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Suicide Squad (2016)
Not a masterpiece, but a great time!
3 August 2016
Suicide Squad is a very hyped movie, with a lot of mixed reactions, even when there were no material at all to be shown yet. I notice how a lot of the hate was towards the new joker, played by Jared Leto. And indeed, I was also skeptical about this. He could either ruin the joker, or make it better. What did he do exactly? None of it, actually. Leto's performance in Suicide Squad as the Joker was good. He gave The Joker a new face, and in my truly honest opinion, he did it well. He tried to make it his own. Not replicate or try to live up to other actors that have been playing the joker in previous movies. Now, don't get me wrong, Jared Leto's joker is nothing against Heath Ledger's version. BUT… and I say this once again; he didn't ruin it. That's really my honest opinion. He's not trying to be like Ledger, he's not trying to be something that we've seen before. He's doing something new, and I liked it. Also, for those of you who read the comics, you would actually notice that Jared's take on Joker is close to his persona in the comic book series. I actually wish that he would have had more screen time, since in the entire movie he was in maybe 20 minutes of the actual 2hr film. Now, I read about this final version, and it's said to be cut out a lot and that the director had been working on his own cut, while the studio made their own. So, I can barely wait for the Directors Cut to be coming out. Hopefully, more screen time for Leto will occur and maybe a lot better pacing.

Enough talking about Leto; let's talk about the actual film itself. Critics have already been slaughtering the film, giving the film awful reviews and such- The thing is; I don't really trust critics. They are too narrow-minded, they act like they are the only one who's right. I never care about what people, especially critics say about films before I've actually watched them. Then I can look back, and see if I agree with them, based on my personal opinion and interpretation of the movie itself. I can not make you like this film. Just watch the movie yourselves, then judge the film. Many people have been throwing negative reviews on this film, without second thought and some have not even watched the film. This is the worst things about reviews by critics and reviewers on IMDb. You simply cannot trust anyone, including me. So I advise you to watch the film, go back and read my review and see if you agree. That way, you won't miss a move you might have liked. All the actors does a great job portraying their characters, even though Will Smith's performance as Deadshot was a bit… meh. He was funny, though. But it just feels like Will Smith playing… well, Will Smith. The flashbacks in this movie are the best scenes in my personal opinion. They give you a little more depth to the story and makes you sympathize for the characters. As a person who's watched a lot of Superheroes are good, villains are bad-movies, I thought it was refreshing that for once, the villains aren't portrayed as just pure evil. However; this film absolutely has flaws. Loads of them. But rarely any film these days is flawless. There's always going to be something that you can comment on and sometimes even get annoyed by. One thing is the pacing. This film is a chaotic mess when it comes to the pacing, confusing the viewer. Too fast, too slow, but never in between. When introducing the characters, I felt that the music was overused. Every time you met a new character, and this was in quite a short time, a new song would play. However, the soundtrack is good even though it feels a bit out of place.

After the mess, called BvS, I am glad to say that this film changes a lot. It shows that DC doesn't always have to make overly serious films, but can have a little fun with it too. While I like Marvel films too, they are sometimes a little bit too cartoony, the humor can feel out of place and well… let's face it, sometimes you need a superhero/villain film for adults.

Visually this film is amazing in every way, the amount of detail and wonderful CGI is just pure eye candy. I loved the 3D, although it wasn't quite necessary, but hey, 3D is the standard these days for films in cinema. Overall, I do not think in my own humble and honest opinion that this move deserves the hate from the critics. Most moviegoers, people I know who have seen the film, liked it. It is not a masterpiece. Long way from that. It is not an Oscar winning film by no means. It's just a really fun film to watch and I've gotta say DC is pulling in the right direction. More work needs to be done, though and there is serious problems about this film despite it being enjoyable. Reading some interviews etc, I found that the script was very rushed. (Being finished in six weeks, not okay.) Also, while I laughed and giggled at some of the jokes, some of them felt forced and out of place. However, DC has taken a huge step and I hope they will be making more movies like this one.

As a final verdict, I think this movie is worth your time and is a good watch. Don't listen to critics. Heck, don't take my word for granted either. You will love it, or hate it. That's how it works, we have different opinions and tastes. I was not disappointed and I look forward to the next installment in the DC universe.
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Whiplash (2014)
Shocking, revolutionary take on the music film genré
8 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe that I haven't heard of this film before. I know the name sounded familiar when my friend first recommended it to me, but I wasn't sure what the film was about. So, without reading any reviews of any kind I started viewing the film.

As a musician, producer and enthusiast that wants to keep evolving, I truly appreciated this film. I had not watched a single trailer, only reading the short synopsis and I already knew this film was my kind of film. What I did not know was that this film would be so different compared to other music genre films, it's truly a film with it's own genre and it's unique in so many ways.

Now, the film started off pretty slowly. But soon enough we are introduced to the music teacher, who directly shows a character that is very strange, and keeps getting stranger the more you watch it. I had multiple theories of the characters personal life and reasoning behind his actions, but it was so unpredictable that I just couldn't puzzle it together until the very end. He is a very enthusiastic teacher, that however tends to push the students to their limits with harsh language, violent actions and provoking lessons. To many, especially the people I watched it with, he showed off kind of like an asshole. While, by time, you understand what he's doing, it's still hard to justify the actions in this film. Now, the acting in this film is top notch. The director did an amazing job with the film and I'm glad I sat down to watch it. Anyways, the movie centers around the young drummer (I can't remember his name) that goes to one of the finest music schools in the country. It shows how much he wants to make a career out of his drumming, and throughout the film, it only gets better. Some scenes, might to some people, have been unnecessary, but I felt that it helped to really get the audience get an understanding point of view on the characters, also while making us switch emotions.

The music in this film is absolutely wonderful. As well as the screenplay, the humor and the acting. All done in a very professional and astounding way. This young director that I've never heard of before had done a splendid job. I can't wait to see more of his films.

The film leaves you breathless, full of emotions and also a lot of questions. I say, if you can handle violent scenes, harsh language, you will enjoy this film. Other people might find it hard to watch. It's certainly not for the faint of heart. What I can tell you, without spoiling anything, is that this movie is unique in it's genré, and it's really like nothing I've ever seen before. A lot of other films, are familiar with each others, but this one was a complete fresh new for me.

It's a bit shocking, but a great film that I hope ends up getting the awards it deserves. I would def. think it deserves an Oscar. The actors deserve it too.

I would recommend this for anyone looking for a different film
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Camp X-Ray (2014)
Stunning performance!
9 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Kristen Stewart has some very bad history in terms of acting. Especially in the Twilight saga where she's most known from, but also that dreadful Snow White film. I was skeptical when I first heard that Kristen had one of the main roles, but I gotta say, she does an outstanding performance and she's improved a lot since the Twilight saga. Her acting seems more convincing and the way she expresses her feelings in this film is really a big turn for Kristen Stewart. She's actually becoming a pretty decent actor. Well, enough talk about Kristen for a moment. How is the film? I was pretty worried that the film would be some American propaganda, like most films involving prisons and war are today(American Sniper, Lone Warrior etc) but it turns out it isn't. This movie has nothing to do with propaganda, it resolves more around the relationship between a detainee and a female guard. This is NOT a love story, it is a story of a friendship between one misunderstood detainee and a guard who's empathy grows stronger. The direction is amazing, the film itself looks great and the actors (especially Kristen) did a great job on this one! I can't stress enough how the performance of Kristen struck me. Camp X Ray is a truly original story, with emotional scenes that'll make you cry like a baby. Yes, I cried. It's painful to watch though - but it's worth it. It's an unique film and a lot of the better scenes are actually the dialogues between the detainee Ali and the guard Cole. Both actors give us the emotions, it feels so true and I can only say that Kristen has improved a lot. A lot of Kristen Stewart haters rate this film a one star rating before even watching it, because, it's kristen stewart. i'm telling you right now, she's not what she used to be. This is an amazing film and do not let the haters make you miss out on this one! If you want emotions - you are given them in this film! Nuff said.

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One of the best in the trilogy
17 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
We were all shocked by the news of Robin Williams death. It was unexpected. That's why I had a hard time watching this movie. I think a lot of people who watched this agrees that the ending was one of the most emotional ones because it was like a personal 'goodbye' from Robin himself.

This is the third (and hopefully last) installment of the Night at the Museum films. I remember watching the first one and coming out of the theatre with joy. Robin had brought us lots of laughter in this world and for that we are thankful, he filled our lives with fairy tales and humor beyond imagination. He was so humble, he was so unselfish that he wanted to make us laugh, and forgot about himself. This is his last film in theaters and It hurts to know that we'll never see him again. But he'll live in our hearts.

Night at the Museum 3 was actually better than the second one. Actually, the second one was pretty bad, mostly because of the script. It didn't have the magic that the first one brought. So how does this one perform? It did very well. I laughed with tears in my eyes through almost the entire film and it made me happy. The jokes were funny as usual and wasn't too repetitive like a lot of modern comedy films do. But what really saved this film in my opinion was the ending, it was so heartbreaking, multiple people cried in the theatre and I was one of them. The visual effects were awesome as well, and did not disappoint. People complain that the recycled humor and that it was too childish, but that is what this movie is. For children. And even though it's made for children, adults of all ages can enjoy this one too. When I saw the trailer I knew what to expect; a good-hearted kids film that can be enjoyed by adults, teens and children as well. This is no masterpiece by no means. It's not trying to be. It's trying to be a fun and enjoyable film for all ages. And that's what it lives up to. So if you're expecting this to be a comical masterpiece; you probably wanna watch something else. If you just want to have fun, this is a good movie. If you are a Robin Williams fan, this is also a great watch. Although Robin doesn't get as much screen time as we'd hope, every scene with him is still golden.

There's nothing special about the musical score, but it's all right. Nothing to get excited about, though. The best thing is the heartfelt moments and the special effects, they're fun, bright and vibrant and they're satisfying to both children and adults. The ending is what bumped up the score a lot to me. So give it a watch if you want a fun and heartfelt movie!
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Awkward, but strangely enjoyable
17 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A few years ago Disney announce that they would be focusing on a lot more live-action retellings of fairy tales. I loved the idea, and some of them do turn out pretty awesome. Into The Woods is originally a Broadway musical, and is indeed, intended to be. As many Broadway to silver screen adaptions of musicals are pretty mediocre I was eager to find out if this was actually any good. After several opinions from friends & family, I decided to check this one out. I walked into the movie with lower expectations; the expectation to have fun, like I do on any Disney film. So the question is; was it? Let's find out.

It starts out with a very (VERY) annoying but fun and bright song were they literally sing out the films title a gazillion times(obviously so that movie reviewers can remember the name after.) There's four fairy tales in this: Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk and Rapunzel. So the main plot actually revolves around the baker and his wife who wishes to have kids, but somehow can't manage to have kids. It turns out the bakers dad had done a terrible thing in the past to a witch(played by Meryl Streep). The witch had put a curse on the family and it turns out that is the reason they can't have kids. The baker (and his wife) sets out to get the ingredients that the Witch need in order for her to turn beautiful again, and if they bring the ingredients the Witch would reverse the spell. That's pretty much the plot in short. A lock of golden hair, a cow as white as snow, a red cape and a slipper. You get the fairy tales you all love and know in a different retelling and surprisingly it works very well. Although this type of movie doesn't fall in the taste of all people, it's very enjoyable in it's own way and I thought it had a special charm that made it unique and playful. The first half had bright and beautiful scene while the second half had darker scenes.

The casting was well done and I loved the singing, also it had some very fun and enjoyable songs (although they're pretty annoying and not so rememberable). I did not have any difficulties with the casting and acting was more than respectable. Disney has always been good at casting.

I feel though as this was not a finished film. They could have been more imaginative and done so much more with the way things happen (if you've seen the Broadway show, you'll know what I mean). Sure, there are some pretty impressive and clever scenes, for example Little Red Riding Hood scene when she was swallowed by the wolf and she meets her grandma, and I thought the way the wolf was portrayed (with the always excellent actor Johnny Depp) was awesome and I wish they had done more in that style. However, the visuals are beautiful and well done, although they could have done more with it.

It was a pretty awkward film, but I still thought it was strangely enjoyable. It's not a film I would like to watch again very soon, but it was actually a pretty enjoyable film. It has gotten a lot of criticism and I see why, but this film was not meant to be an Oscar, it's pretty clear already at the start of the film. It's just a fun and interesting twist on fairy tales and I actually thought the way they blended the fairy tales together was cleverly done. I liked it.

The music was all right, although not perfect and definitely not the best musical out there. But it's visuals and the casting was really great. I haven't watched the full Broadway musical, and people seem to be mad since Disney apparently changed a lot of the second half. It's nothing new really, Disney has always changed stories both in their classic and modern films to fit their audience which is pretty much children. I liked it anyway and I can't really judge the difference between the film and the Broadway show. But for what it is, I was pretty happy with the movie, although I won't be watching it again very soon. I've watched Les Miserables probably more than 40 times already, but that's nothing I would say I want to do with this particular film.

All in all, the cast and the vfx's are the best part of the movie. it's a movie you don't take seriously, not a piece of Oscar work. For what it is, it deserves at least a 6 out of 10.
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Boring. Just as I thought.
17 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The only real reason I ever considered watching this movie was solely because everyone was talking about this movie. I could not see why, as I too have been plagued with the pain of reading the so called book. I could just leave you here with these words, plenty to warn you about this film, but since IMDb has a restriction of minimum 10 lines, I have to go on about this pitiful excuse for a movie. So here I go. Sigh.

Started out as a Twilight fan fic. I noticed that, throughout the whole book, not because of the characters, even though Grey is obviously Edward. (yep. just throwing that out there.) It was both poorly written and (yes, I am saying this) WORSE than Twilight. I know. Nothing can be worse than Twilight, right? That's what I thought too. But this pitiful excuse for a book AND movie really lowers the bar for Hollywood films.

Then again, I never understood why someone would even want to take the time and effort into making the very hard to adapt book to the movie theaters, because the writing is awful and painful to read. I could only imagine how painful it would be to watch this. Honestly I think the writers just gave up on the movie and let it be. There's no chemistry (then again, why should there be?) between the characters, there's absolutely ZERO rememberable plot points or scenes, there's no interest in it whatsoever. Then again, the book stands for what many feminists hate. How can you justify such a psychopathic character like Christian Grey? Oh, he was raped as a kid. Wow. That makes SUCH a difference. Then it's okay--- Am I the only one to think the logic is flawed? ugh.

A lot of people have responded to my views on this film that "You're a guy. It's not made for you." BULLCRAP. I watch a lot of chick flicks, and admittedly, cried to a lot of them. I'm not afraid of watching chick flicks and I proudly admit that I do enjoy a lot of them. But a movie like this is NOT acceptable. I don't even want to call this a movie. It's a freaking soft-core porn video with BDSM theme. The sex scenes are just awkward. They're not even a little bit arousing. They're not giving in anything to the plot and the chemistry is just... well, there is NONE.

The actors do a horrible job. Especially the guy playing Christian Grey. I mean, at least convince us you're an intimidating guy... well, okay, he kind of had a creepy look in his eyes. But that's about it. Then again, I don't blame the actors, there's really not much to work with the source material and all.

The only reason this one got a 2 star rating was the musical score, the film features a lot of good music and that is the only thing I really liked about the adaption. And also, I would like to give the director some praise for trying to adapt such a horrible book. Surely it must have taken hard work to do. Now I have to live with the fact that two other movies will be released. I will not be watching them. I already read the other books and I hate myself everyday for that. Beware of this piece of crap.

2/10 avoid at all costs unless you're brain dead.
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Dear God, Please Let There Be A Sequel
13 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I went into the theater with very high expectations. The movie exceeded those expectations. Honestly, me and my buddies were just bored and wanted to watch a nice action movie. What we got was so much more. This movie had some of the best camera-work, special effects and style I've ever seen in an action movie. With effects and camera-work that would put The Matrix to shame this is a result of passionate and hard work. Without giving anything away, the script was actually more than acceptable. Nothing spectacular, but nothing too predictable either. The humor in this film was very clever and didn't feel out of place at all. It was a perfect blend of action and humor. The actors did an amazing job and the directing was splendid. I could not ask for more. I'm not even kidding! I was pleasantly surprised. This movie has to feature one of the most amazing fighting scenes ever, I sh*t you not. The way it is edited looks awesome and it all just kicks ass! The CGI is used wisely and the movie doesn't overly depend on CGI which was a pleasant surprise. Long story short, me and my mates laughed our asses off through the entire movie, and we were glued to the screen with excitement watching those adrenalin-pumped scenes. The best part of this is that this movie fits anyone! Teens enjoy it. Adults do too. Male and female. It's really a great film. I am going to watch this movie again soon and hopefully when it comes out, I'll be buying it on Blu-Ray. It deserves a great rating!!

I'm hoping, and I do think that it's going to happen, for a sequel. Since the title has a sub- title, I'm guessing there'll be more movies. I'm hoping for some more, I am thirsty for more! Go watch it. Now. You won't regret it. (Unless you're a bigot or a Christian who can't take a joke, that is. I warned ye.)

It gets a strong 8 out of 10. :)
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The Interview (II) (2014)
The Interview: An Actual Honest Review
25 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Interview has created a lot of crazy rumors and a lot of things have been making this movie one of the biggest happenings this year. A lot of speculations were made when Sony got hacked and they suspected that North Korea was behind it. This generated a lot of interest for the movie and people were talking about it over and over again. So, after several threats they decided to pull the movie from all theaters. Later on, they decided to release it for streaming purposes, and that's how we finally got to watch the hard work that was put into The Interview.

Let's get to the IMDb rating first; they are obviously fakes and there are even people on 4chan telling everyone to rate the movie a 10. This is really just to give the creators of the movie the support and love they need after suffering this sad conflict. Also, it is a great opportunity to actually show movie distribution companies that putting movies earlier to watch at home too streaming, WHILE running in cinema will generate A LOT of money.

I got the opportunity to watch this, and I figured, what the heck, it's only 5,99 USD, so why not give it a shot, since everybody is talking about this film. Honest opinion now, a lot of reviews here are fake, by people who has NOT seen the movie. So here's your opportunity to actually read an HONEST review.

The movie is in no way perfect by all means, but it does have it's surprisingly funny and shocking moments. Yes, the movie is overloaded with toilet humor and profanity, but it does not necessarily make it a bad movie. I found a lot of the jokes mildly amusing and I chuckled through almost the whole movie with some laugh out loud-moments too. The chemistry between Franco and Rogen is perfect and they always work well together when it comes to acting. The story has set a goal in movie history, and Rogen actually had the ba lls to mock a world leader. I adore Seth's hard work into this movie and I adore everyone else who were part of this project. It's a shame that people get so butt-hurt over a f****nag comedy film. While skeptical about the movie itself, seeing as Rogen's humor is childish and contains a lot of toilet humor and continuous jokes, I found myself enjoying the whole film. The script was very well written, the characters felt real and it had the perfect blend of humor, action and drama. (and a little bit of romance, too) I found both Franco's and Rogen's performance to be flawless and the chemistry they have on screen is wonderful, making this a very believable film. However, I found Franco's character to be a little annoying, but I guess that's what they aimed for. Franco's character felt a little flawed because at one moment, he acted like he was retarded, and then the other second he's starting to act like he's some kind of Sherlock Holmes. This was a minor problem to me, but I kind of wish that they would have worked on Franco's character a little more and made him to be more believable, in my honest opinion he was annoyingly stupid and almost too stupid, even though that was what they were aiming for. They made Seth's character seem so much more intelligent than Franco. I have no idea what they were trying to do but in my personal opinion it always bothered me.

The scenes where Franco got to meet Kim Jong Un were truly amazing, but at the same time, quite awkward. Even though Kim is the bad guy, you couldn't help but feel bad for him. They actually made him a misunderstood individual, just like Franco's character, and I found that to be very funny and clever. As for the actor playing Kim, he does an amazing job and he does not waste any of his acting talents. You actually believe him as a person and that makes the movie a sh*t load better.

I do not want to spoil the movie for you, but what I can tell you is that this surely is worth a watch at home. I would not have been pleased if it was a theatrical film, but if you're just looking for a funny film, with lots of shock humor, and Rogen humor screaming all over it, this is your choice. Turn of your brain, maybe take a beer and enjoy the movie as it is.

Summary: The Interview was a pleasant surprise with believable character development, an interesting plot that only gets better after the second half, with plenty of toilet humor and gags that do not fail to amuse. This will most likely be the most anticipated movie of the year, or at least of 2015, causing the trouble it did, making more people interested in what made this movie so threatening and offensive to North Koreans. Sit down, grab a beer and enjoy. It is a movie that doesn't take itself seriously, meaning you should not take it seriously. It is a great effort from both Rogen and Franco, and I recommend this film to everyone who can actually take a joke AND has a sense of humor, especially those who likes the type of humor Rogen has been featuring these past years.

The movie deserves a strong 7 out of 10. Hopefully, the fake ratings will be reset and The Interview will have an average rating of about 7-8.
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Not that bad
23 July 2014
This movie has gotten sh*t from a lot of reviewers. Still I have no clue why. It wasn't that bad. Sure, there's the recycling gag thingy people complain about, there's potty humor and swears. But this is the thing; it's not intended to be a classy, heartfelt comedy. It's just a very funny and immature slapstick comedy. It's clear that Seth McFarlanes humor isn't classy, clever or original. However, he does manage to create a somewhat funny movie that can be enjoyed. Now, I like stupid, silly movies. I don't like cleverly written comedies. So, If you are a fan of Family Guy or Ted's humor, you will probably like this movie.

A lot of reviewers tend to review this movie as like it is trying to be an Oscar movie. It isn't. All the actors did a great job (even the small rolls), the jokes weren't all over the place & it was actually quite enjoyable. They're having fun, we're having fun. Nothing wrong with that.

I don't understand why people go into movies like these expecting them to be some kind of comical masterpiece when the trailer was clear enough about it just being another random & dumb slapstick comedy. People are stupid enough to go watch it knowing what type of movie this is and expecting it to be something it's not.

So bottom line: If you like stupid & silly comedies with racist jokes & stereotypes, go watch this one. If you are a typical fan of the humor in Family Guy, South Park etc you will enjoy. There's plenty of different kinds of jokes in here. None of them classy, but funny. Toilet humor, foul mouths, racist stereotypes, offensive parodies & a few references that will be totally unexpected. If you're a fan of cleverly written scripts & wants to watch a classy comedy film; well, this movie is a total waste of time for you. I watched this expecting it to be really dumb, but enjoyable and it surpassed my expectations. The plot is simple, the jokes aren't clever but funny, the actors are doing a more than well job. I couldn't ask for more. This one deserves at least a 7 star rating. I found this movie much funnier than TED, which also was pretty dumb.

I rarely listen to what reviewers say about a movie before watching it first. You should do the same and judge for yourself. I just don't think it deserves the hate.
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Wolf Children (2012)
Another masterpiece by Mamoru Hosoda
18 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Konichiwa :3

There's not words enough to describe how beautiful, original and amazing this movie is. Wolf Children is really underrated, and I wish more people would know of this movie. In fact, I will be forcing everyone I know to watch this right now so that they won't miss such a masterpiece like this.

There's beautiful animation, an interesting concept, a storyline that's addicting, well written dialog, and all in all a great movie. People keep asking me why I prefer 2D animation, in this age we live in where the technology is present. Well, Wolf Children is a perfect example. This is why I love 2D animation. There's charm, there's emotion, there's something so unique that 3D animation just can't achieve. I just prefer the old ways of animating. It's a beautiful art form.

Now to the movie itself, it's from the creators of the much beloved "Summer Wars", one of my favorite animés. However, this one just topped the list as the best movie I've ever watched, and not even counting in my top anime list, this is one of the best movies I've ever seen.

There's the story, there's the emotions, there's the beautifully crafted animation. What more can you ask for? I promise you, that this movie will change your life. I mean, seriously. It's been two weeks since I first saw Wolf Children and all I can ever think of is Wolf Children. I just can't get it off my mind. In fact, I'll watch it for the 16th time. I never get tired of it. It's original - it's suitable for everyone. The whole family can watch it, both kids and adults.

The ending left me wanting a sequel, and I really do hope they make one. I have a lot of ideas that could be cool. Oh well, while waiting I guess I'll write fan fiction of Wolf Children then. lol

Seriously, though. Watch it. You won't regret it.

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Gypsy 83 (2001)
Gypsy 83 is a fantastic, original and very unique movie
9 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First time I heard about Gypsy 83 was on a forum discussing the one and only Stevie Nicks. I decided to check out the trailer and see if it was any good. And my god, the trailer was horrible. Being the movie lover that I am I still decided to check it out and give it a shot. 10 minutes in and I was already hooked.

Gypsy 83 is one of the most original and amazing movies I've ever seen. The trailer simply didn't do it justice, which proves that you should NEVER judge a movie by it's trailer.

Gypsy 83 is basically a story about two good friends, Gypsy and Clive, and their friendship. One day they decide to go on a trip to Las Vegas, where a show called "Night of the thousand Stevies" takes place. Gypsy is encouraged to perform there. But she's also going there to visit her mother that left her the night when Gypsy was going to perform for school, that made her traumatized. On the way to LV, they face various problems and situations but that doesn't stop them from getting to "A Night of a Thousand Stevies."

So first of, what I gotta give the most credit to, is the actors. The chemistry between them is amazing and it feels like they really are the characters they're playing. It doesn't feel acted or fake at all. It's just real. The actors are really genuine and I'm impressed how passionate the actors are and also how much insight they have. This is the major great thing about the movie. What amazing actors! They show great enthusiasm and they're actually doing they're best to portray the characters and they're doing it right.

The plot of this movie is as original as it gets, and it's a heartwarming, but predictable (in a good way) plot. The script is very good and the dialog is strongly crafted to make sure it stays real and true to the plot. I swear you will not be able to hold your tears back or not relate to the characters - it's impossible not to! You laugh, cry, you get tears in your eyes and you just feel the characters emotions. This is thanks to the actors but also the very strongly written script. This movie, however, should be watched with patience. It's not a very fast movie in the beginning and while that is a good thing to me, some people may find it hard to catch interest to the story. But I promise you if you give it a chance and ignore the god awful trailer, you won't regret it. You'll be glued to the screen through the entire movie. And when it's over, you'll want to watch it again. And again. This is a movie EVERYBODY should watch. Because everything is so well done and this is really something special. It's probably one of the best drama movies I've every seen in my whole life. The only real issue I had with the movie was the music, it was out of place, annoying and a crappy soundtrack. However, this isn't such a big deal to me since the main plot, actors and scenery were great. This is a golden flick that you HAVE to watch at least once. It can't be missed!

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A fairly made fan movie, worth a watch if you're a fan of the original series!
2 March 2014
First off, you have to realize that this is a fan movie made of a very low budget and for what it is, it is an outstanding project!

As a major Star Wars fan I am very skeptical about fan films like these - but they pulled it off pretty nicely. Even though the obvious Swedish accents, bad acting, and failed green screen is a problem with this movie, it still executes and plays out quite nicely. And hey - It's a free movie too!

The story is kind of similar to the three first Star Wars movies, but in a completely different way. And as a major Star Wats fan I can say that i was mildly entertained and my interest in the story was pretty high. The script was very well written - even though it sometimes make you cringe because it's obvious it was written by Swedish people. I am not giving away any plot details or spoilers - go check it out for yourself.

As for the music, I think the soundtrack is quite nice and fits the moments pretty good. The CGI is awesome considering it's a low budget movie, just don't get any high expectations since it really isn't comparable to todays Hollywood movies. This movie took an amazing 9 years to make (!!!) since the movie has been post-poned and canceled multiple times. But the final result is pretty darn impressive.

However, there is a lot of things wrong with this movie that I can't skip complaining about. For example, the terrible accent and the god awful Green Screen / Chroma key effects. The acting is very mediocre, and you can hear the Swedish accents on most of the actors, and the words are not pronounced correctly. This, for me, is very annoying and really destroys a part of the movie that could have been much better. I must say some of them did a fairly good job on the English accents though. I just wish every actor had taken a course on how to speak proper English and pronounce the words the right way. Maybe a few acting classes too. About the green screen thing, it is understandable that they can't do as well as recent Hollywood movies, but the green screen is really, really, awful. It keeps on bugging me and I just can't stop thinking of the badly done chroma key. I think they should have taken more time to fix this as it becomes a very irritating part of the movie.

It was a fairly made movie and I did find it mildly amusing to watch. If you are a serious fan of the Star Wars movie you should not miss this. Hopefully, when the next Star Wars movie comes out 2015, Disney will not screw it up.

Threads of Fate is a far from perfect movie, but still delivers an amusing plot and some fairly good CGI and acting, even though most of them make you cringe. Considering this is a fan movie and a low budget one, this is done very well and I would say this is an amazing attempt even though the dialog and the actors are a bit so-so at times.

I admire that the creators of this movie made this movie and released it entirely for free making no profit of the movie at all, since they spent quite a lot of money for a fan film. This shows that there are passionate people out there that just want to please the fans and express their fandom.

7/10 stars.
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He's matured
19 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Justin Bieber is one of the most popular pop stars in the music industry right now. Millions of fans all around the world, 40+ million followers on Twitter and the most liked images on Instagram. He's over and over again topped the iTunes top lists and proceeds to be one of the most successful superstars of his age. Justin Bieber's Believe is the sequel directed by Jon Chu, to the first movie Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, directed by the same director. So, how is this different from the first movie you may ask? A lot. But haters fail to realize that, he's a talented kid that just followed his dream and it came true. Haters rate the movie even if they haven't seen it and that's why this movie gets a low score. This should be higher, but unfortunately, some immature and narrow minded haters keep on rating EVERYTHING that has to do with Justin Bieber a 1. It worries me that people these day can't do anything better than hate on someone that's got more success than they do. Bieber has grown up, he's matured. And the haters? They're still at the same kindergarten level, which is truly sad to think that people can be so childish. He's growing up, together with his beliebers, while haters are still at the age of five. Seriously, stating stuff like "He's gay" and "He can't sing, he has no talent" is getting really old these days. You know that the more you hate, the more Bieber don't care. And what's so amazing is that Justin actually keeps on doing what he loves, that he's doing so well with all the hate just flooding in, that's amazing. Many of you may have known that JB has been in a lot of so called "scandals" lately, (even though the "scandals" are just minor things), many of them being fake or just made up. Despite of all that, this guy keeps on going. And the beliebers keep on supporting him, which is truly amazing. In this movie, there's some inspiring words laid by this very young man, you notice how he's matured and that he takes responsibility for what he's done in his past. The cinematics are so beautifully done and edited, and I felt so much more work was made into this movie than the movie Never Say Never. What's the difference between the two? This movie explains a misunderstood Bieber that's growing up. It shows that he's matured and that he's ready to keep on going. An inspiring movie about a very young man who had dreams and made it happen. It's really worth a watch. Don't mind the haters who rate this movie as low as possible, see for youself and judge if you're a belieber or not. For beliebers, this is an absolute YES. It was a very fun experience, everyone was screaming and clapping their hands in the theater and we had a really good time. The laughs, the tears, and the goose bumps. Everything was just so touching. 9/10
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Rock of Ages (2012)
Rock of Ages tries too hard. A hit and miss musical that leaves you disappointed.
28 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This weeks movie is a rock opera-musical based on the hit Broadway musical with the same title.

Directed by the same director of the well known musical called "Hairspray", "Rock of Ages" is a both hit and miss movie musical. The casting is poorly chosen, as many of them only exceed in acting, while their singing is very poorly performed. However, many of the actors in this movie adaption sing quite fair, and I wouldn't call their singing bad, however, it's not so surprising. But is this really a worthy adaption of the hit Broadway musical? At some times, yes. Some times, no. It's a hit and miss. As mentioned before, the actors do a so-so performance when it comes to the vocals, but the acting is always solid and the dialog isn't bad at all. The vocals, however, is so auto tuned,(a sign that this musical is directed by the same person that directed Hairspray) that it feels more like "Glee". It actually sounds pretty much like "Glee", which does NOT fit well in a ROCK musical. This looses the feelings of Rock music, rock is meant to be clean and raw, not polished and corrected. However, this is understandable since some of the singers aren't really the best performers. You are given a movie with an almost great soundtrack, with lots of favorites like "I wanna rock", "We're not gonna take it", "I wanna know what love is", "I love Rock N' Roll" and many others. However, the soundtrack sometimes get a little too much out of the theme. Miley Cyrus does NOT fit in a rock musical. There's so many times in this movie that I cringed. The director tried too hard and as a result, you get disappointed. I actually had high hopes for this movie, maybe too high, since when the movie was over, I was highly disappointed. I've watched the Broadway musical, and I can tell you right now that It's so much better than this movie. It's sad because I wanted it to be as good as I hoped, but it failed. Tom Cruise plays this kind of weird, confused, and animalistic rock star called Stacey Jaxx, and does a very good job. You'd be surprised how good this guy actually can sing. Julianne Hough, playing the girl Sherrie, who just moved to L.A, is doing a fairly good job. However, her voice is overly auto-tuned, and there's probably a reason for that. I haven't heard her singing voice live, but judging from this movie, and that the director felt the need to auto-tune her voice that much, proves that her singing talents are limited. But hey, I might be wrong, since I haven't really heard her sing anywhere else but in this musical. Diego Boneta, playing Drew, a bartender and singer in the rock band "Van Colt", performs very well through the whole movie, with solid acting and a pretty good voice too, but I can't really judge his real singing ability, since this movie is overly auto tuned.

Despite the overly auto tuned effects, making it sound like Glee, the weirdly placed pop songs, and the awkward, unnecessary little moments you just want to skip, Rock of Ages is still a pretty good movie. You'll find yourself with a pretty interesting plot, singing along to the great soundtrack and the well acted characters, laughing and just having plain fun.

I can't really say If you're going to like the movie, or not, since this is only MY opinions. But if you're looking for a great time, with a lot of rock songs, you can probably rent this and enjoy every minute of it. This movie is not perfect - however, it's not bad either. So if you just want to have a good time with your favorite rock songs - watch it. But don't get your hopes up too much - since the staged performance is a hundred times better than the movie itself.

If you watched the staged performance - there's really no need to watch the movie. Since it probably will leave you disappointed.

What's my final score? Does Mr. Critic approve?

3/5, Mr Critic approves (For rental)!

Thank you!
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Jobs (2013)
A poorly made re-telling of a true visionary and inspiration
28 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So Hollywood finally did it. A full length biopic based on Steve Jobs. They really went there, didn't they? Making profit of a dead man. Good job! Was it any good? Meh. It was okay. But it felt like the director was as unmotivated as you could be. First of all, this shouldn't be called jOBS. Why? Because this is mostly about APPLE, not Jobs. If you read the biographic book, you can see that there's so much left out here. It's focused on APPLE. With Steve Jobs at the side. but it's all made with the wrong intentions. Not to inform people about Jobs life, not to make an amazing tribute to the one and only true visionary. Hell, the director probably didn't know anything about this guy and his company and just googled it, copied it and wrote a crappy script. There's so many scenes that are inaccurate and wrong, some scenes never even happened. Yes, Steve was an a**hole sometimes. We all know that. But that was what drove Apple to the wealth they have today. Apple wouldn't have come so far if it wasn't for Steve's egoism and visions. This movie did a good job at portraying Steve, they weren't too easy on him, they actually showed his bad sides, his egoism, when he actually was an a**hole. But instead of balancing between good and being an a**hole, they just went, well, full a**hole. And this wasn't the case. I never met Steve, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't like that all the time. However, this movie is inspirational. Because it encourages you to never give up on your dreams, your visions. To make the impossible, well, possible. Steve did that. (With the help of some other people like Wozniak.) But the script, well, isn't really well written and if you're an Apple fanatic, have read the book about Jobs and Apple, watched documentaries and such, you're going to feel like this movie is a waste of time. I am an apple fanatic. I love Apple stuff. There were so many inaccuracies in this movie, I cringed a lot. But it's all entertainment. So, If you're an apple nerd or at least interested in technology and the history of tech, this movie will entertain you. But if you're not interested, You'll probably think this movie is boring. It's not an awful movie, but It's not good either. Is it worth the watch? If you have time over and has the interest in computers and tech. Otherwise, no.

Ashton Kutcher does look a lot like Steve, but fails to act like him. Don't get me wrong - Kutchers acting is pretty good. But it does NOT fit Jobs role. even though Kutcher nailed Jobs very weird way of walking - creds to him for that.
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So Undercover (2012)
An average teenage-movie
7 May 2013
So, you gotta lower your expectations for this one. It's a Movie that's obviously made for teenagers aged 10-19. Miley Cyrus performance in this Movie was good, her acting is pretty well, even though sometimes she's underacting and sometimes overacting she still does a pretty good job. So Undercover is not much of an action Movie, more of a Comedy and mostly a drama. LOL was a good Movie, but it had no story. This one has, and i gotta say i was entertained even though i'm a guy. For this Movie i Think it's mostly a chick-flick but teenage boys can also watch this Movie. It's a Movie for all genders. And i Think teenagers will have a great time, while more adult individuals will Think this Movie is lame. But that's what this Movie is made for, teenagers. So you gotta turn off ur brain for a while and just enjoy the Movie.
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Great time for beliebers!
24 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So, i'm a boybelieber and i've been watching documentaries about Justin and i think i listen to his music about 4-5 hours everyday. And i can tell you that this is not a documentary for non-beliebers, it's really for the fans. And the rating on this movie is too low. But since non- fans are rating this too this gets a pretty low score. I personally had a blast watching this documentary, but what you gotta know is this doesn't really tell much about his personal life, it's more how he has it with the fans and traveling "All around the world". If you want to know more about his personal life, i recommend you watch "Never Say Never", also a great movie for the fans. It's a really inspiring movie about a boy who followed his dreams and got so much success. He is now one of the fastest selling artists here when it comes to selling tickets to concerts etc. Justin Bieber has helped me a lot through my life and i love his music and his personality.

This is a great experience for BELIEBERS. And that's what it's meant to be for. Not others. I think it's a shame it got such a low rating just because non-fans and haters rate this movie too. Some even do it without even watching the movie.

If ur a belieber, WATCH THIS. If not, you should just ignore this one.
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Great fan film!
23 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big Legend of Zelda fan, and i've played a lot of them games. The very few fan films that are available right now isn't so great, i've watched them all, and i didn't hate them but i didn't like it that much either. This, however, is a different story. I totally got sucked into it. It was like watching in an cinema. I could, of course, see that they had problems with color correction and efx due to the low budget they had, but thanks to a lot of the actors they managed to do they're best with CGI and visual fx, some of the actors worked for free voluntarily. Everyone was treated good under production, they ate food together and so on.

Now, to the movie it self. I loved it personally, and comparing it to another fan film : The Hero of Time, this one is much more well done. Of course, the budget in here is bigger than in Hero of Time and they also used a better camera in this movie. However, this movie has it's own little story while The hero of Time is based entirely on the original story. So it's nice to see that the writers went a little creative to create a story of their own and of course it's much nicer to see something new, otherwise you'll just get bored with the same old story.

The fx were pretty good, nothing really amazing but it's OK for a budget film like this and it's much better than Hero of Time's fx even though they had a tight budget, so for that, it's pretty OK.

Music were awesome, they picked great instrumentals and such that worked great in the movie. Loved it.

Acting was a little so-so, not everyone was very good at acting but also many of them tried they're best and they did a pretty good job, so it's OK.

Storyline is great, it keeps you glued to your computer screen the entire movie. I actually watched the whole movie directly without any pauses, toilet breaks what so ever. It's a pretty long movie, and that's great, i love long movies, the long movies usually has more stories to tell.

CGI were pretty good, there was a triforce scene entirely in CGI which was pretty okay, i mean it's not a Hollywood quality CGI, but it's good for being a fan film!

If you are a real Zelda fan, you should definitely NOT miss this one out, no zelda fan should miss this at all, it's an amazing addition to my Zelda collection, and i already made my own cover and printed it and burnt the movie on a DVD, it's awesome!

Take yourself time and watch it, i liked it, it's high quality. And as for Hero of Time, i hated that they needed to pair Zelda with Link, i don't know why i just didn't like that..... In Sage of Darkness they aren't. Which is great for me, i don't know about you guys but i say it's great!

hmm, hard one, i'll give it an 7 out of 10! Great fan film.
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Great feel-good movies, one of the best french movies.
22 March 2013
So, i saw this movie in french class. And i don't regret i did. It's got to be one of the best french movies i've ever watched. It's a really great feel-good movie. It's full of laughs, tears and emotions beyond anything. And i'm really impressed, as this is Omar's first lead role in acting, he played it off really well, not just in the funny parts, but as well in the emotionally acted parts. This is defentily a movie i would watch over and over again and recommend to all my friends. Definitely one of the best french movies i've seen in a while. I'm so glad i saw it. You should too. Everythings good. The storyline, the screenplay and the directing. The acting is great as well, and the humor would probably go well in all countries, not just France. It's worth a watch and deserves an 8!
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Amazing piece of art!
16 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that this movie is an amazing piece of art. It had me shedding tears, i really cried when the movie had ended. I am a really big fan of musical and dramas, and i was not disappointed AT ALL. This movie is worth the money, it's worth the time. I must say though, that those who do not like musicals or music should stay away from this one, as there's music through the whole damn movie. That's right, there's almost no dialogue. However, it works very well even though there are only a few lines of dialogues in the whole movie. Musical lovers should absolutely watch this, and especially if you liked the original staged Les Miserables musical on theatre.

So, let's get on with my review. I warn you, this has spoilers. Watch the movie first if you don't want spoilers.

Les Miserables is a wonderful story about a man named Jean Valjean, who once stole a piece of bread to save one of his family members because they were starving. For that, he got 5 years in prison. However, Jean Valjean escaped before his prison time was done, so he got another 10 years for that. He gets released and meets a priest at a church, treating Jean like his own brother, giving him shelter for the night and food to eat. Jean steals silver, and the police caught him, takes him back to the priest. But the priest asked them to release him, and told them he gave Jean the silver. But he had one condition, that he may use it only for good and for God.

Years later Jean has broken his parole. He disappeared, he got a nice makeover and changed his name. He is now the mayor of the town and owns a factory. There works a woman called Fantine. She has a child and her husband left them empty handed. Her child now lives with an mean inkeeper.

The colleges fight with Fantine about a secret letter, and the foreman catches them. Therefore Fantine gets left out on the street with no job at all, begging for mercy. What the mayor doesn't know...

She is desperate for money to her child, so she sells her hair, two of her teeth, and lets a man have his way with her. She doesn't get much, though. One of the men in town gets on to her and tries to touch her, resulting in Fantine slapping him blooded. He then makes up a fake story for the police, and of course have evidence on his face.

The Mayor (Jean) the appears and asks what happened. He overheard that she had a sick child and begged the guards to let her go. The mayor then found out what his company did to her, so he swore to help her. He took her to a hospital. But unfortunately, she later dies. On her deathbed, Jean promised Fantine that he would take care of her child.

This is where it gets interesting, Sacha Baron Cohen is one of the inkeepers. It all breaks out in a very funny musical number and he does it all very well (although, he isn't really a singer). Jean finds the child, called Cosette. And gives the inkeepers 1500 franc for giving her to him. The funny thing is Sacha always mispronounce Cosette's name, like Colette or Chasette.

Javert (the towns police) have found out who the mayor really is, Jean Valjean, who break his parole. Which is a very serious crime, so he is now chasing after him. That's why Jean has to hide with the girl. He goes to a church seeking for help. He got a place to live with Cosette.

Years later, when Cosette has grown up, the french revolution is about to start. A young man called Marius, falls in love when he sees Cosette. But he can't really be with her because he has to stick with his group of friends who all is for the French revolution. He sends one last letter, before he may die, to Cosette and Jean sees it. He realises he has to help him, because it's her only and true love.

This is a really beautiful movie and musical, it's all put together well, together with amazing performances from Hugh Jackman, Russel Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Eddie Redmayne and Amanda Seyfried with beautiful voices and amazing emotions that makes you feel the characters emotions and situations. It is all beautifully put together with great cinemotagraphy and amazing songs(49!!!). The movie is 2 and a half hours, and i gotta say i enjoyed every minute of them. I've watched it like 5 times now, and i'm planning to see it many more times. It's just an amazing movie. Cheers to the director and the amazing actors in this movie who played it off really well.

What can i say more? Watch it yourself, judge it yourselves. You won't be disappointed. It's a wonderful but sad story taking place in France when the time where hardest and when the french revolution took place. So, my final score for this movie is 9 out of 10. It's really that great, and i'm wondering why this hasn't got more than just a 7,4 out of 10? I think it deserves an 8! I haven't seen ANY movie on IMDb that has a 10, the highest i've seen being 9,3.

Watch it, enjoy it, feel it. Cry. Laugh. Enjoy the music. You won't be sorry you did!
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Huge improvement over the first three movies!
27 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, when i heard they were doing a reboot, my thoughts were mixed. It could be one of those huge Hollywood flops, or it could be an improvement to the three movies. It took me some time to get used to the fact, and today i just went for it and watched it.

Many of my friends were critical against this movie, saying it would never work. However, being a huge fan of the spider-man comics AND the three first movies, i loved this reboot! It was a perfect start for a reboot i would say, and i hope we will be seeing more of Andrew Garfield as Spiderman in the future.

This movie was more well-thought of than the other three movies starring Toby Maguire as Spiderman. And i got completely sucked into it. I could not get my eyes off screen. And the CGI was beautifully made, it was very detailed and you can notice that the CGI was not left out.

I won't tell you much about this movie, you have to go see it yourself, then judge it by yourself. My thoughts were that this was an excellent improvement over the old Spider-Man movies. Of course, that's just my own opinion. But i say that it's worth the time and money to watch.

I have to say that there are some let downs in this movie that were in the first three movies though. I won't go into detail, watch it yourself and you will see what i mean.

And i love that they skipped Mary Jane and went for Gwen instead. Ugh, i don't know why, but i hate MJ.

Anyhow, my point is that this is a huge improvement and is a movie that you definitely should not miss, it's a really good movie.

There are some flaws in this movie, but yet i have not seen a movie that does not have any flaws. But i enjoyed it, i really got sucked in to the story and the way they told the characters stories. It was an amazing experience for me seeing the Spider Man series finally getting on good feet. Again, this is just MY OPINION, and i suggest you to watch it yourself and judge it. For me, it's an clear 8 out of 10!
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