23 Reviews
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Rio Lobo (1970)
Not a Needed Extension
24 July 2023
Why use Cord McNally from El Dorado when Wayne's character was not the same in Rio Bravo? Why re-use the "Pat" character from Rio Bravo (played by the late Ward Bond). Hawks should have created a fresh movie all on its own. 0' Neil is wooden as a board. Terrible. Rivero can barely act and he has to play the second lead with name above the title. Poor decision from a great director. Nothing needs to be said about the Duke. He is great as always but he does need help from his cast to make a movie interesting. The plot of the script is actually quite novel. Unfortunately, like he did in El Dorado, Howard Hawks got spooked and went for a conventional approach instead of using something o retesting. It's a shame!
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Book Club (I) (2018)
Incredible Cast
3 July 2023
Think of the actors gathered together for this movie. Great actors all. Think if all the trouble it must have taken yo get them all together.

Just rattle off the names of the women and lead men. Even that is not enough.

Some stars in supporting roles as well: Alicia Silverstone Giancarlo G.

Wallace Shawn Not counting the top male stars The story is quite slight but many movies have been successful, even fairly good without a tremendous plot. Especially with the cast of great talents assembled here. Unfortunately, this does not fall into that category. This is bad, bad, bad. It is nothing but paint by numbers schlock. Why go through the trouble of getting all these great actors together and produce a failure of a TV show type thing. UGH!!!!
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Bud and Lou (1978 TV Movie)
Beyond Terrible
20 May 2023
Harvey Korman is not bad as Abbott but what the heck is Buddy Hackett doing? His voice is exaggerated. His timing is off (especially during "Who's on First"). Korman can't do the timing right when his partner us sooo slow. I did this routine with a partner. While we could never touch the real team, we were certainly better than these guys. The odd thing is that Hackett once substituted for Costello in the film "Fireman, Save My Child. " What a disgrace!

Another thing. Why isn't Betty Abbott in this movie?

The way they treated Abbott's epilepsy was fairly well done. I gave epilepsy myself. While it goes not seen as bad as Abbott's. It still is a cross to bear.

This was a missed opportunity. I think it's time for someone else to do a biography of the team. Only this time they need to do it correctly!

Can simple history be correct? Their first movie was NOT a starring film in "Buck Privates" but a supporting role in "One Night in the Tropics"

I saved the worst for last. The.way they treated Costello was terrible. Sure we heard he had done some poor things about him but there has to be some balance!

Is This Enough Words ?
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Charlie at the Track
9 April 2023
I have been watching a lot of Charlie Chan 's lately. Included are all three Chan's. Warner Oland, Sidney Toler, and Roland Winters. Warner Oland is clearly the best but Roland Winters was stronger and better than others have proclaimed him to be. This Warner Oland Mystery was the best one that I have seen since re-discovering Charlie Chan through streaming services. Lee Chan (Keye Luke) has terrific comic timing and this was a true and engrossing mystery. Not like the silly Monogram ones that had descended into comic slapstick and little else. Go to the track and enjoy a real good mystery from that time!!!!
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The In-Laws (1979)
Impossible not to Laugh!
19 November 2022
This is one of the greatest comedies ever made! A pretty bold statement, sure, but I only have one thing to say to support my proclamation. GO SEE IT! If you are in the right mood-you will agree!!!!

I have to add more because of IMDb rules-Peter Falk and Alan Arkin worked hand in glove and both are falling down hysterical!!!

Okay now it needs 274 more. I have said what is important but there is so much that could be said. I guess brevity is not appreciated here even though I have seen some reviews that are much shorter

I can see this film over and over. It never gets tired.

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Columbo: A Friend in Deed (1974)
Season 3, Episode 8
Great Episode
10 October 2022
This is my wife's favorite and my second favorite. My favorite barely inches out this one. That is the best Columbo villain's third and final appearance-Jack Cassidy as the magician. Anyway, Richard Kiley is amazing. Peter Falk-fantastic as usual. Val Avery's best Columbo performance and he did quite a number of them. The "gotcha" at the end was incredible. The only quibble (false note) was Richard Kiley's drowning of his wife Rosemary Murphy. No one would drown that quickly. It should have been an extended scene. However, that is minor. Great job all around. Strong script, great direction and wonderful performances!
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Who was Bamm Bamm?
2 October 2022
This show was nothing but a high school kids getting through their age type show. There were some problems but the biggest one that I could not get over was "Who was Bamm Bamm?" In the original "Flintstones" we were introduced to the strongest person in the world who could lift up the sofa for Betty to vacuum under and pick up a Stone Age car so they could fix the rock wheel. How did this character turn into a nerd getting picked on by bullies like all lead characters in high school shows did at the time? Lame.

The only interesting aspect was having Sally Strutbets voice Pebbles and Jay North (Dennis the Menace) doing the voice of Bamm Bamm. But that is just behind the scenes stuff and did not impact the show.

I repeat LAME!
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This Movie Does NOT Go To The Dogs1
5 June 2022
William Powell, the best Philo Vance essayist, completed his last Vance. Terrific actor that he was, the movie was brought up several notches just because of that. Add to the mix Michael Curtiz, one of the greatest directors to ever come out if Hollywood, BAR NONE and you have one movie in a series of programmers that stand out tremendously. The supporting players are fine,, especially the character of Dr. Do Remus and the detective played by none other than Eugene Palette. Mary Astor did fine but her role was underwritten. The story was clever and made for a great denouement.
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Poirot: The Plymouth Express (1991)
Season 3, Episode 4
Terrific Episode
11 May 2022
The murder was serious and somber. The true impact of losing a loved one was felt quite keenly. Loved the actor playing the father. He was very powerful. One of my favorites. I could tell right away this was later expanded into The Mystery of the Blue Train.
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Poirot: The ABC Murders (1992)
Season 4, Episode 1
Could be the Best of an Incredible Show!
26 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love,love, love the Poirot series. They have done all of the stories and I have seen them all. Multiple times. Well, except for "Curtain." Seeing him die once was enough for me-lol! Suchet is perfect. Philip Jackson is an incredible Japp. Hugh Fraser a terrific Hastings and in a smaller role, Pauline Moran fills out the Four nicely. As for this one, it is terrific in all areas. Tight plot, suspenseful direction and wonderful acting. All the suspects were well done, especially the ultimate killer. Special mention goes to Donald Sumpter. Of all the guest stars this series has had, he may be the best. David Suchet even said as much on an interview soon after this was broadcast (which was early on in the 25 year run). Anyway-great all around!!

Oh-I forgot about the "plate" scene between Poirot and Hastings. Wonderful comedy, my favorite comic bit in the whole series. They were like an understated Abbot and Costello!
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Wood's Best-Not Saying Much
16 April 2022
Bela Lugosi gives a good performance considering his health and age. Funny -everyone is shooting or running away from monsters/creatures from another movie. Watch it on MST 3000 for maximum enjoyment!
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Star Trek: All Our Yesterdays (1969)
Season 3, Episode 23
Excellent Story Spock/Nimoy was Given Much
13 February 2022
Terrific episode! Spock behaves in an atypical way that rivals some of Kirk's interactions with a beautiful woman. Wish he had a goodbye kiss though. Once again, we'll played by Deforest Kelley,Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner. Also a great guest turn by reliable character actor Ian Wolfe who is known from Witness for the Prosecution and much more. He lived to be 95 and worked over twenty years more almost until the end. Superb!
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Bowfinger (1999)
Brilliant Comedy! Should be Considered a Classic!
11 December 2021
Everything on this film works! Steve Martin wrote a terrific screenplay and is quite good as Bowfinger. Eddie Murphy is great in both his parts and really makes the movie. Heather Graham is gorgeous and very showy. Also, , Christine Baranski is hysterical as the actress in love with Kit's "process." The rest of the cast was excellent. Frank Oz's direction is spot-on. It is a classic and a must watch for me!
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30 September 2021
Terrific movie! If more people judged the quality of the movie and the great performances by the entire cast instead of Mel's outside behavior, this would have been more well-regarded and a solid box office winner!
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Monk: Mr. Monk Goes to the Asylum (2002)
Season 1, Episode 5
Funny but too obvious a mistake
2 August 2021
This is the first episode without Stottlemeyer and Disher but their presence would have blown the case open much easier without all the risks. Once Sharona determined the doctor was the killer and sent the picture of Truvy to Monk , (a Great bit added to the episode, by the way), all she had to do was call the police and save Monk!
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Mr. T and Tina (1976– )
Love Pat Morita but this show was beyond terrible
27 June 2021
Not much to say. It was bad. Very bad. The only episode I gave a real memory of since it disappeared so fast had Mr. T flying around the living room. The worst casualty was Pat Morita lost the role of Arnold on Happy Days because of this travesty but who can blame him. It was a chance for a supporting player to become a star! It's happened many times before with talented comics. See Don Knotts and Tim Conway.
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Cattle Empire (1958)
2 October 2020
Joel MCRae acts (if you could call it that) Not as if he is walking through his part. That would take too much effort on his part. He is sleeping through the film, literally! Underplaying is one thing-no playing is another. Boring to the hilt!
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Gunsmoke: The Noonday Devil (1970)
Season 16, Episode 13
The Great Anthony Zerbe
1 September 2020
Ironically, just as smother reviewer stated, I too caught the episode just as Anthony Zerbe okaying the priest was speaking Latin. I agree that he spine it well (although I do not speak it myself) but my take was that they let it go on a long time and it was appropriate. The episode was well written and acted, especially by Anthony Zerbe who had long been a favorite character actor of mine. I believe he is retired now but he has given us many great performances of which this is one! James Arness also does a fine job as he usually does!
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The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: Misadventure (1964)
Season 3, Episode 8
22 August 2020
Terrible and totally unbelievable George Kennedy is the only actor who comes out decently Barry Nelson is not charming enough and Lola Albright is gorgeous but that is about it
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Human Desire (1954)
Another Incomplete Fritz Lang Noir
17 July 2020
After seeing Lang's later disaster of a film noir "Beyond A Reasonable Doubt," I was glad to see a much better film developing under my eyes while watching "Human Desire." However, the ending was almost as silly as it was in the prior film. It was too abrupt and pat. The villain and the bad girl had to be punished. It was a shame that a better noir was so ruined. Kudos especially to Gloria Grahame. She portrayed a woman who was abused as a teenager, caught in a bad situation even before the event on the train and trying to fight out if it. She was more a victim herself than a bad girl. Broderick Crawford was also very good. The direction showed some wonderful flashes In photography such as the shots of the train roaring down the tracks throughout. However, it should have been more imaginative and stronger in execution especially in its conclusion!
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Brilliant Film Father-Son Theme played to the Max
25 June 2020
This film was a masterpiece. It was even better then Sam Mendes' prior film which cleaned up at the Oscars. The only Oscar this film got was for cinematography and it was well- deserved ( not just because Conrad Hall has passed). The film was beautiful to look at. However, the acting, direction and tight writing in the story were magnificent. First, Daniel Craig. This was before he was James Bond and became a huge star. I had never seen him in anything before and was totally blown away by his performance. I hated his character and therefore, loved his acting. Tom Hanks was magnificent playing a character so dark but oMe who we had to root for in order to make the movie work. He achieved success over that delicate balance wonderfully and should have been nominated. One of his best and that is saying a lot about this legendary actor. Paul Newman deserves his nomination and brought great presence to a very conflicted man who ultimately made the wrong choice. But, like Greek tragedy, he would have been destroyed as well if he chosen otherwise. The kid was beyond great. Scary that a youMy actor could do so much. The direction was spot-on bringing all characters to life and holding strong that painful and rewarding father-son theme. Truly a terrific film!
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Nine Months (1995)
Truly Awful Slapstick from someone who LOVES Slapstick
21 March 2020
Hard to know where to begin. I saw it this morning and stared incredulaously at the weak set-ups and poor pay-offs to gags. Forget characterizations. It was clear there was going to be none. The performances were all cardboard caricatures from everyone, even the usually great Robin Williams who did overplay his part but not as much as Hugh Grant and got more laughs than Tom Arnold, but is this really a high bar? Joan Cusack is one of my favorites and she came off only okay. Julianne Moore is lovely an actress I love to see in almost anything but she barely registered.. The director Chris Columbus, has really scored with many films that I think are hysterical but this is a rare misfire for him. Just that overlong and telegraphed trip to the hospital picking up others along the way was way too long and really unfunny. A miss all around.
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iCarly: iGot a Hot Room (2010)
Season 4, Episode 1
igot a hot room
18 September 2010
The best iCarly guest ever. It was sad that people not only of Miranda Cosgrove's generation, but also it seems the one before it, did not see fit to properly acknowledge the presence of the great Jack Carter. You see, there was no round of applause on his entrance. 87 years old now and looking a bit limited physically (although that was his character, so he might be a bit more spry in real life),it was nice to see a one-time great stand-up comic known for his rapid-fire delivery being as sharp as a tack mentally) his timing is still perfect as Gibby's grandfather, the barber who can't see. Hooray, Jack! I hope they revive his character for a few more episodes. That truly would be great,
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