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Speeding fine for this movie
18 October 2023
The premise of this movie would entice the Speed franchise movie lovers to be a magnet to this movie. Speed 1 the original, was amazing. Speed 2, not so much. If anyone has seen the Irish TV show 'Father Ted', where they created an episode called "Speed 3", then that episode is by far, better than this movie.

The special effects look like something that was made on a mobile phone app on a free trial license. The acting was atrocious and not only in dialogue, but in action as well. The story line is trying to grab the attention to be the next "Speed 3" (or Speed 4) in that franchise, but it should be kept far away from it.

Also... for a train carrying 140 people over 6 carriages, there are only 10 actors in the movie.... really surprised that Tom Sizemore agreed to do this.

The train also looked fake. Why would you have shutters / curtains down / drawn on a train in broad day light? My theory is, because it's filmed in a studio with very low budget and they couldn't afford an actual train to film inside.

Worse than Speed 2.
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Hijack (2023)
Finally a series worth watching
18 September 2023
I have commenced watching many a series over the last few months, and I have been annoyed at how rubbish the storylines are in most of them. Watched half of the series, and binned it.

I long for the days where another "24", or "Person of Interest", or "Prison Break" comes back on the TV, where each episode ending makes you want to watch the next episode.

It's been years since I have came across such series, until now. Hijack is a completely binge watchable series where you want to see the next episode.

You may wonder, how can they make a 7 part series on a hijack? Well they did, and I am saddened that there were not more episodes.

They 'could' create a new series with Idris Elba doing another negotion thing, and it would perhaps be equally as good.

I watched the first three episodes easily. Took a break for a few days, then watched the last four episodes in one sitting.

Worth the watch. Idris Elba is such a good actor and the writing of this script is well played. Brilliant series.
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It lost its way
2 September 2023
The first couple of episodes were really good and interesting. Kept you thinking how the mystery is going to unravel itself. Then, it started losing its way. Filler episodes where it's excessive dialogue only and becomes increasingly boring.

The theme starts changing. From horror, thriller, then onto drama and love story.

Characters also change throughout as well. The geeky kid who is funny and witty becomes a serious person half way through.

As well as the theme and characters changing, the storyline changes also.

The profanity level is quite high, with excessive swearing in all episodes.

If the series kept with the same theme, storyline and characters from the beginning, it would have been a great series. Starting to lose interest in the series half way through.
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The Lazarus Project (2022–2023)
Lost interest
12 August 2023
I watched three episodes and it was a slow burner and a cure for insomnia.. episode 1 was okay, interesting. Episode 2+3 was completely dull and boring.

What I hate about these types of stories is that it goes back in time too much, changing the timeline to what you were watching.

I was disappointed that this was a boring series, I love time travel, theory of relativity and space time continuem, but this just draaaaaaaggggged.

If you thought the show was "alright", then I would highly recommend watching "Travellers" which is currently on Netflix. It has the same idea as The Lazarus Project, but it's a lot more interesting, and each episode ends on a cliff hanger. I binged watched has three series.

This show, sorry, just did not live up to the hype, for me, sadly.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
A fair review
29 July 2023
My wife dragged me to see this, after I took her to see Indiana Jones. I'm not going to jump on this band wagon, this was a silly movie. I know what you are thinking "typical male", but no, I was willing to see this and put a high rating, if necessary.

The story is silly, and Will Ferrell really has to find a different movie scout. He's been in some horrendous movies of late. He's such a funny actor, but in this movie, it just didn't suit him and he wasn't funny in it. He tries too hard in this, and not his humourous self.

So, why not one star? Why four stars you say?

First up, America Ferrara, who plays Gloria in this movie, does deserve a credit for her good acting. She's a great actress, especially in the role she plays here. One star for her.

Secondly, there were a few laugh out loud moments in the movie. Not gonna lie, I did laugh in some scenes. Up to two stars.

Thirdly, I could tell the actors had a lot of fun making this movie, and there were a lot of chorography in the dancing that would have taking a lot of time to practice. Up to three stars.

Lastly, a few cameo appearances of A class actors popped up and it was funny to see. The last star given.

It's not a 1 star, it's watchable, but still very silly.

For me, I've watched it, but I wouldn't rush out to watch it again, or watch it when it comes on digital platforms later in the year. I will maybe watch it in ten years time. Maybe..
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Palmer (2021)
Real acting
21 July 2023
Justin Timberlake ought to win an award for his performance, as well as the young boy in this movie.

Extremely good drama, and thrilling.

Decided to watch a movie on Apple + and came across this. I was looking for a comedy or action, but the premise looked worthwhile. I haven't seen Justin Timberlake in a movie since In Time.

It's a very sad movie, but very real life. Looks at issues such as bullying, abuse, child neglect and love. Perhaps I am not selling it, but if you are looking for a heartwarming movie late at night with a glass of wine, then this movie is worth it for that reason.

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A movie not to miss
16 July 2023
It's very rare that I give a movie 10/10. Usually movies that I really like get an 8/10. I save my 9/10 and 10/10 for movies which I would watch over and over again.

Having loved series such as Person of Interest, where AI came into the series, and in my opinion made it awesome, I could not hide.jy delight when a similar premise came into the new Mission Impossible movie.

Movies like ,'Eagle Eye' and 'Epsilon Conspiracy', where AI is at the control and guiding people with intelligence beyond comprehension, are movies I really enjoy. The BBC TV series 'The Capture' is another series where AI plays a strong role in it. Now, Mission Impossible have taken that on, and made a tremendous movie which was so enjoyable.

The action scenes, the stunt scene, the humour, the thrilling car chases, the airport scene, the train scene, I mean, every scene they created in this movie just got better and better and better. It was just outstanding.

I cannot wait to see part 2. This for me, was just amazing.
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Citadel (2023– )
Disappointing storyline
6 May 2023
My colleagues at work were discussing this saying how good it was. I kept seeing adverts at bus shelters, on busses and everytime I opened up my Prime app, to which it is on, I kept seeing adverts saying that it was a new 'explosive action thriller'. So naturally, I sat down to give this a shot.

It was full of action, i'll give it that, but it was not a story which drew you into. The premise is like Bourne Identity meets James Bond (Richard Madden is perhaps using this movie to put his name into the hat to be the next James Bond), and whilst that may sound interesting premise, the storyline is not.

The scenes without the action were dull, boring and had more sleeping power on you than general anaesthetic would.

I'll give it a few stars for the cinematography and the action scenes within, if only they came up with a good script to match that, it would have had more stars.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Inverted Knight & Day
1 May 2023
The movie 'Knight and Day' with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz is very similar to this movie, only, the female in this movie is the spy and the male is the person taking on an adventure by accident with the secret agent.

Add that into the mix of 'Mr and Mrs Smith' with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and you get 'Ghosted'.

The movie is somewhat entertaining, but definitely not an original storyline. The only high praise comment I'd like to make in this movie is Adrien Brody's performance. It's touching masterclass. Really looked forward to his scenes throughout.

The movie is also very long winded. Draws out quite significantly and gets boring in some parts, and I was clock watching throughout. Lots of scenes which are unnecessary. It could easily be edited short of 20 minutes.

There are also some funny scenes in the movie which make it that little bit better, one or two laugh out loud scenes.

Overall, a mildly entertaining movie which does not need a lot of attention span. However if you have seen 'Knight and Day', and 'Mr and Mrs Smith', then you've effectively seen this movie.

It's one of those movies you'd watch once, enjoy, but wouldn't revisit again for 10 years.
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Tetris (2023)
9 April 2023
Entertaining movie, watched it late at night and wanted to watch a movie which involved no thinking. I almost got everything that was happening, but it did get a tad confusing in some parts, as to who actually owned the rights to Tetris. But finally understood it after paying attention.

It was good to see some parts of Scotland (where I am from) in the filming locations, such as Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Hamilton and Prestwick Airport.

One thing of note. Ben Miller plays an American in this movie and he's actually brilliant. Had my wife never pointing out it was him, I would never have realised.

Overall 7/10. Had I watched this during the day when I wasn't tired, I may have offered an 8. But overall it was entertaining and funny. Enjoyed it. Just a little confusion in some places of the movie.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
American version of Bodyguard.
25 March 2023
I have been looking for a new series to watch for a while. Started a few, didn't finish them. Had been looking for something similar to '24' and 'Person of Interest'. As 'The Night Agent' came out on Netflix, I gave it a shot and I found it entertaining. Spying, conspiracy, cliffhanger endings per episode, suspension, gun fights, moles in the whitehouse, technology. What more could you ask for?

Usually with series' now a days, the episodes get tedious, it loses its appeal and you forget to watch the remaining episodes. Not with this show.

Highly enjoyable and I hope Netflix decide to continue the show into further series'. Has a '24' element to it, reminded me of the British TV show 'Bodyguard' to begin with.

My only gripe is the amount of unnecessary profanity in some of the episodes. But, that's the level of people's conversations these days..
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Suspicion (2022)
9 March 2023
The first series I started watching on my Apple TV subscription. The premise and storyline of this series is very interesting, about a man who is kidnapped in a New York hotel, and four British citizens who travel to New York for one day only and travel back to the UK are under suspicion.

It draws you to wonder if they are the ones who kidnapped the man, or whether they are innocent.

There are a few annoying characters / actors in this series.

Whilst watching the series, I had to rewind a few times, as twists and turns occured which I didn't catch when I was first watching it. This was due to the fact that although it was an interesting premise, it got a bit boring in scenes and I became distracted.

Decent storyline, just didn't hook me enough to stay interested in what was happening throughout.

Warchable 5/10.
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Plane (2023)
'Behind Enemy Lines' meets 'The Expendables'
4 March 2023
One of my favourite movies of all time is 'Behind Enemy Lines' staring Owen Wilson. I love a story where someone is forced down in enemy territory and they have to evade and survive whilst being hunted by the locals. This movie is exactly that, a passenger jet forced down on an island jungle where rebels are governing the area outside their countries government and are seeking to hunt down the passengers and crew to make a point that they are powerful and have authority.

Bring in the search and rescue operation by some U. S mercenaries who come to the island, hence 'The Expendables' reference.

Very good story and keeps you engrossed throughout. Usually in the cinema I do a lot of clock watching on some of the boring movies. I didn't once look at my watch in this movie. I enjoyed it right to the end.

This also could have easily been made into a mini series. It's a shame that it was compiled into just one movie.

Don't listen to the haters on here. Watch the movie and enjoy it.
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Die Hart (2020– )
Boomerang VS The man who knew too little
28 February 2023
This is similar to the movies Boomerang and The man who knew too little. Boomerang where the protagonist is filmed unknowingly whilst trying to create a movie, and the man who knew too little, where he is acting out what he believes to be all made up, turns out real life.

There are a few funny scenes, given, but overall, it's not something you would sit with your grandmother and watch on Christmas day.

For one, the profanity in this movie is abhorrent and far too many F-words for the sake of F-words, this spoils it for me.

Secondly, the story is no different to Boomerang, that movie is much better, and funnier along with Eddie Murphy and Steve Martin, and has less profanity.

Overall, I give it 4 stars due to a few laughs within it, but it's not a movie where I would want to run out and watch over and over again.
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Parallel (II) (2018)
Good start, then dropped.
26 February 2023
I watched this on the plane coming home. I enjoy a time travel movie and like the premise that time travel is possible.

The start of this movie got off to a good start. Gripping. As the story grew, so did my interest, and I was enjoying the story as they discovered the parallel universe.

But it seemed that the writers got bored and gave the rest of the script to their children to write. The story became blurry, and messy. The interest dropped and I found myself confused at what was happening to some of the characters, and as the story came to a conclusion, it did not make sense and I was glad to find it finish, so I could watch something else.

If the writers took time and spent time on developing the story, it would have been a better movie.

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Cypher (2021– )
Surprised it has low rating
28 January 2023
I have been looking for a series for a while where each episode ends intensively on a cliffhanger resulting in binge watching to see what happens next.

Enjoyable first season. It has a similar concept to the series 'Person of Interest' (although no where near as good).

I have read some of the reviews on here, and the series is not as bad as what others make out. If you are stuck for something to watch, and are looking for conspiracy and intensity, then give it a go. Season 1 only has 7 episodes.

Cannot wait for season 2. It's supposed to be out by October 2023. If it's anything as good as the first season, then I cannot wait to watch it.
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Treason (2022)
Enjoyable mini series
10 January 2023
I read the reviews here prior to watching the series, and they were not good. It did put me off watching this series, a mistake I always make.

Having nothing else to watch I decided to bite the bullet and watch it, and really enjoyed the series.

It's better than Spooks (imho) and is a good thriller. Just sad that it was only five episodes in length.

When you watch mini series, you think "Oh, a random episode just to fill the gaps, and it was not needed", well this series had one less episode in it than I would have liked. It was fast, pacey and enjoyable.

I never re-watch series, however, I would definitely watch this one again. My only gripe is, that there was not too many action scenes, but other than that, I give it an 8 for a good storyline.

Don't listen to the negative reviews. Bite the bullet, watch the mini series, and you will thank me.
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Not as good as the first movie
28 December 2022
When Avatar (2009) came out, I had a choice at the cinema that day. The choice was, to watch Avatar or The Book of Eli. I asked the cinema person what I should see on arrival and they literally printed off a ticket for Avatar without saying much else. I saw it in 3D and I remember walking out of the cinema, calling my wife (I was working away from home), and said to her "You NEED to see this movie".

I came home, I immediately took her to see the movie and she loved it. We have watched it so many times since.

Fast forward 13 years later for the sequel. I was excited, and I went myself again as my wife was watching our baby. I anticipated coming out the cinema and phoning / texting my wife saying "You NEED to see this", but I didn't.

The sequel is too long, and it has been said that James Cameron even cut out scenes because there were too many gun scenes. Had he left them in, how long would it have been?

There was no story to this movie, unlike the first movie. It was "Let's go to this planet and kill Jake Sully" was the theme. The storyline was not interesting, I was clock watching all the way through it. It dragged on in places and could have easily been edited out.

The visual effects were amazing, and the graphics were outstanding. The movie (story) itself? Well, I won't be rushing back with my wife to watch it, sadly.
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Rogue Agent (2022)
Decent spy thriller
8 November 2022
Netflix seems to be in the market for creating movies / series based on true stories now. A few that I have seen which were decent, others not so. This one was decent and enjoyable.

This true story shows a man who is clever at manipulation and deception. Taking victims at will and destroying their lives, basically. If this was a fiction movie, I would find it hard to believe that this could be real, however as a true story I was amazed at the manipulation and deceit that went on and the fraud that this person committed as well.

Like a British "Catch me if you can" esk type movie.

A different type of spy thriller, but one I would recommend for those who enjoy movies based on true stories.
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Gripping drama
17 September 2022
I'm going to be totally honest. I try and stay away from Channel 4 dramas. However as this had Simon Pegg in it, I was intrigued and watched.

I managed to binge watch the entire series (6 episodes) in one night. I was intrigued as to how it would go and it was very intense and gripping.

For those who are not technically minded, as this is a Cyber war, you enter the realm of geeks and their toys. Technical jargon used pretty much throughout the drama series.

Excellent acting, especially from Simon Pegg. And presents the reality of what may go on during election rigging and cyber wars. Shows how Russian propaganda and their corruption takes hold of British politics. You see it from the British point of view and the Russian point of view.

Would recommend the show and it will keep you intrigued to perhaps just binge watch the entire 6 episodes.

I have also just finished watching the BBC drama 'The Capture' (both seasons). If you like 'The Capture' then you will enjoy this show (and visa versa).
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Manifest (2018–2023)
It lost its way
5 September 2022
The first season I really enjoyed. Good premise and I love a good mystery. The second season continues on with the story and does not materialise any further, it becomes stagnant and quite frankly stale. I lost interest half way through season 2. I wanted it to get better, but it just didn't.

Then, just as I lost interest, it got weirder, and from there I realised it had lost its way entirely.

It's a unique storyline and is from the same creators of Back to the Future (Robert Zemekis). I love a good time travel mystery, and really enjoyed season 1. Shame it could not develop.

This was placed into production after the Malaysian flight disappeared in 2015.
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Lightyear (2022)
Trailer is better than movie itself
19 August 2022
After seeing a trailer for this movie I thought this looked cool. I noticed it was on Disney+ and decided to watch it.

It was very boring and not as 'exciting' as the trailer made it out to be.

A few funny parts, but nothing to write home about. A bit of a disappointment.
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Lost (2004–2010)
I'm late to this party...
6 August 2022
I kinda always thought that Lost would be a boring series and never got around to watching it.

I was on parental leave and decided to watch it as a fill gap. The end of season 1 I was intrigued. The end of season 2 I was annoyed.

If I were on that island, I would give up and go and see the other side. Find out who they are... Those people are too relaxed!!

Then I get to the episode where one of the characters hallucinates and it got me thinking... Is this one huge hallucination?

Yes, I have more questions than answers, however it got really boring, long winded, and stupid. A few episodes they didn't need to add, as they are (from my understanding) unnecessarily fill gaps to make the season longer than needed.

Yes, after 16 years of Lost finishing and me being late to this party, I decided to watch it and I have now lost interest in it now, at the end of season 2.
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The Gray Man (2022)
A bit Gun-ho, but fun
22 July 2022
Finally, a Netflix movie that is full of action and hardly any profanity.

It is a bit Gun-ho, and a slightly OTT in regards to action. But if you want to watch something where you don't have to think and just enjoy the action scenes and the good banter between Gosling and Evans, then this movie is for you.

Listen out for the in-movie jokes between Gosling and Evans. (Search on iMDB what each actor plays in other movies).
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Good crime thriller, but...
20 July 2022
I heard that Bill Pullman received an award for this and I had been looking for a new crime series to watch.

There are parts in each episode where it gets quite interesting and intense. And in the same episode it gets really boring, and unnecessary parts are added which dry up the intensity of where it was going.

If they kept the script soley on the investigation throughout, rather than side track onto other matters which are unrelated to the main story, then it would be a lot better.

I don't mind flash backs, which are in this series, as they add to the story. It's "the detective is having an affair, and needs marriage counseling" is just unnecessarily added. It does not add to the main script....

I have seen better, and I have seen worse. It's a good crime thriller, but... each episode goes off in different tangents, side tracking from the main story to just drag the episode out.
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