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9-1-1: Lone Star (2020– )
Good show, yet
16 June 2024
I started watching this show, and have seen most of the episodes thus far. The characters are dynamic, ever evolving with story lines that are relevant to what is going on in the world. The "shorts" of them going out on calls is also great, because they are very well done, a lot of action, interesting and many different types of incidents; you don't get bored.

The fact that all the characters are likeable helps me get past that they all belong to cults and that dialogue is heavy lade over each episode. The god business, is just that, a business and they are suckered into those cults like good little sheep, so it's good they at least made them likeable, complete with foibles, and that helps me ignore the absurdities of the cults (religions).

I knocked off two stars because of the religion, but otherwise will have to see if they bring the show back for another season. The internet is talking about two key people leaving, which would be unfortunate, so we'll see.
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My Christmas Hero (2023 TV Movie)
Badly, badly written
9 February 2024
This movie was badly, badly written.

So, her mother's dad died in 1944 and as this was a 2023 movie, that would make her 79 years old. Clearly the actors and producers are incredibly stupid as the actress is only 61 years old.

How can people be this stupid? Did no one, literally no one point this out?

Then of course, the story line zooms along so fast, and the conversations and relationships progress so quickly it's like watching a hamster on a wheel.

The religious overtones were/are gag worthy and you have grown adults treated like children by the character who is supposed to be the aged old mother of 79, but in reality is a very youthful 61 year old. It's ridiculous!!

It's absurd and overall...an empty, meaningless movie.

The movie was actually embarrassing to watch.
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Don't Forget I Love You (2021 TV Movie)
28 January 2024
The movie was not the best. The self help nonsense that droned on and on throughout the film was really stomach churning. Very smarmy and annoying.

The protagonist is supposed to be 30 years old, but they dress her like a much older church lady. That plus a major root grow out (which is just ugly) and a lack of a brush, ugh...awful.

She's annoying as she has mouth diarrhea throughout the entire movie with self help nonsense.

Very bad props. The first tooth she ever lost was clearly an adult size tooth and I'm sorry, but she's 30 and that was the first time she'd ever seen her birth certificate?

As for the film location; same ole, same ole. I know the area very well since I live there. They use it in almost every single movie.

The plot and script is simplistic and lacks creativity. Basically a plain. White bread movie...ho hum.

Clearly this movie was written for people with low intellect. I couldn't get through it, I felt like my brain was growing mold.

I do not recommend this film unless you want to go into a coma.
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Summer Job (2022)
Creatures from what planetd
7 January 2024
These "children" are absolutely embarrassing to watch. They don't realize how ridiculous they look? If this is real, the parents only have themselves to blame. They got exactly what they raised.

OMG, blubbing like a baby because he touched someones feet. They blamed everyone but themselves. They, simply, horrific savages.

Raising children right, starts from day 1. You don't wait until they are teenagers to impose rules and boundaries, you bring them up with those things and you need to teach them how to work, to be responsible and accountable.

I cannot imagine how utterly stupid some parents are that they would wind up with such whiney, entitled, infantile and incredibly stupid brats. They are disgusting. Although I admit I did enjoy seeing these creatures have to do some hard work.

Parents; turn off the flow of money. If they get hungry and can't pay rent, oh well, they can get work.

All in all, one summer won't change them. They should have had a year minimum to alter the now deeply ingrained horribleness of their personalities and habits. Okay...the boys....so soft, so feminine. These are boys? Ha ha ha ha. The girls have no dignity, and most are sl**ts.

Good job mom and dad.

Signed me, in Canada.
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Top Chef (2006– )
Some things never change
4 January 2024
I don't watch this show ongoing but I catch a few seasons on Netflix now and again. I just watched Season 12 after having missed a few seasons and whilst the show has good elements, I was disappointed about the bad.

In this season there was a lot of bullying, intimidation and open fighting, but grown people who should be adults and not children. Maybe that's okay in the USA, but it was dreadful behaviour. A lot of what goes on in that show would have people fired in my country. We have actual laws to combat that type of work environment and is this what the USA is all about? I was very disappointed that bullies went unchecked; that's a legal issue.

The other aspect of the program which I see has not, sadly, changed is Padma's ongoing inclination to make sexually laced comments and flirt and attempt to be sensual around men. I'm not a prude, but there is more allure in being a Lady, then a tramp. There were a couple of "jokes" that clearly made men uncomfortable. I.e. Talking about how good looking one was, he looked shocked so made a "joke" about him being gay. With other men, she leans down into them, curving her body sensually. Maybe they are married, or have girlfriends, and she is completely disrespecting their lives and their professionalism by acting like a trollop. When the football player came on as a guest judge, she practically jumped him - it was disgusting. She may have been taught how to walk like a full human, but she's still down on all fours like a lower hominid with her behaviour. She still didn't figure it out when she wore the long yellow dress with cut outs all of it? Every time the camera man swung her way, the camera was swerved up or away. OMFG woman, she's such a you-know-what.

The women who are contestants on Top Chef are in an industry dominated by men and they face job discrimination, lack of opportunities, and every day they go into battle to be equal to their male peers. So there they are on the show, working their butts off to compete as an equal, with Padma behaving like a woman who has to use her sensuality, sexuality and body to get ahead. Her behaving in that manner is really disrespectful to the woman on the show, and all women who work hard in male dominated industries. She's 53 years old, time to grow up!

She's warm and smiley with the men, but a lot of her interactions with women are cold and forced. She has found fault where there was none, with other judges disagreeing with her about a woman's dish. When they disagree her face turns to stone. She's not a nice person and brings nothing to the show. She is one of the reasons women continue to have to work harder, because she sends the message that women are only good for sex.
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Face Off: Naked & Painted (2013)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Thousands of years old art form.
13 November 2023
The comments left before me demonstrate how insecure Americans are about the human body. The puritanical christians of the US are on par with the extremists of the middle east.

Most places in the world are very accustomed to life models and nude art. I've read about christians going to Europe for vacation and suffering the vapours when confronted with nude sculptures. (works of art, many hundreds of years old)

It's the truest form of art folks. It's not obsessing over women's bodies because men pose nude as well. Adults of ALL ages are nude models, even (shocker ha) senior citizens.

They are bodies; we all have one and there is nothing wrong with the nude body. Famous, priceless art hangs in museums - of "nekkid folks".

I have been in art classes where I was sketching both men and women, and my brother has used nude models for his paintings as well. It is not sexual, it is the artistic study of the human form.

On the flip side, to paint the actual body has been a form of art for thousands of years in numerous cultures. So America, pull your heads out of your brain washing bibles, and grow up. It's a fun show, the artists are talented and it was very interesting to watch..
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The Chosen (2017– )
Christian making it up as usual
29 October 2023
I don't believe in religion, nor do I believe in the god that religion has invented, but people of the bible did exist as they were written about in a number of actual historical texts at the time; census, community history, family lineages and it is this family lineage that I will mention.

It's been many decades since the religions finally accepted the ancient documents which authenticate that Mary Magdalene, was never a prostitute, but a woman born into a socially well placed family.

After Jesus (the full human lol) died, the cult started gathering more followers and because Mary, Jesus's wife as some ancient text list her as (despite the christian lies), was in a leadership role, they defamed her in the writings so they could take control.

What we see in this show, is the fundamentalist christian's efforts to strip women of leadership roles in family and church, and return them to being lesser beings by returning to the fictionalized character of a woman who came from a good family.

Christian men have deep seated issues.
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Fun to watch
28 October 2023
Lighten up and just enjoy the show. It was fun and I really enjoyed that it shoots down the religious fanatics and points out the source of beliefs. Common sense really and very obvious. Done in a light hearted, plain language way, but the human mind is de-evolving and they need plain language.

What it tells is to live your life with a discerning eye, a science mind and intellect. That religious texts all started out as science observations, but humans mucked it up.

The reasonable mind has always known this, but the man made religion made humans stupid.

I have always liked Richard Kind, and glad he helped them out by being in the film. He's good in everything he does.
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Shahmaran (2023– )
I thoroughly enjoyed this
5 June 2023
For those people who didn't enjoy the series, I think they are showing a mindless zombie show down the hall. These are people who regard movies like comic books as opposed to novels. They want everything in the first 15 minutes otherwise they cannot grasp it. Oh the de-evolution of the human mind.

This told a story. A story that reaches into the far, ancient past of a culture. The characters are woven throughout with depth. It's romantic, emotional, fanciful and fun. There is beauty in the story, well played out by the actors.

Apparently the Americans have already cast to do their version and I shudder to think how they will savage an eastern story (as they normally do to films made in other countries) to remake it all things American and vulgar. Shudder. Time for them to write their own stories, oh wait...they can't.

Anyway, just relax and enjoy this series

I had to laugh about one guy having fits because the actress wore boots in Turkey. They are booties; shoes. And yes, women wear them in Turkey. Lordy, the fools on here.
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Interesting and fun
1 May 2023
I love architecture and I thoroughly enjoyed my binge of the first two seasons on Netflix.

The family members are nice, although the parents are very typical french parents who want proprietary rights over their adult sons at times, especially dad. Dad pulled the dictator game a couple of times and I didn't like it, but the sons blew it off so I guess they accept him for who he is. The love is there. It all comes together in an intimate look at the family business.

The wives are very pleasant, nice additions to the show and accomplished women in their own right, but the wife of Martin, i often wonder if she owns a hairbrush and knows how to condition her hair. It always looks like an unkept birds nest. Weird and cringe.

As I'm partial to old architecture, the show takes us through beautifully guided tours of old homes and apartments, and they are stunning.

Some of the clients...oy, a nightmare. Especially the couple who takes their overly rambunctious twin boys to viewings. It's rude to let them run wild in other people's homes, picking up and touching things....ugh..no manners and rich people entitlement.

Still fun though, and while I would not to live in such a densely populated city of Paris, I can certainly appreciate the history in that old architecture and some of the views.

I recommend the series and I hope that they will make more in the future.
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Dance 100 (2023)
Dull Stuff
18 March 2023
These shows got old, real fast. The format is regurgitated over and over again. This one..."the best dancers from around the world"...and they're all American. Spare us from the American ego.

I found it very boring. Dancing it said, yet it all looks like exercise routines I do at the gym - it's all the same and while yes, it does take practice and dedication, it's boring. Might as well hit the gym and just watch people work out. Running on the spot is not dancing. Sometimes it was like watching drunk cheerleaders. Ugh.

They all move...T H E S A M E and they all look like exercise routines. Yawn.

Too much ghetto - yawn. The world is wide open and wonderful, yet here we go - once again the Americans spotlight ghetto exercise as talent. A lot of the moves are old; seriously, Michael Jackson has been dead for ages and so are his moves. Get over it. The moves were messy and all over the place. The foot work, well, there was none really, just untidy steps flopping around the stage.

Listening to the dancers ghetto chat ...spare us the classless exhibition. I couldn't take this serious AT ALL. In the real world of dance, that ego nonsense wouldn't be tolerated.

The host has a contrived, stiff personality which she tries to mask with ghetto talk and poor diction.

The audience behave like background actors.

The camera work is a chaotic mess: stage, audience, body parts, audience, audience, audience.

I skipped through to see if it would improve; it did not. Everyone acts so low to no class. Overall it is absolutely and painfully tedious to watch.
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Instant Dream Home (2022– )
Definitely one of the better home shows
10 March 2023
I DO NOT cry over home shows, but of the eight episodes on Netflix, seven made me cry. The stories were warm, genuine, heartfelt and the people whose homes were done were incredibly deserving.

These were real people with real stories. People who have worked hard all their lives for community and some had just kept on surviving after being beaten down or not getting opportunities and now they get something back.

It's a surprise and their tears are more than joy, they are relief, the weight lifted off their shoulders. You can see the ache they have been living with just burst out of them and the release of pain, was pain as they were transformed.

The designs were creative, impressive, new, innovative, sharp and really reflected the families to a T. I watched the designs come together and was thinking "Hey, that's new, I'd really like that".

I hope this series will have more episodes.
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Dream Home Makeover (2020– )
10 March 2023
I couldn't get past the first episode. The McGees are very annoying and spent far too much time promoting themselves, their toddlers, how wonderful their lives are, how special their house is.

It is too gag.

The make over was not innovative and the couple they did it for CLEARLY had money, so who cares. Rich people problems. The couple also seemed staged and fake, so were trying to ham up their personalities for the camera. It all looked so planned and not genuine at all.

This show isn't about helping people, it's about showcasing their little company.

Nothing seemed sincere. There simply is no reason for me to keep watching this long commercial.
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Backcountry (I) (2014)
Betrayed the Truth
20 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's a film that betrayed the story. When Wiki says it's loosely based on a true story, they really mean LOOSELY.

Unfortunately, the director switched who died around, the real couple were married, not dating. The real couple, she was not a lawyer, but a doctor and he a software developer, were often hiking in nature, so why he chose to turn them into completely stupid people is a puzzle. He even made the guy out to be a jealous freak.

He turned Jaqueline into a clueless woman who allowed her boyfriend to gaslight her over everything. He turned the husband, into an annoying, lying, idiot boyfriend. In reality (spoiler alert) he was an avid hiker, fought the bear, receiving significant injuries and carried his mauled wife out, with her dying in his arms.

The only thing the director got right was that they didn't know how to react to a bear in the wild.

The dialogue was teenagerish, and the real couple...educated.

On it's own, you may like the movie, but when you realize to what degree the story was changed, you might not. I was just shocked at how he capitalized off the real tragedy, just to write his own narrative.
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Vacation (I) (2015)
20 February 2023
A movie about a dysfunctional family who are miserable, unhappy, lousy parents, with violent and abusive children who bully others with friends who are toxic and unhinged.

The father is so stupid and blank between the ears, it was painful to watch.

What planet do you have to be from to actually think this is funny? They spent money to produce this nonsense? Says a lot about the US society.

Truly awful and you have to be on the lowest rung of the evolutionary ladder to actually like this garbage.

I couldn't watch the whole film, it was just too awful. I scooted it to the end to see if any of them died. Sadly they all lived.
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History was savaged by this mini series.
21 January 2023
I was really interested in seeing this film. Not only because the story is important history, but because I really enjoy watching Octavia Spencer.

Sadly, by the end of the second episode I could stomach it no longer. The license they took with stereotypes and changes to appeal to the modern society were horrendous.

Please explain to me why an amazing tale set in the late 1800s and early 1900s, is set to hip hop music? And changing scenes to the boxing ring with Octavia Spencer in modern boxing gear is sparring with Annie Malone is absolutely ridiculous. Yes, I get the metaphor, but it was absurd.

Annie Malone was not a beautiful mulatto woman as portrayed in this show. She was a dark skinned, 100% African, solidly built woman and not at all beautiful. She had steady, with heavy features. I suspect they used the beautiful light skinned actress in the part just to rile up the haters in favour of Spencer's character.

In reality, Walker and Malone were in business together for quite some time before parting.

The actors were fine, doing an excellent job with what LITTLE they were given, but this mini series is a real betrayal of the legacy left by this woman and her peers of that era. The adversities she faced as a business woman , and indeed any black business person regardless of gender, were lost in this series. Tragic.

History was savaged, as was this story. I got more out of Wiki than this. I do hope someone will do her justice and produce a more realistic, compelling and truthful story. Books were written, and I look forward to reading them.
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Drink Masters (2022– )
What is with the American arrogance?
10 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Rather fun, but I couldn't take this show seriously at all. This is not to say the contestants were not talented, but I'm sick of the Americans touting themselves as best in the world. It's a ridiculous level of ego to appease the masses in that country. It they travelled around the world they would discover that they are NOT the top in all things.

In the first episode, it's "welcome to the worlds greatest bar"....in other words....the pretty studio we built in a large warehouse like building.

Anytime they mentioned a country other than the USA, I was shocked to realize they actually did know the globe has more than them on it.

The judging should have been transparent. If they wanted precision, then show the judging as being based on precision. Let's see the points.

As usual they tossed in one contestant, Kate, who had a nasty mouth and made snide comments about people behind their backs and then thinks rainbows, and unicorn glitter shoots out of her you-know-what. She wore her badge of jealousy pinned front and centre. It was repellant to see her undisguised jealousy of the woman, who ultimately became the winner. Shameful. It's people like that who ruin these shows.

The host, tone somebody, dreadful vocabulary and slang speak, low class to no class who called all the drinks blank-a$$. Is he 12? Referring to himself in the third person was absurd as was talking gangsta all the time.

The contestants do have a lot of knowledge, but we can't see it with the cameras swooping in and out as it plays with bokeh lighting and trying to appear special. The depth of their knowledge and skill doesn't come out until the last few episodes, but they really do have it. I was behind the winner from the first episode. She's a quiet, gracious lady with class. She never said a bad word about anyone and never bragged or acted the fool. Her knowledge and skill is tops; a true scientist. She deserved the win.
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Fatman (2020)
Fun but a few mistakes
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This made a nice change from the cringe worthy christmas romance movies that flood the film market with yellow syrup. I watched it on Christmas Day and it was a good film. Santa is tough stuff and I like that.

The only thing is that Santa is very American in the film and in the north of Alaska and no, he's not. Never was. I wish American movie producers realized that you can still make an attractive movie without "american-washing" everything.

But the story was fun and I liked Mel Gibson in this. Marianne Jean-Baptist was sweet as can be in this movie as Mrs. Kringle.

The ending had a few twists, and I was pleased with the ending. Santa and Ruth are no push overs and even the hamster had a happy ending.
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Disrespectful Judges ruined this program
17 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They brought out the contestants, who are a mixed bag. What was the criteria for selection that they had top performers mixed with low performers?

Also, what were they thinking bringing in Bobby Berk? He had no knowledge in glass work or still life, which was apparent with his idiotic judgements on beautiful work. If they brought him in for comic relief, that was a massive fail as well. His interest in participating was contrived and fake, as were his awful puns and jokes. The man has no class at all.

This program is to showcase the skill in creating with glass. That's what we want to see, not stupid jokes and people laughing just because they were told too. Cringe!!

It's an insult to those skilled artisans to have a judge who knows NOTHING about glass blowing. He just worked his way up from being retail to working as an interior designer. He has no formal training, he got into the entertainment of it and rides the coat tails of a tv show. He should NOT have been a judge. Just because being a "celebrity" got him a honorary degree, doesn't mean he actually EARNED it. He's awful and condescending.

Catherine...oh lordy, the woman has no personality and her laughing responses to Berk's attempts at levity were dreadful. Why not devote their time to talking about glass blowing, the history, the skills, the education and principles behind it. That is really why we watch it, to learn and appreciate the art.

I don't believe for a moment that the contestants found the jokes so uproariously funny; they were clearly told to react at jokes. Such an insult to the artists. I felt very badly for them having to endure the nonsense.

The final nail in the coffin was when the judges walked all over a beautifully created natural wonderland in the last episode. They scrunched and ground the glass into the floor with glee, uncaring that the artist had meticulously and beautifully placed each piece to weave nature's pattern and colours to create a stream running through ice and snow - it was so lovely. The judges could have easily stepped over or gone around it, but no....they laughed and joked as it smashed beneath their feet. I was appalled at that level of disrespect to the artist.. I actually felt sick watching (and hearing) them do that.
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Little Women (2019)
A Tragic Disappointment
11 December 2022
I was extremely disappointed in this movie. The actors performed as best they could with what they had which was almost nothing, but they struggled with their scenes because the production is crafted so poorly that the scenes aren't tied together. It's a disaster.

At times I became confused when there was no transition. It goes from one quiet scene suddenly to a high spirited and unrelated scene and it's too abrupt and chaotic. Scene, one almost drowns, suddenly cut to the other being sick instead, then suddenly they are outside sending a third sister to a ball, cut back to suddenly the fourth sister walking across a field and then suddenly back to the ball and a pack of girls are climbing a staircase with one sentence said and then back to the fourth sister playing a piano. Ridiculous! It's like this all through the film!

The lack of production support for the characters fragmented cohesiveness and they were flat and soulless.

The actresses are very accomplished, yet the dialogue and story lines for each characters have been cut so dramatically the characters are left hollow.

The actor who played Laurie....oh gosh...why did they choose him? From start to finish for a movie that was supposed to transcend the passing years, he looked like a 14 year old boy.

A positive comment? I loved the dresses and attire dresses.
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Supermodelme (2009– )
Just Sad
7 December 2022
I was curious, so weighed in. The show is thoroughly unpleasant; full of bullies, narcissists, mean girls and manipulators. They may be pretty on the outside, but their egos and personalities are ugly.

Cindy Bishop, the supermodel hosting the show, and who I've never heard of, is like the evil witch-queen leading the young women down a dark path into the bowels of greed. The fact that this show has become popular demonstrates another sample of how badly society has slipped. I only watched season 6, and of them all, TJ was the meanness, nastiest egoist, because she was snide behind everyone's back. Not a nice person at all.

It's like watching the apocalypse where the evil, maniacal queen tosses young girls into the pit and watch them fight to the death. They were encouraged to be abusive. You might laugh, but when you stop to consider what this show is role modelling, you just might "get it".

Yu Tsai, the photography is in this season and what he pulled with the girls was stomach churning. He would greet the models with "models, models, models" and they (like trained drones) would sing out in their little girl voices "Yu Tsai, Yu Tsai, Yu Tsai" and he would beam happily, soaking in the contrived adoration. Just made me feel ill. So hypocritical of the show to say they want to empower women and yet allow that to happen in each show.

I actually feel embarrassed for these girls, that they have sunk to these new levels. Girls, go for a good education, do something worthy in life.
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Sugar Rush Christmas (2019–2020)
Rushed, unsettling, mish mash
30 November 2022
Not only do the competitors have to rush like crazed madmen, but apparently so do the cameramen. It's exhausting to watch.

Three of the judges were rather dull, lacking personality and presence and one, Liza Koshy, consistently acts like a 4 year old on too much sugar. When her antics destroyed a competitors desert in Season 1, episode 1, I was appalled. Adriano Zumbo was standing next to her and you could tell he was disgusted, and he felt badly for the bakers. The other two..just stood laughing like fools.

Basically, the bakers have talent, but the show is chaotic and unsupported. I'll watch a little more to see how it goes, but so far......meh.
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Bake Squad (2021– )
Baked goods look great, but the personalities make me cringe.
30 November 2022
How the bakers and the talk is so very played and fake; I just find out the theme and zoom to the end results. I cannot stomach all the fake personalities; they are to gag.

They exaggerate their expressions, their voices, their body gestures and it's just so fake it's nauseating. The end products are amazing, but I just can't with the humans themselves. The bakers are definitely talented, but how they act really ruins the show for me. They act like clowns - imagine the clowns in the rings and they exaggerate all they do - that's what clowns are like - well this group are the same. Except Christophe; he's very cool and really sweet.

So that's me, the first five minutes and the last five minutes. The rest I put in the trash can.
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On the fence
29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm very on the fence about this show. On one hand, watching the contestants create is interesting, but the garden theme and the whole god schtick was just too childish for me.

I suspect that having Bethie (contestant) in the first episode break into song every time the camera turned her way started the show off poorly for me. It was distracting for the other contestants, and was annoying and self serving. I hated that she kept singing; was she looking for a gig? She was indignant to be told she was going home and even said that her singing was the whole highlight of her time there. Sheesh, what an ego.

I wasn't too keen on the judges. I have no idea who they are, but they were a bit off. The fact that they went to the prep counters and actually handled food to be eaten by someone with their bare hands was very off putting. That was disgusting.

As the Golden Apple is the prize, well it's not real gold and has no monetary value, so that won't be much of an incentive to go on the show for some people.

I just don't think this show will succeed and why it didn't succeed with me, and why I ultimately stopped watching after three episodes was because the primary theme for food were burgers, pizzas, picnics. Whilst the contestants were innovative and creative, the themes were so boring and basic. I don't eat burgers, or pizzas...blah, so it couldn't hold my attention. I just didn't want to keep watching to find out, yet again, how they can reinvent take out food.
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Easy-Bake Battle (2022– )
A lot of fun
28 November 2022
I was pleasantly surprised at this show. I was ready to be disappointed, but it was actually very good. The host, Antoni, is charming, playful and also kind. The competitors are amazing cooks and I was really impressed that they were people who just cooked at home. They turned out superior dishes that would rival any "top" chef out there. It's all in the passion. I learned some very clever cooking hacks as well, which was quite cool and I WILL use.

I really do hope that Neflix will bring out a Season 2, because it's an enjoyable show, good concept, and viewers learn a lot whilst having fun watching.

There are some. Comments claiming the judges favoured Giselle when she didn't deserve it. They did not favour her unfairly. She was highly skilled and earned the accolades. People are just being haters or maybe they are relatives of the other competitors, but she earned her winnings! (and no, that comment doesn't mean she won the big prize, I won't comment on that and spoil it for everyone)

Well worth watching, well worth more episodes!
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