
17 Reviews
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Best movie ever
9 March 2024
WHAT A MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!

The whole Movie is so good! The setting is amazing. The story is so good. And the plot and the premise is amazing my favorite characters are Paul and Chani. This whole movie is seeking revenge from the darkness and the evil that was causing the world to collapse. And following that they decide just like on Star Wars to choose what side they're on the light side or the dark side. And MAN the cliffhanger of the movie was the most shocking thing ever. The whole movie is a very well done movie. I love this movie so much it gave me chills. This movie will get the best picture next year for the Oscars.
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6 March 2024
The beginning of the movie was cool and interesting. I like the way bene's bounce is the Narrator in the beginning. Timothe'e Chalamet's Paul Atreides is a cool character. The setting of the movie is cool reminded me of Star Wars Episode 1:The Phantom Menace. Dave Bautista's Glossu Rabban Harkonnen is a villain of the movie. Oscar Isaac's Duke Leto Atreides is a very good character! The Action and the fighting scenes of the movie are awesome! I like the way that Paul had visions about Zendaya's character Chani! The visual Effects are awesome! Everything in this movie is perfection. What a good movie.
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Echo (2023–2024)
Best show ever
15 January 2024
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! Echo is the BEST TV SHOW EVER! Alaqua Cox is the BEST ACTRESS EVER! Her character Maya Lopez is the best character ever the show about Maya reunited with her family and fighting crime is so totally best! This show is the first Marvel sign language show since her appearance on Hawkeye! It is so freaking GOOD! It is worth watching again OMG I am so in love with this show very good job this show must get a win on the Emmy's best TV SHOW! And Alaqua Cox as the best actress too! Vincent as the best Actor and yes it is the best ever!! Please ignore the people who are being negative and give them a good review on IMBD and Rotten Tomatoes and let's give this show 100 percent fresh on rotten tomatoes too.
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Echo: Taloa (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
15 January 2024
WOW! This episode got me so shocked! With Kingpin and Maya reunited! And that Maya's friend was helping her with her struggles. And I can't believe her Grandmother betrayed her. When I saw that she had left her hometown that got me thinking If she was going back to New York. If she was going there then maybe Matt Murdock/Daredevil could help her with her struggles and her past. Can't wait for the finale it's gonna be awesome. Maya is the Best character ever heck yeah I love the way they made her a good character and hero. Maybe she could be a Avenger alongside with Hawkeye and Kate Bishop too.
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Echo: Tuklo (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The whole skating rink is so cool. And the way Maya fight the bad guys in the skating rink is so freaking cool.

The whole Maya and her friend reunited was so and the riding in the motor cycle was so school the skating rink reminds me of Stranger Things Season 4.

The shocking part of the whole episode is that Kingpin strikes again with Maya i can not wait for the next episode it's going to be awesome.

What got me the most is that Kingpin wasn't dead! And that Maya knew that Kingpin was alive when something happened to her. What an ending. I love this episode a lot it was awesome what a great episode.
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Echo: Lowak (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
15 January 2024
WOW! What a episode! I loved the beginning when they show the tribe of Alabama Choctaws that's cool. And I also liked about the episode where it is all about family and that her family is helping her to stop kingpin's army. I also liked her family carrying on the conversation with sign language. Maya is a good character and the whole "It's not chaos it's Power" phrase it really reminds me of the line from Spiderman "With Great Power becomes Great Responsibility." That was awesome!

I loved that so much! I also loved the way Maya is reunited with her family in her hometown that is cool too! Heck yeah.
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Echo: Chafa (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
10 January 2024
Last night we watched the first episode of marvel's Echo. And I love the episode and I love the way they used flashbacks from the Hawkeye show it was cool can't wait for the next episode. I really loved it. Maya is a cool character. Echo must have season 2 I love the show. And Echo must be nominated for the Emmys. Echo awesome the show is the best. Jeremy Renner and Hailee Stienfield will be so proud of you. #echothebestshow #chafa.#marvelisthebest #Echothebestseries keep up the reviews I rate the show 100 percent the best Alaqua Cox best Actress on the TV Series. #heckyeah show more of Echo and daredevil please.
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Wonder Woman (1975–1979)
Lynda Carter the best Wonder Woman ever
6 January 2024
I have finished the wonder woman 1975 TV series. And WOW Lynda Carter is the best Wonder Woman. What a storyline! I loved the whole Premise Season one is really cool when she stopped the Nazis doing evil stuff. Season Two when she worked at IADC with Steve, Trevor Junior. Season Three when she went to finding the right Teen pop singer all the way to helping a phantom to take down Harrison Fynch from creating a disaster from the roller coaster, what David created. David gurney came back to his brother, was a very sweet moment! I rate this whole show 100%. What is best show ever thank you. Lynda Carter for being the best wonder woman.
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Best marvel character ever yet!
27 December 2023
Kahhori is by far my favorite character. I love her story. I love her powers and her abilities. And the I love the setting in her story. Her family is so very nice. And she finally got her first villain in Marvel Cinematic Universe. Please pretty please make a movie or a spinoff TV show about her what a cool character. I rate this episode the best. Very good job. Well done. I am very impressed of this episode. I can not wait to see what's next in Kahhori's future in the Marvel's universe. The best one yet I can't wait for the next episode of What If Tomorrow #whatifthebestshowever. Marvel heck.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
17 December 2023
OMG! I love this movie so much. What a great movie. I love the storytelling. I loved the plot of the movie and I love the setting. Margot Robbie turned out to be the best Barbie ever. Ryan Gosling made a good Ken. This movie must win best picture for the Oscars very good job.. the movie did made me cry at the end of the movie it was very good and happy ending. The choreography was good and the music is good I just love everything about the movie it is worth watching this movie is the best movie of 2023! And yes I do mean that the last song of the movie made me cry off tears so freaking hard. Thank you Barbie.
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Best movie ever
4 December 2023
Best movie ever. It is very well done Harrison Ford was awesome. And OMG Phoebe Walker Bridge is the best of the whole movie.very good movie. Best action movie this year. #bestpictureontheoscars Harrison ford best actor phoebe as best actress. Best movie ever. Best character in the movie. Helena and Indy I love the movie so freaking much the best one yet. Heck yeah. Helena is the best one ever. Love the movie so much very good job. Helena awesome. Indy is awesome too. Heck yeah action movie star phoebe. Avtion favorite character Helena favorite action actor Harrison ford Indy.heck yeah. So good.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
25 September 2023
OMG! Manifest is a worth watching series. And it's worth watching again because it is THAT GOOD I loved the story line. I love the characters and the Sci-fi of the show please win a Emmy it is the best show ever. My favorite characters are Michaela Stone, Grace Stone, Cal Stone, Olive Stone, Eden Stone, TJ, Saanvi Bahl and always have been Vance it was so awesome. I will be watching the show again it is the best. Thank you Manifest for being my favorite binge watching series it is the best. It will always be my favorite show. Romans 828 #manifest #828 #flight828. I love you Manifest. What a beautiful ending.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
14 July 2022
I am a HUGE marvel Geek myself. Ms Marvel is the Best Marvel series this year! Yes I loved Moon Knight. I am excited about the future of Marvel shows this year.

But Ms Marvel Is the best show this year. Iman Vellani is the best casting for Ms Marvel. It the absolute best.
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Supergirl: A Few Good Women (2021)
Season 6, Episode 2
Why I love this episode!
22 April 2021
This episode is so many ways that why I love LENA LUTHOR.
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Supergirl: Rebirth (2021)
Season 6, Episode 1
31 March 2021
Jon Cryer was EPIC metahuman super powered lex Luthor. In Nia's dreams that Lex was Anti Monitor WOWZA! The fortress of solitude was cool. The epic fight between Supergirl and Lex in the fortress of solitude was awesome it reminded me of Clark and lex fight in the fortress of solitude on smallville. And the ending with supergirl being stranded in the phantom zone was something. So I wonder if we see Zod in the next episode? I hope so.
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I don't care what people think the movie is the best
31 December 2020
Wonder-woman 1983 is the best movie ever I don't care what people think they are just haters I believe that this movie will get billions of box office money. And I do believe that this movie will get an Oscar nomination. So who's with me on this if your with me let's make a trend on Facebook and Twitter with a #Wonder-WomanSequelForaoscarnomination
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Best movie
8 March 2019
This movie is the best movie ever great movie and great characters
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