
47 Reviews
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Cant find the reasonable look like pulo fiction
19 January 2024
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Saw this film al cirnemas no a special new noir european films

The gadget was " Tte film insipirated Tarantino Pulp Fiction" On that same cycle i could see reservoir dogs and Clerks Reservoir dogs was on me Several days

Needed to see Pulp Fiction

Have to say I enjoyed a lot This Helsinki- Napoles one I made a similar travel those days and finally saw Pulp Fiction South Spain

Cant find a reasonable similarity on both except blown all genres one on european cinema and the other on US one

I love european films but lets be honest

Pulp fiction changed the way tellin' Stories while This its just an enjoyable geme b Cheap movie.
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25 December 2023
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Really a shame to watch great actors doin' What they're supoosed to

A copycat of a nordic film noir?

Good start. Maybe a "rosacruces" community on italian north lands. A girls dissapears As usual Then you have to find a guilty The inspector is Tony Servilio. He looks like he's more interested on fame and media than solvin' crime Ok . Not a bad plot twist Then you have a false or real guilty It doesn't matter. They will explain you exactly how he made it all to take advantage of a detective who lives about media Then start the nonsense . A journalist retired on a wheelchair it's obsessed with a rapper man in the fog ( anorher stupid topic ) He seems to used the inspector but she's used by the supposed suspect for money

Then the last plot twist it's so stupid it should be a sable for the producer!!

Like two much most of the actors here to se such a stupid film

Please dont waste time.
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Good artistic direction
26 November 2023
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Yes In the beginnin it catches you inmediately

Excelent scenes . Rave taipei characters lifes Taipei trainspotting you might think ... but no

After the snow everyrhing started just too slow

A few minutes ago you discover that characters are so dull and numb as the script just saved because the way everything is filmed it's excepciinaly beautifull and changes from rave colours and blue into the white snow with the character might take Her off that life . After all that .... Warm colours in Jack's house But no solution there too Hao-Hao was selfdestruction Now is loneliness

By the end

Just snow Could be better . A 7.
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Enjoyable . But you can know why Cliché is a french word
23 November 2023
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A serial killer in Paris A cop who doesn't like rules

An old case that he wants to solve even against his bosses

Letrers from the serial killer to Belmondo and the News papers

Fights on roofs On the metro. Even while it's moving through Paris streets

Shooting between maniquies on a hall

You can enjoy this one just because of Belmnondo but cliché is a french world ... now you'll understand why

There are minutes that you want to say please dont fall om that one ...

And there he goes anyway You've seen it all before and better

But if you wanna have some entertainin while u see the way clichés made B cinema thats your film.
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So great
15 November 2023
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If you want to see the Stones comino back to Their rutes thats the one

A compilation of interviews, live songs in small lounges and 5 songs for the Stripped one

The name is just perfect : stripped There's nothing more you can tell about it. They were 30 years on the road and still the greatest rock and roll band ever

They're 60 years on the road now and just a new récord on number one and a really excellent one

Their best time live: still Lisa , Still Bobby Keys, of course beloved and always missed charlie

Love the way Keit uses the acoustic guitar on sessions more like a piano. Never too tough, never chords, just another Voice on the song making it perfectly clear

Dont Miss if u are a stones fan.
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deserves Better score
3 November 2023
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After Casino Royale maybe they thought and we all expected a closin' and an end But if u forget about that on a second review its one of the most complete and great 007 filma The action scenes from begginin ' to the end are just most of the greatest of saga Craig's on the top Not a Schiffre but the trama its really good and mixes so well the previous film with a 007 mission that its hard to believe si fine The Mi6 the begginin' of the CIA connection, not 3 hours and a half, a completely 10 to ten sequence make this one of my FAV Craig's 007 film

At the end everything s get clear "I've never been gone "

007 top 5 films.
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Marlowe (2022)
Why so bad reviews???
13 August 2023
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I have to say that maybe not Raymone Chandler as u've said But really wanna see again the same ??

This is a quiet and smart Marlowe perfectly act by Neeson. The femme fatales are just stunnin ' both !! Krueger and Lange are just great The scenes are great You have everything you'll enjoy on this kind of movie a few years ago: a missed person, a plot who tríes to foolish Marlowe.:. A Lot of characters involved, cinema, drugs , prostitution, bad actors tryin ' to get to the stars who plays the bad role so the stars can have all Their vice I really enjoyed this good Neil Jordan's and all character's job.
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Drive My Car (2021)
Good but reiterative
22 July 2023
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Ok There's a good start A good Murakami and Chejov masterpieces to make cinema. He manages. Metacine it's everywhere

Music and first planes that's broken to talk about the lack of comunication between people. The same with Chejon and him as Vanya And with Oto's lover

It's good but toooo looong Same resources are used without changes for over 3 hours The plot it's nonsense by the time of rehearsals And over and over the same quotes from Vanya's ... Got the idea bro ... please just leave it go away Take the message you're tryin ' to give me and live

There's something called elipsis On theatre cinema and life God bless elipsis

Tooooo looong Gotta see it on the right day or you'll better go a out and live a little.
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Anomalisa (2015)
Anomalisa about what???
24 January 2023
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Let's imagine a story that catches you because it's Strange Imagine a Lynch film . You dont even know What it's so hypnotuzing but you can't stop watchin ' hear in' and let your imagination Fly away That could be What happens at start of Anomalisa There's something strange.: about rutine and a travel rutine too After a while you start realizin' that The only strange thing it's the "characters" Voices and faces The first middle can kept your attention By the middle you're no longer feelin'strange about them and nothin' really happens By the end of the film you can be sure there's no more Nonsense.
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There was no need
8 December 2022
I have to tell that the both characters , Areta and "el moro" play Their roles decently But ..:: was there any need ??

Alfredo Landa is German Areta . The moments that put those Pictures into our favourites spanish films are now cliché after cliché and a Lot of nonsense characters ... Mr Garci, you love classic films and u made two with this character " el dedito "!!!

No need for this. Most of conversations are dull. The wife character it's one of the worst acting i've seen in years , for God's sake ! Didn't you saw that in editing room??

One thing i've liked it's the way 1975 Madrid is filmed. Ok that You've still got that touch that made u sin that Oscar , and if there's Allen for NY there is Garci for Madrid

Yes to another film but please .//: if the real Areta could stay in front of you , you'll know only with those ( like I'm gonna cry but I can kill you right now Landa used ) that it wasn't a good idea.
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Gloria (1980)
A classic for itself!!!
15 October 2022
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A classic repeated without exit so Many times 75% is Geena the plot and the script The rest is the way Cassavettes created a new genre itself Go again , try me ... i'll love it !!!

Glotia it's just a character you never get tired of.

I've seen this movie every 10 years and it just gets better with time I think now that Tarantino it's the top for most of film lovers they should see What a film is without 3 hoyos or nonsense like the hatefull 8 or once upon a time in Hollywood U can keep suspense and new York as a character like he Did in Jackie Brown with less money and much more fun and characters well done.
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The Americans: START (2018)
Season 6, Episode 10
Entertaining but .... What happened with characters??
25 July 2022
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Ok Let's imagine that whats obvious for 5 seasons appears suddenly in front of Beeman's face ... the FBI wich "never seein' Her smoking but sees suspicious a Lot of cigarrettes..: that's a good nose ... couldn't he's smells a woman that smokes like a carreteer??" But ok What makes me nervous it's how Many good characters are over but without knowin... What happened to my favourite one : Oleg Burov???

We'll never know The storytelling misses the spy plot into family.... Ok but let's try Harder and give them both at least same importance ..:: there's a time between 3d 4 season in which you hate Paige as much as Jack Bauer's daughter Kim in 24

Boring same theme Entertaining but misses too much the plot

Not one of my FAV series

A 6 being a good guy as Beeman for the patience we've gave to so Many seasons.
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The Batman (2022)
Why does everything has to be so long and try-hard ??
20 July 2022
The plot would be fine But everything it's soooo long and sometimes pointless that you just wanna see the end.

Good Start ... I'm tired of 3 hours movies in which more of the half can stay at montage table and the movie would be more sense and more good in entertaining.:. The second from Nolan is long but with a point and the Joker was just so great The third one was just like this Onanism for directors and scripters with "infulas" But they need to learn when a scene makes the plot more complicated or entertaining or gives more to the character .... They can make the same film in 1:50 minutes.
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The Americans: Lotus 1-2-3 (2017)
Season 5, Episode 5
That Slave Stones moment
7 July 2022
It's a serie I started to watch after Ukraine-Russia war and all changes after that . The way you see a cola war as the best solution But the characters who was quite little evolved and too much worried about borin' Paige started .:: and then that Slave Stones song moment was a 10.
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Midsommar (2019)
Not so good as they say
2 November 2021
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To be honest... slow and paroxistic Not bad but the same problem as usual 143 mins???

Slow , dont need yo know what's about to come and after the first hour and a half the people who was strange and miesteriuois became a parody of themselves The final scene tríes to reach Christopher Lee's endin of a great film ( of course not si long ) but the actin it's a bad comedy with actors barely actin all over themselves

Good idea but sorry ... boring and not reach even a 7.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Great progresssion
2 October 2021
Good first season : LA confidencial u can breathe and Billy Bob on his best Second one nonsense But if u go on : 3d and 4d are not just good not even on script about tríals but better into characters, personal tics onto films and series and weird Maybe but always with good characters , better pics and a way of doin' movies that remindw from Lynch to Huston Much more am experience to enjoy than to talk about No more critics: just play on and enjoy not just Billy but mostly the "second " characters : Papagian deserves a whole story Enjoyable 10.:: but not perfect so an 8 it's enough to a serie that gets back What the atmosphere of film noir means.
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Bosch: Por Sonia (2021)
Season 7, Episode 8
A great serie
13 August 2021
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Not The Wire Not Sopranos Not Breaking bad Ok ... but if u Like film noir and police series This is One of the most consistent, well wtitten directed and acted one . Bosch it's a great character .:: behind the clichés there's something a very 2015-2021 world of emptyness and vacuum in every scene connected to classical with an excellent BSO The characters are Not going Down into nonsense between the seasons ..: If u want The Closer Major Crimes or Chicago PD them better watch a hospital serie too ... just the same old shit This Fits and gets into your gutts even from openning scene and song

Enjoyable Need some more ... i'll have to read Next book On the other side to see what's going on now.
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Dead Ringers (1988)
27 August 2020
What an anoying and disturbing film and at the same time What an extraordinary job about human behaviour with one of the most best acting I've ever seen with Irons. And the part of how difficult it's a doctor's job pressure and drugs... Can't say more about a Hitchcock film with a black black twist and an excellent BSO
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More Lars Von Trier's onanism
26 August 2020
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Could have been a good movie... But Lars Von Trier seems to have the need of surprising and been scandal... What he manages as a masterpiece with dancer in the dark has became a mid-time of violence explicit to be sacandalous and mid-time of pseudoart nonsense ( no matter how many pieces of art you put they don't became one ) And please 2:46 mins?? To finish like a Woody allen's hell in Deconstructing Harry ( that Was better to be honest at least Was funny not boring)
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The Servant (1963)
Too slow... Borin'
25 August 2020
This Time losey looseys the point The actings are great and good artistic direction but the plot you Can make ir with suspense justo with some rhythm and un 10 minutes
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Interesting how "frenchies" make history
15 June 2020
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Good film And interesting .... they discuss about the great "resistance " heroe he was. But we all knnow winners write history. The great heroe can't die this way Soy they make a new end...dign for a french héroe But fake as most of resistance... Good film if u read it just the way it is
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Too Late (I) (2015)
Too weak
4 June 2020
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Good attempt. The idea os sequences of 5 histories could be a great idea if the plot makes sense, but it doesn't Also a few actors made not a very good Job .:.. those stupid lines of the drug-dealers tryin' to make some kind of Tarantino's first works are just stupid

Could have worked... but it doesn't... even enjoyable and you can spend a good time watchin' but don't Forget " pop corns and chews"
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Violent Cop (1989)
Harry meets Mr Orange
24 April 2020
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3 years before reservoir dogs I saw this film on cinema and thrill my bones Now I think is one of the Kitano's best Simplier but much more efective script than Hana Bi Just as wicked as it seems Time passes by and it's a Neo-noir Classic
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Much better than first one
4 March 2020
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Cant understand the bar ratings. I've always liked more this second part than The first one. You might miss Belmondo but the "comic and fun " tone it's gone ...'' once i brought Marseille fun. Now I' m pure rage "
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The first part good, by the half it looses sense
1 March 2020
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It's an easy seein' film Peckinpah take a good script, and in The first half it has got rythm and strenght, after a while it looses the point and you can even stop seeing his filmmaker signature in a nonsense scene after another Despite it's an interesting film and a must see for Peckinpah's fans
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