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As bad as it could be
26 June 2024
I understand that Lifetime movies aren't exactly Oscar worthy, but COME ON!! The dialogue was terrible, the acting was horrendous, and the storyline was empty. You don't really get a true feel for what Meghan's motive was. Was she jealous? Was she desperate for a child? Was she trying to prevent her boyfriend from breaking up with her? Was she just mentally ill?

We don't even really find out what happened. Did the girls have a fight? Did she plan it? Why did the boyfriend believe he was the father? The baby is 3 weeks old when Heidi is killed. Did the boyfriend ask when the baby was born? Did he want to know if he was listed as the father? Did he wonder why he didn't have to sign the birth certificate?

I think I could have possibly overlooked the writing since it's not a murder mystery. We know what happened when the first scene begins. First line in the movie, "Why did you do it?" Last line in the movie, "Why did you do it?" But the acting is SOOO bad and you gain zero information from the opening and closing scenes. The yellow makeup on the baby is so fake it looks ridiculous. Waste of time.
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So disappointing
22 March 2023
I've been looking forward to seeing this since it was first announced that it was a hoax. I smelled it when it first happened, I knew that the story Sherry Papini told was completely implausible. I don't ever expect Oscar level performances from TV movies, but Jamie King's performance was so awful, it was distracting. Josh Collins as Keith Papini was okay, but he overacted the "borderline abusive husband" role to such a degree that it ruined any sense of sympathy for him, when in reality, I felt that the real Keith was the true victim in this whole story. I thought the actress who played the investigator did a decent job, but otherwise, the only excuse I think of for how badly the movie was as a whole, was that it must have been directed by a seventh grader. Such a disappointment.
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Queen Bees (2021)
Cute but predictable and trite
2 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Queen Bees is a cute watch but very low budget, bordering on cheese fest quality. The acting is pretty bad, the worst of which is our heroine, the legendary Ellen Burstyn. The writing is also very lazy. Although it's a comedy, there were many opportunities for some real zingers, mostly for Jane Curtain, that didn't materialize. The rest of the Bees, like Ann-Margret and Loretta Divine, turned in performances that were so forgettable that they could have not said one word in the entire film and it would have been about the same.

I love the relationship between Ellen and her grandson Peter, it's so sweet and genuine. Her daughter, Laura, on the other hand, goes WAY overboard in the villain role and it makes her incredibly unlikable. So much so, I didn't want them to reconcile at the end of the movie.

French Stewart as the "evil" director of the assisted living home was also so over the top in his acting, that he came across as a cartoonish antagonist.

My favorite is the wonderful late James Caan. He's cool, smooth, and believable as Dan, the senior citizen Valentino.

All in all, it's not a BAD movie, but definitely not great and I doubt I'd choose to watch it again. It seems a shame that you could have an ensemble cast of iconic actors such as Ellen Burstyn and Ann-Marget, in a so-called romantic comedy that just falls flat.
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Girlboss (2017)
So THAT'S why it got canceled after one season!
3 November 2022
Wanted to turn it off after 20 minutes of the first episode. Tried to stick it out and give it a chance. It was vapid, unrealistic, and the main character is extremely unlikable. Not so much of an "underdog story" as much as just an entitled dog story. Seems like such a shame considering the star-studded cast. I think the main character was definitely miscast. Someone like Brie Larson or Emma Roberts would have been such a better fit. The premise of the show is cute, and to think it was based on a real story is charming. But the execution doesn't really work, again, because I just had no connection to the main character. Unfortunately, I can see why it got canceled after one season.
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Chris Distefano: Speshy Weshy (2022 TV Special)
I respect him self-producing it
11 May 2022
I thought the special was pretty good. Maybe not pee-your-pants-hysterically funny, but definitely entertaining. I respect the fact that he couldn't get any networks to buy it so he produced it himself. I say, "Good for him.". Because of that, it was only filmed a couple months ago, which means the current events jokes are still relevant which is a nice change. I'll be interested to see what he comes up with next.
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Grace and Frankie: The Lodger (2018)
Season 4, Episode 1
Lisa Kudrow ruined everything
24 February 2021
I can't stand Lisa Kudrow's fake high-pitched voice. She ruined this whole episode and she's ruining my favorite show. That is all.
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We're Here (2020– )
These Queens are fierce and beautiful inside and out!!
5 June 2020
We're Here is the show we all need right now. These amazing Queens open people's eyes to the beautiful art of drag, and just maybe open a few people's minds and hearts about what it mean to be LGBTQIA+ and teach them about acceptance. They give their drag daughters the courage to live their truths and discover a light within themselves they didn't even know they had. I'm living for them ALL!!

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Nostalgic and as good as the originals!
23 May 2019
I loved both episodes! I thought they were both well casted, especially Woody Harrelson as Archie Bunker and Jamie Foxx as George Jefferson. I was a little too young to watch the originals although I did enjoy the Jeffersons reruns on TBS after school. It was amazing to see how relevant these old classics are in 2019. The premise of bringing them back to bring social issues like racism to the forefront as a way to teach lessons through laughter is brilliant!! I hope they do this again with other classic shows!!
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Is this even the same show?
4 January 2019
This episode was so disappointing. All of a sudden Midge has become a modern day, post ERA, Amy Schumer-esque shock comic? The writing of this episode is awful. They're constantly using words and phrases that simply didn't exist in the 1950's. Midge and Susie constantly degrade, humiliate and curse at men as if that were an option in those days. Yelling the F word across the deli? When that type of language got Midge arrested in Season 1? More than once? It's just getting ridiculous. I won't expect a season 3 at this rate.
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Almost a great movie
19 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing this film, I am heartbroken and outraged. Outraged that Katie was ripped away time and again from the only person who had her best interest at heart. But, I'm disappointed that this movie only found its audience by way of a low budget indie movie. Mr. Davenport antagonistically replied to another viewer's comments which only shows that his ego likely got in the way of this movie possibly being the kind of film that creates a dialogue and inspires change. The only actor with any skill is Melissa Errico, but even her lines fell a little short at times. I think the director was lazy at how Katie was shuffled from place to place. Who ever in the world has heard of a hospital NOT allowing someone with rubella to enter? They could have just put her in an isolation room. The social worker at DSS was ridiculous. "The problem is with Katie, not the foster family." Please. And this being such a high profile case, Katie would have had a social worker documenting every step she made. If she had stopped talking and begun mutilating herself, she would have been moved. It would have been better if the social worker, the doctors, even the mother had tried harder to help her but got stalled by a CPS system that is broken and doesn't protect the children. But for every person except Sandra not to give a crap is just dumb. CPS isn't going to just arbitrarily give a special needs kid back to the mother who stayed silent while her daughter was tortured for 13 years. She would have had supervised visits, had to apply for custody...I mean, the number of inconsistencies are just outrageous. And I'm really sad about that. This could have been a great movie. It was good. Mostly good.
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Warm Bodies (2013)
Not at all what you think it is
6 June 2013
I watched this film because my teenager wanted to watch it, but I wasn't expecting much. I thought, "Oh, it's just Twilight but with zombies." Boy, was I wrong.

From the first few moments of R's voice-over narration, you can tell that it's actually not cheesy. He sheds a humorous light on his predicament and you're immediately rooting for him. The actual plot of the movie, while not totally unique, is oddly refreshing. You get the sense that both R and Julie are sincere & not that much different from any other teens their ages. They're just in another place and time.

Warm Bodies has elements of sci-fi, action/adventure, romance, drama, and comedy. Even if you don't like sappy romance movies or don't think you can sit through one more zombie movie, see this one. You won't be disappointed.
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This is my friend, with an "F"
22 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit, more often than not I disagree with critic's choices for Oscar Contenders. I especially didn't expect to love Jennifer Lawrence's performance so much. But the hype about this film is 100% accurate.

When Pat and Tiffany first meet, I thought she was just as crazy as Pat does. Not just the "eccentric" kind of crazy, but completely bat-s**t crazy. But as you get to know her, and understand how she has gotten to this place in her life, you just want to give her a hug. I think it would have been easy for a young actress to try to over-act a character like Tiffany. But, Lawrence's understated performance depicts an isolated and misunderstood girl who had to grow up too fast when she lost everything that mattered to her. She shows us a girl with a tough exterior who just below the surface is a fragile and frightened child who doesn't want to be alone anymore and it is positively flawless.

The story is fresh and extraordinary. It gives a behind-closed-doors look at the stigma of mental illness in a way that doesn't beg for sympathy. It shows how everyone's family is a little dysfunctional and even a "normal" person could snap if given the right conditions. The moment Pat Sr. realizes that his initial opinion of Tiffany is completely wrong is priceless. She seems to be the only person who isn't afraid to tell him what he needs to hear. Instead of going postal like we would expect, he surprises everyone and we witness his realization that maybe what he (and his son) need isn't more medical mumbo-jumbo, but someone who doesn't pull any punches to try to appease them. I think at first, Veronica wanted to set Tiffany & Pat up to keep them both from bringing their messy pasts into her pretty new house. But following Pat's meltdown in front of the theater, it becomes apparent that what they're both in desperate need of is a friend who understands them. Lookout Jessica Biel, Rachel McAdams, Emma Stone, and Amanda Seyfried; America's new sweetheart has arrived and after this Sunday, she will likely have the words "Academy Award Winning Actress" in front of her name.
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