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A painful, predictable slog
6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
With only 33 ratings so far, this film has an 8.7 rating. I fully expect that number to plummet as more people see this film. It starts out fine, with Duchovny delivering surprisingly well in his role as a backwoods survivalist with a big heart. But once the main catalyst of the plot happens, the focus turns to young Adam, and that's where things fall off the cliff. I'm sure the actor is a fine young man, and his good looks will appeal to many, but his performance is absolutely flat. While several of the shots are quite beautiful, the overall direction and cinematography are very heavy handed, like completing the workbook assignments out of a Film101 class. The music is grating at times, the editing harsh, the dialog very stiff. The plot itself is just a series of vignettes with no connecting thread - nothing that Adam experiences or learns affects anything that comes later. I thought the heavy-handed "father figure" montage was the about as bad as this film could get, but then came the incredibly ridiculous seminar scene. The icing on the cake is one of the most excruciating camera shots I've ever sat through: a solid 2+ minutes s-l-o-w-l-y p-a-n-n-i-n-g across a diner full of people who are doing absolutely nothing but staring at a character who is off screen for 95% of the time. And finally, the big reveal at the end was telegraphed within the first five minutes of the movie, so there was no emotional payoff.

I can appreciate what the writer/director was going for, but what he's delivered falls far, far short of the mark. Skip this one.
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The Outwaters (2022)
Over hyped vanity project
10 February 2024
Robbie: " Hey guys! Wanna make a horror movie im the desert?"

Cast: "Sure! What's it about?"

Robbie: " I dunno, maybe something about us making a video in the desert "

Cast: "Ooooo! What a concept. Very meta. Can we see the script?"

Robbie: "No script, well just make it up as we go."

***weeks of filming later***

Cast: " This has been kinda fun, but when do we film the scary bits?"

Robbie: "Ummm...."

Cast: "Y' know there's other stuff we could be doing. Do you still need us?"

Robbie: "Nah, it's cool. I have a flashlight and 200 gallons of red corn syrup. I can finish the last part without you."

Cast: "Great! You're the best, Robbie! Oh, by the way, what's the scary part actually about?"

Robbie: "See, that's the funny thing, I still have no clue. I figure I'll just use my world class shaky-cam technique to film a bunch of random stuff in close up, throw some of that corn syrup around and light everything with only this tiny flashlight. After, I'll add some random screeches and moaning, then slice it all together using a D20 to decide the shot sequence. I'm sure somebody will find a way to read meaning into it and they'll praise me as the newest horror auteur."

Cast: "Good for you, Robbo! You keep dreaming the dream. Oh, and when you're ready to make another movie, please lose our numbers."
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Role Play (I) (2024)
Well, I guess it could have been worse
13 January 2024
This is basically a gender swap of Mark Wahlburg's "Family Plan", but without the same level of humor or action. The lead actors are fine, the action sequences are well done but waaaay too short. The story is predictable, the humorous bits garner a chuckle at best. It's great to see Kaley branch out, but this doesn't come close to her performance in "Flight Attendant" on Apple TV. I think she deserves a bigger audience, and I'll continue waiting for her to find that true breakout role so she'll no longer just be Penny from The Big Bang Theory. As others have said, it makes for some fine background noise, but ultimately is pretty forgettable.
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The Odds (2018)
Know what you're getting
13 June 2023
If you're a gore-hound or formula-junkie, stay away, this movie is not for you. But if you like a more cerebral film with a side order of viscera, check this one out. Yes, it can be a little predictable, and the ending is not totally unexpected. But the script is overall quite strong, and you can find some deeper meaning if you want to look for it (eg, how some men manipulate women into staying in abusive relationships). If nothing else, watch and appreciate the performances from the two lead actors. You'll be hard pressed to find performances this strong in most other genre films. A solid outing for the right audience.
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The Woman (I) (2011)
Decent horror, awful soundtrack
6 May 2022
I agree with most of the other 5-6-7 star reviews. Read those for an idea of what you're in for. But dang, that "soundtrack" is terrible. Rather than using music that elevate the scenes, the film forces us to listen to entire songs -wuth lyrics - at almost every turn, and those songs have little to do with what's happening on screen. Like the director took a demo tape from his buddy's garage band and said "Sure, this'll do". Really the weakest part of the movie.
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Chronicle (2012)
Surprisingly better than expected
20 March 2022
What starts as yet another found-footage horror film, turns into an effective rumination on power, friendship, loyalty, duty and sacrifice. Some of the early setup scenes are a bit clunky, and the three leads start off as pretty flat, stereotypical characters: the popular jock, the nerd, the All American Boy. But once the main premise is established, the film really finds its footing. We watch the characters grow in a believable way as they feel their way through the extent of their discovery, how it effects each of them personally, and how their relationships with each other change over time. Some might find the ending a bit of a trope, but I found it effective. Give this one a chance, it may surprise you!
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Tread (2019)
Moving story, lost in the 24-hour news cycle
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a moving, tragic story of one man's fight against perceived wrongs. We first hear his side of the story through interviews and a series of cassette tapes he recorded, and later learn more from the other people effected. Was he truly a man pushed to his limits by a corrupt good-old-boy's township council, or a man deluded by his fervent belief that he was doing God's will? There's no doubt you'll have your own opinion by the end, and I'd love to hear which side people come down on. In any other era, this would be a story that everyone remembers, but it was (sadly?) overshadowed by the death of Ronald Reagan the day after it happened. It's worth revisiting in these times of "who can you trust when everyone is lying" media coverage. Well worth a watch.
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Hellbender (2021)
Family hobbies are awesome
10 March 2022
On it's surface, it's a decent supernatural "coming of age" story of a young girl, raised in isolation by her doting mother, who slowly learns of her true nature. It's a slow burn, with steadily increased tension as the pacing ramps up to a suitably bloody and chilling close. Extremely nice camera work and visuals and decent acting, even with some fairly clunky dialog. The soundtrack - with songs performed by the characters - are impressively good for the genre. But the real standout aspect of this film is that the three female leads and one secondary male character are an actual family: The father, John Adams, wife Toby Poser, and daughters Zelda and Lulu Adams. John, Toby and Zelda are listed as writers/directors. John composed the songs which apparently Zelda and Toby performed (though I'm not certain on that part, it could have been dubbed). This is a real family effort, and they are to be admired for it. I can only imagine what fun this crew has making these movies, and hope they continue. They have a real knack for the genre, and are a lot of fun to watch.
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Not quite as advertised
21 February 2022
Full disclosure: I'm a huge Springsteen fan, going back to the Wild/Innocent days. His music - some of it great, some of it not so much - has followed me through most of my life, and is a touchstone for countless memories. I've only seen him live 4 times (that's not much by Springsteen standards) so I was psyched to finally get to peek behind the creative curtain and witness the recording of "Letter to You".

To call this a documentary is fairly misleading. Yes, it features behind-the-scenes footage of the recording sessions, interspersed with voice-over montages featuring old clips and photos. There are some snippets of Bruce teaching the band the basic structure of the new songs, a few false starts as they rehearse, some give and take with the recording engineers and musicians about how the song should go, sharing memories about growing up, etc. And that's all really good stuff.

But when they get to the actual songs, what we see and hear are not the same. We SEE clips of the band playing live, but we HEAR the released/mixed version of the song from the CD. Sometimes this works - especially when it focuses on Bruce singing ("One Minute You're Here" is absolutely riveting) - but other times the disconnect is just jarring. Max's drum hits and cymbal crashes are often totally out of sync. Stevie and Nils are playing riffs that don't look anything like what we hear. This doesn't happen all the time. Some tracks are pretty close to being in sync, but other times it's so out of sync you're taken totally out of the song. Once I noticed, I couldn't stop looking for it, which spoiled the enjoyment for me. A few times I just closed my eyes so I could listen to the music undistracted.

I'm glad I watched it for the "real" parts, but overall disappointed at the rest. I would have much preferred raw, unmixed live versions of these deeply moving songs. It's too bad, this could have been a real revelation into the creative process.
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KINO - Kingsman In Name Only
9 January 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed the first two films in this franchise, and have been looking forward to this preqel for a long time. Sadly, while it is from the pen and camera of Matthew Vaugh, it has almost none of the appeal of those earlier films. The story is convoluted and the pacing is dreadfully slow. There is none of the humor I expected, and only a few hints at the highly stylized action sequences that made the first two so fun. As for characters, Conrad drew only mild sympathy, Shola had hints of greatness, and Rasputin was comic-book villain at his best, but the rest of the cast fell flat. If this has been the first film of the franchise, I doubt I would have had any interest at all in the others. Taken on it's own I guess it's a fine middle-of-the-road action flick, but if you're expecting a Kingsman movie, you'll probably be disappointed.
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Lamb (2021)
Seriously, no one else has noticed this yet????
12 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a wonderful movie, challenging in the way almost every other A24 movie is. It is certainly open to a wide range of interpretations. But so far, I haven't seen anyone else discussing this amazing parallel to another "story", and I think it's vital to a full understanding of the film.

Be warned: major spoilers follow. I'll add some space so you can scroll down.

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. I won't pretend to understand the full signifigance of these points, and they certainly aren't perfect parallels, but there are far too many to just be coincidence. This film has major parallels with the Christ story in the New Testament. To wit: The story opens on Christmas Eve The child is born in a manger The child mother is Maria (Mary) The child has a dual nature (human/sheep vs human/divine) The child struggles with it's duality The childs essential "purpose" is to bring love into the world (ok, that's a stretch...) The child has a follower named Peter, who goes out into the world to spread it's message (yeah, that's an even bigger stretch) The child is taken back "home" by it's true Father.

And in the final shot of the film, the grief stricken Maria/Mary ....raises her eyes to heaven, as of asking Good why her child was taken from her.

So, am I nuts here? Can someone help put all this into perspective, and provide some insight into the deeper meaning of this amazing film?
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The Call (VIII) (2020)
It's ok the miss this call
16 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What a mess. Basically a Goosebumps story tweaked with some cussin' n killin'. It's fairly well made, some nice camera work and lighting, but all the attempts at creepy visuals have been done before. Shaye and Bell are wasted here, maybe they did this as a favor? And speaking of favors, did someone owed the costume girl a favor? Other than changing up Tonya's clothes and hair, there was absolutely no reason for this to be set in the 80s. There was nothing else 80's about this. Even the core concept of "buried with a phone" would have made more sense in a contemporary setting. What, they had the local Telco run a landline to her grave?!?! C'mon! I say let this mess go to voice mail, then delete it without listening.
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Straight Up Awful
14 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You know those movies that get really bad reviews, but you watch anyway and think "Well, it wasn't THAT bad." This movie is proof that sometimes, they really are THAT bad. The story is lame, takes forever to get moving. The characters redefine flat. The lead, Brad (aka, dude-that-looks-kinda-like-Michael J Fox), delivers his lines with all the dramatic passion of the guy that takes your order at 2:00am at the Taco Bell drive thru. His buddy, whose name I've already forgotten just 5 minutes after watching this mess, looks like a stunt double for Paul Blart, Mall Cop, and has all the acting chops of a high school AV Club president. The bromance between them is cringe-worthy: watching them roll around in a pile of leaves after a piggy back ride (no, I'm not kidding) make the Hobbit reunion scene in LotR seem hardcore. At points, it tries to be funny, but the jokes don't work, and I've seen better gore effects at the Halloween store. And can someone please explain WTF was going on with the girl in the bathtub taping bottles (of piss???) to her hands. Maybe the only redeeming value would be the music, if you like that style of punk. Short of that, don't waste your time.
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What happens in Vegas...I didn't really care.
16 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
***Possible mild spoilers ahead ***I had such high hopes for this one. The slow-pacing of the first act promises something more than the typical two-dimensional characters, but it never pays off. When the action finally starts, it's just a sequence of events - this happens then that happens then something else happens. None of the character choices are driven by their backstories, they just do things to move things along to the next set piece. The pacing if awful. Just when the action gets up some steam, we pause for extended, quiet dialog scenes that add nothing to the story. Arguably the two most intiguing characters - the zombie leader and his...girlfriend? Are given no backstory at all. The action pieces are shot well enough, but nothing is all that original or memorable. The dialog is cringe worthy in a typical Zack Snyder way. The musical choices try too hard to be clever (Elvis singing "We're caught is a trap...", the Cranberries classic song "Zombie"...) are just too on the nose to be amusing. Overall the movie is waaaay too long. By the time we hit the 2-hour mark (with another half hour to go!) I had given up caring about any of the charavters and just wanted them to drop the nuke already so I could get on with my life. Snyder fanboys will no doubt love it, as is evident by all the 9 and 10 star reviews, but for the rest of us, this one is easily skipped.
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The good parts are great, the rest, not so much.
1 March 2021
This was a very good horror film, except where it wasn't. It could have been so much better with a more coherent plot and satisfying ending. Definitely worth watching for the acting, cinematography, sound design. It will absolutely creep you out in some places. The overwhelming dread builds slowly to a crescendo, but then it's just kinda over, and you're left wondering if it was worth it after all. If you're a horror fan, definitely watch it, but be prepared to feel a bit disappointed when it's over.
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Downrange (2017)
Love it or hate it, it's all in the ending
11 January 2021
Is it horror?? Not really. Is it action packed? Erm...I guess. Is it suspenseful? Mildly. The characters are weak, stupid, and generally unlikable. Seriously, how many people does it take to change a frickin' tire? At one point it looks like the dude is actually trying to remove the tire from the rim. I mean WT-Entire-F??? The plot is simple, the effects are acceptable. As we near the end, it seems like it'll be a total waste of time. But then, the end happens. And I loved it. In just those few seconds, this went from 2-3 stars to a solid 6 stars. It's worth the watch if you have a mildly sick sense of humor and appreciation for irony.
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Hunter Hunter (2020)
Two ideas, forced to mate
1 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like the premise of this movie, and while it has some well done sequences, it ultimately fails. The writer tries too hard to merge the straight survival story with the revenge story, and they just don't get along. I get it, the wolf is a metaphore for the deranged killer, but the idea is so force-fed that it looses its effectiveness. I'd love to see either the second half of the wilderness survival movie, or the first half of the maniac in the woods movie, but the way the two are grafted together just falls flat for me.
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Revenge (II) (2017)
Decent effort, actress has potential
3 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The title says all you need to know about the plot. well filmed, well acted. how she survives is totally unrealistic, as is her unexpected weapons expertise. the final showdown goes on way too long - they're literally running in circles - but still a satisfying watch. the actress is one to keep an eye on - she shows decent chops given the limited material.
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Better than I expected
19 November 2020
I watched this just because it was free on my XFinity account. Knowing nothing about it, I expected it to be pretty cheesy, but was surprised by how cleverly it was done. I appreciated that it was more than just "I gotta find my sister" - the B plot involving her was just as compelling as the main plot. I understand that a few months ago they announced funding for an oft-rumored and well-overdue sequel - if they can keep the creative team intact, it should be a winner.
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Coherence (2013)
For a good time, watch this!
19 November 2020
It's a simple premise, well acted, with some satisfying twists and turns. You can enjoy it just for the surface story, or you can really dig in to what's going on and try to unravel the paradoxes, if that's your thing. Not nearly as complex as something like "Primer", but a fun ride nonetheless.
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A preview of things to come???
28 October 2020
Very good take on the standard exorcism flick. The lead actress does a great job flipping between human and demon, and the two male leads deliver fine performances as well. The plot has some holes, of course, but if you can ignore those and just go with it you'll have a good time. One of the scariest parts is the footage over the closing credits - with just 6 days to go until the election in the US, it feels like a preview of news reports we'll be seeing a week from now.
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A nice Halloween treat
27 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another in a long line of found-footage horror, this one lands squarely in the middle of the pack. Not awesome - most of the "tricks" have been done before - but not awful either - adding the YouTube and news footage helps break up the typical found-footage monotony. The reveal of what happened in the basement is a little murky, visually, but if you've paid attention to the exposition you'll understand what happened, and the little twist at the end seeems forced and unnecessary. But the mood throughout is acceptably creepy, especially for a Halloween-season quick watch, and the clowns steal the show. If you don't like found-footage in general this won't change your mind, but otherwise a decent watch.
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Blood Quantum (2019)
Yes for concept, no for execution
21 October 2020
I wanted to like it more than I did. Strong beginning, interesting concept, but it started dragging after about 30 minutes, and I just couldn't get reinvested. The characters are pretty stiff, the story has potential, but overall it felt like a long, bad episode of Walking Dead. The plot twist with the brother wasn't a bad idea, but by that time I really didn't care what happened to any of the characters.
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Rubber (2010)
What? Aw, hell no! Hold up... Huh? Oh, OK!
19 October 2020
Sal predicted your reaction to this movie perfectly. If all these thoughts don't go through your head, you're not paying attention. This film presents itself as one thing, then subverts, twists and contorts itself until you realize the chaotic "nonsense" makes more sense than you ever could have expected. Watch this movie and hate it, that's fine, and not an unreasonable reaction. Watch this movie and love it, also acceptable. Watch and be confused, bewildered, annoyed, tickled, entertained, bored, inspired, amused, befuddled, any or all of the above. But by all means, watch this movie.
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A wild ride
19 October 2020
Take a simple concept and execute it perfectly - that's what this film does. Trapped on a trail full of zombies, a father fights to keep his daughter safe. The action is non stop, the acting is impressive, there's just the right amount of humor mixed in to ease the tension, and they manage to pull off a satisfying, touching ending. You won't regret watching this.
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