
17 Reviews
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Love this Series!!!
7 May 2014
This is perhaps the best television series I've ever watched. I've just finished watching the final episode of Season 2, and I must say the Season Finale left me wanting more...disappointed I'll have to wait until next year to see it.

The series is based on a somewhat legendary character, so a lot of historical "guesses" have been made in the plot. But you know what? Who cares! This show could be total fiction and be just as enjoyable. The fact that it centers around real historical events makes it more intriguing, though.

I've never waited with such anticipation for a TV show to be on. I'm a "Game of Thrones" fan too, but if I could only watch one or the other, it would definitely be "Vikings" really is that good.
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Excellent Film about the choices of life
6 March 2014
Another reviewer wrote they couldn't stop thinking about this film...neither can I. It made me reflect on relationships I have (and have had), and the nature of trust and friendship.

Geoffrey Rush does his usual excellent acting playing Virgil Oldman, a master auctioneer in demand around the world, and the owner of his own auction house in Italy. Rich, extremely knowledgeable of the art world, and totally self-assured, its seems that Virgil has it all. However, Virgil isn't all he seems to be...he sometimes lies to, and cheats his clients for personal gain, he's a germaphobe, and in his personal life, a chaste and lonely recluse. He's prone to tantrums and temper flares. His world is an opulent cocoon of his own making, and he'd have it no other way.

Then comes a call from Claire, a wealthy heiress who suffers from agoraphobia. No one has seen Claire in years, Virgil is told, and slowly but surely he becomes obsessed with a woman who at a certain level shares some of Virgil's personality flaws...her cocoon is in her own mind.

To tell you more would be to spoil this outstanding film. It is a tale of love, a story of obsession. It examines friendship and relationships--both personal and business. It shows the consequences of actions, and the limitations of self-proclaimed power. It is a love story that will strike the heart of anyone who has been in love and understands it's rewards and perils.

Yes, I can't stop thinking about this film. I'll be you do the same.
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The Bag Man (I) (2014)
Why all the hate for this movie?
5 March 2014
Okay, you already know if you read the storyline that this movie revolves around a hit man, and a mystery bag he is sent to fetch. He is told not to look in the bag...he doesn't know what's in there, and neither do we, the audience. There's a whole lot of bad people that want that bag, and the mystery and suspense builds as we meet more and more of them.

What's in that damn bag???!!!

The acting was good, and kept you in the movie. I thought that John Cusack and Rebecca Da Costa did wonderful jobs in their roles--gritty and believable. Robert De Niro is Robert De Niro in every movie he plays in to me, and although he's a fine actor, well...he's Robert De Niro! His character has diarrhea of the mouth and is a little annoying, however no one else could have done him better.

This movie is full of action, suspense, and is worth the watch to find out if you'll ever know what's in that bag!
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Intelligence (2014)
Interesting Action Show With a Good Cast
8 January 2014
Josh Holloway stars as Gabriel, an ex-Delta Force war veteran who has had a top-secret, super- chip surgically implanted in his brain. While he possesses no physical enhancements, mentally he becomes a walking router that can mentally pull and process data from other computers (exactly how isn't made clear). Obviously, the show's title "Intelligence" isn't meant to mean "superior intelligence," rather it means an enhanced ability to acquire and apply information.

Called a hero, yet deemed reckless and sometimes insubordinate by his boss, he is assigned a capable and attractive female partner to work as his bodyguard--since he's one of a kind the U.S. Cyber Command doesn't want anything happening to him because Gabriel has some pretty amazing abilities. He can look at people, do a facial recognition scan, and then retrieve all available data about that person by accessing computer databases. Video data appears like a holographic projection that he can walk through (what he calls cyber-rendering). Exactly how that works isn't fully explained either, but the concept and presentation are presented well. The good side of that is that the show doesn't wear you down with technical detail, while presenting an innovative presentation of using it.

Abiding by the time-tested formula for action partners--Gabriel and his new partner have their share of bantering, budding sexual tension, and bonding through crisis management. However, even though that aspect of the plot may seem predictable, the acting is solid, and the characters interesting and believable.

This is an action show, so there is a fair amount of fighting and shooting, however its not over- the-top, and isn't too graphic. The Pilot presents the characters, provides an initial storyline, and although slightly confusing at first, eventually explains the capabilities that we see Gabriel using.

All in all, I thought it was a pretty good show worth watching again. The overall theme is original, but the biggest challenge for the writers will be to keep the show from becoming a stereotype of action shows. Given the great cast and judging by the Pilot, I think something good is being delivered to television audiences that will keep people watching.
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Lone Survivor (2013)
Not a movie for the squeamish...but a must-see
31 December 2013
I watched this movie, and all I can say is, "Wow." This movie has a gritty authenticity that makes it great, and at times almost unbearable to watch.

The movie begins with BUD/S candidate training. You get a feel for the grueling training/qualification/preparation that is designed, as the movie says, to show the candidates that their mind can make their body do more than they ever thought it was capable of...this training is put to good use by the men in the field.

Watching the SEAL team pay a price for a responsible and kind-hearted act was very difficult. By doing the "right" thing, they knowingly put their own lives in jeopardy. An extremely graphic "Saving Private Ryan" type of realism fire-fight shows the toughness and superior warrior skills of the SEALS, as they fight against overwhelming odds. It's hard to watch, yet at the same time, shows just how physically and mentally tough a SEAL warrior's amazing.

I'm trying really hard not to write a book here, or give any spoilers. However, I think everyone should see this movie to understand what our men in uniform go through in battle. Since virtually all SEAL missions are classified, we never get to hear about the heroic actions of men like these that result in saving lives for their brother soldiers, as well as innocent civilians.

The movie brought a tear to my eye, and made me reflect on the sacrifice so many have made for this country. I don't agree with any need for the USA to be in the Afghan or Iraq wars, but I do respect those who serve so unselfishly. This movie made me reflect on their ultimate sacrifices--most of which we don't hear about.

Go see this movie. I hope it serves as a catalyst to bring our brave soldiers home once and for all.
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Frozen (I) (2013)
Very Good Disney Musical Animation
27 November 2013
I'd have to call this feature more of a musical than anything else, as every scene has a song or two--and all are very well done.

The real question for me was, "Did my 8 yr. old daughter like it?" This is, after all, a movie for kids of all ages, but basically a movie for kids. Anyway, she loved it--more than "The Guardians" (which she really loved) and a couple of other titles that are her favorites. Her favorite part was the music itself, although she loved the story, too.

This isn't a tough movie for adults to sit through, as it is very entertaining. And, a nice surprise comes at the end when you think you already know how it will all end up. It doesn't, as there's a slight twist, but of course its a happy ending.

Great Holiday movie for young and old alike. Take your kid, grandkid, or just yourself and go see it.
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Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth (2013 TV Special)
Excellent first-person biography
23 November 2013
I'm not going to write a book about this movie--suffice it to say if you've ever heard of, or had an opinion of Mike Tyson, then you should see this. Mike tells his life story from his beginnings in Brooklyn up to the present day. Although laced with profanity, his story is at times funny, sad, happy, tragic, and yet in the end, hopeful. He's had his ups and many downs, but through it all he has come out of it a better person, father, and man.

I always thought Mike Tyson was the most awesome boxer I ever saw. I'm glad to see he's finally become an awesome man, too.

Definitely worth a watch.
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Dracula (2013–2014)
Completely different twist on an old story
26 October 2013
Some reviewers obviously disliked this show. Yes, there is a lot of historical sloppiness such as flashlights before the dry cell and incandescent electric bulb were invented (Google "history of flashlight"), or the use of dry ice at the opera (dry ice was invented, but not in widespread use as their was no commercial manufacturing or distribution yet), how Jonathan Rhys Myers (Dracula) can mimic an American accent (presumably without having been there) are all flaws, however these nuances shouldn't ruin the total viewing experience, and I don't think they did.

This show is a completely new approach to the Dracula story--it would seem the only thing in common with previous versions is that Dracula is a powerful vampire who shuns daylight. Other than that, pretty much everything about the story seems to be original. There are familiar characters like Renfield and Van Helsing, however in this story they are completely different than in past depictions, with totally different motives and purpose in Dracula's life.

I'll give it a couple of more episodes to see if it thumbs up or down, but it wasn't too bad for a series premiere, just a little sloppy.

UPDATE: Episode 2 Well despite the rant trying to say my facts are wrong and the writer's are correct (just Google to see for yourself), Episode 2 came forward with the same sloppiness. The storyline carried on, but the story is already getting tired. Same old Dracula where for some reason, he kills in the middle of the street, makes a bloody mess, then looks up and growls before continuing his meal. Grrrr?

An actress uses a quotation written in 2008, "The Devil you know...." Time travel? The fencing scene has the actors wearing modern, lightweight fencing masks and modern form-fitting suits... These consistent flaws aside, its been revealed (by obviously a writer of the show) that Dracula's American accent will be explained, as prequel episodes are forthcoming.
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Juvenile stoner humor...
4 October 2013
I watched this movie because of the 7.2 average rating...I've learned that anything over 6.5 is potentially worth a watch due to varying tastes among the reviewers. Usually, as a rule, that works. In this case, I was unpleasantly surprised. This movie wasn't awful, but it barely makes the bar for decent entertainment.

OK, so there's a bunch of stars making cameo's at the beginning, and it starts out like it might have a lot of potential. However, it quickly devolves into typical "guy" humor using as much foul language as possible while falling back on male Junior High School genital and sex oriented jokes for humor.

If I was sixteen and smoking weed, I'd probably find this movie hysterical. Being much older and past that point in my life, I found the movie OK, but very sophomoric. It's kind of like watching "Animal House." I was a kid when it came out and it was hysterical then (especially when my viewing experience was "enhanced"). Watching it now, it just seems silly.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
Has potential
25 September 2013
I watched this because I grew up reading Marvel Comics, I've loved the big-screen Marvel Movies, and I really like Josh Whedon's past work, including "The Avengers".

That being said, while literally opening with a "Bang", the show wasn't everything I hoped for, yet it shows the potential for more--much more. Its unfair to expect everything to be perfect in a opening show for a series, and I suspect this show will only get better week-by-week.

The show introduces us to mostly new characters, and there is obviously room to add more along with some familiar faces as the series evolves. There's enough action, but not too much, and enough violence without going over the top with excessive blood and gore.

Is it safe for kids? Well, if you let them read the comics, then I'd say absolutely...there's nothing here they haven't seen in the comics in terms of graphic violence. Is it fun for adults? If you like the Marvel movies, then I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy this series...I can't imagine Josh Whedon letting us down
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I Am... Gabriel (2012 Video)
Well intentioned, but so predictable
28 August 2012
First of all, the title alone gives the whole movie away if you've ever learned anything about Christianity. This movie is well-intentioned, sweet, and yet watching it feels like you've already seen it. For some reason though, I watched it until the end, even though I rolled my eyes upon seeing exactly what I expected to be the climax of the film.

For those out there who'll lament that its a Christian film and speaks of God...well just don't watch it and don't b*$#@h about it! I'm always amazed how people can be OK accepting concepts in Star Wars like "The Force", and "Use The Force," yet be totally not OK with the parallel concept of God and Prayer. Really...what's the difference? Anyway, I'm not here to rant or preach, I'm just saying that if you don't like stuff like this, don't watch it and then write a complaint about it. If you do like heartwarming Christian themes, this movie has them--it just has a far too predictable storyline to make it a really good movie. It's more of Christian fairy tale than anything else--but then a whole lot of us grew up loving fairy tales, didn't we? Watch it with the kiddies, the ultimate message is good whether you believe in the delivery or not.
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Magic City (2012–2013)
Has great potential...we'll see
8 April 2012
This show caught my attention, and held it from start to finish. It moves at a slow, but steady pace, as if mimicking the slightly slower speed people adjust to when in the tropics. The pace is perfect though, as nothing is rushed, and the story seems to move at an appropriate speed without bogging itself down.

The acting is good, the characters quickly defined with a touch of slight touch of cliché personalities, but I think it helps to make the story move along by quickly separating the good from the bad and the mysterious.

Great period shots of cars, fashion, and the era of smoking abound, giving those of us old enough to remember a nostalgic look at a period that was wonderful, tumultuous, and tragic all at once. This show has the right cast, and it's future depends solely on where it's writers take it. Definitely worth a watch.
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Born to Ride (2011)
Had to turn this one off...
8 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is awful. Casper Van Dien stars as a biker--and while I don't personally dislike him as an actor or want to stereotype bikers--Casper's clean-cut (even with a beard), pretty-boy looks don't fit the part very well. The acting is lame, the background music horrible, and the story doesn't even make sense!

The movie starts with Casper telling a story about what happened to him (the point of the movie), but most of the scenes for the story he's telling take place without him, meaning he wasn't even how could he know?

However, what helped bring about pushing the "Stop" button before the movie even came close to ending was this: There's a scene where Casper and friend round a corner on their bikes, and you can see a Police Car facing the direction across the intersection in the direction they're going. Less then half a block after their turn, they see a criminal disturbance and jump in to help. A person is injured, and a neighbor calls for help. Yet, amazingly enough, the Police Car that was half a block away never shows up! Continuity error or just bad movie making?

I made it through another ten bad minutes and turned it off. Do yourselves a favor and skip this one.
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Bloodworth (2010)
Bittersweet, very moving family drama
8 July 2011
This story takes place in a beautiful country setting somewhere in Tennessee. It revolves around a young man whose family was splintered apart by his grandfather's (Kris Kristofferson) departure long before he was born. Grandpa Bloodworth left behind boys that grew up carrying the pain of their father's departure, and we watch how it all manifest upon his return.

This is an excellent piece of storytelling using a rural setting to tell a story from a part of America that the movie explores without any condemning bias about the South or Southerners. This movie simply tells a story from a corner of America that anyone can relate to if you pay attention to what's being said.

Some say it moved along slowly, but I thought the pace completely appropriate with the story being told. The movie keeps you glued wanting to know the "why's and what's" of upcoming events, while the ending will certainly pull your heartstrings.

Outstanding acting by great performers, a great story, and definitely worth a watch.
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Priest (2011)
Way better than expected!
26 June 2011
I saw the cheesy animation that this filmed opened with and I cringed. The entire premise for the movie is explained in the first few minutes using a low-budget looking cartoon. However, I paid attention, and forced myself to watch more...

Shortly after came the true opening sequence on a remote ranch...I was just about to turn it off, but again I made myself watch more...and I'm glad I did!

In short order, the movie found its footing and started to get interesting. In fact, this movie was actually surprisingly good. Sure, it has its bad moments like almost any movie-- however its mostly an action/horror flick and it delivers on both--especially the action.

If you enjoyed reading comics when you were a kid, and you're tired of all the "romantic" vampires in movies of late, then this could be a movie you'll like. Lots of good old fashioned vampire butt-kicking in a movie short on depth but long on fun and entertainment.
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Age of Heroes (2011)
Not the greatest, yet far from the worst WWII film
26 June 2011
I'm not understanding all the negativity in the user reviews about this film. Sure, Sean Bean is not the world's greatest actor, but he did a fine job in this role. True, the movie shared some themes found in other WWII movies, but how can that possibly be avoided in this day and age?

The movie does lack moments of depth--for example the training camp in Scotland shows lots of yelling and little else. However, contrary to previous opinions, the mission is quite clearly explained prior to the team undertaking it--hence the need for the non-commando "specialist" who is brought along to ensure success.

This movie was entertaining, moves at a brisk pace (although too brisk in some places), and has fun moments combined with tragic and sad. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I found it enjoyable, and while not Academy Award material, I would recommend that anyone who likes Action/War movies takes a look.
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The Inheritance (I) (2011)
Ex-slaves rule a family with blood
17 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie doesn't live up to its potential. It starts out with a group of twenty/thirty year old African Americans driving through the winter snow, mostly complaining about a family reunion being held in winter. We aren't told a lot about the characters, and there is minimal added regarding who they are as the story unfolds.

This is suppose to be a horror/thriller, yet it doesn't do too much of either. Too bad, as the cast seems up to the job, and does a fine job of acting--the story/script is just too weak to make this a memorable movie. The premise of a family that lets their children be sacrificed is difficult to swallow, and doesn't make sense as far as sustainability of the family line...sooner or later the family tree would have to stop growing branches.
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