
20 Reviews
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: Atlanta (2024)
Season 12, Episode 1
Funny for a few minutes - then irritating....
6 February 2024
Way in the beginning ( in earlier seasons) - this was an enjoyable show.

Slowly each season, it has gotten less funny and more annoying.

It's ok, even funy for a few minutes - then annoying and grating.

The prediciments 'larry' finds himself in.....for the most part seem so contrived and ill conceived. In addition - Larry David's acting, while never a real actor - was passable for the material. That is no longer the case.

The constant f-bombs for shock value is tiring ... The writing borders on adolescent outlook and behaviours.

Suprised that the network powers that be, considered to renew this for another season.

This series should have ended years ago on somewhat of a small high note. That time has long passed....
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All I can say is WOW ....
26 September 2022
This is a serious documentary ?? ....more like a comedy.

Some of the laughable items they put forth include:

They show Sun corona ejections and elude that they are somehow aliens or are connected to aliens...

They show rock formations and list them as little people waving..., also - a formation they claim is a woman standing on a rock.

Ive seen a few UFO documentaries - some better than others, but...this one really surprised me by the sheer stupidity of it's content.

Do not judge other UFO docs by the lunacy of this one. It does a disservice to all serious UFO documentaries.

How can anyone seriously consider this to be a factful documentary ?

You should watch this. Not for any information - but, for the comic relief it offers !
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The Undoing (2020)
How can this be so bad with so many good actors ?
17 January 2022
As I write this - I am presently watching the last episode in the series.

I've watched this for one reason....the actors involved.

This series has so many scenes that really stretch credibility.

Scenes that you can be pretty sure would not happen in real life circumstances.

Overall, not a very good series. If you're fans of these actors - as I am - you may want to watch this... if not, it's best to let this just fall by the wayside and count it as a paycheck for the actors involved.
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Easily The Worst Halloween That Stars Jamie Lee Curtis ....
18 October 2021
Awful dialog, poor acting, ridiculous scenes.

So sad that Jamie Lee Curtis is part of this.

There are some very good Halloween films available.

This is definitely not one of them !
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9-Ball (2012)
Just so Bad ....
24 January 2021
It's a shame that a film could be produced that is truly this bad. writing, acting, editing, every possible film production category is amateurish.... not even high school film production levels.

it does a disservice to all who love this game/sport...!!
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Basic, Simple, Excellent !
5 September 2020
I just finished watching this for the 5th time. I watch it approximately every 2 years. Wonderful atmosphere, good acting, excellent dialog. A great conceptual movie...
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Greyhound (2020)
A lot of action...nothing else.
13 July 2020
Tom hanks as good as usual. This movie is basically all action and absolutely no character development. With better screenplay it could have been an excellent it stands, it will be quickly forgotten....
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wow- i'm speechless
7 July 2020
Very funny - without trying to be, very amateurish - without trying to be, very sad - without trying to be...

think of anything and everything associated with making a professional film this is the exact opposite !
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Hard to finds words to describe this mess
30 June 2020
After just a few minutes you realize this crap is virtually unwatchable. I turned it off after about 20 minutes. This film should be required viewing at all acting classes, all film schools and all colleges that have a film program. It perfectly shows you, on every level - how not to make a movie...
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The Half of It (I) (2020)
Wonderful Film !
3 May 2020
Well written, excellent acting by all involved. Leah Lewis is a standout !!
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Alot of Fantasy and Fiction With Some Very Little Truth
11 April 2020
The first half is alot of redundancy from previous shows/documentarys. much filler video footage that has nothing to do with ufo's. some interesting footage, some fake footage (florida gulf breeze hoax and others).... and alot of 3rd hand so-called evidence. then comes the 2nd half....this is where, with this release - steven greer has lost all credibility.

as usual - real solid evidence .... absolutely ZERO

same ole, same ole ... not worth a true believers time.
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Wolf (I) (2019)
Brings Back Memories
22 March 2020
The dialog, delivery, overall acting reminds me so much of a high school play ...
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OMG - What is Richard Dreyfuss Doing in this ???
8 March 2020
This film is just bad...

bad script, bad dialog and especially bad acting on the lead gina carano and the young actor who plays her son anton gillis-adelman both of them should not be in the acting business. what exactly is richard dreyfuss doing in this embarassment of a film... he must have owed someone big time ....
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what a disappointment
8 November 2019
While i'm all for older actors getting parts, this is one instance where they shouldn't have. some very poor overall acting, poor dialogue, poorly written and acted scenes and an entire sub-par script. if you really like this not see this movie. it will only negatively impact your entire terminator experience.
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30 June 2019
Good flick for the under 12 crowd. anyone above that age will immediately see all the issues....
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UGH ...
30 June 2019
Omg - just so bad.

awful dialog and acting.

at least vera is decent, and that's a challenge in this junk.

it's surprising that so many good actors can be so collectively bad in one big budget film.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
1st season was excellent - 2nd season is just laughable
6 May 2019
1st season was so good. this 2nd season, the storylines are so laughable. it's sad that this show has fallen to this low level. can't figure out what the writers and producers are thinking. feel sorry for the cast .....
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Replicas (2018)
Borders on being Horrendous
24 December 2018
I'm watching this movie as i try to write this review. i'm a fan of reeves and middleditch - that's why this is so difficult. there are just so many bad scenes, badly written, and not well acted. i actually feel sorry for some of the actors in this film. i know for most associated with this production, it will probably be chalked up to a bad career decision and many will try to forget it...
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Dark Crimes (2016)
Just Awful
26 August 2018
Good photography. they keep carrey's dialog to a minimum and that's a good thing. he is just so bad when he opens his mouth - horrendous acting in this film !
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Best film I've seen in 2003
23 May 2003
If a typical Hollywood cliche ridden, predictable, cookie-cutter film is your comfort do not see this movie! Great performances along with well written and intelligent scenes are the foundation of this movie.
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