8 Reviews
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Christmas Around the Corner (2018 TV Movie)
A huge helping of greasy Christmas chear with extra cheese on top!
7 January 2021
Super cheesy and sweet enough to rott your teeth. BUT that's what it's there for. Right!? Super bland and lump free. Not a negative word spoken, an agressive act done or an argument in sight. So you know we're in Vermont. And you guessed it, HEA. Yay! Bonus content: Gay dads with cute adoptive baby. - AND they are a mixed race couple.
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So much more than a romcom <3
6 January 2021
This one really warms your heart. Don't read any spoilers and just go with the flow of the film. Such a wonderful and clever script. Lots of fun and quirky tidbits and odd little nuggets of joy. Oh and some extra loving-love must go out to Emma Thompson - a master of so many scills. I'm such a huge fan of all things EMMA!
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Fun trailer - slow and stale film
1 November 2019
Really slow and predictable. Rich lady with too much time and money. Hunky safari Alfa male. Lots of sad-eye lady stares and akward near love scenes. Elephants are beautiful though. Oh yeah, super cheesy smerks all round. And too much Lowe Jr. at the piano. Oh and hunky good guy Dude isnt just good looking and kind to animals he paints too. Barf.
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World War Z (2013)
A must!
12 August 2019
Ok so it's got a few years on it but still. Just be open to it and go along for the ride. Well worth a watch.
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Troy (2004)
Hot people and fantastic cinematography, still boring though.
12 August 2019
Beautiful sets, beautiful cast, beautiful cinematography but oh so BORING. Not to mention outdrawn and packed full of over-acting. Too bad. In total one star for sets, costume and cinematography. One star for an epic cast and it does have that old school matiné style. And ok Brad is hot as hell, so an extra star is needed.
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Boring and predictable - Just re-watch The Notebook!
9 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Sad and slow script that feels like a re-used harlequin paperback. Stereotypical and predictable. Btw, trying to be noble is NOT a good way to live. Badly cast teen-versions that are not even the same hight as there older selves. On top of everything super-sweet and fluffy it all turns bitter and trite. Just to much stuff going on. And "Super Shocker" ending that you see coming from a mile away. Looking 4 a great lovestory? Don't waste your time on this pre The Choice. Just re-watch The Notebook!
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Sorry, boring eventhough the theme and cause is still so relevant.
2 August 2019
Well made film, great actors and role portrayal but so boring. I so wanted to like this but nope. Sorry.
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Carter: The Flood (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
Super weird mix of random circumstanses jumbled up with bad canadian smell-the-fart-acting
29 June 2018
The series starter of fun and light but is getting stale, overdramatic and soapopera:esqe. Sad since it felt like a nice summer series.
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