
19 Reviews
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Wilderness (2023)
Should have been a film
23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For starters, this show could have been just a 2 hour film and it would have been a lot better. Beautiful nature and some good acting does not save it from a very poor script. The Cara character acts and dresses like one of those self-obsessed influencers most of us dislike, but then we're told she was brilliant and made everyone feel great about themselves. How about showing us THAT person? We're also not given a sufficient reason why Liv stays after she finds out about the affair. You'd rather commit murder than get a divorce?

Then, there are the plot holes. The police don't make a connection to the red coat for a very long time despite the fact he'd asked about it at the desk. They never explain how they know it was a murder. Was it a second set of footprints? Because then their shoe size would not match. Why would Cara's boyfriend turn into a violent psycopath all of a sudden? The writers apparently don't know that you can't truly erase files from a computer just by emptying your trash. They record prison visits so maybe not the best place to confess to murder. And the biggest of them all, how do you mistake a 5'5" woman for a 6'3" man? I thought it was going to be the boyfriend (the only innocent one) that she killed. That would have made more sense size-wise and would have made the story more interesting.

If you can't find something else to watch, there are worst shows out there but this is definitely not a good one either.
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Long setup for a bad payoff
15 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Most people have already commented that this episode takes a long, long time to get to the "good part." It's really quite repetitive, and you can blame that on the writing. It's basically a commentary on everything that is wrong about our society and the cosmetics industry. It's been done before, but so has everything else so that's completely excusable.

However, the truly bad part of this episode is that once the transformation takes place, there isn't much of one. She is still (sorry to be blunt) not a particularly attractive woman by society's standards. Only difference is that she has makeup on and straighter teeth. But people are gawking at her like all of a sudden she's a 10. Seriously, she could have achieved that change without the need of anything otherworldly. And that part is on the director. In order to sell this story, you needed to change an actor with a prosthetic nose, bad teeth, and a fat suit or something. Arguably, you could also change those things with plastic surgery etc, but at least the change would've been more dramatic.

As it is, it's quite a lot to sit through for that ending. You can skip this episode and not miss much.
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Maid (2021)
Major disinformation
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While I appreciate that they were trying to shine a light in other types of domestic violence that doesn't involve actual physical abuse, there is so much misinformation in this show that it is dangerous. It might dissuade a real victim from leaving an abusive partner for fear that this is what she might encounter.

For one, the social worker telling her that there's nothing she could do help her if she doesn't have a job is completely wrong. She would qualify for welfare, food stamps and Medicaid.

And the courtroom scenes are also completely wrong. In 2021, no "commissioner" (whatever that is) that works in a family court system is going to ask the questions asked of her to see if she is in fact a victim of domestic violence or would be so dismissive of her. The last thing a court would risk is to put a child with a possible abusive parent.

Another small pet peeve, she is a cleaning lady not a maid, and her being a cleaning is the least thing this show is about.

Overall, seriously depressing and very unbelievable show, with weird moments of levity that don't seem to fit in with the serious tones of the other scenes. You can watch better shows out there.
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The Scarapist (2015)
Good thriller with an important message.
15 August 2021
I honestly didn't know about the statistics about bad therapists until I saw this film. It was really eye opening. Having the film then show us how bad it can get by sharing this true story was very effective. It's good when films are more than just entertainment but they also are trying to educate. It was effective in both.
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Terrible script
29 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie doesn't know what genre it is. Is it a ghost story? Is it about a deceptive husband who is a con man like Dirty John? The latter part of the story is the better executed of the two, but at the same time it's still poorly done. Who goes boating with someone to tell them that you're going to get them fired? You're literally stuck with them in a tiny boat for hours later after giving them that bit of news.

As far as the ghost story goes, nothing scary happens 99% of this film that I would have thought had some sort of supernatural origin vs. What happens with old houses. Like other than during the seance, I would have never thought there was a ghost in my house if it were me.

So much in this film goes absolutely nowhere -- her bulimia, her affair and his jealousy of Cole, his affair. What little there is that is not uninteresting or boring is completely unoriginal and has been told way better in other films.

Nothing to see here. Watch something else.
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The Affair (2014–2019)
Stressful to watch
21 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I give huge props to the writers of this show for initially writing characters and a storyline that keeps you engaged and makes you want to know what will happen next. That's what kept me watching for two seasons, but if it hadn't been for the fact that I feel I have watched everything else during Covid, I don't think I would have watched that long. These people have only one way to deal with stress, anger and any other negative feelings. They have sex with whomever is around even when it's going to blow up their lives or they're going to destroy the other person. Then, every jilted ex keeps coming back for more mistreatment despite how badly they were wronged. Sorry, but shouldn't they have a little bit of self-respect after a while? And this happens over and over again. There are no new setups in this show. I'm glad that they didn't cast model-looking actors for the lead roles, but people sure react to them like they're the hottest people in the world. Everyone (male and female) wants to have sex with them, and 99% of those people fall madly in love with them. I need to move to Montauk apparently. Finally, what was the point of having two versions of the same events? Not once did the differing point of views make any difference to the story. If you've run out of stuff to watch, the first couple of seasons aren't bad, even if you'll want to shake the characters a few times. Otherwise, just pass on this one.
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Found footage fun
6 April 2020
Fun, found footage film. The first 10 minutes replay actual footage from the Columbine murderers and other serial killers. You can jump ahead 10 minutes if you find the tweak stuff too hard to watch like I did. Otherwise, it's enjoyable indie fun
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Female bonding comedy
5 April 2020
Sweet, feel good Indie film. Very good acting and funny premise. I'm sure that most women who are about to get married can relate to this situation. Definitely recommend for a girls night in!
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Great, suspenseful Indie!
11 November 2019
I just loved "Murder Made Easy." It reminded me so much of Alfred Hitchcock's "Rope," with the same (almost) one take type style. It's also a lot like "Clue" or so many Agatha Christie stories. If you love those, you will love this film.

Acting is much better than most indie films, and the story is way better than most Hollywood films out there.
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Entertaining Indie
31 October 2019
Entertaining and ambitious indie thriller. Some great ocean views. Descent acting even though it doesn't have any recognizable stars. Lots of very good looking people. Story is complex and entertaining, more so than many big Hollywood productions.
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Anabolic Life (2017)
Well done and thoughtful
30 August 2019
This was a really well done indie film about a topic that is not discussed much. Well shot, good acting all around. Kept me entertained and moved me. We talk a lot about women's issues with body image, but men have them as well. It's a problem that is pervasive in our society, so I applaud the filmmakers for taking it on.
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Fun and creepy
4 February 2019
When your story is about bugs, you got an automatic squirm factor. Each of the 3 shorts was so intense. It works so well psychologically that I felt I had to recheck my house afterwards to make sure there were no creepy crawlies before I went to bed. Excellent film to watch on a night in.
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Into the Dark: Down (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
Best one yet
4 February 2019
I haven't been a huge fan of this series. Most are largely forgettable if not bad. This one is very enjoyable. Incredible that it can keep you entertained despite it taking place in one elevator and with only 2 characters. Applause just for that accomplishment.
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Arthur Newman (2012)
8 stars for the acting, but 2 for the story
25 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not really sure what they were going for in this film, but it's certainly a lot to swallow. First, the story just doesn't make sense. If you used to be a successful golf pro, why would you need to fake your death and pretend to be somebody else to teach golf? Sure, his golf career went down the drain at the end, but why would that mean he can't teach golf. Those who can't, teach, right? You're more likely to get hired to teach as a failed player than inventing a new person with no experience whatsoever. Was he surprised to learn that Google existed? There are so many reasons the writer could have come with for this guy to reinvent himself, so I'm not sure why she chose golf. Second, it's hard to like a main character that would abandon his child. I don't care how unhappy you are, this is a life you created. Then it seems especially cruel to have people think that you're missing. It's hard enough to lose someone you love, but not knowing whether they're dead or not is torturous. What kind of a person would do that? Emily Blunt's character is also far from likable with her extreme swings in personality. Both actors do their best to try to get us to like and relate to these two people, but it's just too big of a task that even these two A-listers can't deliver. At the end, I just felt like there was some potential for something interesting that just didn't deliver.
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Slasher done right
21 January 2019
Made the mistake of watching this by myself at night. Don't make that mistake too. This is seriously creepy. The slasher subgenre has a lot of duds, but this has some really new and unique situations that I have never seen before. One of the better indie films I've seen in a while.
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LA to Vegas (2018)
So funny, please bring it back
19 November 2018
My heart was broken when I found out this show had been cancelled. So funny. Quirky, Lovable characters. Great acting. Great writing. Why are there so many bad shows still on the air and yet this is cancelled? Somebody please bring it back!!!!!
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Why all the bad reviews?
26 September 2018
I actually enjoyed this film. I have seen enough recent Bruce Willis on the cover films to know that he's going to be in just a handful of scenes. He actually was in the film more than I thought he would be. Zack is all grown up, and he actually pulls off the action hero. I thought the love triangle was fun. Action was good and not drawn out endlessly like so many other action films these days. Dialogue can get cheesy at times, but there other points where I thought it was quite clever. Honestly, I enjoyed this more than any of the last 100 fast and furious films.
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Awful documentary glorifying Fidel Castro
30 November 2017
This is a sorry excuse of a documentary that completely covers up the horrible atrocities committed against the Cuban people by the Castros. It tries to act like it's being unbiased but it constantly portrays Fidel Castro as a very nice and misunderstood leader who is a victim of the U.S. embargo. The filmmaker gives him presents? Disgusting! I don't think anyone would have approved of a documentary of Hitler walking around being a likable guy, but somehow it is okay to do it with Fidel Castro even though he's also a mass murderer.

I lived in Cuba in the 70s and the food rations and blackouts that are only shown here during the 90s already existed. While he shows briefly the attacks on the people trying to leave to the U.S. in 1980, he doesn't show anything about the people who are sent to jail simply for being critical of the government. There's mention of the free healthcare, but no mention of the fact that there are no medicines available since the 70s not just the 90s. And while Castro always blamed the embargo for the shortage of food and medicine, he continued becoming richer and richer off of the exported goods through cheap labor. He owned property all over and lived in the lap of luxury while his people starved.

Where does this show children being forced to cut sugar cane for free during the summers since 7th grade? Where does this show men and women being forced to serve in the military? Where is the mention of the rampant prostitution of women and children, because that is the only way that people can make dollars and euros to be able to feed their families? Where is the interview of Cubans in the U.S. who can speak freely about the atrocities committed in Cuba? Do you really believe that millions of people have fled the island purely because of economic reasons? You interviewed people who could not speak freely and record that as news?

Mr. Alpert, you are no journalist. You have created nothing here but Cuban government propaganda and you should be ashamed of yourself. You are a sorry excuse of a human.
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More of a spoof than a scary movie
16 April 2012
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Ha,ha, I get it, you're making fun of horror movies and how they all seem to be very similar. But as a horror fan, I dare say that all movies of all genres follow a familiar pattern, which the audience recognizes and responds to. It's just so easy to pick on Horror, because there are a lot of bad horror movies out there. This was already done, far more effectively in my opinion, by "Scream," which clearly laid out the rules of a horror movie. However, "Scream," despite making good-natured fun of it, still closely followed the rules and made for a very enjoyable, scary experience. This movie made me jump a few times and had a good build-up at times, but when it kept going back to the scientists having a blast, it takes you out of the moment and it's not scary anymore. And once the virgin and the pot-head find their way into the control room, it became completely ridiculous. I'd prefer it, if they had just given you the scary stuff throughout the movie and then have the big twist revealed at the end. Then it would have been a little like "Lost" but at least I would have gotten my scares out of the way and been content.
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