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Red Corner (1997)
Arbitrary Law
20 January 2018
I came across this movie on Hulu last night by accident, after failing to stream two other movies, and am overall glad I decided to "settle" for it. It definitely could have been better in several ways, but the historical/legal aspect of it, set in transitional 90's Communist China is actually pretty outstanding and memorable. As one other user commented, the Chinese acting is perfectly convincing and even frightening in how realistic it is, but unfortunately Richard Gere's character is a little too...I don't know, idiotic? for my liking. Still, I wouldn't say he single-handedly ruined the movie.

Reading the production notes and trivia on here is interesting to me because it shows how the producers really did capture the reality of what goes on in Red China. I visited all over China and Lhasa, Tibet, right after the olympics and can vouch that the same legal situation still exists there today. In Beijing, we drove by a large, concrete and windowless court-building with the CCP emblem (seen many times in the film, and omnipresent in China in general) and when asked what the building was, my tour guide just responded plainly, "That's where you go to die."

For a foreigner, yeah, it might take a murder or espionage charge to keep you imprisoned indefinitely over there, but for Chinese citizens, many crimes are still punishable by execution without a fair trial, just as the film accurately portrays.

So, if you're into Chinese history or culture, then this is definitely worth watching, even more than once. If not, then don't watch it.
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"Hell, is a teenage girl."
16 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As a perfectly straight guy, I can only imagine what kind of nutty stuff goes on in some girls' heads. This movie seemed to be sort of a female version of Fight Club. At least, it tried to be. I was getting the impression that the two girls might be the same person (Needy) whom Jennifer represents the "hellish teenage girl" conflict in Needy's coming-of-age, self-awareness, sexuality, and all that crap. Especially when her and Chip are in bed, and the fact that Jennifer disappears in various scenes. And I think the writer intended it to be a satire of all the vampire and indie bull out there. Anyway, even though it didn't make too much sense and its concepts could have been developed better, I found it disturbingly entertaining and couldn't stop thinking about it.

As for the feminist argument, the movie in fact works very much against it...all the more reason why a woman needs a man! (yes, men need women too)
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