
2 Reviews
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Cry Wolf (2005)
High hope destruction
29 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I had watched the movie with high hopes of its being a classic slasher having a plot or at least real terrifying murder/chase scenes. As I watched i found it very predictable with the artistic qualities to it. You know what the killer looks like in the orange ski mask. The color orange is shown more brightly than any other color in the beginning. It was constantly boring and questioning with the lack of showing the actual 'murders' and not having good explanations on where/what the characters were doing. Also making the ending predictable. For some it may seem unpredictable especially when the ending comes. The ending is the only thing that makes it worth waisting your time on.
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Good for the sheltered
26 March 2011
If your a sheltered person or child that enjoys the illusion of the wishful immature mind then this is the movie for you. The film is focused of 2 7th grade boy that do the typical day dreaming, have the overbearing mother, the sexy/jerk/older brother, the hopeless crush, and the happy ending. The setting is always dazzled in bright rainbow colors and the imaginary non/perfect world. No one over the age of 10 should go to see this movie wanting an extremely hilarious movie. The comic compared to the average these days is low. Don't spend the movie on this movie unless your making it a super clean family outing with grandma.
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