad the credits started.

It seems the talent that once filled Hollywood has vanished and whats left is a lot of struggling wanna-be's. Here's another waste of money and time that will end up gathering dust in the movie vaults. So sad...
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Paid to see it twice!
5 August 2022
The best movie out of Hollywood in years!

The acting is superb! The actors are phenomenal, and the story-line is consuming... you hang on every word and every scene.

We had a free evening while traveling and saw the movie, it was so good, when we got home we went back to the theater and saw it again. Actually, we would like to go back and see it a third time. Best movie out of Hollywood in years.

A must see... many times over!!!!
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Father Stu (2022)
Deserved 10 stars but...
19 June 2022
This true story is awesome! When it comes to a relationship with God the movie tells the truth, one of the best in many years.

BUT, what is going on in Hollywood that the most recent productions are being filled with the word F---! It's like the only main word Hollywood knows is this one, which further shows their lack of intelligent writing.

This would have been an outstanding movie had they been more considerate of their audience with maintaining the same spirit of the true story with language that complimented it. It was a great true story, but we won't be watching it ever again!
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The Lost City (2022)
Something a little more redeeming from Hollywood...
26 May 2022
I liked this movie... a bit silly, with some hilarious scenes and great photography, the story line kept me engaged. This was a great pair to put together with Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum for this movie who interacted greatly in their roles. I found it amusing that Brad Pitt being such a big star had such a passing few moments in this wonderful movie... what part he did have, he did very well and made the movie quite exciting.

I was especially happy that this is a movie the entire family could see even with the (almost) revealing nude scene and the lack of curse words which lately has been most predominate in recent movies (a sign that Hollywood is far more perverted than i thought).

Go see this movie, it's fun, exciting, and really funny at times... its worth the ticket price.
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The Batman (2022)
An Unending Dark, Dreary, Rainy Flop!
26 May 2022
In the past, we have enjoyed the Batman franchise movies... and though I hate to be disparaging, knowing there is a lot of work, expense, and time put into making such movies, along with these actors having tried to do a good job, this was the worst Batman movie we have ever seen!

The slow build though a maze of excruciating mundane details that lacked any quality, suspense or a captivating story line, did not deliver anything redeeming for the money spent.

We left the theater disappointed, tired, and feeling a bit ripped-off compared to the previous Batman movies.

Too, a movie that is entirely dark throughout the entire movie makes one feel quite depressed... had the story-line been better along with a few sunny days, it might have been worth at least a couple of dollars to see the movie! We won''t be doing any repeats with this movie.
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Best Movie This Year!!!!
24 May 2022
What a treat and joy it was to see this newest Downton Abbey movie! As always, the story-line is superb, acting is magnificent, photography is brilliantly done, and the entire production reeks of outstanding quality.

I like the way it is written and how more personal and interactive the Grantham's are with the staff, they are more than just employees, but friends and almost family.

I was especially glad to see that those who had struggled through the years hoping for love had finally found it!

This is an all-out beautiful movie and will be watched over and over again... in fact, we will probably go back to the theater several times to see it again and then purchase it when available for home use.

If you fail to see this movie, you are missing out!!!
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Vendetta (I) (2022)
A Bruce Willis "B" Movie????
24 May 2022
I recently learned Willis is having some health issues, which might explain the difference in the recent movies he has made. This is sad and we wish him good health and a speedy recovery. Even still, when paying money for an expected quality movie, one should be able to deliver a quality performance... not one that the dialog sounds read.

This story-line "vendetta" is lacking a bit, the action scenes , for us, were not that believable, although some of the characters offered some realization to their acting parts (very few), this movie is in the "B" movie category for us.

This is another rainy day movie when nothing else is available.
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Agent Game (2022)
Poor story line
9 April 2022
The movie kinda drags you along as the dialogue and story-line seems to get weaker and weaker. One scene was a bit hard to believe and made us think the writer ran our of a legitimate course of action and just haphazardly wrote the scene in. Even still, the actors did a good job.

Hollywood seems to be falling into an abyss with good material and this is a good case of struggling to make a movie worth watching.

Not sure this movie will be a repeat for us...
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