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I tried, I really tried
14 November 2021
I gave it five episodes.... it's not good. I rated it 2 out of 10, only because the practical make-up effects were pretty decent, but the story, the acting... just stop.

I had really high hopes for this, aS an alternative to TWD, and as a tribute to the great George A. Romero, but this is just plain bad. If you want campy humor, zombies, and a fun story, I highly recommend Z-Nation. If you're looking for a Romero style Living Dead story, avoid this at all costs.

Sorry folks, this is just not good.
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Never happened before
16 June 2021
Only took 8 minutes into the opening, (that's all pre-credits by the way) for me to "walk out" so to speak on this one. Eight minutes to realize this was going to be a terrible combination of Zombieland style montages, terrible effects, and bad writing.

Let's not forget Dave Bautista, no... let's actually. Sorry Dave you're just not that good. As to the rest of the cast I feel terrible for Garrett Dillahunt, GREAT actor, coming off an awesome run on Fear The Walking Dead as Jon Dori, only to be tagged into this 'Dead' movie.

One can only hope that Mr. Dillahunt won't be pigeon holed into roles like this going forward.
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Dracula (2020)
Loved this!
6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think everyone who has complaints about the third episode, didn't quite get what these creators are trying to do. This could be the new Buffy the vampire slayer type series, in the idea that the first two episodes set the history and ground work.

I too was confused and a little put off at the start of episode three, but it quickly clicked for me, and I feel that I know now what the producers and writers are trying to do. Think of Dracula along the lines of Lestat, but now being pursued by Van Helsing in the modern era.

It's Dracula, meets Buffy, meets H.G Wells' Time Machine. I rated this 10/10 when I finished the series, I can only hope that it continues to another season. A+
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The Meg (2018)
Read the books...
3 September 2018
I gave this a three, because the cast was great, in a terribly executed film. They did their best to carry this CGI P.O.S.

I am sure this was not Steve Alten's vision when he wrote the book, and I'm also sure that this wasn't his vision of what 'Hollywood' would do to his story. If you can, read the books, as they have more tension, drama, action, and care put into each page, than the producers and director did for the movie.
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Leatherface (2017)
The Unfortunate Effect of Rob Zombie
14 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is what happens when 'Hollywood' lets Rob Zombie make movies. Leatherface would have and COULD have been a good film, if not for the film makers having been influenced by Rob Zombie and his terrible movies, trying to re-imagine classic characters and stories.

I gave this a rating of '4' because I am a fan of gore FX, and the special effects were very well done, but there were scenes that went for the cringe factor, but weren't necessary to the story ala Rob Zombie... and that this was the last production credit for Toby Hooper, but that's it.

I don't blame the actors at all, they acted 'as directed' and IF this was a Rob Zombie film, it would work for his style, but this movie comes off more as a Rob Zombie knock off, and nothing more.

This was supposed to be a prequel to the original, and it lacks the drama and tension of the original which is sacrificed for the one this that the original didn't need. Gore. Too bad really, because if this was directed correctly, it could've been really really good.
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Blood Drive (2017)
I had SO much fun watching this
10 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Oh My GOD what an awesome fun, gory good time! I thought early on before I actually saw the first episode, that this was going to be campy and hokey, and not going to work as it needed to. Thank You to the network for taking the chance and pushing the censorship envelope to the max on this.

I love horror, and I love grindhouse/exploitation horror even more, and I worried that ScyFy was going to turn this into a really bad CGI crapfest. So glad I was wrong, I was hooked from the opening credits. This was spectacular, and I hope Hope HOPE they continue this on and make more.

If you like Tarrentino, or Rodriguez, or wish that Rob Zombie could make a good movie, give this a shot, because this show is great. Colin Cunningham was PERFECT as Julien Slink. The only spoiler is, if you have this saved on your DVR, don't fast forward the commercials, there are easter eggs through out the entire hour.
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Absolutely Loved It!!!
6 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
WOW... I have been a moon landing skeptic for most of my life, reading, watching and arguing over the details of whether or not we really DID land on the moon. I want to believe, I really do. I'd hate to think that our government would have lied to us, but what better distraction from the issues that were happening at the time, then something like a moon landing?

Think about it, JFK, RFK, and MLK all murdered, a war no one wanted, civil rights clashes, riots, Kent state, Manson, you name it, it was all happening. What better way to distract people from all that?

This movie is a perfect dialog on exactly that, distracting people away from the truth, and showing that faking the moon landing could've in fact been 'plausible'. When I first started watching it, I thought that maybe it deserved a bigger budget, better production, well known actors, but no. I think that would've watered down the story, and missed the mark.

The people who made this movie did a fantastic job. I don't know what the budget was for this but, the look and feel puts the audience right in the time line of the late 60's. The sets, the vehicles, the locations all perfect to transport you to that time period. If there was ever a movie adaptation book worth writing it would be for this movie.

Touching on the Stanley Kubrick conspiracy was also genius. For years his involvement has been mentioned, and it was tastefully included here. Well done. Showing that not only was the reason the moon landing could've been faked, possible. The creators show you HOW it might have been done, in a very believable way.

This movie felt like it should have been THE X-Files movie.
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The Veil (I) (2016)
I was ready to slam this...
15 May 2016
...But, when all was said and done, I just couldn't. Could it have been better? Yes. Was it as bad as others here have written? No. I think the reason people here have given it a bad review, is that it IS lacking in some respects, however, it's an interesting story, original in it's execution. It's filmed beautifully, for a horror film. My kudos to the Cinematographer, it looks amazing.

I think most people now a days want their ghost stories to have more 'jump scares' and less 'story' and THAT'S why it's getting bad reviews. If they were more familiar with Rod Serling, or had seen some of the Hammer Film movies, they'd appreciate this one more.

This movie takes the typical 'abandoned cabin in the woods' story to an entirely different area, tying into 'true events' and putting a solid twist ending to good use.

I rated it a 7-10 because I think what this movie really needed was MORE Thomas Jane, and maybe some John Carpenter-esque sound tracks, but over all I enjoyed this movie more than I expected it to.
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Unbelievable bad....
12 December 2015
I am stunned at how many people have given this a good review, this movie is terrible. Bad acting, really bad CGI, and it really doesn't tell the true story of the Essex at all.

Chris Helmsworth putting on a Bostonian accent, is worse then Mark Walberg trying NOT to have a Bostonian accent. This movie started bad, continued to be bad, and I left before it ended bad.

My advice, don't waste your time on this film, Ron Howard should be ashamed. For the amount of budget this film had, there is no excuse for the bad CGI. I've seen better graphics from a SciFy channel, made to be campy Sharknado style film.

I'm sad that Ron Howard has fallen from grace with this one, he's such a great talented film maker, and this is just no where near his caliber.
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Poltergeist (2015)
Ah...remember when?
25 May 2015
Remember when audiences were satiated with the foreplay of story telling? Audiences today want all the action right up front, with no substance what so ever, or at least that's what the studios would have you believe.

This remake is awful in every sense of the word. No drama, no tension, no emotion, no story telling. This throws everything worthy from the original movie into the trash, and goes right for the 'jump scare'... Bad acting, bad soundtrack, and really bad CGI make this movie a complete waste of good popcorn.

I'm sure the teens of the new MTV generation will love it, and THIS will be the version that every one will refer to for eons to come, which is too bad, because the original will always be the better version by far.

Avoid this movie like the plague.
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23 May 2015
What an imaginative original concept! Thank YOU As someone who frequents conventions, both Comic Book, AND Horror/Haunt conventions, I was happy to see familiar faces as part of this movie. It lends to the legitimacy of the story. I wish Adam Green would read this, because he totally nailed it.

I wish more writers and directors and producers had 'vision' and 'passion' to create something new, as opposed to remakes and rehashes of other peoples works and concepts. I love this documentary style film making, twisted into something out of nowhere.

Great Job!!
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Parkland (2013)
23 May 2015
I have been studying, watching, speaking about, and all around fascinated with this event that happened 8 years before I was even born. I've seen every adaptation and film about this event, and this is the first one that actually captured the 'human' element of the story. For decades we've grown so jaded by the coverage, and documentaries and reports that go on year after year on the anniversary, that we've disassociated the 'human' element of what happened.

We've never been given a real glimpse into the emotions of the doctors, and nurses in the room that day. We've NEVER truly felt Jackie's pain and anguish in that room, on that day, until now. I cried, after years and years of watching, and reading, and talking about all this... during the emergency room scene, I cried. The 'human' element of all of it, FINALLY hit home.

Great film, great story, told from a great angle. Conspiracy theorists, and detractors should set aside their agendas for a moment, and just feel what the Doctor's and Nurses, and all the others felt during those moments. Truly moving, no matter what you believe happened that day.
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Maggie (I) (2015)
22 May 2015
A lister, Action Hero, ICON... what else can Arnold do? Well, I'm convinced he can do it all. When I first heard that Arnold was going to be in a 'Zombie' film, I laughed. First thinking "here we go, a cheesy 80's style Zombie action film" to cash in on the current Zombie trend. I was certain that something like this would finally kill the Zombie fascination, like Twilight killed the Vampire genre.

I am SOOO glad I was wrong here! This a smart, well told tale from a different perspective. The emotions this movie evokes were surprising for me. Again I expected this to be Predator's DUTCH Vs. ZOMBIES, in a small was I was kinda hoping it was, but this is much much better.

Similar in feel to The Crazies (especially the re-made version) and The Road in it's darkened visual approach, the performances from the entire cast were dead on perfect. Too bad awards shows don't have the guts to acknowledge great films from these genres, this one is worthy of a few.
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Dead Again (2014– )
love, love, love this show!
5 April 2015
If you're a fan of CSI, or Law & Order type shows, you will LOVE this. Two detectives, and a case supervisor, visit the original locations, and view replicated crime scenes, that are meticulously reconstructed from actual case files and photos, and collect evidence, and clues to see if their findings match the original investigation, or if their finding contradict the original finding and the wrong person(s) were convicted.

I was amazed from the get go how accurate the reconstructed crime scenes are when compared to the original photos from the cases, Kudos to the crews who rebuild the scenes.

A&E really needs to promote this show more, as THIS is the reality TV that needs to be seen. I find my self, watching, then re-watching to see if I myself can spot things that the detectives don't and to see if MY findings and thoughts match up to theirs... this show is a lot of fun for anyone who wants to see what an actual investigation looks like.
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Wer (2013)
WOW, Absolutely STUNNING Film...
28 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This could very well be a perfect film. Werewolf? Not a Werewolf? This movie kept me completely involved. What started out as an "unexplained attack" turned into a police style drama, complete with enough evidence to make you think that maybe this isn't a "Werewolf" movie, and when it's over, maybe it isn't... or, is it?

This was so well written, and filmed, and acted, that I immediately want to watch it again. Brian Scott O'Conner, was fantastic as Talan Gwynick, the main antagonist. This is his only credit, and I SO want to see him do something else. He has the potential of becoming the next Horror Icon, like a Kane Hodder or a Robert Englund. He has the build, and the look that can make him a true horror star. and A.J. Cook, or Criminal Minds and Final Destination fame is stunning.

Not only is A.J. beautiful, but (and I didn't know this) she speaks fluent French, which totally adds to her hotness. Now add that to her acting talent, and she's a total package.

Congrats to all involved on a fantastic piece of work, HIGHLY recommend.
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Surprisingly Entertaining
28 February 2015
I say surprisingly entertaining, because at first I thought this was going to be campy. I am happy to have been wrong. This was a very enjoyable Werewolf film.

A full cast of recognizable faces, some I was shocked to see again. A couple I had to look up, because I knew them, but I couldn't remember from where, and then it was a cool "Oh YEAH" discovery.

This is a movie that I wish would've had a bigger budget, as the effects could've used some more attention, BUT, too much budget would've sent this to CGI, and that would be bad. Robert Kurtzman and company did a really good job with the make up and creatures, but the story was so good, I would've liked a little more.

And about the story, VERY cool original idea, this kept me watching from beginning to end, with a smile on my face. I've seen so many films in this genre that I am very jaded, and very biased, but this one, this one was fun. Good Job to all involved!!
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Some pluses, some minuses...
17 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
All in all this was a pretty good film, some bigger names in the cast, and I thought Piper's character (SPOILER) being deaf, was a nice choice, and added some legit horror to the idea... However, for such names to be included in the casting, each was not featured enough in this movie, to build any real back story for each character.

For me I would've like more scares, more tension, and I didn't feel that much at all in this. I will however give huge props to the makers for using (SPOILER) a real Grizzly bear for this movie, and limiting the use of CGI. Bart the Bear is massive, and really had me wondering if he was going to go full on bear attack. That being said,(SPOILER) the switch from real bear to CGI bear for the big attack scene at the end, was bad. I understand the need to do that, but it just wasn't executed very well.

So, Pluses = Bart the Bear, the cast, the scenery/locations, production Minuses = limited use of such a talented cast, not enough scares, and the bad CGI transition. I'd still give this a 7.5-8 out of 10 though.
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The Day (I) (2011)
Powerful, and Dark....
9 January 2015
This movie is awesome. I gave it an 9 only because I would've liked more back ground into the characters and the reasons for them to be in the situation they are. But, over all this was a very well done piece of work.

One thing I am stunned by, is that this came from WWE studios. The WWE branched out of just wrestling into entertainment, but they're known for delivering PG-13 'family entertainment' ... this movie is NOT family entertainment. This is dark and brutal, and at times cringe worthy at its best.

I love the way this was filmed in stark black and white tones and bleak landscape. Also loved the subtle homage to Night of the Living Dead, but don't let that make you think that this is a 'Dead' film, it is not. Put this movie on your watch lists, you WON'T be disappointed.
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The Road (I) (2009)
When will it end?
9 January 2015
...I for one could not wait for this film to be over... Booooorring!! I give it a 3 because of the stark way in which it was filmed. The cinematography and locations were good. The acting, direction, story, and dialog was not.

Despite the big names attached to this movie, it really goes no where. I think the only reason this book and movie were 'successful' is because Oprah for some reason called it one of her favorite books. Once that happened the Sheeple lined up to get this movie made. Too bad too, because I had really high hopes.

There were some hints at themes like desperation, starvation, cannibalism, but no real action. There wasn't enough substance to raise the pulse, nor make me feel any tension, the way a post apocalyptic film should.
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The Battery (2012)
please just stop....
9 January 2015
This movie is so bad, I had to turn it off before it really ended. I got this because of a review in one of my favorite magazines, who praised it. This movie is horrible.

Two guys, playing catch during a Zombie apocalypse? Arguing about Fishing? I started fast forwarding about 20 minutes in, just to see if there was ANYTHING worth looking at. For reviewers in these magazines to praise this 'thing' makes me wonder of the corruption in film making. I mean there HAD to be a payoff or something to make anyone think that this was a good movie.

I love horror, I love Zombies, I love well made independent horror films, but this>? no thank you.
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Fury (2014)
WOW....was I wrong.....
8 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
There will be a minor spoiler in this review, and that is that this movie is was more 'graphic' than I expected.

When I first heard that Brad Pitt was making a WWII tank movie, I pretty much dismissed it without further thought. No offense, but I felt Brad was a little to Pretty for a gritty war movie, and it wouldn't be believable. BOY WAS I WRONG. This movie belongs right up along side Saving Private Ryan, and Band of Brothers and all the other great WWII movies ever made.

Fantastic story, fantastic performances from all involved. I really hope Shia Lebeouf gets everything together in his life, because THIS movie was a shining moment for him, and Brad Pitt has solidified himself in my eyes, as a 'man's man' for roles like this.

Great great great movie.
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Oh My Gawwwwd......
5 January 2015
This is a hit or miss for some people. If you love found footage, or freaky Alien films, you'll LOVE this. If you don't like found footage or Alien films, then WHY are you reading this? You shouldn't even BE here, in the Horror/Sci-Fi area of IMDb.

For me, this was a heart pounder. I loved it. From the opening to the ending, I couldn't take my eyes off this movie. There were a couple things I would've changed, BUT the over all effect was great. Extremely well written, and filmed. Believable effects, and the best camera money can buy apparently Give this one a shot, as I said if you like Alien movies, being scared, and edge of your seat tension, this is a movie that should be in your collection.
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Let me be clear....
5 January 2015
I gave this movie a rating of 1 which by IMDb standards means Awful. This movie is not 'awful' in the least, however it IS a remake, and I HATE remakes... Don't get me wrong, there are some movies, where the remake is better than the original, The Thing, Invasion of the Body Snatcher (the first remake), but those movies had a great story. Well ahead of their time, but at the time they were originally made, the special effects technology was no where near what the story needed, to make them truly shine.

An American Werewolf in London was phenomenal when it was made. It stood special effects companies on their heads, and made them change their approaches to several movies since. Because of this it will stand as a classic, that should have NEVER been "remade" ever. An American Werewolf in Paris, is a farce, and should be stricken for the annuls of history. Which is too bad, as I really like Tom Everett Scott, and this movie kinda ruined his career.

I mean he worked with Tom Hanks on The Wonders, and then......... too bad. I know why he took the role, it wasn't his fault, that the movie should never have been made.
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Red Dawn (2012)
Should've been called something else...
2 January 2015
Not terrible, but it shouldn't have been called Red Dawn. This movie moves WAY too fast, not allowing any build up of characters. There were certain homages to the original, that could've been done better had they built the characters up more.

All the members of the Wolverines seemed to be already trained in weapons and tactics straight away, instead of the growing period. There was no timeline set like in the original. That one obviously took place over a period of months, this one seems like it happened over a period of days.

Too bad, as the updating of the story was decent, and well set for modern times, I just wish they would've taken some time and really put meat on the bones here. This concept would be better suited for a Showtime or HBO 'Homeland' type mini series. NOW THERE'S A CONCEPT.
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Rogue (2007)
the Croc is working, I repeat the Croc is working...
31 December 2014
WOW! No idea why I waited 7 years to finally sit down with this movie. I should be ashamed! THIS is a FANTASTIC film. It's been a couple of decades since JAWS made people stay out of the water, watch this movie, and I guarantee YOU will stay out of the water again.

This movie has everything a great Thriller/Horror movie needs, Drama, Tension, Scares, a great Monster, you name it. This is yet another in a long line of well made Australian movies. Maybe American movie studios should pay attention. Instead of attempting remake after remake, or digging up some 'C' level comic book super hero to make a movie, They should try to write, and develop movies like THIS one. Well filmed, well acted, and well written, KUDOS to all involved in this movie.
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