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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Hegemony (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
The cliffhanger that was seen a mile away
11 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this season of SNW. It is some of the best ST I've seen in many years. Each episode was a unique and new enjoyment that I haven't experienced since the older tv shows like TNG and DS9.

However having only 10 episodes in a season and ending the finale like they did here is disappointing. Now we have to wait at least a year to pick things up again. While I understand TV shows these days don't do the 20+ episode format this show deserves at least 15 episodes in a season. It would allow some breathing room to explore different plot lines, expand character development, and lessen irritation at cliff hangers.
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A strange journey
29 October 2021
This film was quite strange to watch. Everything felt off from the dialog, to the scene transitions, and the clothes. You could say it was intentional but it doesn't feel like it was. It was as if the actors hated one another and had zero chemistry but had agreed to complete the filming. There is just a strange tempo to the whole thing where it feels like listening to a record where the needle keeps jumping randomly and you can never quite get into it.

Like others have said over the years there are other films that portray these concepts better elsewhere. What makes this film unique is it tries to do them all at once. There is a bit of Lynch, attempted scene transitions like you'd see in the 2006 movie The Fall, and the philosophical elements on consciousness as discussed in the other reviews.

I don't really know what else to say other than this movie feels like a big miss. It still made me think about the elements portrayed in the film and it made me want to go back and revisit similar films from the 90s and early 2000s.
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Disappointing episode and left with more questions than answers
26 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was interesting but ultimately disappointing in a couple areas. It was pretty neat to see someone actually in Hong Kong interviewing people and talking about how things were there back in the 60's. On the other hand the episode was a major letdown when it came to investigating Bruce Lee's death. People in the episode kept saying figure out why he collapsed the first time and you will figure out how Bruce Lee died when he had the second cerebral edema. Instead they just spend a few minutes on the first collapse and then promptly move on never to address it again. They also spend a portion of the show discussing allergic reactions to aspirin and how it would leave signs but then when they say the cause of death was the other ingredient in the drug they don't explain how they came to this conclusion or what if any medical indications led to this conclusion. Its just something that is thrown out in the last 5 minutes of the show. They also give no explanation as to what common side effects are of the suspected drug and what their thought process was in coming to the conclusion that it was responsible.
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Halt and Catch Fire (2014–2017)
Choose your destiny: Tech or Soap Opera
5 September 2021
I really enjoyed season 1. I was definitely in it for the tech and season 1, despite the over-dramatization, delivered on that. You get to see a fictionalized portrayal of what it was like working for a tech company developing innovative products in the 80s. It just seemed like the show runners felt that wasn't enough and so the characters keep getting more brooding and moody. Then season 1 ends and what you are left with in season two is zero of the tech charm and 80s throwback and instead are left with these moody and brooding characters as the centerpiece of the show. I couldn't get past season two after 5 or 6 episodes.

This is nothing like Mad Men in quality or characters. I think there is a large group of people who enjoy the drama the characters go through and if that is your thing you will probably enjoy this. If you are interested in 80s startups and tech stick to season 1 because thats where its at. Its a shame because there are more than enough interesting and narcissistic people who worked in the industry that the writers could have drawn from a wealth of true stories to bend into their fictional narrative. Instead you are left with what looks like a caveman's interpretation of the unfolding of events during that time period.
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Inspector Morse: The Remorseful Day (2000)
Season 8, Episode 5
A disappointing end to one of the greatest detective series of all time.
6 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I feel compelled to write a review for this single episode because I was so disappointed after finishing the finale. I have been slowly working my way through this series over the past few years and without a doubt this is one of the best detective series of all time.

However this final episode just doesn't do the show or characters justice. It feels disjointed, rushed, and many hanging issues and subjects were never closed. It was almost comical how Morse goes down in the middle of Oxford university. I understand the production budget of the show but it still came off as a bit off the cuff. The whole episode Morse looks like a corpse. He is still hitting the bottle mixed with a tonic here and there despite his constant health issues. The case they are working on isn't all that interesting and attempts to make a connection to Morse's past but again it just feels all a bit rehashed and forced. The subject and tone of the case is over the top and too dark for what should be a sending off. This would have been better dealt with as a mid-season noir episode.

Then Morse is in hospital, the case gets wrapped up, and Lewis says goodbye and then boom cut to credits all in the span of the last 10 minutes. I just sat there a bit stunned at the end. I would have loved there to have been a more poignant or light hearted case. The sending off of Morse's love interest to Australia is really lazy writing and the handling of Strange and Lewis could have used at least one scene where they each get to say their final words.

I guess now that I've finished the series the only option is to go back and start over from the beginning and enjoy it all over again.
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