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Does not hold up
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If they do reboot the series they better get a MUCH BETTER director amd writers. This was so so in general but truly terrible if one knows the show.

Earth fighters taking out shadows? No way. In the Minbari war Earth was being wrecked by the Minbari. Shadows are at least 1000x what the Minbari can do. Not a single Shadow ship or Shadow on the station could have been killed. Anyone remember what it took to kill a single Vorlon?

Then the stupid thing about having to run around and throw levers for B5 self destruct. Please. Such bad and lazy writing. It is so contrieved its cringe.

From a nostalgia perspective its great to have the original cast back (mostly). But wish the story was better. And OMG next time hire someone who can actually draw faces. The faces were terrible.
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For All Mankind: Stranger in a Strange Land (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
Utterly ridiculous
13 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show started out strong in season 1 and season 2 was quite good also. But more recently its become a ridiculous soap opera with no scientific sense. It is utterly IMPOSSIBLE that North Korea could have sent 2 people to mars in that tiny little ship with enough supplies and equipment to keep them alive for all that time. And that's just one stupid thing.

This will be the last episode of For All Mankind I ever watch. Stick a fork in it, its well past done.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
TV series about alien invasion - with no aliens
8 August 2022
The slowest, most pointless sci-fi series I've ever seen. Its drama, drama, drama. All typical interpersonal stuff. Aliens? Not really other than vague hints and mysterious things that go wrong. Its a series about alien invaders only the aliens are MIA. If you're looking for something with actual sci-fi, watch anything else because there is no sci-fi here. If you're looking for a human drama - go watch one of those instead.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Season 1 is perfect
7 August 2022
Season 1 of this is one of the very best science fiction TV series ever. Honestly, season 1 is the spiritual successor to Blade Runner 1984. Its absolutely amazing. Vastly better than the Bladerunner 2049 garbage sequel.

I had massively high hopes for Altered Carbon as a series based on season 1. Unfortunately season 2 was utter crap by comparison. I like Anthony Mackie as Falcon, but he is terrible as Kovacs and the writing of season 2 is garbage.

But still, season 1 by itself is AMAZING and anyone who hasn't watched it should stop what they are doing and immediately watch it. Its fantastic. Just stop after season 1 ends (unfortunately).

Altered Carbon season 1 is the r3eason I kept my Netflix subscription. If they could come out with something this good just once every year I'd keep it. But they haven't since this. I sadly hope they will make a season 3 and it will be more like season 1 but I'm probably delusional at this point (sadly). If they made a new series of this that was even remotely as good as season 1 I'd love it and stay. Hell, frankly, I'd pay $250 to have a UHD copy of Altered Carbon Season 1 permanently. But sadly my hope is nearly dead in Netflix and I'm very close to cancelling after having been a member for ~20 years.
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Tried to watch, but failed
7 August 2022
I was not going to pay to watch this since JD was removed, but it was on HBO Max which I already have so figured I'd give it a chance. Didn't get very far. Wasn't compelling and everything WAS SO VERY DARK. If you try to watch this in a room that isn't liberally pitch black it will suck. Its just so, so, so very DARK. The cinematographer should have been fired and should never be allowed to work on another movie. Between the lack of JD and it being unwatchable dark I gave up as not worth watching.
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Uncharted (2022)
Just say no to Mark Wahlberg
7 August 2022
I would have given this a chance, except Mark Wahlberg. He's garbage and the movies he is in are garbage. Hollywood really needs to stop casting him in anything.
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Lame. Worst Bond movie ever.
31 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While it is not complete, utter trash this is the worst Bond movie ever made. Killing off Bond is the worst decision one could possibly make for an incredibly successful franchise spanning numerous decades that revolves around a single character. I guess this is the last Bond movie ever. I mean, they just killed Bond, why would I watch future movies? Lame.
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The Matrix is my favorite movie, but this...
24 December 2021
I saw The Matrix NINE TIMES when it was in the theater. Best movie ever made.

But this? Where is Lawrence Fishburn? Where is Hugo Weaving? Kenu is great, but this was doomed to fail without them. Disappointing.
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The Tangle (2019)
Highly intellectual like Arrival but beyond
18 September 2021
If you are highly intelligent and have a good understanding of transhumanism, uplifting, super intelligence and advanced nanotechnology you will probably love this movie. Otherwise you won't have a clue what is going on and will obviously hate it.

I have an IQ above the top 1% and am extremely familiar with all the concepts this movie is based on. Even I found this movie to be intellectually challenging, but I loved it! This was so vastly better than anything I could have imagined it would be. I'm shocked this movie even got made.

I can't imagine who their target audience was, there are exceedingly few people who understand this stuff. But I'm very, very, very glad they made this movie. I'd buy a physical copy for $50 to have a permanent copy if that were possible. But the VAST majority of people will hate this movie.
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Reminiscence (2021)
If you don't like to think, you won't like this.
13 September 2021
Sorry there aren't any explosions, big set pieces or thrilling action sequences. This is a solid movie in the greatest tradition of science fiction - movies that make you use your brain. Reminds me quite a bit of Final Cut with Robin Williams. If you like intellectual sci-fi such as Arrival you'll probably like this. If you need big explosions and action of action to keep your attention or a shallow plot that requires no mental effort you will hate this movie.
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Radioactive (2019)
Boring and terrible biopic
5 July 2021
I've seen a few biopics of scientists (Hawking, Turing, etc) and generally enjoy them. Its interesting learning about the people behind the brilliance. But this particular biopic was both boring and terrible. I don't know much about Curie's personal life, but this movie makes her out to be a selfish and arrogant b****. I've never before watched a biopic where I had far less respect or admiration for the person after seeing it. If that is true about her, they probably should have skipped making a biopic about her. If that was "creative license" by Hollywood to create drama then its very wrong of them to be doing that type of stuff. But either way, it was also very boring.
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Not awesome, but good
3 July 2021
This is not ID4. Its not an awsome movie. Edge Of Tomorrow was much better. BUT - This is the best movie Ive seen since the start of the pandemic. And that is very worthwhile, just like this movie. Its good, everyone should give it a watch.
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Criminal: UK: Edgar (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Amazingly boring
9 May 2021
Is this what passes for a police drama in the UK? I didn't think it was possible for David Tennant to be this boring. They might have well just filmed him watching paint dry. Seriously terrible. The British make some great TV, mostly comedy and scifi, but now I see why I've never before seen a British crime drama. Because they aren't worth exporting.

If you'd like to see a similar example which is well written, tense and has great acting check out the movie From The Hip. The movie starts out humorous, but the second part with John Hurt in a similar role as Tennant plays in this one is amazingly well done. THAT was tense and incredibly well done, THIS was a snooze fest.

Is this how things are done in the UK? Police badger and wear down a suspect during a 24 hour interrogation? That's not civil, that's abusive and coercive.
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Heel vs Babyface (2012– )
Insane Brit who's fun to watch
26 March 2021
This guy is a CRAZY, obviously INSANE British bloke who's YouTube channel is totally fun and entertaining to watch. As a former Doctor Who fan I find his info and background on Doctor Who and the BBC particularly interesting. But his views on things, from across the pond, are generally interesting. Keep up the great work!
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26 March 2021
The Critical Drinker is one of my favorite channels on YouTube. This guy is a blast to listen to and his take on things, especially his reviews, are particularly interesting since he's a professional fiction writer. Absolutely TOP NOTCH content, can't recommend this guy's channel enough! That's all I have to so, go away now.
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Nerdrotic (2016– )
An absolutely FANtastic YouTube channel!
26 March 2021
Nerdrotic is one of the very BEST channels on YouTube. Gary is extremely knowledgeable, articulate, rational and seems like a really honest guy. As a former Doctor Who, Star Wars and Star Trek fan I totally relate. Don't always agree 100% but really enjoy his views on things and respect his opinion. Also gotta say that Gary's content truly comes off as some of the most polished and professional of this type. Plus gotta love his hilarious and ridiculous intros. HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GUY!
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Utopia (2020)
Love Cusack be even he isn't worth watching this junk
3 October 2020
I never saw the original, I dislike this for the bad writing. Watched 2 episodes. No character development at all. Just a bunch of generic idiots running around and frequently being very dumb. Plus so many murders, most pointless. I was starting to like the goth chicken, then bang she's dead for no good reason.

I really realty wanted to like this. I love sci-fi and I'm a Cusack fan. But there seems to be nothing here to like.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Unoriginal, dull and slow
24 September 2020
There are so many good zombie stories that there is no good reason to watch poorly made, boring stuff like this. The whole first episode explains almost nothing, you don't get to know anyone and so much time is wasted on pointless and boring stuff. Seriously not worth watching.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Dropped off a cliff end of season 7
21 September 2020
This show has been mostly above average or good. Not particularly great, but never terrible.

Except for the final episode of season 7 because of the plot direction in the final few minutes. In a matter of minutes the writers destroyed who Elizabeth is and the direction the show is going. They have effectively made it so that Elizabeth has no honor, no loyalty and no good in her anymore. That's not even opinion, she says much of this herself in exposition. Now she's just darkness and betrayal. WTF? Just cancel this series now, do us all a favor and don't waste the time slot on a season 8.

Regarding the animation, it was TERRIBLE. I'm glad they did something to get the season out. But the animation quality is so bad it looks like it was done by elementary school children. Could they not find anyone with animation experience? Literally this looks like people who never did animation (their existing crew?) just kinda threw it together. I suck at art but even I could have made much better quality than this will modern 3D tools now available. I really don't mind animation at all, when its done reasonably. This was not.
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Knives Out (2019)
Boring and totally non special
28 June 2020
I can't figure out why people supposedly like this movie. I gave it a totally fair chance, but it was empty and non-interesting. I legitimately didn't find it intriguing on any level. I thought maybe Johnson sucked at sci-fi and following up on other people's work but was good at other types of movies. But it turns out he doesn't have any talent in other genres either.

After watching this the only thing I can think is the people who give this high marks must want to support Johnson or The Last Jedi despite this being a mediocre movie with no re-watch value.
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Dracula (2020)
Everyone loves the 1st episode - so why the abysmal reviews?
15 January 2020
The first episode is excellent. The second is interesting and pretty good. The third and final episode isn't very good. But that doesn't mean the series as a whole deserves an abysmal rating!

Definitely give the first episode a watch. If you liked that watch the second one. Then feel free to skip the last one. There, now you get all the good stuff and can ignore the not-so-good. In all fairness the series as a whole deserves at least a 6.
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Doctor Who: Spyfall: Part Two (2020)
Season 12, Episode 2
Not okay, Chibnal needs to go
14 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Some really cool classic episodes involved Gallifrey or other time lords and Heaven Sent was the best of the modern Doctor Who episodes. I was very happy when Moffat brought it back and was very much looking forward to some more stories involving Gallifrey. But no, Chibnal had to go and destroy it. Why? It survived the entire classic era!

Doctor Who is my very favorite sci-fi TV show of all time. I've watched every available episide and own many of the seasons on disc. Davies was very good, Moffat was great. Chibnal is trash. Its not the female Doctor Who, I have no issue with that (Missy has been awesome). Its Chibnal. He's gotta go. Now.
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Star Wars: Rebels: Double Agent Droid (2017)
Season 3, Episode 19
incredibly childish and utterly skippable
14 January 2020
This episode is incredibly childish. Much of Star Wars Rebels has the lead characters acting like poorly behaved 10 year olds, but this episode is even more childish than usual. So much so that maybe 5 minutes in I got sick of it and skipped to the last couple of minutes. Only episode I've skipped thus far, and that's saying something.
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Getting worse...
13 January 2020
The incredibly low quality of animation continues to shock me. Ezra has apparently aged a bit and has a new look. A TERRIBLE look. Lego Star Wars movies look a thousand times better than this. Some of the worst animation I've seen in a long time. Very disappointing.

Also, apparently Ezra is stronger with the force than anyone else ever anywhere. Either that or clueless Disney writers don't understand the difference between The Force and magic. Because the stuff Ezra can suddenly do is way more impressive than what I've seen either Skywalker or Yoda do.
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Star Wars: Rebels (2014–2018)
Not at all good compared to Clone Wars
12 January 2020
I only recently binge watched both Clone Wars and Rebels. Clone Wars was surprisingly good, much better than I expected. It appeals to adults, has good writing, great characters, tells interesting stories and looks good.

Star Wars Rebels, unfortunatley, is vastly worse in every way. The writing is terrible by comparison. It feels like it was written for children under 10 and has very little appeal to adults. The stories are not very interesting. The characters are absolutely horrible. The male crew members act like poorly behaved children who are constantly arguing and fighting and ignoring thier chores (I kid you not). The female characters act more adult but often come off as annoyed mothers. Plus the animation quality is bad to terrible. The characters in particular look really bad - one character has facial hair and I swear it looks like his sideburns are miniature wooden fences glued to his face. Its pathetic.

I had really hoped that the quality would improve in season 2 when they added a couple of important characters from Clone Wars but, sadly, the writing was only marginally better.

Rebels feels like it was made to be cheap, low-end meaningless saturday morning cartoon fodder.
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