
19 Reviews
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Extraordinary (2023– )
Extraordinary indeed
11 March 2024
Reviewing after finishing season 1:

I L O V E this show. It's funny, quirky, touching, it is everything. The characters are multifaceted which means they are likeable, annoying, frustrating and relatable.

The acting is really superb, at least by most characters. My favourite is jizzlord but Carrie is also doing an amazing job playing multiple (famous) characters. If I had to choose my least favourite it would be Kash. But I guess he's there for Carrie's arch...

The soundtrack is fantastic. So many good tunes! It is just such a fun little show and I am so happy I stumbled upon it! Looking forward to starting season 2.
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Mean Girls (2024)
Mean Girls for TikTokers who have never seen Mean Girls
6 February 2024
This was the worst movie I've ever seen. The most unnecessary remake to ever be made. I didn't watch the trailer or read reviews before I went to the cinema because Mean Girls is one of my favorite movies of all times, so thought surely it has to be good.

But it wasn't. As soon as the opening scene started I realized I'm going to have a hard time finishing the movie. Why was this like watching a 2 hour TikTok? Why did this have to be a musical? Why were all the songs so bad? Why was the acting so bad? Why were the only good parts about this movie, the parts they just copied from the OG? Which makes it even worse, because that means there was absolutely NO reason for this remake. You would only maybe enjoy it if you have not seen the original so the good jokes are original to you. I hated every minute of this movie.
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A Good Person (2023)
A beautiful movie
3 May 2023
I could watch Florence Pugh just being Florence Pugh on screen for 3 hours straight and not get bored. Is there anything this woman can't do?

This was a touching, punch in the gut movie about addiction, guilt, grief and forgiveness. I enjoyed the fact that it wasn't outrageous, it was a normal story and something that could have happened to all of us. It was relatable. It was sad. It was happy. It was painful. It was beautiful. And it is, life.

Morgan freeman is Morgan freeman, he is good and does the job. Florence Pugh carries this entire movie on her shoulders in terms of acting (and singing! She wrote both songs Allison is singing and they're amazing). The rest of the soundtrack was beautiful too, no surprise from Zach Braff.

Highly recommend, though I'd watch at home where you can safely ugly sob.
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My least favorite Guy Ritchie movie
18 January 2023
It had all the ingredients to be a great movie, but personally I found it quite boring. The twist wasn't really a twist (and definitely not spectacular in any way), the fighting scenes were seemingly out of a template, the acting was dry and non inspiring (and I LOVE Aubrey Plaza, but she just felt a bit off and boring. It wasn't her usual sarcastic dry delivery). In general, the movie felt disjointed to me.

It's not a bad movie, it was just below standard for me. The Gentlemen is my favorite Guy Ritchie movie and I was hoping this would be more of that. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

Hugh Grant was great as always. It was also great to see Josh Hartnett again. 5/10 watch if you want to see some mindless action.
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Snack vs. Chef (2022– )
Cool concept, but...
9 December 2022
The concept is unique and cool, it is entertaining and at times educational, and the contestants are interesting and talented.

The two comedians are completely unnecessary in my opinion. They add nothing to the show and the judges are funnier than them.

The experts know what they're talking about, they speak on the same level as the contestants and they contribute to the flow of the show. The hosts are absolutely redundant.

All in all it's an entertaining show and a good watch if you are interested in a brainless binge and are willing to overlook some awkward moments when the hosts are on camera.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Frustrating watch
10 November 2022
I really, really wanted to enjoy it, but it was more frustrating than anything. The entire plot is based on completely implausible situations. This is not scifi so suspending my disbelief to a non existing level is not something I want to be doing.

There was only one likeable character in this show and annoyingly enough it was the serial killer. Why? I honestly wanted everyone in that show to die.

The acting was decent on all accounts but unfortunately the script, plot (is it really a plot if there's nothing but holes?) and the AGGRAVATING cliff hangers/Stanley Tucci's character's faux mysteriousness made it a painful watch which thankfully only lasted 4 hours. Please don't make a sequel as the post credits scene suggests. Only way I'd watch it is as a drinking game and take a shot every time someone says "I am/he is/you are a vicar!!!".
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Speak No Evil (2022)
So good
30 October 2022
I wasn't able to see this movie in the cinema so was waiting with baited breath for it to get available for streaming, which it did today.

It did not disappoint. Incredible uncomfortable movie, even though it's quite Nordic in its slowness, there's a sense of terror and as if something isn't right throughout the movie.

The ending was really disturbing with 0 payoff but I liked that it was very climatic to the tension that was constantly building.

I agree with the comments here about it being frustrating due to the choices made by the couple, but I think this was the whole point. I think there's a very clear commentary in this movie about (part of) the danish culture. And the Dutch actors did a great job since I genuinely despised them.
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Insane story well documented
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good, yet shocking watch. It's almost unfathomable that people can be this insane and that everyone just let them get away with it until it was too late. They needed to be placed in an institute long ago. The way everyone just ignored the husbands cry for help is heartbreaking. He could have been saved and so could the kids. Hope both these monsters get the death penalty, that's what they deserve.

The series itself is very well made, it's captivating as the full magnitude of the insanity and inhumanity unfolds. Haven't heard about this case before and I feel like I learned the full story in just under 3 hours.
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Ultimate cringe
4 September 2022
1 episode in. This show is not your typical cringey dating show. It's awkward to watch on new levels. Pairs of tiktok/IG-influencer-looking siblings (and one pair of intolerable cousins, for some reason) try to either wingman/woman their sibling or expose their sometimes pretty messed up enmeshed sibling relationship on TV. Some of these pairs look like they belong on a specific category on a specific streaming site.

However, some of this people are actually quite watchable and the levels of cringe shift between unbearable to watch to car crush TV, so I'll probably keep watching. Also, the episodes are too long for what this show is, which makes it less enjoyable to binge.
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Partner Track (2022)
Steaming pile of clichés
2 September 2022
Disclaimer: I couldn't get through the first episode. Maybe it gets better. Highly doubt it though.

It's just a huge mess of clichés and we've seen it millions of times before, with 0 added value. It was boring and laughable. The acting is just horrible on all accounts. Everyone's ridiculously and unrealistically attractive. It's cheesy and corny and not even slightly engaging.

I guess if all these speak to you then by all means, watch it and enjoy. Otherwise, don't waste your time.

There's really nothing more to write about this nothing sandwich but I have to make the 600 character count, so there.
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Edge of the Seat
26 July 2022
2 episodes in. This is a great show. The footage is breathtaking literally and figuratively as it is absolutely gorgeous and terrifying/anxiety inducing at the same time. I am grateful for this kind of shows and this kind of people who do this kind of crazy things so that I can watch them while eating crisps on my couch. Highly recommend!
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
9 stars for season 1, 4 stars for season 2
23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 was amazing. It was very fun to watch and I loved Cassie's character. You have to suspend disbelief and just enjoy the ride. However, season 2 is so bad. Instead of taking it elsewhere the plot is pretty much the same but the director had to make it more "interesting" by making Cassie a complete dumbass who constantly makes extremely stupid decisions, including exposing that she's working for the CIA and exposing her colleague too. She's way too dumb to be working with the CIA and at this point I cannot suspend my disbelief far enough to watch it. Stop at season 1!
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2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great documentary. Despite being from Israel and the Netherlands I've not heard of it before.

The pacing is fantastic, it's an edge of your seat watch and I'm very happy they made it a movie and not an overlong series. It was the perfect runtime for me.

You can say whatever you want about some decisions made by the poor (no pun intended) girls involved, but none of it makes what he did (and according to the end credits, will most likely keep doing) ok. He is a scary, dangerous sociopath and he belongs in jail.

This movie provokes a lot of emotions and it is truly riveting. Great watch.
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Brazen (2022)
One of those "so bad it's good" Netflix movies
15 January 2022
It's really bad. Everything about it is bad, from the plot to the horrifying acting to the nonexistent twist and the unlikelihood of so many things that happened in the movie to ever happen in reality. Alyssa Milano, bless her heart, should not be acting.

The dramatic scenes were laughable. The tense/"scary" scenes were laughable. The emotional/sensual scenes, you guessed it, laughable. So if a movie makes me laugh so often with disbelief, even if unintentionally, I still think it's entertaining. 2 stars for this fact and for Sam Page who is extremely hot imo.
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Extremely disengaging, poor content
9 January 2022
I'm not even here to bash on influencers. That these teenagers make millions without having any talent or intelligence can and should make for a good cringe tv, which is what I was expecting of this show.

Alternatively, it could have gone in the direction of showing who these people really are but it doesn't put enough emphasis on their backstories so it's disengaging.

Instead, it's just a bunch of bits and confessionals by too many characters which I could care very little for, little drama that never really picks up, same conversations of "we don't make enough content" etc. It's boring! What was the point of this show?
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Stay Close (2021)
It's not great but it isn't that bad either
1 January 2022
I loved Safe and The Stranger. I've read many of Coban's books and while they're kind of all a bit of the same, a bit over the top and with a few too many (sometimes obvious) twists, they were always engaging and entertaining.

With that in mind I had high hopes for Stay Close. First episode pulled me in and I binged it in a day, so it was entertaining, but it wasn't great. Acting varied from good to over the top, there were quite some plot holes/questions left unanswered and stupid moves (also: how unprofessional is the detective?). The ending was not entirely unpredictable despite all the twists and red herrings.

We are in the midst of yet another lockdown so I have plenty of time on my hands and binging this show wasn't a complete waste of it, but it's far from amazing. Watch if you aren't allowed to do anything fun outside the house.
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Did we need this movie to be made?
6 October 2021
I'm legitimately wondering why this movie was even made. It is nothing new, exciting, special. It was ok as a one time watch if you're willing to overlook stupid decisions, usual teenage drama and an obvious plot twist.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
This is not a good movie
4 September 2021
I don't understand the reviews for this movie, but assuming they're coming from people related to the production. Under no circumstances is this movie a 10/10.

The movie started good, the sister's acting was very good. I didn't enjoy the main character's acting. It was not very engaging. The storyline started good but became so silly about an hour into the movie, and I just wanted it to end.

It also really wasn't scary. The CGI was average in my opinion.

4 stars for the sister's acting and the few pretty hilarious one liners.
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The Serpent (2021)
Finally a good Netflix show
4 April 2021
I am 3 episodes in and find this show very interesting and beautifully made. The music, the style, the clothes, portray the 70's atmosphere very well. The show pulls the viewer in, wanting to know what's the motive. I am inclined to binge watch this one, and unlike all other Netflix shows I've binged in the past 6 months or so, I'll do it with pleasure, excitement and suspense and not just an OCD need to finish the show.

2 things I do find irritating and thus subtracted 2 stars: the bouncing back and forth in time is quite annoying as they don't stay in one time for long enough.

I can't say for the French accent because I don't speak French but oh my gosh is the Dutch accent horrible. I cringe every time Herman speaks Dutch, and I am not even native. Other accents are also not great - Australians playing Americans, Belgians, English playing Belgians, German etc... It is very distracting and I wish they hadn't done that.

All in all good Neflix show - nice to watch on the long Easter weekend!
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