
14 Reviews
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Inside Job (2021–2022)
Underrated! Huge Potential
15 November 2021
An underrated animation. This show is a nice surprise for any si-fi animation type fan. It has a huge potential. The idea is not as original as some shows like Rick and Morty, but it's a solid theme. I liked how the writers kept the focus on the first character the whole show and didn't waste any time with side characters. Although i want to see more of them next season. The final twist was good too, overall i enjoyed the hell out of this show. The writing is great, most jokes work and the actors do a good job. I'm very hopeful that they do something new with this show. I hope the makers be brave enough to try new things and new stories. I hope they let loose of their imagination and try something original with this series.
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Dumb characters, bad story, nice scenery!
15 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am all for a zombie anime with compelling story, beautiful scenery and great characters. Unfortunately is good at only 1 of these elements. The scenery and action squenses are great. Not that it wasn't expected from Wit studio. Other than that nothing else works. The core of the story is not original but it works. At least it's straight forward and includes trains which I like. The world building is not great. There is no backstory for the world, like how this thing started and how they built these towns. Characters also suffer from lack of backstory and personality. Almost every side character is more interesting than the main character(Ikoma). He's certainly on top of most hateful characters in all entertainment. I've watched many shows with bad main character but this one is on another level. Such a stupid, useless, weak, always yelling, cliche character. As matter affect i think the show would be better without him. Got to admit all the females character in the show had more personality and generally were more complex. Momei and Ayame even the other Kabaneri woman all were strong and faced with difficult decision. Unlike the stupid yelling main character or super cliche bad dude. The bad guy in this series is a joke. Overalll, it's a shame. I like their approach to zombie genre. I even like the zombies but bad story, disastrous main character and bad guy, stupid backstories, lack of character development, rushed story lines and many plot holes makes this show a below average kind of show. My score is because I was high watching the show and enjoyed the action scenes but not a great one.
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ID:Invaded (2020)
Compelling story, could be better
11 February 2021
First, I need to clear that this is vreat anime and worth watching. It has borrowed lots of ideas from the famous show Psycho-pass but it doesn't look like a copy paste. It has made the ideas for its own and I appreciate that. Although I like the experience it suffers from many plot holes and lack of character development. Don't get me wrong I love the fact that story is focused and doesn't waste the audience time with showing every characters background. But sometimes in order for story to move on we might need more out of the character. My major problem with this show is the quality of the anime and the lack of imagination in direction. The quality is not great. Character design and world building could a million times better. Imagine this had the quality and the artistic direction of Psycho-pass. Nonetheless it's a good anime with good ideas. I recommend it.
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I Feel Pretty (2018)
Too long!! Too dumb at times and a bit funny.
2 January 2021
This could be a better movie if it wasn't this long and over confident. Amy schumer has her moments. She's awkward and funny. Some of the jokes land but some doesn't. Side characters are dull and underdeveloped. The main problem wirh this movie is its writing. The writing is cheesey, cliche and dumb. The idea is great, but the execution is not great at all. The ending sucked too. A bit too dumb to relate to.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
It's Ok, nothing new...
19 September 2020
This is an ok show. It is entertaining to some degree, but it's not even close to a perfect or even a good show. I get the love for star wars, but this is an average show and nothing more. There is no character development.Mandelorian is the same guy he was by the end of the show. Also, There isn't much to the plot, there is only one mystery in the entire show and it's the origin of baby yoda, nothing more. The action scenes are not great or even exciting. No original character and definitely nothing we haven't seen before. I'll watch the second season, but I'm not excited for it.
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Genius, Best episode of the show so far
8 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great episode so far in both season. I'm super happy that they didn't drag The V compound story line anymore. Gotta say Hewie and Butcher relationship was on my nerves but happy we saw an end to their desput. Seeing stormfront in action was awesome. I like her character her agenda and who and what she represent in today's America. This Episode is what i was waiting for this season.
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Tom Segura: Ball Hog (2020 TV Special)
Funny/Charming/charismatic not the beat tho
12 April 2020
Tom is a funny guy. He doesn't have the best jokes. He has some good ones some silly acts and some really good ones. He's charming and comfortable on stage. He's not as intellectual as some top comedians but smart enough to enjoy his material l. Overall good show to watch while having your meal
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Great movie, A love letter to storytelling
27 January 2020
Happy to see Guy is back on track. his last few movies were not that great, but this one. wow, it's a beautiful movie with a great script and actors. funny, smooth and brilliant. i had a great time in the movie theater. the art of story telling is fading away with all these superhero movies and tv series but this movie gave me a new hope. i recommend it
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Samurai Champloo: Daraku tenshi (2004)
Season 1, Episode 11
A Love story
2 December 2019
What a beautiful story. I think with one the best dirting and editing of the whole series. And the music is perfect as always. such a lovely show a masterclass of story telling
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The Promised Neverland (2019–2021)
5 November 2019
I haven't read the manga and start watching the show without any information. So as u can imagine by the end of episode 1, i was hooked. The show is incredibly smart and fast paced. I loved the fact that there is no wasting time. The creators don't mess around. The story is original the characters are related enough and the story line is straight forward. There are many questions that were left with no answer and i hope they know what to do with season 2, cause it will be critical. Overall, beautiful show. Strongly recommend it
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Joker (I) (2019)
Dark, Fun, confusing and painful
14 October 2019
Good movie. Can't say more really. It's a good movie. Great acting, good screen play, good Directing and good timing. I had a good time watching this movie. After watching i both understand why some call it problematic and some call it a masterpiece. I liked the movie mostly because fenix performance. He is the best Joker alive, no question asked. I think Directing was a bit to much influenced by Taxi driver, but it was professional nonetheless. At this climate we need a movie like this, not because of its massage or anything like that, but we need something to be scary to push the boundaries and try to cross the red lines and censorship in the nowadays society. In my opinion it's a movie, nothing more and nothing less. Watch it, think about it and move on.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Beautiful, great acting & simple maybe too simple
14 October 2019
The first scene( the accident) of the movie is amazing. Almost all the scenes are visually breathtaking. The setting and atmosphere of the movie is minimalistic,realistic and masterfully done. Although the story happens in the future there is no confusing technology or anything like that. First i have to say i enjoyed this movie. I have some serious issues with it, but overall i enjoyed my time in the Imax. Have to say Brad Pitt is great. 2019 is his year for sure. The screenplay is good enough, although it falls apart in the third act. There is almost no climax. Nothing really happens. The interaction between father and son is incredibly underwhelming. I think the creators wanted to pull off something in pure simplicity but they couldn't. The story is simple too simple in my opinion. Obviously potential was there but they failed.
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Man Up (2018)
Theo Von is great
21 July 2019
If you are familiar with Theo Comedy you know his natural, Dark humor is unique to himself. His originality and honesty combined woth his comedy is specialand seriously underrated. He is entertaining. I recommend watching this show and his specials. Also his podcast is great
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Suicide Squad (2016)
it was the best DC movie to this day.
5 August 2016
it was the best DC movie to this day. all the cast except Cara Delevingne (she was really bad, it was obvious that they tried to cover her lake of acting skills with CGI and editing gadgets) were great. Viola Davis was amazing and of course Will Smith was great as The Deadshot. Margot Robbie proved herself as a great actress in this movie and Jared leto as Joker was interesting although he has not had much time on screen to prove himself as a real original Joker. the first half of the movie which introduced All the heroes and villains weren't that good. the screenplay has some major problem with creating the main Villain (Enchantress) which just gets worse with Cara Delevingne bad acting. the second half when our heroes actually start their mission we get to see a good, amusing, funny, Heroic and tragic superhero movie which what we all want. in general the movie was great and thank god we're not gonna see any DC movie with Zack Snyder as its director for a while.
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