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Toronto Rocks (2003 TV Movie)
Stones just keep Rollin' (and Rockin')
24 April 2007
I bought this purely on the strength of the Stones being on stage with ACDC. Both their acts just blew me away. After having viewed it several times and, each time picking up just a little bit more, I have come to realise that this is one great concert overall. Dan Ackroyd and James Belushi blend in like leftovers from the 60's and the other standouts for me were the Guess Who. As it is we don't get to see the entire concert but these guys should do this more often. As for the Stones, this is as good as it gets with any of their post 2000 concerts- nostalgic yet professional, rock solid and rollin, and above all, 4 timeless musos defying nature with their brand of rock and roll. ACDC are just like a bottle of red wine and just keep getting better with age. Onya'Angus and Keith, keep on rockin'.
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Even if he is "The Old Man Down The Road" he's still "Rockin' All Over The World"
23 October 2006
I saw this concert live one month (Nov 2005)after it was filmed. This DVD is everything the concert was and more. Fogerty is at his best here with all his old CCR hits but his new hit Deja Vu All Over Again is right out of the 60's and a fantastic song. Live concerts have a habit of leaving out this song and that song and unfortunately this one is no exception. When someone has as many great songs as John Fogerty, time limits what goes into the concert. As Long As I can See The Light, Rock and Roll Girls are but two classics missing off this DVD, but at least I can play it back again and again. Since his last visit down under in 1998, he has lost nothing in voice or tempo. This one's a ten for me.
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Great Performances: Cream Reunion Concert (2005)
Season 34, Episode 2
If Albert Hall were the" White Room", Cream certainly were "At The Station"
2 April 2006
So often a band will get together for a re-union concert only to find that they just can't get it together. Not so here. This concert is just shear brilliance from start to finish. These three musicians obviously got together beforehand and plotted and planned what was needed to ensure this was not just a nostalgic bash to satisfy someone's ego. This is obvious from the start, before they even step on stage. Many faces in the crowd weren't even born when these guys first performed. From the first song they capture that old magic that was Cream, 3 men, 3 instruments, no fuss. Clapton, by his own admission, said he had to stretch himself for this concert because there were no keyboards, synthesizers etc so we get to see him at his best. Ginger Baker demonstrates why so many drummers today, speak of him as some sort of drumming guru. Jack Bruce just great. They really managed to put together a piece of magic that will stand the test of time for many years to come. This one's a 10 for me.
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I Shall Be Released
4 January 2006
This celebration concert has all the ingredients to set any sound system on fire and it must be played loud. The Band themselves are simply sensational. Their story is typical of all bands when they start out. Literally stealing for a meal, and playing for love of it and not a chance to make any money. There are other standouts in this DVD and for mine there is always electricity on stage when Eric Clapton steps out. Bob Dylan and Neil Young are great and Joni Mitchell is simply brilliant. This was also my first encounter of Muddy Waters and his performance here has prompted me to go out and buy more. Raw music such as this deserves high status among other great musicians. Growing up as a teenager in the 70's and being a very one eyed roadie for a local Brisbane Band, it was not until the 90's that I started to appreciate the roots of today's music. Why these guys broke up when they were so good will remain a mystery but we will always have The Last Waltz.
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Concert for George (2003 Video)
George's Spirit lives on.
4 January 2006
The lineup of artists on this DVD is worth the price just to hear the emotion of the crowd when Paul McCartney appears. Try swallowing the lump in your throat when Paul starts singing "Something". Every artist has a song to commemorate the great George Harrison but it is Eric Clapton who drives this concert to the max. If you are a Beatles fan this one is for you and even if you are not, there are many other reasons to buy this one. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers are simply sensational. Dhani's appearance is really quite spooky at times because he resembles his father so much BUT it doesn't overshadow the event. Ringo's 2 song tribute is simply wonderful. Great entertainment all round and a very moving tribute to a another great muso.
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Fleetwood Mac: The Dance (1997 TV Special)
Don't Stop Thinking' About Tomorrow
4 January 2006
There are several DVD's out there of Fleetwood Mac but none of them measure up to this re-union concert. Most of the others have either someone missing from the lineup or members appearing on stage and certainly not enjoying themselves as they do on this one. Lindsay Buckingham is just brilliant on lead guitar. For a divorced couple, both John and Christie McVie put aside their differences to deliver an electric performance and Mick Fleetwood just superb on drums. Stevie Nicks voice is as beautiful today as it was 20 years ago. The songs in this concert are so much a part of our lives today we take them for granted. As this concert goes on it has the effect of turning it up just a little bit more after each song until you get to the band's finale. This is a must in any music collection. Christie McVie's encore "For You" has to be heard to be believed. Just sensational. This one is a 10 for me. Update Dec 2009. Saw these guys live last week with Lindsay Buckingham, Stevie Nicks, Jihn McVie and of course Mick Fleetwood. What a concert!!! And 2 encores later LB was still stealing the show with his guitar solos. They were sensational to say the least. Would see them again tomorrow if they were here. A brilliant performance all round. This DVD is as close as it gets.Still a ten for me.
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Whooooooaaaaaaooooooo Listen to the music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
30 August 2005
Having grown up with these guys when they were brand new, it was quite refreshing to get the DVD some 30 years later to discover that their music, like many others from this era, has just got better with age. China Grove turned out to be my first Doobie Brothers song and from then on I was hooked. There are many great songs in this show and none of the band's mu sos disappoint. It was sad to learn earlier this year that one of natures great percussionists had passed away. Keith was not the greatest drummer but had a fantastic appreciation of the drive that all percussion - not just drums - gave the Doobie Brothers. Tommy Johnson still sounds great, Pat Simmons is electric on guitar and Michael McDonald steels the show with his appearance but does not overshadow it. For me this one is a nine out of ten. Brilliant performance all round. Update:- Saw these guys live Dec 2005. They have lost nothing, this DVD concert is a replica of the most recent Australian tour. The new drummer has fitted in well where Keith left off. Pat and Tommy out front are simply electric when seen live. This is now a ten for me.
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A disappointing end to Mark II
10 August 2004
Having owned Deep Purple Made In Japan for many years, my ears had become accustomed to Ritchie Blackmore's gutsy start to Highway Star. To say that I was disappointed in this DVD is an understatement. For what I can say are only egotistical reasons and nothing more, Ritchie's performance on the entire DVD was way short of the mark and a letdown for any Purple fan. Not to mention the disappointment shared by the other members of the band and it shows both in their body language and music. It seems all the way through that Ritchie is playing in one direction and the rest of the band are playing the other although I hasten to add that the other guys do try to bring him into the concert. There are some glimpses of old spattered throughout which is great to see but it doesn't make up for the dismal attitude of a once great guitarist. It was after this leg of the tour that Ritchie left the band for the last time. The professionalism of the other guys showed through in the end to give the crowd at least a performance by a group of well seasoned musicians. Jon tries extremely hard to deliver to the crowd what Ritchie was leaving out. Ian and Roger likewise on drums and bass respectively. For the above reasons, I can only rate this a 7 for finished product in what could have been a sensational concert.
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At their rockin' best- live Purple, just great.
2 August 2004
This concert has to be seen to be believed. I bought this DVD knowing the one of my favourite guitarists - Ritchie Blackmore - was not in the band's lineup. Much to my surprise and enjoyment, I saw the new boy on the block belting out numbers as if he was part of the original lineup. Steve Morse has fitted in extremely well and plays off Jon Lord as if they had been together for a lifetime. All their favourites are included on this and each song is delivered with the force and energy of youthful rock band. My only disappointment is that Black Night is not on this DVD; the song that got me hooked on Purple back in 1972. Ian Gillan's voice is superb throughout, Roger Glover just great and Jon Lord's intro to Lazy is as fresh and driving as ever. Ian Paice like many older drummers simply get better with age and are able to go beyond beating time with the music - they are in fact part of the music. Given that these guys have been around for 30+ years, it is great to see them enjoying themselves on stage as they perform song after song from an era that was blacked out by sex, drugs and rock and roll. Because they enjoy themselves so much on stage here, the music flows effortlessly and the crowd appreciates this. A fine concert and played on 5.1 surround system places you "in the crowd". This one is a 10 for me.
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Music from another Millinium- Zeppellinium that is !!
30 July 2004
I first saw this movie on the big screen when it was released in Australia back in 1976 and many times thereafter. At that time I was a huge fan but it wasn't until I bought the DVD about 3 years ago that I really had forgotten how good these guys really were. Firstly let me say that I have read many of the other comments by IMDb users and found there to be an interesting mix of likes and dislikes. When judging this film one has to remember that this was made at a time when there was no such technology as there is today. Nor was it intentionally meant for the home theatre market, then only someone's pipedream if that! There was no overdubbing later back at the studio. There wasn't 45 cameras focused on every limb of John Bonham's performance of Moby Dick. There weren't big screens beside the stage for the band to see themselves. There wasn't a huge stage production or 76 piece philharmonic orchestra to back them up. This was raw performance and captured on the road as it was. This is a time capsule of 4 great music virtuosos in their own right who, when put on a stage together, created an electricity that was bigger than the individuals themselves. Who cares if Jimmy dropped a note or 2. What great musician hasn't? For those who want note perfect music, buy the original CD's. If you want to experience music from another time (and this really is a time capsule), this has captured how it was complete with all the psycadelic rock and emotion from that era. Plant was never better in this performance of Stairway To Heaven and this would stand alongside and above many other timeless rock anthems of a later era. Many of today's drummers still hold Bonzo as one of the all time great drummers and marvel at his tempo changes. Today's guitarists are still learning many riffs from both Page and Jonesy. For me the highlight of this movie is the movie itself. To dissect it would only serve to those who want to criticise it in the first place. I was never fortunate enough to see these guys live but played loud on a 5.1 Surround Sound System is as close as you will get to a live concert. Truly a magnificent show and stands alongside my other pride of place DVD-Led Zeppelin, How The West Was Won.
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Greatest Hits- They certainly are !!!!!!
22 July 2004
As a fan of Elton John's for many years, I found this to be great entertainment all round. Not only the music but the show as well. Over time Elton has been renowned for his extravagances on stage and he has certainly proven that in this DVD but it is not excessively overdone. The show is very well balanced from a guest artist point of view and he allows his guests to hold the stage to ensure he does not overshadow them whilst they are on. The musical content is brilliant and reproduces well on 5.1 surround sound. My only criticism would be Elton's own voice of his early songs have lost some of the high pitch as is the case in Tiny Dancer. Still it is a fantastic show and I would still pay to see him live. For mine 9 out of 10.
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Long Way to the Top (2002 TV Movie)
Aussie Rock is just pure talent!
11 July 2004
If you grew up in Australia in the 60's & 70's this concert is for you. We had so much great home grown talent, it just took 40 years for everyone to wake up to that. The only tragedy is that not everyone in the Australian Entertainment Industry could be included in this concert. As it was the original concert went for 4 hours and I enjoyed every minute of it. But there had to be a limit and what we have here is some of the cream of Australian talent. There are a couple of standouts for me. One being Normie Rowe who always delivers 100% of himself to every audience he plays to. I have seen him live in front of small audiences (300) and here in front of 15,000 and every time he makes his audience feel a part of the show no matter how big or small. The other highlight for me was Russell Morris, just a great entertainer and epitomises the music industry of late 60's in Australia. Col Joye brings a lot of emotion to the big screen with his rendition of Rock & Roll Heaven covering off those who have left us in the last 40 years. There are many other great spots in this concert but for mine it is simply great entertainment.
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Eagles: Hell Freezes Over (1994 TV Special)
Takin' It Easy
11 July 2004
The 14 year vacation Glen speaks of in this concert has done nothing to dampen their spirits or their quality of music. Collectively their voices are just as strong now as they were in the mid 70's. This concert has captured all the magic that was and still is The Eagles. From the moment they hit the stage, the audience is kept spellbound as you will be when you see this. I would have liked to have seen this concert in its entirety but not withstanding that this is an excellent addition to anyones' music collection. For those wanting to buy a DTS or 5.1 surround sound system this DVD also has a side benefit in that it is perfect for what Digital Theatre Surround should sound like. For me, this is a 10 but then I am a fan.
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Led Zeppelin (2003 Video)
This really is a Stairway To Heaven
29 June 2004
I bought my first Zep album in 1974 (at 17) and have been hooked ever since. This DVD has now taken pride of place in my music collection. It is not often that a band can boast 4 virtuosos in their lineup but here we can. Each member made their own contribution to the band but on the stage together, the electricity they generated was bigger than the 4 individuals. This masterpiece covers the band's entire career from Led Zep 1 to Coda and this is captured magnificently on this DVD as each concert shows how the band became bigger and bigger over the years. Recently my copy disappeared, but I'm happy to say was found in my 17yo son's room as the new generation discover just how great these guys were. This is a must have for anyone who has an appreciation of rock music. Long live Led Zeppelin.
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AC/DC: No Bull (1996 Video)
Good concert- No Bull!!!!
27 June 2004
This is a fantastic concert which has been marred by poor sound mixing during studio reproduction. Some of Brian's vocals are non-existant in many of the songs and the bottom end base is there but very dull, not crisp and clear as we have come to expect from ACCA DACCA. Still it is worth a watch as they belt out number after number as only they can. I saw this concert live in Brisbane and this DVD does the concert justice. Apart from the poor sound there is one significant difference from "Live at Donnington" and that is the return of Phil Rudd on drums. He replaced Chris Slade who is arguably a better drummer but Phil's profile seems to fit in better with ACDC despite him being sacked by the band formerly in the eighties. Most fans will delight in this show.
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The Birth Of Heavy Metal
25 June 2004
This is a time capsule of a harder era in rock music when there were no other bands to compare against. These guys were the original heavy metal rockers. Amps and PA's were pretty basic and BIG. Anything they tried was brand new and to some of the critics somewhat radical. But they were good and because they kept their makeup simple- (2 guitarists, a drummer and a very wild front man) they were able to duplicate their studio sessions in live performances that set crowd attendance records wherever they went. This was never more evident than on this DVD in the live performance of Children of The Grave during an American tour. Equipment loaned, music honed, band stoned - Black Sabbath in full cry, pure magic. They also became masters of the tempo change like in this performance of War Pigs. I hasten to add that in this song, Ozzie crosses over lyrics between 2 versions of this song, I'm not sure he even knew which one he was singing! If the head bangers of today want to see the birth of heavy metal, look no further than these guys. Raw rock at its best.
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Back in the U.S. (2002 TV Special)
You Say Goodbye-I Say Hello!!!! What a Concert
22 June 2004
This is one of the finest music concerts anyone will ever see and hear. I grew up when All My Lovin' was brand new and to hear it again today by the original artist today is a measure of Sir P Mc's power to spellbind any crowd of any age. This doco goes way behind the scenes to show us life on the road not just for the band but everyone down to the roadies. I saw this guy live in Aussie 1975 and can assure you his performance here on this DVD is no less than he gave almost 30 years ago. I have a huge 5.1 surround sound system that does do this justice and would recommend this anyone especially a Beatles fan. This is the closest you will get to a Beatles concert today. Singer, Songwriter, lead/rhythm/ bass guitar, piano, ukulele, just pure genius. There are few entertainers who can stand alone with one instrument and hold the crowd in his hand. If you want note perfect music, buy a studio recorded CD. If you want to hear raw music as it is intended and spontaneous to the crowd, with all the excitement and emotion of the crowd-this DVD is for you.
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A masterpiece and a must for die-hard Beatles fans
19 June 2004
Paul McCartney is one of the few entertainers who can take people back to their childhood even if only for a brief second at the start of a song. The concert itself is brilliant despite the filming which was not intended for a DVD. Blending the film footage together has expertly recaptured the brilliance of this concert. Each song is met enthusiastically by the crowd but it is the Beatles numbers he does that really shows the emotion of the crowd. His acoustic performance of Yesterday being the highlight of the concert for me. He truly is a maestro- like wine his performances get better with age. This one has pride of place in my music DVD collection along side his other masterpiece "Back In The US" from 2001.
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Brilliant, ACDC at their best
22 March 2004
Comparisons can be dangerous, however in this case I think justified. Comparing this to No Bull 1996, this is far and away superior sound mixing and recording. As for the show itself, a brilliant reproduction of the band and for best results, viewed on large widescreen and LOUD 5.1 surround sound. Angus at the front of the stage keeps the audience spellbound with his own unique blend of riffs and lead breaks. Cliff and Malcolm add solid metal rock by just being there. Brian continues to pick up where Bon Scott left off and Chris Slade holds it all together on the skins. That's the closest to a live show without being there. Simply superb. Onya' Angus.
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