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Looks benevolent, but it's still evil
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think not many people understood the ending. Everyone sees an uplift Disney ending, where everyone is happy because the dead end up with the other previously dead members of the family. Like Mrs Dudley, who goes back to the house in old age to see her dead daughters. Truth is, the dead in Hill House turn to evil ghosts who haunt the living, so they kill themselves in there and also turn to ghosts. The purpose of Hill house was to kill Luke, and eventually kill the whole family to get the house to be sold again and haunt the next unfortunate family who buys it. The Crains in reality "beat" Hill house, because they loved each other. They understood the evil of the house was fought with love so the dad (with some help from dead Nell) sacrificed himself so the kids could be free. The mom wanted all of them to die. Now the house belongs to the Crains, they'll never sell it, no one will be able to buy it, leaving it hungry forever. Meanwhile, they learnt the lesson to "leave ghosts behind" and live their lives.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Guy Ritchie already did this, but his movies are good
6 February 2024
This movie tries to be a funnier, wittier Snatch but fails completely. Characters are dull and cliched, dialogue is boring, the plot is slow to progress. The Guy Ritchie style is poorly done and ends up being tiresome with fast disconnected scenes that are supposed to be smart but it's just annoying. Not even Brad Pitt can save this, who looks like he's regretting it in every take and just wants it to be over. Only a teen can think this movie is good. If you actually liked it, I seriously recommend watching Ritchie's movies. He owns this style but his movies have soul and the plot flows consistently. I give it 6 for the tech aspects, deserves less.
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Heartless and boring
14 April 2023
I can't believe they made the Siamese cats some different breed and the Siamese song is not included. I waited the whole time for that scene and it sucked. They cut out the beaver too and he's not even a character. The rest of the movie was meh. The Bella Notte scene was the only one fairly well executed. And the Tramp is the only character one can connect with, all others are shallow, even Lady. And I can look over the fact that jock is a girl and an interracial marriage in the 50s would never happen, but still it's not Disney magic. It's just some talking dogs movie, and not even cute puppies can save this.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
This ep is a total masterpiece
30 January 2023
I'm amazed. This ep manages to tell so much and with very few words spoken. The main 2 characters are just perfect. They immerse the viewer into this post apocalyptic world and show us how love is always possible and worth living for. How the most simple things in life (the things we take for granted like a bath or wine) are the most enjoyable, the things that make us humans. Time passes, no matter what we do, we will get old and die and in the end it will be our relations to other people that will give our lives meaning. It was beautifully told, with the opposing personalities: the cheerful outgoing guy vs antisocial who trusts no one, the music, the setting, the always threatening outside, the poetic ending. The 2 leads convey so many feelings, their whole life retold in 1 hr with characters that don't feel forced into the story or made this way to fit the new fashion. I loved the scene with the strawberries, they had forgotten the taste. Our life can be so magical sometimes, we just forget, we should stop more often and think about all the stuff we should be grateful for. Kudos to everyone involved.
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Star Wars satire. Lore out the window. Is people getting paid to give a good rating?
6 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get the score this film has in this site. It is one of the worst films ever made. And if we think this is supposed to be Star Wars, it's even worse. The prequels are jewels compared to this. Makes you miss JarJar and the Gungans, who actually seemed like creatures from this universe.

. Star Wars lore is completely tossed out the window. All that Lucas thought, that fascinated fans, and made Star Wars survive through the years, all out to the trash.

. There goes the respect for old masters who were wise and could pass their knowledge training younger generations, like Yoda, or even the Sith master and apprentice. They needed some hardcore training, like lifelong training. Now, abilities just happen, no one needs training to become a Jedi or a Sith, to use the Force or to wield a light saber. Even a stormtrooper can wield one. No more Padawans, no apprentices, no masters, it's instantaneous. And old masters, like Luke, are cowards who live in hiding and talk nonsense (are we talking about the same guy who faced Vader, the most badass baddie in the history of film? Yup).

. There goes the Force, the energy of life, that made us all one. Now, the Force is just magic. It works like the magic in Harry Potter. You can virtually do anything with it. Come back from the dead (Anakin became Vader for this, something that was actually so easy to do!), make objects appear and disappear, get into someone's head to just have some conversation like if it were a phone, physically fight an opponent who is in another planet, project yourself like a hologram, etc. And everything is effortlessly. Luke had some hard time floating the Xwing, but the small master Yoda is so wise and powerful that he can do it, giving us one of the best scenes ever made. Now, a couple of no ones fight over who floats a huge freighter ship that is actually flying away with its engines on. I thought I was watching Magneto or the MCU.

. And the last act is so lame, you just feel embarrassed. SPOILER - How many times can you fry an enemy with his own lightning? It's like the third time already, does this guy never learn? And to think it only took deflecting the rays with a lightsaber. If only Yoda had known.

. What a piece of trash this was. Star Wars is the first six episodes, and this trilogy is a satire. The new characters are forgettable and the old ones are wiped out without remorse. I feel bad for the actors who probably love their 40 year old characters and had to come back to do this crap.
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Fittingly, this movie doesn't get old
11 April 2021
I remember seeing it when it premiered, I was like 14 years old and I thought it was brilliant, I laughed so hard. Now I am over 40 and I think it's one of the best Hollywood reflections on time passing and aging, along with the Groundhog day.

This black comedy is perfect, dialogue is funny, actors are awesome and now they're real legends, special effects are still good, and it shows the ridiculousness of some people's obsession with youth (specially celebrities), with procedures to stop time, and through Bruce Willis' character and a great deal of black humor, why it's wise to just accept it. Why do we actually think ageing is bad? Mad and Hell will show you.
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It's Terminator, what did people expect?
13 February 2021
I don't get the hate. It's a good movie. A badass woman in her 60s with her wrinkles and all, a short, brunette, Mexican woman who speaks Spanish as a relevant character, the hero is also a woman and none of them have a love interest. Only two relevant males, one is Arnold and the other is the big bad. Definitely something you don't see everyday in Hollywood. Maybe that's exactly why people hate it, because it's a decent Terminator movie. There's a machine with a mission, people run from it and try to destroy it. I don't know what people were expecting, but I guess they weren't ready for this. I'll make sure my 1 year old daughter sees it when she grows up a bit, it's tiring to see 40 year old women playing the mothers of 35 year old men. Here's to more Linda Hamiltons in Hollywood.
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Some character development
8 September 2019
Here we start to see some character development especially for the skeksis. Although we knew they were "the bad guys" this ep shows us more about their true nature. Also for the gelflings, and Aughra comes into play. Things start to unfold. Cinematography is wonderful, the sets, the details on the puppets, like clothing, amazing. I hope the new generations, more used to CGI, can admire the work ok this.
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Old school epic, a must watch
8 September 2019
I saw the original, and I thought it was going to be a CGI remake. My delight when I saw the old school Henson puppets was almost as epic as the episode itself. Wonderful and, ironically, new (in a world where all fantasy has become CGI). An incredible homage to Henson, the episode starts slow, introducing the universe, the creatures and stories, and ends up on an amazing high note that makes you want to binge watch the whole season. Go gelflings!
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The Handmaid's Tale: The Word (2018)
Season 2, Episode 13
Great ep, it had to be this way
21 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Some people are downrating this episode because they wanted June to get out. But she's not going to do it without her daughter, and that's the way it should be. Luke has been living in Canada for 2 seasons and couldn't do anything, what makes people think June could? People downrate episodes when whatever they wanted doesn't happen because they are childish. This episode was amazing. Serena acting like a mother, finally realizing what Gilead really is, the "Martha network", Nick's actions, the commander who sees what he created and is against, everything fell perfectly into place, all that to get a baby girl out of hell. That is the magnitude of an oppressing system, perfectly portrayed.
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It really made me feel uncomfortable
23 November 2018
The movie is well made, cinematography, actors, cameras, special effects, sound, editing, everything is wonderful. Except there's a creature here that is not human, and a woman who falls in love with it, has sex with it (or at least kind of tries, since it is not human it's hard to tell). There's a point where the movie turns really weird and uncomfortable. I've been thinking, there are a lot of movies with non-human characters who fall in love with humans and it's not remotely weird, in fact, it's nice and romantic. Take Guardians of the Galaxy with starlord and gamorra, or Avatar... but they are all human-like. The thing with this movie is that the creature is very animal-like. It reminds you of a dog. It feels, it learns, it tilts its head when curious, you see it suffering and you feel bad, it hunts and eats a house cat because it's a wild animal. So seeing the woman dancing naked with it gets extremely weird. You loose the point of it all. Is it a movie against bullying? Against racism? Against animal abuse? About love? About feminism? About strange relationships? The only thing I liked and I thought was very well achieved was the bad guy. The actor does a great job at getting you to hate him. The rest of the movie was a big WTF. I really don't understand why they gave it an Oscar.
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It (I) (2017)
Want a regular horror movie? See this. Want a masterpiece? Read the book.
11 November 2018
I read the book and I have to admit they are not very similar. The friends are there, and It, but that's all. Usually, books are way better than adaptations because authors say so much. They give great backstories, characters have unique personalities and feelings, events take their time to unfold. In the movie, time is a constrain, so all this is summarized and sometimes not very effectively. This is the case with It. So, to enjoy it as a horror movie you don't have to compare it to anything. The cast works fine and the special effects and cinematography are ok. Dialogues too, usually in horror movies dialogues are lame. If you want to enjoy a decent horror movie, see this. If you want a masterpiece, read the book. There's a reason why Stephen King is called the King of horror. This book is worth It (pun intended). The book opens with Georgie's scene, and this is the best scene the director managed to convey from the book. In the book though (spoiler ahead) Georgie's body is found. And there are many changes throughout the movie that is difficult to know why they were changed, since they worked great. This gives an idea of many pointless stuff in the movie, that actually make sense in the book. Also, in the book, the kids take weapons when they go searching for It. The part when they are adults is completely missing (guess they kept it for chapter 2) but this makes the movie more of a Stranger Things than It. The movie is watchable anyways.
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I'm not paying to see any more Star wars movies
10 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Last Jedi is a disgrace for the saga. The movie feels like it's a totally different universe. More like Marvel. Jedis are more like X-Men now, they have all sorts of superpowers and tricks that they didn't have before. Now with the Force you can make videocalls and hologram yourself like Loki. Where there was evil and the dark side before, now you have a weird kid Vader-wannabe who throws tantrums like a 2 year old and can misteriously overpower the Emperor-wannabe as easy as pie (how??). Where there were efforts in training and developing Jedi skills and wisdom, now there is a couple of days of BS, a cave that doesn't scare anyone and lame lines. Where there was a brave Jedi who single handedly faced Vader and the Emperor and lived to tell, now there's a depressed lame character who exiled himself because a child seemed to have inclinations towards the dark side (WTF, Luke brought Vader back). I'm just going to erase this episode from my mind and pretend it didn't happen.
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Feels like the Star wars universe and it's fun. Well done, it could have been worse.
10 November 2018
I hated Last Jedi. Episode 7 was kind of ok for me bc it set up the new game with old characters and new ones, the ending was one of the best endings in film history, it had so much potential. I expected to see all that potential in Last Jedi and the movie didn't deliver. Since then, I fell out of love with the Star wars universe. I decided to stick with the original stuff, pre Disney, and that's it. That's why I didn't go to the movies to see Solo. Han Solo is definitely a favorite, and I didn't want to see him destroyed like they did to Luke. So I watched it on a plane, once I had to take a long flight and it was in the movie menu. I have to say it wasn't that bad. It's closer to Rogue One that to Last Jedi. The guy who plays Solo you can tell made a LOT of effort to learn his demeanor and mannerisms, and that's appreciated. It's watchable. It does feel like the Star wars universe and it's actually fun and entertaining.
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Megalodon (2018 TV Movie)
People giving The Meg bad reviews clearly haven't seen this one.
10 November 2018
Megalodon is actually a tutorial on how to make a bad movie. First, stereotype all your characters, ALL of them. Second, missrepresent everything, from military stuff to marine biology to international relations and protocol, even submarine engineering is wrong (I mean, the hatch that connects two submarines closes like a cellar door). Third, add bad dialogue, unnecessary scenes, events happening out of nowhere, and last but not least, invest as little as possible in special effects for you main atraction. And voilà!
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The Meg (2018)
Reviewers here are full of racism, what's wrong with people?
10 November 2018
There are a lot of reviews here bashing this movie, hating China and the Chinese actors, I don't really know what they expected. An Oscar nominee?? It's a creature feature that's supposed to attract all audiences. Nothing we haven't seen already in other creature movies like anaconda, the piranha saga, other sharks... The idea was interesting, special effects are good and actors are not that bad like people are hating here. Everything is very under exploited, though. It could have been much, much better. Probably the studio wanted some PG movie and cut out all the good parts. But it's watchable on TV on a rainy Saturday afternoon like I'm doing right now. If you want a seriously bad movie you should try the other megalodon movie that came out at about the same time as this one. One point to highlight is: why does everyone hate Chinese things? The main researcher is Chinese and he speaks in Chinese to his daughter who's also working in the platform, and everyone seems to hate that?? I found it refreshing to have a different female lead, and I'm not Chinese (not from the US either). She is not white, not an English native, chemistry with Statham is quite good, she's actually closer to his age than most dumb twenty something chicks that do nothing in his other movies, she is a single mom oceanographer for God's sake, and everyone hates her?? What's wrong with you?????
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Surprisingly good and funny!
10 November 2018
I know the saying "Second parts are worse than first", so I wasn't too excited about this movie and thought "I bet they ruined it, a videogame? Seriously?". I'm so glad they proved me wrong!! You should not compare it to the first Jumanji, since this movie stands on its own. There are one or two references but that's all and it's ok. Jumanji now turned into a videogame that sucks players into it. It's not explained how or why this happened, but it's a magical game and if we can believe a stampede can come out of it, we can imagine suddenly turning itself into a videogame as the times changed. The teenagers are pretty much stereotypes, the jock, the nerd, the popular blond and the shy one. But once they are in the game, they change. The movie used this change for comedy and surprisingly, it works great!! Dialogues are really funny (and not dumb and cliched, and that's practically a miracle nowadays). Credit goes to the actors who play the videogame characters. They totally make you believe they are the teenagers in those avatars. And the game play is very well done. It's an old school adventure game, where characters have a item box where everything fits, the 3 lives are there, the non-player characters that repeat the same thing, secret passages, hints, the big boss, the map and stuff. It also has a "smoldering function" which comes out hilarious on screen. It's not as dark as the first, the animals were more dangerous and Van Pelt was vicious. This is a light comedy, and it works just great!
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Unforgettable (II) (2017)
If you want to make a bad movie, it will still turn out better than this
10 June 2018
This movie is predictable, full of cliches, characters are boring, the bad one is so exaggerated it's hard to believe someone like this actually exists, the good one is so stupid you just want her to die or get killed already, the rest of the characters are even more boring. It's a shame because someone invested money on this and actors and crew tried to do a good job. Do yourself a favor and skip this, even on TV it's not worth it.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
Don't waste 10 hours of your time on this show
20 November 2017
It's a shame when some parts of a show are well done and some others are so terrible that it just ruins the whole season and makes everyone's work look bad. This is one of those shows. Production is OK. Locations, costumes, photography, edition and all those technical aspects of the show are good. The problem are some major aspects that end up ruining the whole thing. This whole series is centered on martial arts and it's the one thing that should work perfectly, but it sucks big time. It's not kung fu, it's not chi kung (actually qi gong), it's nothing, it's a total shame, it's fake and a disaster. This guy says he spent two months training for this, I'm sorry but he wasted time on some shitty mimics of martial arts. They should have invested in a better teacher. Even the kid show Avatar had way better kung fu than this piece of garbage. The plot is another big no. Without spoiling anything I can say people come back from the dead without causing any surprise, good guys turn into bad guys then back to good guys in what seems to be "surprising plot twists" but come out just lame, the main character is a real coward when it comes to his enemies but gets into fights with his friends without any kind of reasoning, and several more holes not worth mentioning. Actors do whatever they can with the bad script, but it doesn't save it. I watched the entire show just to get it off my list but it was just not worth it.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
Powerful and important message to deliver
13 May 2017
It's a very good show that has many important messages. People don't deal with everyday stuff in the same way. Don't judge, be respectful, be considerate, be tolerant, you never know what might be going on in someone else's mind. Talk, to your friends, your parents, tell the truth even if you feel ashamed. Say things before it's too late. The truth will eventually come out anyway. . Some people are focusing on what a drama queen the main character is, but this focus is wrong. It is difficult to watch, and it should be, even when the viewer knows exactly what's going to happen.
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Gosh, so boring
26 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
GOSH is this movie boring! It's like a whole hour too long. And the plot is weird, there are holes in the argument, inconsistencies, weird story telling, and ridiculous things, such as:

.The movie starts in Gotham, then suddenly jumps to Metropolis being invaded by aliens? WTF? And Bruce Wayne is there too. Superman fights the invading enormous ships that destroy all the buildings. A guy gets crushed by debris and looses his legs, so he hates Superman for not saving his legs (again wtf).

. Lex Luthor is a nut case that, for some not explained reason, hates Superman so much he is willing to go through some serious work to kill him (this includes creating a creature that could wipe life from earth as we know it, Luthor included).

.Even though Lex Luthor is a nut case, senators believe him and are willing to give him what he wants.

.No one knows who the woman is or where she comes from or even why she is there, not even Batman or Superman.

.Batman seriously hates Superman and wants to kill him very much for a reason that is not clear. This is weird since everyone knows Superman is the best and kindest person on this planet.

.Batman steals kryptonite from Luthor (this is not easy), designs a weapon with it and fights Superman in a fight that makes you hate Batman and wonder why he suddenly turned into such a stupid character.

. When Batman is about to use the weapon and win the fight, just like he wants, Superman says "martha" and they become super awesome friends (this literally happens). Batman throws away the kryptonite weapon, it just lies there and everyone leaves.

And a long etc. Conclusion: wait and see it at home.
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Hannibal (2013–2015)
Best murder of the week
19 May 2013
I am a fan of these kind of show since the first CSI aired. I have seen Las Vegas and all of its spin-offs, Criminal Minds, Bones, Castle, Dexter, Grimm, some L&O, lately The Following and also some British like Morse, Prime Suspect, Poirot ... Hannibal is the best so far and I am not exaggerating.

I am not belittling the other shows, they are absolutely amazing. Some were absolute pioneers and each one has their own "hook". For one is the main couple, for another is gruesome murders, another is twisted killers, evidence analysis, witness questioning...Hannibal gathers all the experience from all these shows and gives us a perfectly creepy product. The colors of the sets are vivid, camera movement is very well handled, lighting, etc. everything contributes to creating a beautiful atmosphere and yet it gives you chills. In the forest scene in the fungi episode you could almost smell the freshness of the forest but then you see what is beneath and the shock I felt was like nothing I saw in other shows.

Mads is perfect giving life to a classy, smart, ruthless and extremely twisted killer. The food is exquisite, which creeps you out even more. Dancy's character is so haunted by all this that I think I would be just like him in his place!

This show is so creepy and amazing that some people just can't stand it, like my mom. It has it all, great actors, great crew, good plot, gruesome murders completely shocking, twisted minds that will puzzle and amaze you, evidence and forensic analysis, cop scenes, witnesses, psychology...and food!! Congratulations to all the team.
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Life of Pi (2012)
Moving, brilliant. A perfect masterpiece.
28 January 2013
This is not just a movie, it is a real masterpiece. It is what a film should be. The cinema is the telling of a story through images and sounds and this film does all this, and more, in a very beautiful, artistic and touching way.

The visuals are breathtaking. From the opening scene (the zoo), a swimming pool, even a shipwreck, to the images of the ocean, the fauna and the sky. Every frame is a beautiful picture. The colors are bright and perfectly blended. The little boat just floating in the immensity of the ocean where you can't tell where the water ends and the sky begins will amaze you.

The soundtrack is magnificent. It is very touching, it sets the moods very well, and the Indian sounds suit everything wonderfully.

The story is moving to the core. Everyone who has lost something or someone dear will be moved to tears. Everyone who has ever said a definite "goodbye" will walk out the cinema with a knot in their throats. Whether you have faith, whether you believe in God, in some power, or whether you don't, you will be looking inside yourself, wondering, reflecting.

What do we have when we've lost everything? Is there a higher power? Do animals have souls? Are we any different from them? Which story do you prefer?
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Sherlock (2010–2017)
Updated, high quality, entertaining, don't miss it!
28 October 2012
I thought bringing SH to the present would be a bit difficult since everything is radically different specially in the crime solving area, but the writers have done it, and very successfully!! Now, instead of writing to the newspapers the characters have blogs, they text each other, google information with their smartphones while standing in the crime scenes, Holmes X rays stuff, experiments with body parts in the microwave... It is very well adapted! My congrats to Moffat and Gatiss, not an easy task!

The police consult with Holmes when they get sort of stuck with the cases, very much like in the books. Except this Sherlock (always uses the first name, never goes by Holmes!) is much more "disfunctional" than the original. He knows he is smart, gets bored easily and has no romantic interest like in the book, but is far more arrogant, sometimes completely insufferable and shows much less social intelligence. It is an acceptable twist to the character given these times of House and Sheldon, apparently social awkwardness is totally "in". Cumberbatch is really an awesome actor, he can go from boredom to excitement or anger in 1 second only with a look in his eyes, he is very expressive!!

Watson I have to say is my favorite Watson ever. Holmes has been portrayed in various different ways, but Watson was always the adorkable side kick or some variation of it (even Jude Law). This Watson is terribly normal, sometimes he reacts as any regular person would if we were in his place. He starts following Holmes out of curiosity and because he has nothing else to do, but ends up becoming his friend. Although, Holmes continues to get on his nerves, no matter how best friends they are. Freeman makes this Watson believable.

All the rest of the cast are also very correct, worth mentioning Moriarty here (a completely crazy version of Holmes but with better social skills that let him get away with everything). The pace of each episode is never boring and some are even adrenalinic.

And then, there's the city. The cabs, the landmarks, the accent, the weather, everything screams London from the opening sequence on, it is a major hit, I feel like I want to visit!! I never saw London like this, it's almost one more character. I hope they exploit the city more on future seasons.

Don't miss this show! Well written, well acted, well made, one of the best! (by the way, House was inspired by SH).
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Did not read the books, did not like the movie
21 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First, I will repeat this, I have not read the books. But I can imagine that the books must be obviously better because the movie is kind of bad...

It's called Hunger Games why?? No one is hungry, ever. I mean seriously, it should be Hunting Games, or Last One Standing, but hunger?? Didn't get it.

But the seriously disturbing part is...the plot is gruesome and violent and yet this movie does not convey any emotion to the viewer.

Katniss saves her sister, but you don't feel a connection between them. The sister is a whiny little fool who is 12 years old and can't even make a line. She shows nothing when her name comes up, it's like she doesn't even understand what's going on. We should feel sorry for the little girl, feel Katniss' desperation, but instead you almost want the sister to go and leave Katniss to enjoy her life with Gale!

Then the oppression the districts have to tolerate, and the sadistic rich people who use these poor kids as entertainment. It should make you angry, it should show the ridiculousness of it all, the violence, the ruthlessness of the privileged, how unfair and terrible. But it doesn't, it doesn't move anything inside the viewer. The movie "In Time" does this much better.

And the game itself. Man, 24 teens get locked up in a forest to kill each other. It's terrifying; hunted like prey, having to sneak and hide and kill other kids. It really gets on your nerves!!! But it's all too anesthetized. The kids die and no one cares about them, they don't have back stories, there's no character development, they are all extras!!! Even Rue, who I think touches Katniss' heart, is just another extra! You ask yourself why is Katniss so moved??

And the background love story...what love story??? Is she pretending so they'll win?? Does she eventually fall for real?? Did he really love her in the first place or he just said that to win sponsors? If they loved for real, you don't feel the love.

Things happen but you don't feel for them. The plot is very good, this movie should be full of emotions -anger, anxiety, sorrow, desperation, shock- but it has none.
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