
4 Reviews
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Black Gulch (2003)
Great Short Film
13 March 2007
I got to watch this this past weekend and really surprised.

After seeing several short films in film festivals in NYC, Boston, Provincetown and Philly you learn to expect low budgets and less storyline.

Happily Black Gulch is not that!

It really was a good little film!

Good production values and of course with Chris Bradley back in the saddle - after a few years MIA - made it all the more worthwhile.

This should be in more competitions catering to short films.

Def think Stephen King "Desperation" but with only 15 minutes and you want to see so much more.

Def worth checking out

Check out the directors offer to send you a copy - you will not be disappointed.

Thanks Mike!
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Ben & Arthur (2002)
No Attention To Detail
19 August 2004
as an actor I really like independent films but this one is amateur at best.

The boys go to Vermont for a civil service yet when the plane lands it flies over a palm tree - were the directors aware that palm trees are not in Vermont? Pines yes - palms no. And the same for the wedding service - again nice grove of palm trees.

When the boys are leaving VT they apparently could not get a ticket on any major airline since the plane that is filmed is Federal Express. Did they ship themselves Overnight in a crate? Come on guys little details like this separate an indi film from totally amateur.

The Christian brother is far gayer than Arthur with his bleached hair and tribal band tattoo. The two should have switched roles.

The minor characters are laughable and overact something terrible.

Applause to the directors for making a gay film but pay some attention to your locations and casting next time
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Not Easily Forgotten
8 April 2004
This is a small budget indi film that will settle into your heart. The idea of repressed desire and living as others wish you would live was the same theme touched on in films such as Big Eden. Director Michael Akers gives a warm and touching story of a man looking for love and another who doesn't even know who he is or what his life was like before the accident. These 2 are truly likable characters. Rounding out the cast is the brother who doesn't know how to express his love or frustrations, his Christian wife, the town doctor who's devotion to Drew transcends his sexuality and a shrewish wife who makes you understand why Mark would want to forget his past. Fine acting and storyline that keeps you hoping that love wins out. There is no preaching, no fear of AIDS, just a single gay man looking for his soulmate. What could possibly be wrong with a movie like that?
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The Trip (2002)
You Want To See
3 August 2003
Rarely in recent memories has a gay themed movie been so real - so funny and have characters that you really care about. I was laughing out loud (as was everyone in the theater) With the exception of Alexis Arquette (who in another queen bottom role -seen it before) the entire cast is perfection. Wait til you see Jill St. John as the perfect Auntie Mame role and the road-side strip. This movie is a perfect trip - start to finish
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