
22 Reviews
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Does Michael sniff his sister from miles away?
30 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to see this film and I have to say I liked the first minutes of its duration. The buildup was slow and atmospheric and I enjoyed the fact that he didn't start killing right off the bat and 10 people per minute. BUT..If I'm correct Michael doesn't have any supernatural abilities, does he? If so, why does he never die ffs. He had his hand shot, lost fingers and plenty of blood, he was stabbed multiple times, his face was also shot, a car had run him over but he still found the strength to fight back? Oh come on. A little realism never hurt anyone..

And how is it that he knows who his sister is since he hasn't seen her in 40 years? How does he even know her daughter and granddaughter? Don't tell me he knows how to use a PC and found her on facebook!

Why didn't he kill the infant in the first house he entered? Why did he wait in the closet for so long before attacking the blonde? Why didn't he hurt the boy she babysat? We've seen he is ruthless and doesn't even care about those who haven't hurt him *psychologists, guards, his own family* so I don't think he spares the kids..

He is the most predictable serial killer ever and police know where he's headed yet they only have two policemen outside the residence, who of course are very dumb and not focused...And the family is also very stupid. Instead of catching a flight to Hawaii, they decide to lock up inside the house they know he'll visit searching for them. Yeah, I get it she wanted him dead so she stayed to trap him. But if she was that afraid of him and wanted her family to be safe, she would realistically go very far away and have the police trap him inside the house...But that wouldn't be interesting for the movie, would it..
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I would have liked it more if..
21 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know an awful lot about the real P. T. Barnum's life so I will not compare him and the portrayl of Hugh Jackman, but I will say this: the film wants you to like him. We see him young and poor, with dreams bigger than life itself. Then we see him succeed but always want more. Then we see him fail but we are supposed to root for him again and in the end, he picks up from where he left and is rich and successful again.

Why should I like a person who took advantage of poor, unwanted people just to make money out of them? He didn't want an inclusive society, he wanted ''oddities'' that would shock people and make them laugh because he knew it sells. In his circus, he had animals as well and I'm surprised other reviewers have not mentioned this at all. Don't you know how badly animals are treated at circuses? They whip them, hit them, yell at them and God knows what else they do to them to perform. They are separated from their family, from their own kind, taken from their natural habitat only to be forced to do things that aren't natural to them. How do elephants standing on just one leg or lions jumping through fire make for a nice movie ending? It just made me sad.

Now I kind of liked the music and the movie overall was enjoyable even though I don't like musicals very much. But it was a romanticized account of a real person's life. I would have rated it higher if the movie was truthful because it could have easily been so. It could still be a wonderful musical but portray him as the man he really was.
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Waste of time!
31 July 2018
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How did he change into and out of the uniform so quickly?

How did he get into every house/building without making himself known, without making ANY sounds at all? He is supposed to be a serial killer not a witch...He is only human!

How did he go from having post traumatic stress disorder to actually assuming the identity of Harry? We see him taking meds and going over the incident again and again so we do know that he distinguishes between himself and Harry. How the heck does he go from that to actually being/thinking he is Harry??

And of course he only needs his name called to come back to his original self and a minute after he thinks he's Harry again. And of course, he doesn't die after a shot to the chest and he definitely isn't affected by fire!

Apart from his character, everyone knows the US has a weird fascination with guns yet only one person seems to own one in the film and no one takes any precautions against the serial killer that's supposed to have made his comeback. Axel wants police guarding his house and we see a woman who is scared of her own shadow and hasn't realized the killer is inside the house already trying to protect Axel's kid. So basically, everyone is worthless, no one can fight back, everyone makes the wrong moves so that the killer kills as many as he can, because that's what people wanna see I guess?

I understand it's just a film, but the plot holes were so huge that I couldn;t enjoy it and see past them.
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Siberia (2018)
I wanted so bad to like this film..
28 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ignoring the bad reviews this film was getting, I head to the cinema to give it a shot. The first scenes were okay, he's gotten into trouble, he's trying to find a friend otherwise he'll be in bigger trouble..Then all of a sudden he meets a girl and he sleeps with her in no time yet by the end of the movie he is willing to sacrifice himself and risk his life in order to save her.. So he basically found a woman in a village full of men and he managed to love her to death in 3-4 days? Also, Keanu and Ana Ularu share no chemistry whatsoever. Doesn't help that the writing didn't delve deeply into their characters in order to make us feel for them. By the end of the movie, I didn't care if either one was hurt because there was no depth. If you asked me to describe who Lucas Hill was I wouldn't know..

Of course there were plot holes and the whole plot was kind of weak but what annoyed me the most were the sex scenes. I wouldn't mind them if the film was branded as erotic. But this one tried so hard to provide the viewer with everything: action, romance, drama and it failed miserably.
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Coco (I) (2017)
Simply's amazing
18 July 2018
This film gets an 8/10 from me not because there was anything wrong with it. I bet if I were born in Mexico I would have connected with it even more and I could relate to it and rate it 10 out of 10.

This was an amazing film on so many levels. The music, the characters and their depth, the colours, the meaning behind it..I was crying uncontrollably for the last fifteen minutes while also feeling stupid for reacting that way to a ''kids' movie''. But this is a movie for everyone! You can be 10 and enjoy it or you can be 80 and still love it!

I recommend it to anyone, even those with a cold soul because it just touches you and leaves you with a bittersweet feeling when it ends.
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Enjoyable but kind of pessimistic
12 April 2018
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I rated this film 6/10 because I agree with some of its messages. It's about a man who seems pretty happy with what he has, thinking he has all he needs. But the film sets out to prove him wrong by showing him exactly what he's been missing out on since he got on that plane and dumped his girlfriend 13 years ago.

It's all about compromise, and choosing the best option for your life. He learns he should choose love over personal needs because you can't have it both ways and life isn't perfect. He understands having a messy home and two screaming kids and a job he doesn't like isn't the end of the world as long as you love the person you're with. I understand where this was going because in reality, you also can't have everything and you need to make changes when life gives you lemons and everything sure doesn't turn out exactly like you planned.

On the other side, the film is telling you you should be happy being poor as long as you've got the love. You should be happy settling for less than you want because it's okay, that's life and you're an empty person if you're rich, single and happy with it. It's being judgemental towards Jack's life in the first minutes of the movie, which is how a lot of people actually live and like it..
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Not in the top 250 films
12 April 2018
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This film should definitely not be in the top 250 list. It was a nice film, time passed rather quickly, it was enjoyable but nothing more.

I liked the casting, especially Uma Thurman as the Bride and the script was original and refreshing to see a female lead that is strong both physically and mentally. But all the gore, blood shooting out of hands like it's some kind of weird anime, the Bride basically airwalking in half the scenes, and her basically being ready for anything after her being in a coma for four years is nonsense. Furthermore, what's with all the black and white scenes? It seems Tarantino was trying to hard to impress everyone and make them talk about this film..

I suppose I don't like Tarantino's directing style.

Other than that, it's worth a shot if you like these kind of films, or Tarantino himself.
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Gut-wrenching short film about the sad truth of teen suicides.
16 March 2018
I saw this short film a few years back when I was a teen myself and I could relate to it. It is so visually stunning, yet depressing and heartbreaking. It does not sugar coat anything, it is not dramatic in any way or romanticizing suicide. It manages to depict Ronan's feelings in a truthful way with very little dialogue and in a very short time. The acting was superb, the plot was simple and unoriginal yet unique and my overall score is a testament to how much I love this short film. Anyone with a heartbeat should definitely watch this and spend 15 minutes in a suicidal teen's shoes. This will make you a better person and will stay with you forever.
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Yet another adultery film
1 March 2018
What's up with Woody Allen and adultery?

His 'romantic' films don't end up being romantic, but cheap excuses for him to portray adultery as something that just happens. I bet every single one of his films starts with a not so happy couple and ends with one of them or both cheating on each other. And he makes it seem so natural, as if it's just bound to happen and everyone does it, yet no one feels bad for it. I understand cheating is very common and sometimes makes a film interesting but I've come to believe he is obsessed with the deed...and it bores the hell out of me.

Also, his romantic partner, spouse, mistress in his films is always 20+ years younger than him...always.Is that a coincidence, too? This film wasn't any different, though I hoped it would have been.

6/10 for the famous cast and nice view of Rome.
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I wanted more and better.
26 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was so excited to see this film, and I was glad that such a film was even created because we rarely see the LGBT community represented so clear in cinema and when we do, the films themselves aren't that good. I couldn't wait to see it because I was certain it was going to be amazing.

The film started, the background was beautiful, the soundtracks too. I was waiting for their relationship to 'happen' and waited for a very long time. Nothing wrong with a build-up I thought as I became more and more anxious to see them get together at last. Both Elio and Oliver are interesting people but I could't quite sympathize with them. For some reason, I didn't see past their carnal desires. I wanted to see Elio struggle with the fact that he liked men, maybe fear what his parents would think of him if they found out. I wanted to see Oliver question his sexuality as well, before their platonic relationship turned sexual.

It was like I waited an hour to see how they came together. They were distant from each other for an hour and I didn't feel a connection there and next thing you know Elio tells Oliver he wants him to know about some 'things' which Oliver correctly translates to ''I want you'' and they start making out. In other films with couples, I get attached to them, understand their feelings, feel their longing and struggles, and I'm rooting for them. I was waiting for this moment in this film as well but it never came.

What's more, I wish I could understand Elio's sexuality, as he sleeps both with Marzia and Oliver. I couldn't figure out whether he slept with Marzia thinking of Oliver or he actually liked her, too. Oliver says he misses him but informs him he's engaged to a woman. Is he bisexual or just gay but can't do otherwise? It would help me understand if this film is about lost/forbidden love or just a fling that was good while it lasted but couldn't be anything more than that.

Nevertheless, it's a coming of age film that depicts first love nicely and has a very moving scene in which Elio and his father talk about Oliver. Timothée Chalamet is extraordinary and his performance is compelling.
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una película fantástica!
12 February 2018
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I had high expectations watching the trailer and I was not disappointed although I thought we'd see more of her relationship with Orlando. I am glad it was a film of her struggle as a trans woman. You can clearly see how safe and loved she felt when she was Orlando. We get the sense that she could deal with all the negative stuff in her life as long as she went home to Orlando but when he suddenly dies, she has to face the cruel world alone. That is every day for transgender people and this film makes us realize that.

His family is hostile towards her, bullying her, calling her names, physically attacking her, forbidding her from attending his funeral, taking her dog away from her and calling the police to further humiliate her.

She also has to face her own doubts about herself as she investigates and judges her body.

Her guardian angel, that saw past her genitals and loved her for her is gone and all that's left is visions of him. Her courage and persistence will lead her to a new path, one that will help her move on and get by on her own.
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I predicted every scene, every move, every death & the ending..
17 November 2017
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I have not seen the ''original'' because I am pretty sure I would not like it because it is an older film and most of the times I don't feel the vibe others get from example films of the 90's and so on. So I am not actually going to compare those two, I just rated it on what I saw.

Because of all the hype surrounding Jason Voorhees and Friday the 13th as a date, I decided to give the film a try and see what the fuss is all about.

!!HUGE SPOILERS!!The story was promising: Jason is an extremely self-conscious about his disfigured face child who's only loved by his mother and drowns because no one kept an eye on him. So after his mother's death and his horrible childhood experience, he starts killing everyone that visits the camp and some other people living nearby. So far so good. But without exaggeration, I predicted almost all his moves, even how he would kill his victims. I predicted how the blonde would pull the curtain, how he would throw the ax at the black guy, how the police arriving wouldn't be more than one guy, how he would die at the door, how only the siblings would survive, how the girl would save her brother by distracting Jason, how he wouldn't have died and would show up from underwater (was literally screaming at the scene ''don't stand so close to the water''), how he would shoot the guy on the boat from afar and then the boat would hit the girl.......and so many other actions that I could literally have written the script, which made the film predictable and ultimately, boring.
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A mix of innocence and disorder, causing an ugly mess.
26 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was so disappointed by this film. It is rarely that films get on my nerves but this one did just that.

I will not comment on the background music or the cinematography because my opinion does not matter since I am not an expert.

It started off good with promising scenario. I did not know if the story-line would center around the girl's relationship with the teacher and his inability to tell his wife the truth or if the girl was going to end up being a psychopath. After a while, we see that the girl is totally crazy, trying to be as close to him as possible, hinting to his wife that her husband is sleeping around with her, giving those wild looks with her freaky big eyes and so on. If the film ended up being like Fatal Attraction, I would probably rate it way higher than I did.

What really disturbed me is that the director and writer did not know which way they wanted the film to go. At one scene, the girl is portrayed as infatuated with the teacher, acting crazy and crossing the line and the next one, she suddenly has feelings and feels like the victim who was betrayed by the one she loved. You cannot have both, dear writer. She is either a psychopath (who has no feelings, feels no remorse or strong connection such as love to other humans)or she is indeed a nice, sweet girl who loves her teacher. If you have studied psychology, you understand what I mean.

Also, the final scenes were a bit off. He does not want his wife to be hurt and he chooses her when the girl gives him an ultimatum yet he is scared when she is close to falling off the building and holds onto her hand for dear life until he can't anymore..Then in the final scene, we see him crying his eyes out, mostly because the girl died but also because he obviously isn't enjoying his life back home.

So what did he actually want? A crazy girl bossing him around, seducing him, even raping him (at some point), threatening him when she can't have her own way?

All in all, I could not understand what the point of the film was. I suppose it wanted us to think it was well-thought and had some plot twists, but it ended up causing a huge mess, which, unfortunately, was not beautiful.

Rating 2/10
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9½ Weeks (1986)
Way too good to be true
14 September 2017
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Kim Basinger portrays an ordinary woman with an ordinary job whose life is so boring she's ready to be swept off her feet by an attractive rich man.

Right from the start he comes off as very sure of himself, playing the macho man who knows he can have any woman, places his arms around her, holds her hand and they haven't known each other for an hour.

The film is so smooth though someone may miss the signs. We see them having fun, we see him playing tricks on her, buying her expensive gifts, playing with her like a little child, chasing after some children all smiles and joy. We also see them having fun in the bedroom where he always takes the lead.

But at moments, there are scenes in which we see him get mad at her when she doesn't follow his orders like she always did and throw or hit things. He doesn't stop even when she's crying and afraid of him. He only tries to wipe the incidents out of her memory by kissing her and having sex with her. No apology, no talk over the matter, no self-examination in order to become a better man.

That is because he simply does not care about what she wants. This is a game to him. He finds vulnerable women looking for a thrill, he manipulates them with his charming ways, gifts and money and then he asks them to do things they perhaps would have never done if it were not for him. When they do not comply, he loses control and shows his bad side.

It is easy for someone to fall for his good looks, soft voice and great sense of style and the film does exactly that: it puts you in Kim Basinger's shoes. You fall in love with John (Mickey Rourke) like she did, so you do understand why she hasn't left yet or why it took her so long to leave him but you also feel the heartache she experiences when he doesn't show up like she asked him to -do something for her for a change.

It is easy to judge her character in this film or any real woman over their decision not to leave a toxic or abusive person, but the truth is, every human being doesn't want to believe their partner does not love them. We try to find excuses to justify their mistakes, we hope they will change over time, we tell ourselves the good times are more than the bad ones and we've become so emotionally attached we can't just throw it all away for a couple of flaws.

Rating: 7/10
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Aliens (1986)
I don't understand what all the fuss is about!
13 September 2017
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First of all, I should start by saying I loved Prometheus and Alien: Covenant but not so much Alien and Aliens. Of course since Prometheus is a more recent film it has better special effects, sound, and even casting (for some people) I could relate to it more but that's not all.

I find that there are a lot of inaccuracies and plot holes that this film would be considered a B-movie if it wasn't for its originality back in the day. The girl lived and wasn't killed by the alien, only to be taken to the room containing all the eggs to supposedly become a host (?), yet everyone else was killed by the aliens. The crew members that were attacked just died and the aliens didn't multiply...and definitely didn't take them to the room with the eggs and mother...Riiiiight. Also, how did Ripley's leg manage to stay attached to her body when the mother alien was clinging to her with the air being sucked out of the ship? How did the girl who is the less able human out of all 157 colonists manage to survive there on her own while everyone else just died? What did she eat? Didn't the crew and Ripley arrive some years later? That's why they slept didn't they? I guess time on earth and time on another colony are very different but the girl probably wasn't there alone for one day only..And if she managed to hide, she would have stayed hidden for days. There were so many questions I can't count them all.

I think this film is so popular and well-rated because it was different from all the other films released back then, it was a breakthrough for that time, something original, scary, gripping so everyone went crazy over it and it became an instant classic. It has happened to me too so I know they psychology behind it, but I can look past that and judge films Objectively now. For example, when I was 11 I loved Charlie's angels with Barrymore, Liu and Diaz and would swear it's the best film ever, and I still like it but now I see I was just taken aback by the film's action and bad ass female casting..and that it's not so great after all.

I do not understand why this film has such high rating, why it's considered one of the 250 best films ever (ffs), I found it rather boring to say the least.

Rating: 5/10
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A well-thought-out film with strong performances and deep meaning
1 August 2017
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The story is set in New York where everyone is trying to become someone, though only a few make it. Our protagonist, 20 something Thomas (Callum Turner) is struggling to become a writer despite his father's disapproval and pressure to find a more stable job. He struggles between what he wants and what his father (Pierce Brosnan) says is possible. His mother (Cynthia Nixon) suffers from depression, is a frequent smoker and seems unstable, he feels the need to take care of her which prevents him from moving away and maybe accomplishing his goals. His crush, Mimi (Kiersey Clemons) does not like him back and sees him as a friend. He feels like his life is boring and like he does not have an interesting story to tell the world.

Then he meets a mysterious old man (Jeff Bridges) who appears to have everything figured out. They become friends and share life experiences. His life completely changes when he finds out his father has a mistress named Johanna (Kate Beckinsale) and decides to persuade her to break up with his father for the sake of his troubled mother. He falls in love with her, forgetting Mimi and complicating things. He finally lets his father know about him and Johanna. After a while, we find out Jeff Bridges is actually his father and when he was talking about having fallen in love once he really was talking about Thomas's mother..

This film is slow so it will not be anyone's cup of tea but it is well thought-out, well acted and has a deeper message to convey: it's never too late to find your place. It is never too late to follow your heart. Thomas's parents sought stability and certainty so they stayed together although they knew they wanted other people or had to give up on their dreams. But after many years of marriage, they finally understood they were unhappy, so Thomas's father found a lover and his mother smoked while regretting how she handled the past. But meeting Johanna helped Thomas find out about his biological dad who encouraged his talent but also improve his relationship with his other dad (who was always trying to keep him down to earth and not let him go after his dream job).

His father stays with Johanna, his mother finally gets the chance to be with her true love (his biological father) and Thomas decides to give writing a chance although he knows failure comes before success. So this film is not so much about cheating as about finding your identity, learning to cope when you think there's no hope or turning back and chasing after the people you love or your dreams.
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Copenhagen (2014)
A wonderful visual experience with powerful performances
25 April 2017
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I had high hopes and expectations when I first found this film on here, that I watched on the very same day (which I never do). My expectations were so high that I was convinced this film wouldn't meet them but boy, I was wrong.

The city of Copenhagen turned out to be the best setting for this romantic film. It was refreshing to see a movie filmed somewhere other than the usual filming locations and this one made me appreciate Denmark a little bit more.

The directing, the casting, the cinematography and the music, all add up and lead to the most majestic experience you could ever gain by watching a film. It made me want to travel abroad and date a foreigner, learn about their culture and gave me a very feeling of wanderlust.

It's true that, in the beginning, I thought Frederikke Dahl Hansen was not a great actress, but that proved to be just the way her character is supposed to act because she feels kind of guilty, kind of naive as a 14 year old. Gethin Anthony was very sexy and very romantic at the same time, in his own ex-douche bag way but both actors delivered a wonderful performance.

I also liked the fact that this film features a big age gap, let alone an age gap between an adult and a teenager. Needless to say, dating an underage person is a controversial topic but this film handled it very well.

10/10 though I wish I could give it more. It's a must see.
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Chasing Amy (1997)
Powerful film about romance, friendship and acceptance
19 March 2017
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To be honest, when I first found the film I thought it was going to be another chick-flick, The notebook style. When I actually started watching it, I was pleasantly surprised and I'm glad I gave it a chance.

The casting is spot on, I think this is Affleck's best performance so far (that I've watched), although I hadn't thought of him as the male lead in a romance film. The female lead's voice is very annoying at times, especially when she yells but I can't deny her acting was very good. I also think there was chemistry between Affleck and Adams which is key when it comes to movie couples.

What I liked so much about this film, aside from the unusual script that includes a homosexual female protagonist, is that it captures perfectly the reality of relationships. It could actually be a real couple fighting or making love. The writer of this film seems to have managed to produce something made out of real experience. How many films have you watched where you felt like nobody talks like that? This didn't happen to me with this film and that's a huge plus for me. I also loved the fact that Affleck struggles with his girlfriend's past because I could relate to him on a personal level, which made the film even truer to me.

Finally, I loved the ending because it became a little bit too dramatic which is my piece of cake. Two people that love each other deeply but have screwed up so many times and have hurt each other so much that they decide they're better off without but still wish it wasn't like that whenever they stumble upon each other. Perfect.
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2:37 (2006)
Absolutely heart-breaking, thought-provoking film.
18 January 2017
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(This film is now in my favorites list.)

First of all, I like watching suicide themed films because they are depressing and make me cry. I liked the story line very much and expected a lot from this film, though I was a little bit worried about how they are going to tackle such a serious issue (suicide).

The beginning was nothing extraordinary. Six teens introduce themselves as they talk to someone, probably an interviewer. We start to see each one's personal life and struggles and the film switches from one teen to another. We learn that all of them suffer from depressing thoughts and deal with their own personal hell, whether that means a strict/absent parent (Marcus) or an embarrassing medical condition (Steven). What made the film incredible for me was that I could relate to most teens on many levels and I thought the screenwriter and director did handled this very sensitive topic incredibly well. Also, the actors were considerably believable.

The way this movie is filmed makes you sympathize with all 6 people to some extent. It doesn't make excuses for the heroes' actions but it explains why they do what they do and you can feel for them. I felt like I was back in high school for once more.

The bullying theme is very strong in this film, which is another issue to pay attention to.

The end came with a twist which I had predicted. The person that has committed suicide is not among the six teens that share their feelings for the documentary, it's the girl (Kelly) that had no one to share her feelings with. All other characters have some sort of connection with someone. Steve has Kelly asking him if he's okay, Marcus also talks to Kelly, Melody has a girl friend etc. But we see Kelly all alone in each take, she's like a ghost, walking in the corridors and trying to talk to people and care for them while no one cares for her in return.

All in all, I think this film is worth-viewing and watching again and again. It gives you food for thought. Suicide is no joke. People who keep their feelings bottled up are the ones who need help the most. We should pay attention to everyone and not only care about our world, our life, our problems because we could be missing serious signs that could lead to suicide. Especially in high school, teens are suffering from bullying and neither their parents nor their teachers can identify the problem. I am glad films like this exist so we can shed some light on this horrific trend.
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Whiplash (2014)
What's the point of this film and why do people like it so much?
2 January 2017
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The good: The outstanding performances of Miles Teller as Andrew and J.K Simmons as Fletcher. They both were incredible in their parts and it seemed as if they gave their best in portraying the two male leading roles. The film surely wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for these two to lift it off. I also liked the fact that this film pays tribute to jazz music which is so overlooked in this age and time.

The bad: Pretty much everything else. It seems like the initial goal of this film is for us to sympathize with the protagonist and share his ambition. We are supposed to like him, admire him for his persistence and cheer for him as he is trying hard to succeed in what he wants the most. But soon, we discover that Andrew's character is a self- centered, self-righteous, arrogant guy who thinks he is the best musician that has ever existed just because it is his ambition to become one. He hurts everyone else's feelings and diminishes them because he seems to believe he is more talented than them (as if it's him who decides that). For example, when he tells the girl he was supposed to be dating, that he does not want to date her anymore because she will slow him down, she asks him if that is because she said she doesn't know what she wants and he is positive. Which means that in his mind, just because he has found a thing he is passionate about, he is superior to the girl, who hasn't found a hobby or career path. Before that, when he is at the dinner table, he seems agitated because his family is not always talking about him and his drumming thing. He tries to change the subject back to his drumming and proceeds to diminish their talent because he really does think they will never amount to him. Which means that although he doesn't like the emotional abuse he is receiving from his teacher, he likes mentally abusing other people.

Furthermore, I do not clearly understand what this film is trying to prove or make us believe. That it is okay to be emotionally scarred for life if some teacher says it's for your sake? Are we supposed to be relieved when the teacher reveals he is being cruel only to motivate the students to be the best and say ''Okay, he wasn't that bad of a person'' because I don't think that's a sane thing to do. The way to motivation should not (and is illegal to) include battering the students, calling them names, using their family background to verbally abuse them and insulting them in numerous ways. So, even if the teacher thought that was the way to make them better, it does not make him a better person. It makes him a monster.

What's even worse is that Andrew seems to like his teacher in a weird way. He knows he is a good teacher and an even better musician so he is trying to look up to him and be the next Charlie Parker. Which means, he has to be as mean and as selfish as his teacher already is so that the teacher finally gives him his blessing. Is that what we want our kids and fellow men to do? Can't someone be the greatest musician ever without being an arrogant guy that puts other people down and admires the wrong kind of people? Couldn't Andrew just be humble and a nice person with the same persistence and drive?

Another thing that really angered me off is how Andrew is indecisive. He swings from wanting to kill his teacher to cooperating with him to get him to like him. He confesses that his teacher is verbally abusing everyone in his class, he knows that the teacher's ways have led to someone's suicide so it looks as if he understands how bad of a person Fletcher actually is. Then he talks to Fletcher, plays with him at the festival as if there is nothing wrong whilst still admiring him as a teacher and musician. And after he finds out his former teacher has betrayed him by ordering a new song he didn't know, he leaves enraged, only to return to his drum set and give everything he's got....Is he suffering from bipolar personality disorder or is he just not sure of what he wants in life?

Overall, I did not like much in this film. Sure the performances of Teller and Simmons were something else and the cinematography is brilliant but in the end, this film should not be anyone's favorite.
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Nice story-line and performances but a disappointing ending
1 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I should start this review by stating that I was very excited to see this film. I rarely go to the cinema and this was one of the films I had picked out to see at the cinema which means I liked it very much.

Secondly, the performances were brilliant which was an important aspect of this film since it featured only a few actors which were also the protagonists. Its claustrophobic theme was breathtaking: you were feeling for the 3 people and could sympathize with all 3 of them, even though you didn't know if they were actually nice or disturbed.

The film was indeed a roller-coaster ride. You were led to believe that the ''abductor'' was a kind guy who just wanted to help, then you find out that he has probably abducted other women and killed them so he must be crazy and then, the twist at the end informs you that you should have believed him and that he didn't want to hurt you (as much) after all.

But, I rated this film with 4 out of 10 stars because the ending, although I did not expect it, involved aliens which made the film sci-fi, which was not the reason I wanted to watch it. On the contrary, I was expecting another genre and I didn't like that kind of transformation. Plus, the aliens that seemed to be very powerful at first, eventually retreat when the female protagonist -in the heat of the moment, tired, shocked and scared- attacks them with what? A bottle?

In conclusion, the ending came of as sketchy and sloppy, as if they had wasted the film's minutes building up the suspense and then they ran out of time, so they just surprised us with some aliens and a very cheap solution so that the female protagonist can survive.
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Adoration (2013)
Beautiful scenery, poor plot
18 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by saying that I was really intrigued when I first found out about this film. It took me a while to actually see it because I have over 600 films in my check-in list and by the end of it, I was disappointed.

Sure enough, the scenery is breathtaking and there is also a dose of serenity. The beautiful sea, the wonderful house and the two leading actresses were a wonderful start. But according to my opinion, those were not enough for this film to actually score a good rating.

First of all, I was dumbfounded when the sex scenes started appearing so early in this film. I thought Naomi Watts and Robin Wright would have kept their relationship with their friend's sons secret until the very end, when we would be able to see their reaction to the revelation. Unfortunately (for me), that was not what actually happened. Both the leading actresses were aware of each other's relationship with the boys which had me wondering what is left to show. My excitement over this film disappeared quickly. Then the plot started becoming more and more predictable, resembling a cheap chick flick. I was not interested in what was going to happen next and I only finished the film so that I could rate it objectively.

I really do believe they came up with a wonderful idea for a scenario which could give people food for thought and maybe feel sympathy for those who have been in this situation, instead of just accusing them for immorality but they lost it in the process. The director seemed more focused on the landscape and the surfing that they forgot to profile the four people this film was about.
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