
46 Reviews
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Stolen (2001)
Season 3, Episode 3
Good but
20 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Judge's ruling was insane. She certainly had the discretion to leave the child with his adoptive parents, and there was likely precedent for this exact situation. Taking him away from his family doesn't make any sense. Poorly written conclusion to an otherwise great episode.
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The Practice: Adjourned (a.k.a. Cheers) (2004)
Season 8, Episode 22
Goodbye, again
2 August 2022
Lmao, Bobby really didn't join them at the end. That was odd. It was an okay finale. The main thing was that it gave us a look at where everyone might go next. Honestly, I'd probably watch a Jimmy spin-off. His ending looked like a pitch for a new show that never happened.

I enjoyed this show. Had its ups and downs but I watched all 167 episodes and I don't often finish TV shows anymore, so credit where it's due.

Shoutout to reviewer Hitchcoc who started the show just before I did. Been reading their reviews as I went along. It's been fun.
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The Practice: The Firm (2004)
Season 8, Episode 19
Boston Legal
1 August 2022
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Obviously sort of a backdoor pilot for the new show. I'm guessing the last few episodes will be in the same vein. I liked it though. Sadly our friends at Young, Frutt and Berluti seem to be moving on. Jimmy is starting his own practice and I guess Eugene has been tapped to become a judge? I was hoping the firm would stick it out past the show's ending, continuing to exist outside of our view, much like Brian in the Fast & Furious movies, but it wasn't meant to be.
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The Practice: War of the Roses (2004)
Season 8, Episode 17
Denny Crane
1 August 2022
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...and Vince Colosimo! The absolute last person I expected to see in this show, but a welcome surprise.

I think Alan isn't entirely in the wrong here. The firm knew about his sleazy ethics but were more than happy to take the money he made for them. Firing him now, just because they've had enough, doesn't seem reasonable to me. On the other hand, he *has* gone outside the boundaries of legal ethics, and he *has* straight up committed crimes, so it's not like they don't have cause to fire him. My guess, or maybe more of a safe assumption, is that he will lose this case and end up working with Denny Crane, leading right into Boston Legal.
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The Practice: Mr. Shore Goes to Town (2004)
Season 8, Episode 15
31 July 2022
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Another silly twist, although I still think the mother did it. I really don't understand why Shore hasn't been fired yet. Yes, as they keep telling us, he and Ellenor are like besties or something. But man, Bobby would never have even hired this guy. Eugene should have put his foot down over the extortion case. Ellenor should 100% be done with him by now. It seems Eugene will finally be dealing with him in the next episode, but it does not make sense that it took this long.
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The Practice: Rape Shield (2003)
Season 8, Episode 7
Inadequate counsel
28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've been writing less reviews this season because I haven't really had anything to complain about, nor anything to write home about. This has been a perfectly fine season so far. It's been nice not having a character who just yells at people when things aren't going his way. Alan Shore is fun to watch and more likeable than Bobby ever was, in spite of his sleaziness. The only thing that gets me is why Eugene and Ellenor elect to keep him around. It doesn't make sense but I respect James Spader's immense plot armour.

Huge turnaround from season 7. The show is good again. Maybe firing half the cast wasn't so bad after all.
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The Practice: We the People (2003)
Season 8, Episode 1
This was good
27 July 2022
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Alan Shore is a breath of fresh air for a show that had become increasingly lethargic. Everyone at this firm is such a stickler for the rules, it gets boring, so having someone to shake things up is good. But even him aside, this episode had an energy and fun to it that the show hasn't had since the early seasons. It was a better episode than the entirety of last season combined.
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The Practice: Goodbye (2003)
Season 7, Episode 22
Weak finale
27 July 2022
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Well I'm glad that's over. Crap season and a crap finale. Not only that, but this was a goodbye to the main character, and I just couldn't bring myself to care. I'm more upset at the loss of Claire, a character who has been here for half a season. Literally anyone who walks in off the street is a more likeable character than Bobby Donnell. Even Lindsay's weird serial killer client she organised a funeral for. Goodbye Bobby.
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The Practice: Les Is More (2003)
Season 7, Episode 19
Black Mirror
27 July 2022
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Look it was stupid but it was funny. I love Andie MacDowell. The Bobby/Lindsay storyline is far worse. Thank God they're both leaving. It's about time.
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The Practice: Capitol Crimes (2003)
Season 7, Episode 18
27 July 2022
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They're really gonna drag this out to the end of the season. What a waste of screentime this entire storyline is. Lindsay should just shoot him and go to prison. It would solve everything.

Main plot with the kid facing death was good though. Next week's episode looks insane and it's got Andie MacDowell. Should be wild.
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The Practice: Burnout (2003)
Season 7, Episode 17
Christopher Reeve
27 July 2022
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Unfortunately is given a snoozefest of a plot. This exact thing has to have happened like 20 times now. I'm kinda over it. Speaking of snoozefests, more Bobby/Lindsay crap that nobody cares about. Jamie and Eugene's plot was good though, saved the episode.
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The Practice: Special Deliveries (2003)
Season 7, Episode 16
Bobby and Lindsay
27 July 2022
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I do not care. Just split up. All of a sudden we are supposed to be care about this relationship? Christ.

Was a good 2 parter although why did Walsh and Helen think that would work? They had to have foreseen that he would kill his mother if it didn't, and their case was incredibly weak. How are we supposed to interpret the ending? Does Norman Bates blow up? Does the flat top guy strangle him? Do they become friends? Have sex maybe? I have questions.
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The Practice: The Making of a Trial Attorney (2003)
Season 7, Episode 14
Best episode of the season so far
25 July 2022
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I loved the Claire plot. Such a breath of fresh air after all the doom and gloom of this season. It gave me the same feeling I had when Jimmy won his first trial, and Harland after that.

Hell even Bobby's case didn't make me want to pull my hair out. Certainly a retread of something they've done before but it's still effective enough to make up what I would consider to be the B plot of this episode.

That other reviewer is right though. 7 seasons in and Bobby is just not a likeable person. Even Walsh is starting to pull more redeeming qualities out of his ass than Bobby has. On that note, I'm enjoying the Walsh redemption arc. We'll see what happens with it.
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The Practice: Bad to Worse (2002)
Season 7, Episode 8
24 July 2022
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Why did she take this? Does she want all her clients to be white? Maybe next episode she'll be representing a nazi. I thought the whole point of starting her own practice was to be low key. Taking on small civil disputes. What the hell were they thinking with this episode? Post 9/11 television is so insane sometimes.

Eugene's case was boring but it was funny when he laughed in court. I don't know how the partners can still support the use of Plan B when it's become such a known gimmick of this firm. It's no wonder they found her guilty.
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The Practice: The Verdict (2002)
Season 6, Episode 22
Agree with hitchcoc
19 July 2022
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How did this in any way appear premeditated? It's manslaughter at best. Jury is off their rocker. I don't recall any appealable issues so I don't know how they plan to get her off. Maybe they'll just argue that the jury was stupid. Whatever bs they come up with will probably work.
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The Practice: Evil/Doers (2002)
Season 6, Episode 20
My pronouns are evil/doer
19 July 2022
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Ok but like what? They should've checked that guy for the mark behind his ear. Even I thought of that. I was livid when he showed it to them.

It was pretty obvious the previous episode was setting up the finale and I guess they had to deal with the fallout here. Maybe Lindsay will leave the show. She hasn't gotten much to do this season. This is almost exactly what happened with Anderson Pearson and he ended up getting 2 years so I'm not holding my breath.
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The Practice: Eat and Run (2002)
Season 6, Episode 19
19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This man murdered people and ate them and I'm pretty sure he like... admitted to doing these things? How can the prosecution not get any kind of conviction? No mental hospital? Straight not guilty seemed completely out of pocket.

And surely they'd have had some kind of basis on which to reject this court appointment? Jimmy has been shot. Lindsay has been stabbed AND stalked by two different clients. Bobby got beat up by a client not that long ago AND had been kidnapped by a former client. The firm taking this case sitting down just doesn't make sense to me after everything they've gone through defending criminals.
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The Practice: The Return of Joey Heric (2002)
Season 6, Episode 18
The Return of the King
17 July 2022
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I like the Joey Heric episodes because of the levity they offer. They're like Hitchock-style "perfect murder" stories with all the fun twists and turns, not meant to be taken seriously. The problem with these episodes is that this show is often ridiculous even when it's being earnest. This one would have been better had Joey Heric actually turned a new leaf and won the case. For this silly twist to happen now, for a third time, only adds to the million silly twists that have happened since the last time Joey Heric got off. It's no longer the fun reveal it was in the early seasons.
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The Practice: Eyewitness (2002)
Season 6, Episode 10
13 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another stupid twist ending. Also I'm honestly really confused about the Eleanor thing. Maybe it was just the way it was written or the delivery but it sounded like Eleanor was about to take him up on the offer when she asked if he was serious. Then he takes the offer back and she decides it was unethical. Whatever the writers were trying to communicate did not come off as such. And Rebecca talking to her at the end. Jesus. How could Rebecca not see why she was upset? Why does she suddenly have to be stupid for Eleanor to make her point? Sloppy writing all over this one.
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The Practice: Dangerous Liaisons (2001)
Season 6, Episode 8
That was stupid
12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Bobby is stupid. The ending was stupid. Lucy was kinda stupid too. She had to have known that wasn't right, especially a plan hatched by that scumball D. A. What a stupid episode. Bobby and Lindsay are barely ever seen together. They've had one cute moment in the entire show. Who cares about them at this point This is just filler where everything is derivative of previous episodes and nothing new is offered to spice it up.

Update: Alright I've watched the next one. They didn't even follow up Lucy's thing. I'm just gonna say this episode isn't canon. It's too damn weird.
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The Practice: Suffer the Little Children (2001)
Season 6, Episode 7
D.A.'s office has hit a new Lowe
11 July 2022
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I hate that A. D. A. Lowe. He's worse than Bobby's people were in season 1. And I thought he went too far the last time. Man essentially put out a hit on a black kid to coerce him into confessing. Even Richard never pulled this crap.

On the other hand we have a sweet story about a man who got out of prison after 12 years, being cleared of the crime, and now wants to see his daughter. Very sad but a happy ending.

This season has been very good so far.
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The Practice: Honor Code (2001)
Season 6, Episode 6
Legal Ethics
11 July 2022
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The episodes that wrestle with legal ethics are the best ones. What's moral vs what's legal. This episode is an extreme example but the art of storytelling often takes things to extremes in order to unpack them. I think this episode did a great job exploring a moral quandry. The one thing that bothered me was that Eugene reported Jimmy for this but not for stealing a client's money just two episodes ago, something I think he should've been fired for.

On a different note, Jimmy's character is so strange. Sometimes I like him, sometimes I don't. He's like a cute teddy bear with racist, sexist, homophobic tendencies. Then you pull the string on his back and he rips out a 5 minute monologue about how the justice system doesn't serve the people and you're like "hell yeah, go Jimmy!"
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The Practice: Liar's Poker (2001)
Season 6, Episode 3
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That was easily the worst thing the D. A. office has done. Now I have zero law experience but couldn't they have argued that the witness was exculpatory evidence since the defense had the chance to cross examine and could have put a hole in their account? It's a stretch because it's not explicitly evidence of innocence but it's something. Sad episode all around. I don't really like Jimmy and he should've revealed the husband's threat. He's such a moron sometimes..
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The Practice: Public Servants (2001)
Season 5, Episode 22
5 July 2022
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Might have been more impactful if Richard was around longer. I liked him but he didn't get enough time to develop.

This is like the third time Helen has assassinated someone. I wasn't even sure if it was the right guy because the mother was different. Actually I'm still not convinced they had the right guy.

That 150 years stinger from the judge was hilarious.

Poor Rebecca. Was this her first guilty murder client? Might have been her first murder client in general. I appreciate the continuity this show has kept with her behind the scenes. You could see her gradually making her way up from co-chairing to taking on product liability cases, etc. And now murder.

I realised during this episode that we never found out for sure if Rebecca is a Jehovah's Witness. Based on the large amount of evidence to the contrary, I'm going to assume she's not.
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The Practice: The Case of Harland Bassett (2001)
Season 5, Episode 20
One of the best
4 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
HE DID IT. MY MANS HARLAND FINALLY DID IT. Harland redemption arc went OFF this episode. He put on a good case and won. I was so happy for him at the end. HE MADE EUGENE CRY. Incredible.
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