14 Reviews
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What a film... What an ending...
29 March 2024
Well - What can I say... This film started off as what I anticipated in being a normal teen angst rom/com... What I wasn't expecting was how brilliant the main actress was going to be... Yes I'd seen her in Tomorrowland... And yes she played a good role - But this is a much darker part although not at the start... Surprised to see so many stars in what is obviously a lower budget indie film - But let's face it did it need a huge budget? No of course not... Everybody played great parts... You could date it because she was writing a blog but apart from that it could be set today... This film had a profound affect on me... So much so that I have ordered the original book.... Now the ending - Well I won't spoil it as it's probably the most unexpected ending in a film where I just didn't see where it was going... A bit like Sixth Sense... You think you know where it's going but then - BANG... You are completely wrong... I gave this film a 9/10... Why not a 10/10... I don't know - Glad I found it accidentally on Prime... Should have and deserved to have been a much bigger commercial success than it obviously was ten years ago...
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Crossroads (I) (2002)
Thoroughly OK Saturday afternoon film...
17 February 2024
I have no Idea why this film has a rating of 3.5... OK - It's not a going to win any Oscars but I found it quite watchable... The girls are very likeable and the story isn't the most original it's played very well - Brittany plays a part that is basically herself... A young Uhura also features and Kim Catrell plays Brittany's mum... Dan Akroyd plays her father... If you are bored on a Saturday afternoon give this a bash... It's worth an hour and a half of your time just to see some emerging stars at the very start of their careers... There are certainly a lot worse films on Netflix... I for one am glad I watched it and rated it a seven... Not a 3.5...
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Surprisingly fun...
11 February 2024
After reading the reviews, I really wasn't expecting a lot... It is a bit 'B' movie'ish but it certainly wasn't the worst film I've seen... It wasted and hour and a half while I was waiting for the washing to tumble... Girls were attractive even if the story wasn't the most original... Think a low budget Fright Night... Maybe withba bigger budget it may have been better but I thought it was fine as it was - Not every film can be a massive blockbuster... Sure there aren't going to be any 'Oscars' won in this film... But it is quite engaging... Go on - Give it a go on a dull Sunday afternoon.... You won't be disappointed... Just don't set your expectations too high...
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Archie (2023)
Awsome mini-series... Archie: The Man who became Cary Grant...
26 November 2023
I completely forgot I was watching Jason Issacs... Thoroughly enjoyed this four episode mini series that gave a small insight into Cary Grants life... I cannot understand why this was on ITVX?

Should have been on mainstream ITV... He never forgot his British roots... Watch this it really is a lovely series - You won't be disappointed in the slightest... Was a lovely four hours on a chilly Sunday afternoon while I had a beef stew in the oven... Makes you realise that actors are human and not just the icons portrayed on the silver screen and as far as legends go they don't get more iconic than Archie Leech - Our very own Cary Grant.
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Colin from Accounts (2022– )
Absolutely fantastic
12 April 2023
For an Australian series this is incredibly subtle... At times laugh out loud funny and endearing... I have given it 10 out of 10 and if I could I'd give it 11.... The two main actors have a real rapport and you really want them to get together - It's a proper 'will they - won't they' get together like in 'Just good friends' The supporting actors are also excellent and very believable in their roles... Even Colin from Accounts which you don't find out until the end of episode 5 Watched the first episode on BBC1 then had to binge watch the next seven episodes on iplayer... Can't wait for season 2...
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Ten Percent (2022)
A lot of potential...
30 April 2022
A little bit like 'Extras' but without the talent or the humour... I thought this series had excellent potential... It's just missing something.... Maybe worth watching the original French version?!?
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So many National Treasures in one film...
4 April 2022
Worth a six just to see London how it was in the 1960's... So many National Treasures in one film... Sadly most of them are long gone... Think Bernard Cribbins is the only one left in 2022... Quirky and worth a watch on a miserable winter afternoon...
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Upstairs, Downstairs: A Change of Scene (1973)
Season 3, Episode 3
I had to update my original rating...
13 June 2021
Originally I rated this episode 9/10 on watching it again this afternoon I re-rated it 10/10... Gordon Jackson was a much underrated actor but this episode shows his humility and loyalty to the Belamy family... This episode will be repeated on Friday - I hope I'm home in time to watch it a second time...
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Time (2021– )
10 June 2021
If the BBC just stopped trying to be everything to everyone and concentrated on doing what it does best... We would all be much better off... This is a superb drama with brilliant acting... Well worth a binge watch on iplayer if you've got a spare three hours...
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Kitsch British Film
20 March 2021
Yes the sound quality is poor and the acting could be better... But it's a brave effort and for £20,000 it's surprisingly engaging... Certainly a lot better than "The Dead don't Die" and other Hollywood offerings... If it's cold and raining and there's nothing else on the telly - It's well worth a watch... You won't be disappointed...
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Another Smallville?
10 March 2021
Darker than Smallville... But three episodes in and I'm hooked... Let's hope it keeps up the pace... So far so good...
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Trainwreck (2015)
Absolutely hilarious
8 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
How has this only got a score of 6.6? I laughed out loud so many times and the two leads seemed to have real chemistry... LeBron as the cheapskate agony aunt multi-millionaire was hilarious... If you don't laugh at this film then you really can't have any kind of a sense of humour...
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Time Trap (2017)
Not as bad as the reviews...
29 December 2020
Certainly not the worst film I have ever seen... That was 'The Dead Don't Die' without a shadow of a doubt... This was quite good fun... Not a B film - I thought it was more a pilot for a prospective tv show that never got the green light... It was original and the actors has some chemistry... I would definitely like to see a sequel or even a series to see where this could go... In the realms of Sci-Fi - That is pretty much anywhere in earths past...
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What have I just watched?!?
29 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst film I've seen since 'The Dead Don't Die' and that's saying something... I should have switched off when the dancers appeared in the shool halls... What am I talking about... I should have switched off when David Thewlis (Normally a great actor) made no effort whatsoever with an American accent... Do yourself a favour... Do not wast two hours and fourteen minutes of your life on this drivvle....
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