
11 Reviews
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A Royal Christmas Crush (2023 TV Movie)
Totally absurd!
8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The guy was fine. I didn't care about his accent. The thing that killed it for me was the woman drawing images of sustainable housing on a romantic date. Who would even do such a thing? I've seen people do strange things on a date, but I have never seen a woman so oblivious that she was sitting by the fire drawing images of sustainable housing units. That is truly one of the dumbest things I have seen anyone do on a date. Obviously, the writers wanted to get their progressive political views written into the movie, and there could surely be an appropriate time to accomplish that. But on a date, sitting by the fire while the guy is preparing a romantic dinner? That just killed the mood and the movie for me. Ridiculous.
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Not a noble reporter, but a selfish person who used a child to further her career.
7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was not about a good reporter standing up for principles by refusing to name her source. She was protecting herself from ridicule for using information from a child to further her own career. The only good thing about the movie was that they didn't let her get away with it. Her life was trashed because she used a child in a dev ious way. What a complete waste of time.
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Take off the stupid glasses.
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I normally like old movies. I could not get past the stupidity of this story. I just don't think stupid is funny. Jimmy Stewart's character insists on wearing bug eyed glasses as a disguise. He can't see anything with the glasses on yet he continues to wear them. That did it for me. Take the glasses off moron.
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Why not just make an extra key? Way overrated!
17 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Too much of this story hinges on the details around a stupid latch key. Were extra keys made of gold in the 1950's? The entire story line is built around the fact that there are only two latch keys to their apartment. Have an extra key made and the entire plot is negated. Overrated.
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There will be disgust.
8 March 2020
This is undoubtedly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. And the fact that this is portrayed as art is a sad testimony of what our society has become. There is absolutely nothing redeemable in this movie. Not the story, not the script, not the sound. and certainly not the characterization. The casting is also terrible. Paul Dano is completely miscast as a charismatic preacher. He comes off as weird and strange, not someone people would pay attention to and follow. And the portrayal of ignorant and backward religion is a complete cliche. Who wants to watch a movie portraying completely degenerate characters. There is certainly nothing original in this movie. I kept waiting for something meaningful and significant to happen, to advance the story and characterization, but it never does. And the ending left me with the feeling of complete and utter disgust. Not interesting. Not thought provoking. Just utter disgust. I wasted valuable time watching this trash and after it was over, I felt like taking a shower to wash the filth of this movie off.
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Nora Prentiss (1947)
Absolutely stupid moronic plot. Awful!
30 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One of the stupidest stories I have ever witnessed. Who even thinks up crap like this. I am a big fan of old movies and of film noir , but not this one. A doctor, who is supposed to be intelligent, comes up with a crazy idea to fake his own death to start a new life with a lover and then spends the rest of his life hiding and sniveling in misery. Horrible story line, pathetic characters, ridiculous ending...nothing redeemable here at all. A real downer.
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Logan (2017)
Horrible, disgusting, movie portraying child violence.
11 June 2019
The violence in this movie is so graphic that it is truly disturbing. And the worst part is that some of this disgusting, graphic, violence is perpetrated by a child. What have we come come to in our society when we celebrate a pre-teen child slicing up and killing people with razor sharp claws in a film that is supposed to be entertaining. I have lost all respect for Hugh Jackman because he participated in this disgusting movie. Honestly, I do not understand how anyone could rate this movie above a 3. It should have been X rated for the child violence.
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Flip That Romance (2019 TV Movie)
Contrived, unrealistic plot. Too much disagreement.
24 March 2019
I like most hallmark movies, but not this one . The female lead was way too hostile. Plus, the plot was totally ridiculous. No one buys half a duplex. What about the roof? You can't replace half of a roof. What about the exterior materials and colors? What if the person who bought the other half wanted to paint it orange, or purple? When you buy a property you buy the entire parcel. When you buy a duplex, you buy both halves at the same time. Stupid, contrived plot, disagreeable characters.
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Married by Christmas (2016 TV Movie)
Terribly convoluted plot. Ridiculous.
23 December 2018
This story is so bad it is actually offensive, not interesting or engaging at all. Not a Christmas movie, not an uplifting story, just bad. How this type of story gets made into a movie is mind boggling.
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Ridiculously unrealistic mountain climbing movie.
16 November 2018
So cold yet they are not wearing gloves or winter clothing, and one guy has bare legs exposed. And no sun glasses to prevent snow blindness. Filmed not on a mountain, or even outdoors, but in a studio in Culver City, CA.
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Stupid, stupid, stupid...not entertaining.....
12 November 2017
Generally, I like old movies. I particularly like movies with Charles Coburn. He is one of my favorite character actors. And with a cast that includes Ginger Rogers, Jimmy Stewart, and Beulah Bondi, I expected this movie to be very enjoyable. But this is a horrible movie. Not funny, not entertaining, and the character played by Charles Coburn is actually very cruel. And Jimmy Stewart's character is a spineless weakling. This is the worst Jimmy Stewart movie I have ever seen. That is all I have to say. I will fill out the review with bad, bad, bad..
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