
14 Reviews
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17 January 2023
This movie gutted me but I am glad I watched it. The film covers child slavery, the effects, and the causes in various parts of India. In the end, there is some hope not just in revolution but in knowledge. Awareness is as always the most important part.

There were some parts that I could not watch because the way the camera moved made me dizzy, but overall, the camera was steady. I think I missed a total of one minute.

It's partly in English and partly with English subtitles because some people from the lower castes do not understand English. But this made it harder for me when I needed to turn on closed captions at points. Turning them off & rewinding a bit worked fine.

I also needed breaks sometimes because of the subject matter, so it took me longer than an hour.
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Hip Hop Family Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
Way too complicated
1 January 2022
This movie just had so much going on. I think every character had two plots and it was really hard to keep track of them all. A lot of things (including a murder, what some family members will be doing next, and the future of some of the relationships) were left completely under resolved in the end. It was more like the first episode of an "Empire" like drama and a Christmas movie.
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A Christmas Witness (2021 TV Movie)
Hilarious. Sometimes on purpose
18 December 2021
The leads had pretty good chemistry and were fun to watch, but my favorite thing about the movie was it's complete lack of anything resembling realistic police techniques. I'm pretty sure nothing about the mob scenes was realistic, either. It made for a very fun viewing, although I'm not entirely sure that was intentional.
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Christmas Angel (2009 Video)
Ultimately harmless
31 October 2021
A cute enough movie about how if you fall in love, it can save you from being grumpy grinchy selfish type. Some sad things happen, but the ending is heartfelt and warm. The side stories are all wrapped up by the end, which is nice. Not everything gets fixed, because love a and kindness can't save everything.
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Runaway Romance (2018 TV Movie)
The ending sucks
31 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The two leads are likable people and they have great chemistry together. Plus, Annie gets a fantastic revenge on her ex and his horrible mother.

Unfortunately, the movie also gets us involved in the story of Sarah (who runs an Amish inn) and has a marriage proposal. Neither the future of the inn nor the marriage proposal (that she doesn't want to accept) is resolved in the end, which was really sad because I liked Sarah.

It's also not resolved what Annie will do for work now or even where she's going to stay. I do like that she didn't decide to become Amish for a man. You shouldn't change your faith to get married.
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Love on the Rise (2020 TV Movie)
31 October 2021
I got 30 minutes in and couldn't continue. I was fine with a predictable storyline, but the acting was made of cardboard. I've seen many of them in other movies, so I don't know what the problem was here, but I could not endure it.
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Sweet Pecan Summer (2021 TV Movie)
As sweet and nutty as the title
29 August 2021
This was the best romantic comedy I've seen in a while. Great chemistry among the whole cast, several laugh-out-loud moments (especially from Aunt Carol & Chris), and I love how the ending lets us know that works out for them.

Having one Asian lead (and her aunt) was what made me want to watch it, though I would have preferred if the love interest were also Asian because romantic comedies have a serious deficiency of Asian male leads.
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Cindy (1978 TV Movie)
Fun & hilarious
18 February 2021
This musical re-telling of Cinderella had me laughing out loud and dancing to some of the songs they sang, especially the Sugar Hill Ball & the one about being a men's room attendant.
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The Christmas Yule Blog (2020 TV Movie)
9 November 2020
Very sweet movie. Good chemistry between the leads. Predictable, but what else do you expect from a Christmas romance?
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Christmas Cupcakes (2018 TV Movie)
Less romance, more satire.
22 November 2019
This started out as this sweet little movie about two sisters trying to save their family bakery and their moms house after their father's death. And then they entered a baking contest led by someone like "the most interesting man in the world", except as the judge of a baking show. It was absolutely ridiculous and I loved it.
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Sweet with a little bit of depth
18 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I generally hate it when Hallmark movies try to tackle The Big Issues, but this one did a decent job of telling the story of a woman who falls in love, get some bad medical news, and battles her own internalized ableism within a month. Her meddling family members definitely crossed the line too much, particularly telling the diagnosis to people without her consent, but overall, I'm really happy with the way they told the story. It was based on a true story and it was nice to know in the end how things worked out for the real Alice and Jack.
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Something New (I) (2006)
Wincingly painful but also sweet
31 August 2018
(I'm white) A lot of the things Brian says made me wince but I loved that the movie addressed so many problems that interracial couples experience. It was poignant and sweet.
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Adorable & funny
18 August 2018
Really sweet & often funny movie with solid performances, especially from the lead actress & the actresses playing her sisters.
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Mad Cowboy (2006 TV Movie)
Beautiful and moving
17 August 2011
I found this movie to be informative, inspiring, and beautiful. The last part particularly got to me.

The movie is a testament to the fact that you can change your behaviors, even the course of your own life. You have the ability to be the person you want to be, to be the best of yourself, no matter what your traditions, cultures, or family have taught you.

I will give a little warning that it's probably not meant for children. There's a lot of talking and information. Additionally, there are some scenes that might be upsetting to them.

There are plenty of graphic things in the film that most people will not like to see, but they should see them because avoiding the truth doesn't make it any less true. And if you cannot watch these things happening, you should stop paying people to perform those acts. If it's too disgusting for your eyes, imagine how your stomach feels about it.
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