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Should be required viewing in high school history.
9 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Our racist history is brought to light in this documentary about black veterans returning from WWII (one in particular) and brutal reception they were given. The "police" were instrumental in enforcing Jim Crow and white southerners were threatened by black veterans who had helped defeat fascism and experienced little racism in Europe. Two couples were murdered for voting.

The documentary shows how the NAACP with future Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall used media and Orson Welles to bring light to these injustices.

This is the kind of thing republicans don't want taught. It might make white kids sad. And shows the racist history of policing in this country.
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Prescient psychological film
12 August 2022
Poitier and Darin provide great performances as a psychologist and an American Nazi. My only issue is with Darin being considered crazy when really he's just a racist.
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Sisterhood in the Apocalypse
6 July 2022
A story of two sisters trying to survive when the power goes out country wide. Well acted, the sisters learn to trust and depend on one another. No as for the cool house in the woods? It fell apart faster than a IKEA furniture left outside.
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Virgin River (2019– )
Two episodes in ....
19 June 2022
Decent show with a similar plot to Heart of Dixie. The same actor even plays older doctor. It's about a woman from L. A. (instead of HoDs NY) who moves to a small town to work with the older doctor.
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Conspiracy and paranoia
15 February 2022
Storylines are pretty great this season. Especially dealing with awful executives. Some folks are apparently upset about a woman with ridiculous theories about the Covid vaccine.
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The Neighborhood: Welcome to the Family (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
History hurts sometimes
25 September 2021
This episode deals with the real history of systemic racism in our country and how black and other minorities were kept from building generational wealth. Apparently some folks can't handle reality and history.
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A Million Little Things: Listen (2021)
Season 3, Episode 13
Best episode of the season
27 May 2021
In the wake of George Floyd's murder and the following protests the friends discuss racism and their experiences. A very emotional and personal episode. Apparently a lot of racists didn't like this episode but I really don't see them liking this "liberal show" anyway.
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All American: The Bigger Picture (2021)
Season 3, Episode 11
Systemic racism is real
3 May 2021
A lot of folks giving this episode a bad review because it tackles a real issue. I can't believe these people are surprised. This show has been dealing with it for awhile. I find it hard to believe that this is the episode that upset them so much.
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Powerful episode
26 April 2021
Tracing the struggles of a restaurant during Covid and how the police can handle someone on their worst day. If not for Olivia's actions things would have turned bad quickly.
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Grey's Anatomy: Sign O' the Times (2021)
Season 17, Episode 12
Reality isn't always nice
26 April 2021
A lot of idiots giving this one star. It must suck for these morons since most of the cop and hospital shows deal with the reality of Covid, racism and police brutality. Oh and Natural Selection in real time.
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Dealing with a real issue in tech
15 February 2021
This show has always dealt with bias issues in tech (women) but suddenly they bring up race and folks are so upset. If bringing up a real problem in tech is so upsetting crawl back under your rock.
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Pull the stick out
5 February 2021
Once again Choi is so frustratingly uptight. Other than his annoyance a great episode.
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S.W.A.T.: Crusade (2021)
Season 4, Episode 8
Shame more Nazis weren't injured
29 January 2021
Dealing with a relevant topic these days, the team goes after white supremacists. Apparently some viewers feel that the show is attacking them. Says more about them than the show.
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Grey's Anatomy: No Time for Despair (2020)
Season 17, Episode 6
I guess some folks can't handle a realistic show
24 December 2020
Judging from some of the reviews I guess folks want fantasy. There's plenty to watch in that regard. Grey's is more realistic than ever this season. Meredith seeming ok and then backtracking is exactly what happens to some Covid patients. The stress the doctors are under and being pissed off that some folks won't take this virus seriously. Oh and what Maggie said is correct as well. So get over yourselves and watch some fantasy show if that's what you want but this show is great.
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Chicago P.D.: Fighting Ghosts (2020)
Season 8, Episode 1
Dealing with BLM
13 November 2020
Great at showing both the difficulty that cops face and the systemic problems with the blue line. The police need to be held accountable but are sometimes hamstrung by situations. Oh and it definitely triggered some racists that think it's ok for the cops to beat folks indiscriminately.
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American Experience: The Poison Squad (2020)
Season 32, Episode 4
The beginning of the regulatory state. Thank God.
23 April 2020
Next time a republican talks about deregulation make them watch this.

Chemist Dr. Harvey Wiley learns what food processors are putting in their products. Beginning with milk products regulation begins in the United Shhhates.
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Promising, better than expected
26 March 2020
There's a lot in this first episode. They could've staggered this over several episodes but I guess they wanted to get to the point of the whole show. They really should have spent more time on the actual "council" members. As for the show being overly woke or pushing some agenda, I really don't see it. If you do it says more about y'all than the show.
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Motherland: Fort Salem (2020–2022)
Ambitious production
23 March 2020
This show is pretty epic for Freeform. It looks like it has potential. Apparently it's pissing off the incel crowd so that's a plus. Witches, the military in a matriarchal society.
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Interesting, strange and hopeful
3 March 2020
This is a fun show. A guy who lives a basic drab life breaks out of his comfort zone and goes on a kind of scavenger hunt and finds a kind of personal magic. Of course there are some bad reviews from the basics out there but if you like shows that are unique give it a try.
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Maybe the best of the year
15 February 2020
I don't know if this was ripped from the headlines but it's certainly concerning. The power immigration officials have over folks looking for green cards. A great episode with several turns. A classic SVU.
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Tommy (2020)
Just watch Faux losers.
9 February 2020
I'm tired of shows getting bad ratings because of butt hurt trumplicans. Get over it and just watch Faux News. They can't stand any show that has women in power, minorities and LBGTQ in prominent roles. Oh and anything that shows sympathy for undocumented immigrants. For these reasons Deputy, the new 911 and this show among others gets bad reviews. I doubt most of these people watched past the first few minutes. Anyway it's about the first woman police chief of LA. It looks intriguing so far.
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Deputy: 10-8 Black & Blue (2020)
Season 1, Episode 5
Maybe the best episode yet.
31 January 2020
This show continues to impress. A deputy's friend is arrested for murder but the deputy is sure he is innocent and asks the sheriff for help.
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9-1-1: Lone Star (2020– )
Episode two was way better
21 January 2020
The pilot left something to be desired but the in the second one the show starts to find its footing. It's not as good as the original yet but it could get there. Apparently it's pissing off a lot bigots and homophobes so that's a plus.
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Deputy (2020)
Kinda like if Dirty Harry got to be the boss.
12 January 2020
Pretty enjoyable show about a rogue deputy who becomes the sheriff in LA county. He bends the rules and breaks others to get the job done. You'd think that republicans would love the bad ass sheriff but.....All the hate seems to be from some bigots that that don't like that the sheriff isn't into helping round up undocumented immigrants. Actual police understand that if they participate it'll make their job harder.
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Party of Five (2020)
Much better than I expected.
12 January 2020
This new version follows the original with the exception of the parents being deported instead of dying. I didn't expect it to be this good. I know that it triggers the bigots but they are a very sensitive lot. If you're not an AH and enjoyed the original you'll like this one.
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