
4 Reviews
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26 January 2005
I am a current A.S.L. Student & was forced to watch this movie in class, and what I got out of it was the blatant bias involved in the film. The film is obviously leaning towards to P.O.V. of the "common deaf perception" their is no middle ground. Also, the film didn't make mention or take into account other situations that are also under debate in this topic. I.E. Deaf People who were born hearing and later went deaf. Is it right or wrong in that instance? The film is biased and virtually all in the opinion of the Deaf w/ a capital "D". Not that this is bad, but for it to be a true documentary film is should attempt to be slightly unbiased.
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This Movie is a Revilation of Crap.
19 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(If you have not seen this film, or have not finished it. Please Don't read) This film is total crap. Rob Zombie should not be directing he is what makes hollywood suck. When musician's who can't even make good songs, besides "Living Dead Girl." Can make movies then all of Hollywood has gone down the drain. I totally appreciate Horror films. I have seen the Evil Dead which by the way is a dark comedy and not a true horror film. You would all know this if you watched the wholeevil dead series all the way up to the Army Of Darkness. This Film I know right from the begining how it was gonna end. There were no surprises. There was nothing freaky or scary about it. For one this movie should never be compared to "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" this is a sorry attempt to be good. I knew Rob Zombie was going to end the film with the villan winning. Typical Rob Zombie if you pay attention to his music. And Texas Chainsaw Massacre was inspired by a true story this is crap. And it's story line is so typical. And things also made no Sense. Anyone who actually thinks this movie is good. Should be straped to a gurny and be castrated by fishing knives. This movie was a stinker. And in my head I see it as a big :::SPOILER::: totally over rated and over marketed. And I wish Rob Zombie would read this so I could tell him never to make a movie again. Oh, and ending the film with "The End?" Oh, Yea! Can we get anymore typical. Could you please through in another Cliche! The onyl good aspect about this film was seeing Sheri Moon in tight ass pants. She got a body and a 1/2. EVERYONE DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS FILM!
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100 Girls (2000)
100 Girls Isn't that bad.
17 July 2003
100 Girls was not that bad. It was actually pretty good. It certainly is not a movie for the simple minded who like to criticize everything and never give things a chance. You know the type of people who sit around watching movies and porn all day when there not on the computer criticizing what they already saw. The movie was good. It was very humorous, because everything the main character (Matt) said was true. It raised many interesting points on a seriouse nature while still maintaining the humorous aspect. It was a comedy with a point and very successful at it too. You have to be open minded and not be the type of person to crap on everything. You go write/make a film then start talking. I hate critics who blab about everything that they don't know about. Sincerely Yours, Knight.
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Hulk (2003)
A high pact cinemagraphic film with original direction.
2 July 2003
This film is the best comic book film made to this date. The cinematography of this film is unique. And I fell in love with the live action comic book direction. Ang Lee did a wonderful job. If anyone has seen this film they understand what I mean. It was far more creative than X-Men or Spiderman and looked way more realistic than spiderman (spiderman was way to cartoon like and wacky). I am indebted to Ang Lee for a wonderful Movie experience.
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