
8 Reviews
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Decent enough for what it is.
9 August 2023
Whilst a bit cliche at times, and pretty predictable, it was still a fairly enjoyable watch. It certainly seems to fall under the mystery umbrella more than the horror umbrella which is just fine. Im glad the cast was small, because that always seems to improve upon the mystery feel of a film, more intimate as it were.

Brain Cox, as always, was great to watch, amd Emile Hirsch had a fine turn as his son. And then we get to the best role of the movie, Olwen Catherine Kelly as Jane Doe. Using an actual human as a corpse, (for the most part, ha ha ha...), was brilliant.

Overall, I would give this a 7. Would have a bit higher if it werent clunky & rather cliche. Do recommend watching it, even so.
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Excellent for what it is.
27 April 2023
Its nice to see a documentary series dealing with a topic such as this without devling at all into sensationalism, but actually trying to suss out the stories from multiple angles from fellow performers, family, & friends.

The filming and narration are easily a 10.

Editing is also superb.

Lower marks (but just a bit) for the music, as at times it doesn't quite seem to fit the tone of a particular segment.

I am rather looking forward to the upcoming fourth season of this. And I am pleased that they were able to make it narrative that is palpable to all levels of fans, as well as to those that have never watched a speck of wrestling.
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Letterkenny: Prostate (2021)
Season 10, Episode 4
Well then.
5 January 2022
This was, without question the absolute best, and by far funniest, PSA I have ever seen.

Well done, guys, and especially gals.

Haven't laughed so hard as I did during the last ~5 minutes.
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Rick and Morty: Rickdependence Spray (2021)
Season 5, Episode 4
Hoooo boy
13 July 2021
By the abundance of negative reviews you can tell that a lot of viewers dont understand that good comedy is about subverting expectations, and not pandering to the audience.

Would I want all R & M edisodes to be like this?

Absolutely not.

Did I thoroughly enjoy this for it successfully subverting my expectations?

That was easy.
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Adam Ruins Everything: Adam Ruins Fine Art (2017)
Season 2, Episode 5
RE: The things we like.
11 October 2018
In regards to the part of the show that dealt with the notion that the things we see/hear more frequently becoming more liked is exactly why I tell people (and have for most of my life) that I don't do "favorites" when they ask what my favorite movie/TV show/book/art work/food is. Because I know that my mind can change at any time, that I can grow tired of something, or I can find something new that I enjoy more, even if it's only for a while. Therefore, I tell them that there's things that I like at the time, but never favorite things.
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Rick and Morty: The Ricklantis Mixup (2017)
Season 3, Episode 7
Several years later, the continuation.
11 September 2017
**spoilers of a sort follow**

Episode 10 of the first season was probably the darkest episode prior to this one, and it's no surprise that it ties in to it fully. At the time of watching Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind, I was a bit afraid that they would never revisit the 'rogue Morty' arc, and I'm glad that my fears were allayed. Definitely worth watching a few times so you don't miss any of the references. A solid 95/100 for me.
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The X-Files: The Rain King (1999)
Season 6, Episode 8
Watchable, but so full of wtf.
25 August 2014
First off, as a Kansas resident, the sights of mountains abound truly made me giggle. It's Kansas. We have exactly zero mountains. And barely any hills. The episode starts off well enough, with the guy getting his 'just desserts' being beaned over the head with heart shaped hail, but from there, it just turns into something not really X-Files like. Feel good episodes have their place and all, but this was overkill, I thought. A little too cheesy for the general feel of the show itself, and seemed to have been a filler episode more than anything. Tying the relationship between Fox and Dana into the episode was probably its only saving grace and garnered a few chuckles.

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Her (2013)
My review of Her in a nutshell.
20 January 2014
Sad - Dating your O/S Sadder - Your O/S starts seeing others, well, 100's of others, no less. Saddest - Your O/S ditches you forever. Horrible Consolation 'Prize' - Hooking up with Amy Adams.

I wouldn't say that this movie was slow...but it was much like watching molasses pour through a sieve. Predictable the entire way through, and up there with 'Lars and the Real Girl,' on levels of creepy, although, Joaquin isn't quite as creepy now that he's ditched the beard for the stalker-stache...The only saving graces were the direction of Mr. Jonze (although, the streets and such were a bit 'too' clean), and the O/S voice of Scarlett Johansson.
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