5 Reviews
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Risen (2021)
Slowest movie ever!
31 December 2023
OMG! It's like they took a mediocre 30-minute Twilight Zone script, and very painfully stretched it out to almost two hours. Lots of scenes where a person is just staring at something (or nothing) for several minutes, without any dialogue. No, I'm not talking about the zombie alien creatures. They were almost more lifelike than the supposedly living people. And other things that made no sense. Like the counselor calling to harass the lady about missing her court-ordered sessions for a DUI. Uh, she's apparently the only person who can save the human race. Maybe cut her a little slack for the psych sessions?
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Candy Corn (2019)
So bad!
13 May 2021
Afraid I didn't make it too far into this one, due to the TREMENDOUSLY bad acting. 😱
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Well, I thought it was good...
2 May 2021
Geez, people! I assume you're okay with sci-fi movies with aliens, monsters, superheroes? But if it's supposed to be based on reality, you start crying about the science! "That couldn't happen!" Just chill out and enjoy the show! Yeah, doesn't make sense someone would close him up behind the panel. So what? More likely than turning a pumpkin into a carriage.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Answers (2019)
Season 11, Episode 11
Was this a chick flick?
9 December 2019
I went back and clicked through this episode, and counted MAYBE ten minutes of anything that had to do with catching the guy planning a terrorist attack on LA. But we learned a lot about everyone's dreams and plans for the future! BORing!
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Earthstorm (2006 TV Movie)
Excellent comedy!
16 April 2011
Thanks to the complete disregard by the makers of this movie of anything resembling science, I found it quite enjoyable. Yes, there is something called a "space shuttle", and the moon does exist, but that's about where the scientific facts end. Lots of fun trying to spot all of the plot elements that completely disregarded various law of physics; though I lost count after a while. I especially enjoyed how they would just string together some random technical-sounding words to explain each new problem encountered. Loved how to shuttle was able to magically levitate within the moon crevasse. The "goofs" page documents a few more items, but I imagine they also gave up after a while. Great fun!
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