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Better than part one but same issues prevail in part two
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Again I'm in the minority about this movie part two It is infinitely better than part one with wore drama, action and excitement BUT it still has the same weak points as part one Long excess scenes Over the top excessive buildings and machines The failure to show the proper endings of Baron Harkonon Pauls sister removed from the story xcepy I. A dream sequence In the other two versions she was the responsible one for terminating her grandfather The ending leaves much to be desired Chain comes through and a very jealous woman and a non believer that Paul is the messiah and is trying to take over and rule the same way as baron Harkonon w as doing In the next story her suspicions are correct But her departure seems to be indicative of the sequel which reading the details on Wikipedia seems to suggest There are plans for at least one more sequel and the ending of Dune two shows it Personally I think that this whole part one and part two could have been compressed into three to three and a half hours Both movies are very over drawn out situations, quiet, slow and displays an excess of too much over the top buildings, machines and a waste of good movie materiel The money spent on the over the top CGI graphics, over sized buildings and machines could have been better spent making the movie better I personally would go as far as to say that the Origional and mini series were far better than this five hour disaster But that's my view the deviation from the book at times is like a huge crevice would takes away the effect of the book I plan to go back and re read the Dune series and see how the book w as changed and destroyed I only give this movie a 7 One up from 6 Because it was moderately more exciting.
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Dune (2021)
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am probably going to be in the minority here but DUNE is not all what I expected it to be I specially waited for part two to be released before watching Dune There are several movies I have fallen asleep in 2001 a Space ODYSSEY Murder on the Orient Express Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Dune part one has come very close to it It's very long Very drawn out Slow Overwhelmed by unnecessary well over the top settings of buildings Too much slow motion movement Confusing at times A very lose drawn out movie that could have been compressed into two hours very comfortably if all the overblown junk was removed I see many commentators feel the same as I do about all of the above I saw the Origional Dune. In the 70s and didn't have a clue as to w hat it was about so went home and read the book then went back to watch the movie It made better sense and and I enjoyed the book as well I then saw the Dune mini series and enjoyed that as well Please don't get me wrong Dune part one is not a bad show It is just over bloated in so many ways that is off putting The story is the same It's dark Forboding and interesting all at the same time.

Had I not been exposed to the previous two versions I would not know what was going on The acting was good but very drawn out It does follow the Origional story line but I belive several major characters were dropped from this film part 1 & 2 Feyd and Paul's sister Will be interesting how they handle the final fight with Paul and Feyed as I be,I've he was not included in the move at all Gratifying is they did did not make baron Harkonon as they did in the Origional version Please don't get me wrong The movie is very interesting and the characters have been well defined and at places dramatic and exciting I haven't watched part two yet am am looking forward to watching it On a rewatch schedule Sorry based on this part I would rather watch Dune 75 Even though at places it's not nice (Harkonon) and the mini series rather than rewatch a 2,5 hours show that is boring and over long.
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Cant wait for the sequel
8 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Let's just say that I started watching this show after seeing its predecessor the Origional Time after Time with Malcolm Mcdowel and Mary Sternberg and David Warner as Jack the Ripper and loved the movie Then found the Extended Tv Series and WOW Twelve episodes Original set for five episodes then cancelled but elsewhere they showed the remaining seven episodes A great injustice was done when it was cancelled after five episodes Thank heavens common sense prevailed elsewhere and the full season of twelve episodes was shown elsewhere Like the movie it starts of with H G Wells creating a Time Machine which is stolen by JOHN Stevenson (AKA JACK THE RIPPER) HG travels forwards in time to stop Jack from continuing his murderous rampage in 2017 At this point the stormy veers of into a Back to the Future type film when HG and Jane the curator of the HPG WELLS exhibit have t play around with time travel to unravel a devious plot of a bother and sister trying to enhance ordinary men into super soldiers Towards the middle of the series they go back to the past and land up on an island run by a scientist who is working to enhance strong and powerful soldiers Unfortunately for him and his subjects the experiments don't go according to plan and his subjects are turned onto half monsters (the Island of Dr Moreau style) They then have to escape this island and capture Jack the Ripper who has a very unique DNA that would enable the scientist daughter create the perfect unstoppable soldier then sell it to the highest bidder To say more would spoil the show but needless to say I binge watched the show (all 12 episodes) in under a week A person has got to eat work and sleep as well but if the choice was mine would have finished the whole show in two days The ending is not what one would expect and is quite shocking Although it does end on a cliff hanger it leaves the show up for a sequel which personally I would love to see and hope they do do a season two Not to do so woukd be a travesty and an injustice I give this show a SOLID TEN OUT OF TEN but then I'm also prejudiced I love any and all time travel and alternative history shows One other very redeeming thing about the show is it encourages one to go read the books by HG WELLS especially the Island of Dr Moreau Any book or movie or tv series that encourages a person to research farther deserved an accolade.
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Front of the Class (2008 TV Movie)
Front of the Class, Brad Cohen and me
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Front of the Class, Brad Cohen and Me There are two versions of the FRONT OF THE CLASS, BRAD COHEN STORY The book and the movie Both are very interesting The movie is based on the book by Brad Cohen detailing his life as a Tourettes sufferer The movie does take a few liberties for dramatic effect but as a whole it remains very true to the book For me, both the book and the movie should be compulsory reading and viewing at schools once a year The reason They both deal with a topic that affects many children in various different ways and sadly leads to a lot of misunderstanding, teasing, bullying and in general making affected children lives very miserable It's a habit Attention seeking They will grow out of it The child just wants to make my life difficult and hard There is a great lack of understanding about Gilles de la Tourette syndrome It affects children in so many different ways OCD Shaking Twitching Swearing Jerking clutching Biting Aggressive behaviour Stretching Horrible side effects Concentration Feeling of insecurity Shyness Self consciousness Lack of self worth Inferiority FRONT OF THE CLASS EXPOSES many of these hardships that Tourettes sufferers go through on a daily basis In the early days depending on where you lived what Tourettes was was very misunderstood For Brad in a way he was lucky There were support groups but very much under the radar Very little was known about the syndrome and a lot of research was needed to understand it Here in South Africa in the 60s and 70s it was relatively unknown Fortunately now it has come more to the front and has been identified as a problem and steps are been taken to spread the word Posters, banners, support groups, pamphlets are now been circulated Teachers, parents and doctors have now been drawn into the net and are now better informed FRONT OF THE CLASS tells the story of Brad Cohen and his battle with Tourette's It is an inspirational story of how a young boy with Tourette's was determined to not let his Tourettes dictate his life The full title of his book is FRONT OF THE CLASS - HOW TOURETTE SYNDROME MADE ME THE TEACHER I NEVER HAD When Brad was young he was a hyperactive child, more so than his brother He started grunting, twitching, squeaking and jerking His father could not stand it and thought he was just playing around and jerking everyone off Not been able to take it he divorced Brads mother and it was thought that this is what led to his Tourettes starting Nothing could be farther from the truth His mom was determined to find out what was wrong with her son and did a lot of investigative work finally getting the message through to Brads doctor and teachers about Tourettes Yes. Sad to say even many doctors at that stage were unaware of exactly what Tourettes was all about In the movie this part was Somewhat Hollywood glamorised but the message gets through When Brad started high school it took a very caring principal to bring Brads Tourettes out into the open by calling him onto the stage after a music concert and exposing him as the noise maker He then got Brad to explain exactly what Tourettes was all about Afterwards Brad got a standing ovation from both the parents, teachers and students By getting Brad up on the stage to explain how all he wanted was to be treated like a normal child and not some attention making freak the principal helped both Brad to the students to be more understanding It was thanks to that principal that Brad went on to become a teacher, win the teacher of the year award and become an inspurational speaker After school Brad battled to find a job No one wanted him, seeing him just as a noisy strange person which frightened them and they were scared he would frighten the children at school Yes, Brads ambition was to become a teacher He persevered been rejected twenty four times and even though he became disinhearted he persevered and finally one school decided to give him a chance and allow him to teach His unique way of teaching won the kids over and as said above he won the teacher of the year award plus many other awards Brads story is an inspirational one and definitely should be watched and his book read The film only touches on the terrible effects of what Tourettes is all all about In many cases it is far worse I can relate very much to Brads story because I too have Tourette's Up to here I have dealt with Brads story but I would like to expand more on what was not shown or explained You may stop reading at this point as this next part is part of my story and how I have dealt with Tourette's Tourettes is a Syndrome that to this day no cure has bern found It is a life time sentence A problem that waxes and wanes but never goes away Sometimes it's better at other times worse Sometimes you do one form of Tourettes and at other times For me I went through various types of Tourette's Fortunately not the Copellia (swearing) But at various stages squeaking, grunting, head shakes, jerking, twitching and some of the other things mentioned above I'm 71 years old and still have Tourette's I have to watch what I eat because certain foods and condiments have an adverse affect on me In my case, just for example I love woustersauce but for me I turn into a giraffe neck stretching tic Not fun and very painful Like Brad I experienced many of his Tourettes symptoms and thanks to him and others I too have risen to better myself and others around me Some of the other effects of Tourettes that are torturous to Tourette sufferers are Shock treatment Yes shock treatment In an attempt to cure my Tourettes I was given shock treatment Wired up and every time I twitched grunted or shove they would run an electrical shock through me Did it work No - in fact it actually made it worse Mount Krakatoa which blew its stack in the 1800's was mild compared to the eruption of my Tourettes running wild after a treatment Fortunately they saw it wasn't working so they stopped Medication Before I decided to go cold Turkey with my meds I was taking 15 tablets to stop it Only one tablet was for my Tourettes, the other fourteen were to counter the side effects of that one tablet Side effects Drowsiness Aggression Paranoia Loss of labido Claustrophobia Anger issues Depression Many of these were not shown or spoken about in the book or movie or just briefly touched on I was introvert/extrovert Would walk into a shop, greet everyone then CRINGE at the way I was bringing attention to my self After I did a personal development course I learned that people just need to accept you for who and what you are and as long as they know you not going to hurt them we all get on just fine My catch phrase is I HAVE TO ACT CRAZY OTHERWISE PEOPLE WILL THINK IM NORMAL AND THERE IS ENOUGH NORMAL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD Now wherever I walk I greet everyone and make sure that they know and that I appreciate having them in my life Just like Brad I am using my Tourettes to spread the word at schools and everywhere If I can just change just one child's life for the better and stop the bullying and tormenting them both Brad and I have achieved something worth while As said earlier Reading his book and watching the movie is an inspirational experience.
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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones a delight
6 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I will be honest here I am only on S1 E4 which actually the 8th episode in the series as each episode is 130 minutes long but basically split into two parts Deliberately done so the episodes can be shown as one episode or as two In each episode Indy along with his family travel the world meeting famous people of the past There's love, humor suspence adventure and a whole lot more It is a highly entertaining series on many accounts It shows how Indy became the person he did Why he hated his dad calling him Junior His growth into the man we love and respect Although i have only watched the 4 episodes i have actually found it a great learning experience because it is one of those shows that encourage one to research farther To me any book, series, or movie that will encourage you to read or research farther is good This series so far has done just that Whole watching the show o sometimes pausr to read up about the characters Indy meets up with At other times i do it at the end In one episode Indy meets Leon Tolstoy and for some odd reasobi decided to take a break and read up upon the man and I'm glad i did The reason being that in that particular episode Leon acts strangly Unless you have read up about him the scene where he refuses help while desperatly ill does not make sense (not a film fault but an actual quirk of Tolstoy and his feelings and hatred he had for the church Not reading the background story it does not explain why he did what he did So prior knowledge on this case enables the viewer to understand the situation better The episode when they went to Africa sadly turned my stomache because it relates to hunting animals - not to eat but for trophies and to me it made me feel sick to my stomach Ok it was a reality on those days but it caused me to lose respect for the people including the President roosefelt who did it with such gusto and glee As said i have only seen the first four episodes so will update this review later once i have seen more Just to conclude This is definitely a must watch series especially when Indy plays Denis the Menace and Kevin from home alone antics A good laugh.
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Timeless (2016–2018)
Timeless a good series with unforgivable flaws to the serious Time fundies
15 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Note This is also part of my submission to the steaming service provider about the issue as well so they can get the problem sorted out Other streaming services might not have the same proble However this post also includes a review of the show It is very good show and to be very honest I really enjoyed the show in its entirety bit there are Time travel issues that will be unsatisfactory to time travel enthusiasts Unlike The Time Tunnel, Voyagers, Quantum Leap (both new and old) where the time travelers do their best to maintain the original timeline TIMELESS does not One Positive aspect of the series is that you meet the people from the original timeline and indirectly like in all the other series mentioned above it encourages one to go look up the actual events and the people Involved any book or movie that promotes farther research is good

There was an issue with the final episode of Timeless for me and all the viewers on the streaming g servoceit was on All the episodes car S2 E12 were on English S2 E12 was in ether Portuguese or Italian However I Decided to watch it anyway A nightmare Not onlyin a foreign language as mentioned above but just to RUIN the rest of the show the Subtitles are out of sync with the show The subtitles precede the action as well Was a good show Interesting and gave me much research (positive) However messing the timeline so badly was a negative Lot of history changed and never corrected in so many ways that makes one feel seasick Not to say it's a bad show but the amount of history that was changed is very jaring and stomache turning 26 episodes and each episode created an alternative timeline People killed without consideration as to future outcomes One has to suspend total belief while watching the show Enjoyable 10/10 Relatable 8/10 Prompt farther research 10/10 Believable 4/10 Disruption of the whole time spectrum 9/10.
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Love, Lights, Hanukkah! (2020 TV Movie)
A very HEART WARMING STORY encompassing two special holidays
27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Love, Lights, Hanukkah Let's just say that this is a movie very close to my heart and I spent a great part of this movie with tears in my eyes the reason being is that I can relate to the majority of the movie having been there and having both the T Shirt and Cap An adopted child going a DNA test Discovering she was 50% Jewish Finding her birth family Finding her birth mother Been welcomed into the home Finding her father Finding out the reason she was put up for adoption Finding the man in her life A perfect mixture of happiness, sadness, romance and discovery I will just say that this is the perfect movie for both Christian and Jewish viewers as it does encompass both the celebrations of Christmas and Hanukkah Watch it and enjoy PS the ending is a little open for a sequel to a degree The Marriage The Wedding The the reuniting of the whole family Not giving anything away.
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A good movie sadly let down by total false facts
21 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Please don't get me wrong here The movie is very good - for Escapism value The acting is superb and they did create a sense of accuracy and tension HOWEVER a lot of the story is pure Hollywood Gump The basic facts are correct There was THE GREAT ESCAPE 76 people did escape They did create the three tunnels Some of the people who did participate in the Great Escape are faithfully represented why others were just put in for entertainment purposes especially Steve mcQueens role and antics That it pure Hollywood imagination It is highly recommended that before watching this movie you watch the documentaries on the Great Escape FIRST All available on You Tube After that watch the movie It will give you a greater and deeper perception on what actually happened By watching the documentaries first you will see very clearly what actually happened compared to what they show in the movie Warning SPOILER ALERT for some of the facts The escape took place on the coldest No night of the year 35 degrees F The whole area was full of snow American participation was very limited - the way the movie shows the story the Americans carried the day and the British were just side decorations It was so cold that night they battled for an hour to open the tunnel so that the escapees could get out of the tunnel The one tunnel was blown up and accidentally blew up the Hut it was under They never knew where the tunnel started It was only when the breakout tunnel was discovered that a German went down into the tunnel and went through it then banging on the other end to alert the Germans where the tunnel started There was actually a fourth or fifth tunnel (can't remember exactly) called George and it was not discovered until much later - the one documentary - The attempted excavation long after the war to locate the three tunnels that the fourth tunnel was discovered That tunnel never went out of the prison but in - towards the Armoury It was feared that the Germans might try kill all the prisoners before evacuating the prison so they tunnelled towards the armoury to protect themselves The germans blew up all the tunnels so proper investigation could not be fully achieved In the excavation of the site they found many artefacts that were used before during and after the Great Escape happened including the tube radio they used That radio was returned to the man after the excavation that made the radio.

The documentaries Touch on what happened afterwards after the war and how the murderers of the 50 escapees were tracked down and convicted jailed and executed The are two movies related to the hunt One is a movie called the Great Escape 2 which like the Great Escape movie was according to Wikipedia was also full of Hollywood Gumph It seems that truths are distorted by Hollywood to attract certain people audiences.

A very strong recommendation when watching movies is to do farther research into the subject matter - especially if it says based on a. True story Once Hollywood gets on the bandwagon they can completely distort the true facts and sadly there are people out there who believe that what they see is true when sometimes can be poles apart Believing true movies to be fact leads to false information and propaganda been spread around and lands up hurting innocent people A movie called ON A WING AND A PRAYER Is so riddled with false facts just to satisfy certain groups of people both racially and politically That is why one should alway check the facts from independent sources before taking things at face value The other documentary which is also available on YOU TUBE is called THE GREAT ESCAPE - THE RECKONING which I believe tells the true story of what happened afterwards to avenge the murder of the 50 escapees.

I just finished watching the GREAT ESCAPE - THE RECKONING and all I can say it it DEFINITELY should be watched after watching the original movie from 1963 but it is still highly recommended that the Great Escape documentaries be watched prior to watching the actual movie so you can separate fact from fiction and there is a great deal of Hollywood spam there

Below it what I posted on the You Tubes THE GREAT ESCAPE - THE RECKONING comments page

Very interesting documentary Raises a few important points that can never be answered How many were "forced" to do the shootings and how many did it because they wanted to do it Something else of interest maybe someone can answer please A lot of the footage seems to be from a movie interspersed with actual footage of what happened Were these just actor re enactment's or were they taken from a film and inserted in This documentary was extremely interesting as I was looking forward to the full answers of what happened afterwards This most definitely is a recommended addition that should be watched along with all the other documentaries about the Great Escape before watching the Hollywood Gumph version with all the in accuracies in it Sadly the documentary is not listed on the IMDB pages but can be seen in YOU TUBE.
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The Royal Treatment gets a thumbs up from me
12 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a romantic kinda guy so these type of shows appeal to me Brings a tear to me little old eyes so it does A simple tale on a prince been forced into an unloved marriage Both sides but parents demanding it She runs a hairdressing and manicure shop By accident the butler contacts the wrong salon and she meets the prince He's sort of uppity but once She's a typical American attitude lass She walks out of cutting his hair because she finds his stuffy attitude and the treatment of the staff unacceptable He comes back to the salon and pays her before leaving to go home She and two of her co workers are invited to the kingdom to do the hair for the family and bride However Isabella is like a breath of fresh air to the kingdom and even though the main housemaid gives them a hard time Isabella wins the staff over It's not surprising to see why The prince falls in love with her but because he is due to be married to someone else Someone who also is been forced into this unloved marriage also wants out but demanding parents are trying to rule the day She has a real shrew for a mother who is determined that her daughter will marry the prince doing some very underhanded things to stop the relationship between the Prince and Isabella All ends well as she "rides" off into the sunrise I enjoyed it but there was an un concluded part to the end of the story leaving the viewers in the dark and forced to speculate what happened when the Prince confronted his parents and the brides mother very much left up in the air as to the reaction of the parents This is why I grade it as a 9 instead of a 10 It is a lovely show to watch.
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Rip in Time (2022 TV Movie)
An Interesting twist on the Rip van Winkle story
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story is about a man who finds himself in a cave and stumbles out onto a organic farmstead where is discovered by the woman's son He has no recollection of who and what he is The family accept him into their lives and put him up in a cottage On entering the cottage his full memory comes back Before that he only had snippets of recollection of his past He knew he was a soldier and he knew people from the past After entering the hut he discovers an engraving on the wooden bed tghat gave his birthdate All his memories came flooding back and he told his story after reading the book on RIP van Winkle It turns out that he is Rip van Winkle 2 RIP van Winkle was his father Everyone had mocked his Father he went to see the cave to find out if his dads story was true He gets trapped in the cave during a wild storm Finds the gurd of wine that his dad had drunk.and falls asleep while waiting for the storm to abate However this time instead of sleeping for 20 years he sleeps for close to 300 years Not GING to reveal much more except to say his reactions to modern day life was interesting to say the least One of the best scenes of the movie was his reaction when he found out he was now in 2022 and not in 1789 The story is a liypttle like Kate and Leopold of people in the past suddenly finding themselves in the future Throughly enjoyed the show.
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Knocked Up (2007)
An interesting movie marred by excessive vulgar language and unnecessary dialogue
27 February 2023
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I enjoyed the show to be very honest What I never liked was the total over the top excessive vulgar language which the characters blasted out Willy nilly Several of the scenes were totally wasted and unnecessary and gives the feeling that they were just put in to puff out the movie to the over two hours I would have given the movie a good 8 but the totally vile language that was sprouted makes me grade it actually as a 6 However what saves the day is the relevance of the subject and having experienced some of the things shown to he's a raw nerve with me I did not enjoy the multitude of four letter words which in my opinion was very. Excessive Why directors think that using four letter words and certain parts of a woman's anatomy is right or justified beggars belief Using language like that just shows that the directors and writers are ignorant and that is the maximum of their thinking capacity While the topics are relevant and identifiable and there are positive lessons to be taken out of the movie the bad language reduces the show to a free for all crude language grade C movie.

Baby on Board with Heather Graham and Jerry O Connel was also rude and crude with some bad language several scenes of nudity but the message there was ultra clear and is a show I recommend when I talk snout the dangers of assumption That show I would recommend a hundred times over Knocked Up There are powerful messages that one can learn from in the movies but it's the rude crude and bad language that kills this movie for me Another. Show that also involves bad language is THATS MY BOY with Adam Sandler One of the least enjoyable shows of his In many of his movies he also has bad language but not as bad as this show It's worth watching if you can get past the bad language because it does have a decent and r elegant plot dealing with relationships though.
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Princess Protection Program (2009 TV Movie)
A reasonable good movie spoilt at the end with one omission and one illogical situation
30 January 2023
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Let's start with the Conclusion The main villain who gets her just deserts is not concluded properly where it shows her being left all alone and in a Happy Gilmore demand for the crown that was given to the queen and her friend It shows her running a way with the crown and Selena Gomez saying she probibly needs it more than I do But the question is this What happened to her afterwards That scene was a bit of a let down letting her get away with her disgusting behaviour.

Sort of a cliff hanger keep you in suspense situation As a side note that girl went on to play a very powerful and strong role in the Once Upon a Time series as Mulan which she played very well

The most putrid acting was from the usurpers who did the coup and reminded me of another Actor whom I can't stand Will Ferrell I don't think I have seen Will acting decently in any movie because of his so badly over the Top acting it makes me squirm The dictator in this movie acted just like him, way over the top and this was one viewer that felt he had to go brush his teeth five times to get a respectable taste in his mouth Not saying he was a bad actor but just saying he was definitly a Will Farrel clone in this movie Sickening

The second situation is the illogical ending It was pointed out that it could be classified as a non goof but in my opinion it is a very illogical goof The comment was that she could let her mom run the country in her absence but it is so wrong on so many levels The same situation occurred in the Princess Switched Trilogy but that was done more covertly and in a logical way where no one knows what they were upto In PPP this does not make sense at all In fact it makes the show look childish Overall it was a good show and is well worth watching how the two main characters learn valuable lessons from each other and grow better.
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Timestalkers (1987 TV Movie)
Time Stalkers And history
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I originally saw this movie on TV Years ago and loved it As a Time Travel addict (I love anything to do with time travel and alternative history) this movie was a must I have seen it several times afterwards and found the story to be interesting and entertaining But there was one part of the movie that troubled me the most All the action was taking place both in the present, past and future A man Coke goes back in time to kill his partner whom he invented the time cube with But not just satisfied with just going back into his partners past and killing him when he was born he decides to go back even farther to kill his partners father in the 1800 Interesting theory Grandfather Paradox If I kill the father the other person will not be born however if that person is killed how could he go back in time to kill his grandfather.

Baffling thought Now the show starts when mommy is in a hurry to go with her son to buy something Daddy is busy so he just bids them farewell and goes back inside Suddenly he hears a horrible sound as a criminal been chased by the police rams into the car in which his wife and son are in killing them both in a horrendous fire Now they don't say how long the next part takes place but it's enough for dad to write a thesis about time travel A strange girl appears saying tgat she believes in his thesis on time travel and wants to do research into something They set out and look for a particular town called Crossfire What also happened in the intrim dad and his friend go to a western auction and buy several items With flash backs we see the connections between the items and the past In the one truck there was a photo of three people on display in coffins and just behind them is a man watching and holding a gun in his holster that was not one around at that particular time A far more present time gun This leads our hero to think that he has been gyped but farther analyst proves that the photo is genuine from that time period He then discovers that this woman is from the future and is trying to stop Coke from killing her great grandfather They hunt him down in the past and then return home It is at this point that something goes very much out of kilter and left me very perturbed because there was something inconsistent with the ending Other reviewers have also commented on it The future woman decides to reward him for his services by dropping him off a few minutes before the fatal accident A real case of Deja Vou He saves his wife and son and the movie ends Now this raises a whole lot of questions He started investigating time travel after his wife and son were killed He then writes a thesis on time travel which becomes a hit many years later in the future The woman goes back in time to meet him and try track down Cole They eliminate him but there are some lose ends The Time machine gets squashed into the mud after Coke is killed Very lose end because there is a big possibility that that might be found and used for time travel The second one is his Deja Vou His wife and child are saved Does he still go and do his thesis on time travel and coke then travels into the past to kill the girls grandfather Something does not ring true here A commentator wrote that makes a farce of the whole movie But after very careful deliberation it does make sense Different time lines Let's refer to BACK TO THE FUTURE Marty goes back to 1955 and changes not only his parents past but his own as well Applying this to Time Stalkers it makes sense In the Original time line the movie takes place as shown While they are in the past they change (or Cole changes history) creating a new time line When they get back to the present her allowing him to save his family creates a farther new time line in a new dimension Looking at it from that point of view the three timelines can co exist in three different dimensions The TV series SLIDERS demonstrates that point where they travel to different dimensions Same time same place but different time line changes (Ignore the Kromags story line there) My apologies for not naming the characters in the Time Stalkers movie except for Cold but my memory is very faulty with names (old age LOL)
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Quantum Leap (2022–2024)
Quantum Leap at its best
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Even though onhave not seen the remaining 9 episodes of season 1 I'm DEFINTLY looking forward to season 2 of the new series

As a keen follower of the Original Quantum Leap I was looking forward to seeing the updated Sequel It started slowly and it took two episodes to really get into it but then it moved Also the fact that at that point only one episode was available to be streamed it took a back seat for a while until all 8 episodes were released There is so much in the show that makes it a draw card for me While the Original series had a lot going for it this updated sequel has a lot more in it The Original basically only had one real villain in it and she only appeared twice or three times if I recall This series leans a little on another unconnected series that I also throughly enjoyed PRIMEVAL (Five seasons) which had a bad Villain in it trying to much things up In this updated series from I to 8 you have another villain Janis Calvitchi (Al Calvitchis daughter) also causing havoc with the Quantum Leap project in the same way as the villain acted in Primeval Whether she turns out to be a villain or a heroine remains to be seen As only 8 episodes have been released so far we will have to wait until January the 2nd 2023 to see what happens next This Quantum Leap is a hook series with each episode wetting your appetite for the next episode So far it looks like there will be 18 Episodes in the first season I can't wait for the continuation While in some cases there is a bit of a rehash of the origional Quantum Leap there is a more concentrated move towards conspiracy, intrigue back stabbing and mystery to keep the viewer glued to the screen There are shades as said above of PRIMEVAL, SLIDERS, and THE TIME TUNNEL incorporated into the new sequel.
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Disenchanted (2022)
Was looking forward to watching this - sadly very disappointing
26 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Was looking forward to watching this - sadly very disappointing After watching Enchanted several times since it's inception I was delighted to learn thst the Sequel was made Looked very much forward to watching it It was a good movie The acting was solid and professional The story line was sound However the converting the show into a musical was for me a total let down As someone said Every seven minutes or so one or other actor bursts into song For me it was a major disruption in the flow of the movie because even though some of the songs were relevant most were very off putting and distracting rather than helping The story itself is very sound and relatable 10 years after the first movie Enchanted they settle down, have a child but the hum drum life has become boring They decide to move much against Morgan the daughters wishes to a new town and settle down there However things don't go as planned Hubby has to commute to work by train everyday Morgan is embarrassed by her moms antics The prince and his wife come visiting band give Gizelle a magic wand with wishes Gizelle makes a wish that all their lives become like a fairytale At first it looks all good but as always said Magic comes with a price and that price is costly turning Gazelle into the epitomy of the evil step mother She realises it but it's upto her step daughter to save the day A good solid story only destroyed by the interference of the tsunami overflow of musical numbers The animated scenes could have been far better done but they still kept in line with the Origional animation I personally think that the animation quality was very poor in both Enchanted and Disenchanted There are far better animation tools out there that could have been used along like those of Shrek, Jurassic Park - Camp Curatious The animated scenes actually were far worse that the Origional Walt Disney movies of Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Pinocchio, Bambi and even The Origional Petes Dragon Walt Disney must be turning in his grave seeing the Drug induced holutionary art work in this movie.

As said the movie is good but definitly not close tho the Calabre and quality of the Origional Enchanted This sadly will be the last repeat viewing of this movie for me Enchanted Definitly YES again Disenchanted Definitly NEVER AGAIN.
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Titanic (1953)
Typical British Upper Lip Balderdash
21 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a Titanic fan I found d this movie on My Family Cinema and wanted to watch it.

Without a doubt it is a good movie high lighting the drama and tragedy of the sinking of the Titanic Along with the story is a romantic story.akin to De Caprio Titanic Movie - close but less drama A over bearing husband.drahing his family.all over the world.

A wife who is tired of been directed where to go and what to do A daughter in love A doting son who turns out not to be his His rejection of his son and finally accepting that even though his son is not his he accepts him The tragic sinking of the Titanic is well portrayed BUT......... The stiff British upper lip is very present all the way through the movie However the final scene of the movie when the Titanic sinks - Sinks the movie The British are portrayed at the end as Stand and deliver people expecting to go down with their heads held up high and accepting thowr fate of drowning Now maybe that's the way it happened bit there are certain elements that were not shown The panic at the end The officer shooting in the air to try stop the people panicking And last of all as the ship goes down everyone just stands like statues waiting to die No panic no mayhem no life It is the final scene of the sinking that sinks the movie and makes a mockery of the Titanic tragedy Maybe we have seen too many Hollywood movies with skop skirt and Donner so we are cynical But that last scene really takes the cake of absurdity Have only seen the same scene re enacted in another movie with Tea Marie and Maximeilliann Schnel In if I recall recall Deep Impact where Tea foes down to be with her father as the massive tsunami is about to hit and obliterate them Even there there was more emotion than the final scenes of the sinking The fact that no violence and panic in the last moments sinks the movie for me As said a very good portrayal.of.the story of the sinking.of the Titanic but that part is.totally ludicrous.
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Deterrence (1999)
A dangerous situation that is brought to the fore especially now with Russia's invasion of Ukraine
20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was made in 1999 - Two years before 9/11 So the insights provided in this movie are in away very Profitic One just needs to change the set of slightly from Iraqi to ether Iran China or North Korea Three very dangerous HOT SPOTS in 2022 at the moment However they are sidelines at the moment hovering on the brink of what this movoenor all about However there is one more country that is already on the fray and that is RUSSIA They invaded Ukrane killing and massacring thousands of Innocent people The world stands by watching this travesty happen on the sidelines Biden and the other countries are undecided what to do Go physically assist Ukrane and risk a full out war with Russia and in turn starting world war three It's a real balancing act because those above mentioned countries would side with Russia and then not only.will it be a conventional war but a war involving weapons of mass destruction that could very potentially destroy our world So to is this movie Deterrence Caught in The middle of a presidential campaign - the invasion of Kuwait leaves the acting president with his first real major decision on where to go Just like Truman had to make the decision to drop the bomb in Japan so to now he has to make the same decision To drop the bomb on Bagdad or just let Iraq continue its rampant destruction Biden and the Nato countries are now been faced with the same delemma Go to war or let Russia overrun Ukraine bringing Russia closer to the Nato countries and also closer to farther Russian attacks I ha e deliberately refrained from saying how the movie ends so as not to spoil the Twist in the tale ending Was he right or wrong to do what he did Did he save thousands of peoples.lives or condemn the world to death This movie leaves one very troubled as to the morality of Apeasment or destruction In 1938/39 Appeasement failed Its doomed to fail again That failure cost.millions of of Innocent lives then and sadly even today it still is rearing its ugly.head around the world This is a movie the SHOULD be watched and the messages inherent in it taken note of This gets a firm 10/10 from me There are two movies that should be recommended watching The two versions of ON THE BEACH (Original one has a powerful message in it.on what we should do and the second version is very depressing in the final hours of the end of the world) The other recommended movie which I have just reviewed is WHEN THE WIND BLOWS about a couple on England during the last days of peace and the days afterwards which makes one think of the consequences That movie is animated and not really suitable for.children because it deals with a political situation that children will not understand Its slow moving and reflects the thoughts of the differing views of the couple and how they deal with it Another movie worth watching is THE DAY AFTER dealing with the same situation after a nuclear war.
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A good and enjoyable show BUT.......
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show was good and very enjoyable Started off good and kept the pace nicely The two leads were very good in their roles Megan Ory who I saw a lot.of in once upon a time was recognisable and she played her part as a chatterbox well The chemistry between the actors was good and one wonders how Dash Managed to keep his cool with all her antics The FBI Agents were the in This movie proving how incompetent they can be A one track mind is all they possess and even when the truth is put in front of them on a plate the one FBI agent is so blinkered he cant accept the truth The two boys at the diner was a red herring distraction and got what they deserved The only.bad part about the movie was the crappy ending She gets arrested next thing she is home with her mom bemoaning the fact that Dash betrayed her and lied Then we have the Christmas lightinghe appears and she falls into his arms like nothing happened Shes just been Screwed by the FBI incompetence and it's like.nothing ever happened A short statement by the one believer who was realised she was innocent saying that they caught the woman who stole Orises identity and that was that No apologies, no re embursment, no comeback.on the idiotic FBI agent who refused to listen and worked totally on assumption - no retribution for him wasnt for the crappy.endiing I would have rated it a 8 or 9.
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A better sequel to the first one
8 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When Enola Homes.2 was released with 5 days of being released on My Family. Cinema I was intrigued But not.having seen the first movie did a search and found it I watched it but it did not really.apeal that much to me I Disliked the 4th estate comentry (I think that's what they call it when the person addresses the viewers directly Aggravating to say the least bit the story was kind of interesting Beciase I had watched the first one Rated it 5/10 and it.did pique my.interestb and besides o like watching sequels I decided to catch the sequel As.before the 4th estate was aggravating but bearable The story.line was better this time round and I actually found it.more interesting Changing.of sexes of Moriarty was unexpected as was that of Holmes nationality Not.been racist here but when actors are swopped around to please the RIGHTEOUS brigade it throws everything out on a complete tangent But not was acceptably acceptable The historical cconection was even more interesting It was something I had never heard of On the her mother was a real tough womanist I always thought that was an20th century thing so the story.of.the Matchgirls strike made the show even more interesting In.the beginning.of.the movie it was stated that it was in parts true Now I'm one.of.those people.who don't always take things at face value I want to know more and reading.the synopsis to around what I have just watched So I probed farther and found the movie was actually.based on true The woman did.exis the Matchgirls did.exist The Matchgirls strike did actually happen Maybe shown on.the movie bot close.enogh upped my.rating of.this movie to 6 The 4th estate and the slowness of.the movie weighed my.opeonip down but I di like to give credit if a movie or a book sends me to research further I spent an hour just reading up more.about the events portrayed In. The movie that is what.makes a book worthwhile That is what raises producer or author from being.a.mediodcre movie or book to a more inspiring one The movie is slow at times but still recomendible.
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A good show. Despite what the nit pickers say
30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For me this was an "ENJOYABLE" show Subject matter on the distasteful side drowning, death, disaster But I found the show very interesting from a disaster side It was clean, well presented, had a good story line.

Very much on par with 2012 and several other disaster movies A big mistake is to try read the reviews from the viewers because it does turn people off watching the movie I read some of the reviews and my honest opinion most of the reviewers were nit picking They deliberately set out to pick every single error out of the movie instead of sitting back and watching the movie for what it was A disaster movie Reading the reviewers comments made me feel I was back at school and the teacher checking the work for every error they could find like failing to dot the eyes and cross the T's So what if there were errors and mishaps So what I watched the movie for what is was a disaster movie That is all Unless there is a blatant obvious error like people flying into the sun and surviving to be able to have a five course meal while watching the moon circling the earth and praying ponies flying through the sky the nit picking that the reviewers have made beggars belief I am a nit picker and a don't deny it But when I watch a movie I watch it to enjoy it I also watch it to see how the story develops both in and around the characters How they grow and how they fail or succeed Even rewatching a show several times provides important insight to what is going on This movie is basically a disaster movie akin to 2012 The seas are rising People are drowning Earthquakes Storms etc They need to ensure that mankind survives Plain and simple So they build arcs to house the population that can be saved Simple as that The floods come They take off Encounter problems The usual maledies but they come through successfully There are obviously errors and one can feel sorry for certain people that lose their lives.

Overall I found the acting good The special effects interesting and effective I disagree with All the nit pickers who rate this a 1 or a 2 It is a worthwhile movie to watch and I for one will inflict it on my self again to watch AND ENJOY this movie.
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Love Happens (2009)
Slow and steady yet interesting
16 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I watched this show with various emotions Having gone through the experience on both sides - parents and the death of a child we could both empathise with the characters very much especially the construction worker losing his son He lost his wife He writes a self help book He runs support groups All this in memory of his wife who died tragically in a car accident But he holds a guilty secret that is driving him on but at the same time gives him no relief He misunderstands the situation with his wife's family and it leads him to shun her parents One thing he actually does right which also leads to his final redemption is helping, guiding and with the support of the whole group puts the construction Engineer back on track The movie is slow - very slow as it builds upto the final climax which is very rewarding But for me there was, I found a deeper meaning that I think probably went over a lot of viewers heads I am a seeker When I watch a movie I always ask WHAT CAN I GET OUT OF THIS BOOK OR MOVIE THAT WILL INSPIRE AND MOTIVATE ME TO BETTER MYSELF AND OTHERS and this movie did so A little nugget that if I recall was said twice in the movie He used that saying to encourage the engineer forward and at the same time enable him to see what he was doing to himself as well A very simple straight forward statement that carries a big inspirational message behind it The statement as I recall it YOU CANT GO FORWARD IF YOU KEEP LOOKING IN THE REAR VIEW MIRROR While the base message is clear the thought behind it is far more powerful Regret and forever looking back and saying what if, why, how, what could I have done, why These are all things that resonate in us holding us back Instead of lust learning from the past and moving on we get into and stay in the rut that we have put ourselves in holding us back and stopping us moving forward LOVE HAPPENS isa good movie Depressing in the subject matter but the message behind it is very powerful MOVING ON is imperative to having a better life While we can reflect on the past we need to move on and stop looking in the rear view mirror that is holding us back.
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This is the final movie in the princess Switched series - hopefully it won't be the last
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In part two a new character was introduced candice in this movie she really shines A child deserted by her mother fosters a child scared to form relationships Something many of us experience All Fiona's relationships fail because having been hurt by her mother abandoning her she battles to really connect with anyone But the truth is more painful than she realises A very precious jewel is stolen and she and her cousin and identical friend have to get it back before Christmas Not gonna say more about that

Please see below Also hopefully this won't be the last part to both Triologys

This is a review of the six movies making up two trilogy series Both my wife and I loved these six movies having now seen it three times in a short space of time Under two months The Below review has been posted on each of the films for anyone just jumping into this three movie show If you planning to watch this film please read below to see where it all starts Go back and watch A Christmas prince first hand it's two sequels then start on these three movies

I just want to say one thing to sum up this Trilogy It's not actually a Trilogy but a double Trilogy made up of two parts Although one can watch the two trilogies independently because they are both stand alone's there is a thread running through the two trilogies that link them together To gain more insight into the six movies one has to start with this one Once you have seen this movie the next one A Christmas Prince: the Royal Wedding is next After that the A Christmas Prince: the Royal Baby must be watched

But it doesn't end there We now start on the second Triology called the Princesses Switch Also made of of three movies The Princess Switch The Princess Switch Again And finally The Princess Switch 3 : Romancing the Star There are extreme references in the second Trilogy to the first lot I'm not going to reveal what they are so as not to spoil the movies and encourage you to watch the two shows Let's. Just say I'm addicted to this series I mean why watch these six movies three times each in under two months and throughly enjoy them each time even knowing the two story lines Of all the movies I have watched this collection is the only one that I have done it with and most certainly not within a two month viewing span I admit I am a repeat offender I do rewatch movies again and again Reason being is that knowing what's going to happen gives a person insight as to why people do what they do to reach their final destination

The first three are in a more serious vein Very good and very interesting The second three take a more light hearted approach to the series It's more of a romp than a serious three But that is where the fun really starts You have two identical people, one coming from nobility, the other a New York street smart woman who both share the same features They decide to swop roles and try each others life style with surprises galore There are several movies with the same plot line The Prince and The Pauper The Parent Trap Monte Carlo There might be others but the last three movies can also be related to a very popular TV SERIES The movie with the same name was crap The TV Series was brilliant The name of the TV series is BEWITCHED and starting with The Princesses Switched Again the same situation occurs A independent woman and a wacky cousin Except in this case there are three roles played with a-plume but Vanessa Hudgens Two serious and one Wacky

How she manages to master all three diverse roles is beyond belief Each character she takes on has their own brand of personality totally different from the other two roles In fact she takes on the different roles so differently one has a problem deserning who is who

I rate all six movies 10/10 because they entranced me so much that I have a date to rewatch them again next month Like a drug I can't stop thinking of them while watching other movies I must have more

While the above review has only touched on the first movie A Christmas Prince and more on the last three movies the reason I have done it like this is so that one can enjoy the whole series fully and properly.
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Three times in two months two trilogies - there must be something good about these movies
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a review of the six movies making up two trilogy series Both my wife and I loved these six movies having now seen it three times in a short space of time Under two months This is the second movie in the Princess Switched series A new character is brought in to enhance the series and she does it with Aplum and gusto relishing every minute of it

The Below review has been posted on each of the films for anyone just jumping into this three movie show If you planning to watch this film please read below to see where it all starts

Go back and watch A Christmas Prince first hand it's two sequels then start on these three movies

I just want to say one thing to sum up this Trilogy It's not actually a Trilogy but a double Trilogy made up of two parts Although one can watch the two trilogies independently because they are both stand alone's there is a thread running through the two trilogies that link them together To gain more insight into the six movies one has to start with this one Once you have seen this movie the next one A Christmas Prince: the Royal Wedding is next After that the A Christmas Prince: the Royal Baby must be watched

But it doesn't end there We now start on the second Triology called the Princesses Switch Also made of of three movies The Princess Switch The Princess Switch Again And finally The Princess Switch 3 : Romancing the Star There are extreme references in the second Trilogy to the first lot I'm not going to reveal what they are so as not to spoil the movies and encourage you to watch the two shows Let's. Just say I'm addicted to this series I mean why watch these six movies three times each in under two months and throughly enjoy them each time even knowing the two story lines Of all the movies I have watched this collection is the only one that I have done it with and most certainly not within a two month viewing span I admit I am a repeat offender I do rewatch movies again and again Reason being is that knowing what's going to happen gives a person insight as to why people do what they do to reach their final destination

The first three are in a more serious vein Very good and very interesting The second three take a more light hearted approach to the series It's more of a romp than a serious three But that is where the fun really starts You have two identical people, one coming from nobility, the other a New York street smart woman who both share the same features They decide to swop roles and try each others life style with surprises galore There are several movies with the same plot line The Prince and The Pauper The Parent Trap Monte Carlo There might be others but the last three movies can also be related to a very popular TV SERIES The movie with the same name was crap The TV Series was brilliant The name of the TV series is BEWITCHED and starting with The Princesses Switched Again the same situation occurs A independent woman and a wacky cousin Except in this case there are three roles played with a-plume but Vanessa Hudgens Two serious and one Wacky

How she manages to master all three diverse roles is beyond belief Each character she takes on has their own brand of personality totally different from the other two roles In fact she takes on the different roles so differently one has a problem deserning who is who

I rate all six movies 10/10 because they entranced me so much that I have a date to rewatch them again next month Like a drug I can't stop thinking of them while watching other movies I must have more

While the above review has only touched on the first movie A Christmas Prince and more on the last three movies the reason I have done it like this is so that one can enjoy the whole series fully and properly.
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Why have I watched this trilogy for the third time in three months
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a review of the six movies making up two trilogy series Both my wife and I loved these six movies having now seen it three times in a short space of time Under two months The Below review has been posted on each of the films for anyone just jumping into this three movie show If you planning to watch this film please read below to see where it all starts Go back and watch A Christmas prince first hand it's two sequels then start on these three movies

I just want to say one thing to sum up this Trilogy It's not actually a Trilogy but a double Trilogy made up of two parts Although one can watch the two trilogies independently because they are both stand alone's there is a thread running through the two trilogies that link them together To gain more insight into the six movies one has to start with this one Once you have seen this movie the next one A Christmas Prince: the Royal Wedding is next After that the A Christmas Prince: the Royal Baby must be watched

But it doesn't end there We now start on the second Triology called the Princesses Switch Also made of of three movies The Princess Switch The Princess Switch Again And finally The Princess Switch 3 : Romancing the Star There are extreme references in the second Trilogy to the first lot I'm not going to reveal what they are so as not to spoil the movies and encourage you to watch the two shows Let's. Just say I'm addicted to this series I mean why watch these six movies three times each in under two months and throughly enjoy them each time even knowing the two story lines Of all the movies I have watched this collection is the only one that I have done it with and most certainly not within a two month viewing span I admit I am a repeat offender I do rewatch movies again and again Reason being is that knowing what's going to happen gives a person insight as to why people do what they do to reach their final destination

The first three are in a more serious vein Very good and very interesting The second three take a more light hearted approach to the series It's more of a romp than a serious three But that is where the fun really starts You have two identical people, one coming from nobility, the other a New York street smart woman who both share the same features They decide to swop roles and try each others life style with surprises galore There are several movies with the same plot line The Prince and The Pauper The Parent Trap Monte Carlo There might be others but the last three movies can also be related to a very popular TV SERIES The movie with the same name was crap The TV Series was brilliant The name of the TV series is BEWITCHED and starting with The Princesses Switched Again the same situation occurs A independent woman and a wacky cousin Except in this case there are three roles played with a-plume but Vanessa Hudgens Two serious and one Wacky

How she manages to master all three diverse roles is beyond belief Each character she takes on has their own brand of personality totally different from the other two roles In fact she takes on the different roles so differently one has a problem deserning who is who

I rate all six movies 10/10 because they entranced me so much that I have a date to rewatch them again next month Like a drug I can't stop thinking of them while watching other movies I must have more

While the above review has only touched on the first movie A Christmas Prince and more on the last three movies the reason I have done it like this is so that one can enjoy the whole series fully and properly.
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This is the third part of the series review on this six part series of two semi independent triologys that I have watched three times in two months
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Both my wife and I throughly enjoyed this two part triology This is the third movie of the set and hopefully b there will be a sequel to it just like I hope there will be a sequel to the second trilogy as well

I just want to say one thing to sum up this Trilogy It's not actually a Trilogy but a double Trilogy made up of two parts Although one can watch the two trilogies independently because they are both stand alone's there is a thread running through the two trilogies that link them together To gain more insight into the six movies one has to start with this one Once you have seen this movie the next one A Christmas Prince: the Royal Wedding is next After that the A Christmas Prince: the Royal Baby must be watched

But it doesn't end there We now start on the second Triology called the Princesses Switch Also made of of three movies The Princess Switch The Princess Switch Again And finally The Princess Switch 3 : Romancing the Star There are extreme references in the second Trilogy to the first lot I'm not going to reveal what they are so as not to spoil the movies and encourage you to watch the two shows Let's. Just say I'm addicted to this series I mean why watch these six movies three times each in under two months and throughly enjoy them each time even knowing the two story lines Of all the movies I have watched this collection is the only one that I have done it with and most certainly not within a two month viewing span I admit I am a repeat offender I do rewatch movies again and again Reason being is that knowing what's going to happen gives a person insight as to why people do what they do to reach their final destination

The first three are in a more serious vein Very good and very interesting The second three take a more light hearted approach to the series It's more of a romp than a serious three But that is where the fun really starts You have two identical people, one coming from nobility, the other a New York street smart woman who both share the same features They decide to swop roles and try each others life style with surprises galore There are several movies with the same plot line The Prince and The Pauper The Parent Trap Monte Carlo There might be others but the last three movies can also be related to a very popular TV SERIES The movie with the same name was crap The TV Series was brilliant The name of the TV series is BEWITCHED and starting with The Princesses Switched Again the same situation occurs A independent woman and a wacky cousin Except in this case there are three roles played with a-plume but Vanessa Hudgens Two serious and one Wacky

How she manages to master all three diverse roles is beyond belief Each character she takes on has their own brand of personality totally different from the other two roles In fact she takes on the different roles so differently one has a problem deserning who is who

I rate all six movies 10/10 because they entranced me so much that I have a date to rewatch them again next month Like a drug I can't stop thinking of them while watching other movies I must have more

While the above review has only touched on the first movie A Christmas Prince and more on the last three movies the reason I have done it like this is so that one can enjoy the whole series fully and properly.
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