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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Restless (2000)
Season 4, Episode 22
Pure excellence
14 November 2020
A testament to Joss Whedon, a plummet into the inner turmoil of one's psyche. This episode clearly shows how misunderstood our dreams are and solidifies the confusion we all feel. A true masterpiece.
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The Glow (2002 TV Movie)
Liked It!
18 June 2004
I stayed up late one night to watch this movie just because I like Portia De Rossi and found myself pretty interested in it, although quite predictable there are a few chilling twists in this drama and it's worth watching if it is on. It's a decent mystery drama and you should be pleasantly suprised by the sub-par acting by most of the cast.

It centres around a couple who move into a new apartment at an extremely cheap price with a bunch of old people, who are obsessed with fitness we find out there obesession is more sinister than we realise and they will do anything to keep their youth

even murder?
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Charmed (1998–2006)
5 out of 5
25 May 2004
The show is set in San Franciso were three sisters discover they are the desendants of a long line of witches and that the three sisters are the most powerful witches in the wicca world The Charmed Ones. We see the girls come to terms with being witches and learning how to control their newly inherited powers. The show has been solid straight through with humor, action, drama and suspense all rolled into one episode. Seasons 1-3 were brilliant however after the character change in season 4 I had my doubts however the show out did itself and my doubts changed on the new witch as she blossomed into her powers.


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Baywatch (1989–2001)
23 April 2004
In 1989 are TV screens were graced with a show about beautiful lifeguards patrolling a California beach, so the theme of the show was reasonable and most of the actors were also acceptable. In 1989 we saw the first lifeguards (of many) to grace the Baywatch shores, Shauni McClain (Erika Eleniak), Eddie Kramer (Billy Warlock), Jill Riley (Shawn Weatherly) a few others which never lasted and of course Mitch Buchannon (David Hasselhoff). Basically the pilot episode is not to be missed it is full of action, excitment and seduction and episodes from Season 1-3 were pretty good.

However Baywatch had alreayd lost three primary characters Shauni, Eddie and Jill all left the show within the first three seasons, although Baywatch did have an epiphany and that was to hire Pamela Anderson (CJ Parker), at the start Pamela's character was brilliant and she carried the show easily along with other newly hired characters Summer Quinn (Nicole Eggert), Matt Brody (David Charvet) and Stephanie Holden (Alexandra Paul) from 92-95 all the characters stayed until Summer and Matt suddenly left Baywatch but luckily Baywatch fans were given relief when Caroline Holden (Yasmine Bleeth) joined the show (clearly the best actress). The show continued to go on well with David trailing behind in every episode along with Hobie (Jeremy Jackson) and Steph's death was brilliant as well, the show was still good in 95 when they hired bad girl Neely Capshaw (Gena Lee Nolin) who corupted everyone on Baywatch lives with her manipulation and seduction.

In 96 a big error was made Pamela and Yasmine's contracts were up and both girls wanted to do something else, I think Pamela's head did become a bit big during the end as Yasmine did guest appear in many episodes before finally being wrote out of the show unlike Pamela. The show hired 7 new actresses/lifeguards to fill the void left by both Donna Martin (Donna D'errico), Jordan (Traci Bingham), Samantha Thomas (Nancy Valen), April Giminski (Kelly Packard), Lani McKenzie (Carmen Electra), Taylor Walsh (Angelica Bridges) and Skylar Bergman (Marilece Andrada) were all hired to try and fill the void and granted most of them were reasonably good actresses however they only last a year on the show before all apart from April leaving Baywatch.

When they all did in 98, in 99 the show once again suffered a blow when Gena Lee also left and they brought it Jesse Owens (Brooke Burns) and Alex Ryker (Mitzi Kapture), Mitzi was brilliant and really helped the show but not enough as they relocated to Baywatch Hawaii and she got out while she could. Baywatch Hawaii ran for two seasons with a few good actors and actresses including Krista Allen, Brande Roderick and a few others but finally folded.

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Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000)
Mediocre (Saved by Brenda, Valerie, Clare and Gina, maybe Steve)
13 April 2004
When this show started in 1990 it immediately became a hit with divas in it like Shannen Doherty (Brenda Walsh) and Jennie Garth (Kelly Taylor) and some reasonably hot guys like Ian Ziering (Steve Sanders) and Jason Priestly (Brandon Walsh), although after the magnificiant Brenda left the show became quite stale for a while as she made the storylines good.

When Clare Arnold (Kathleen Robertson) and Valerie Malone (Tiffani Amber Theissan) arrived the show began to become better again, but with Jennie Garth as the main female character...NO WAY! Valerie was a manipulative vixen who hated Kelly for the most part and slept around and even faked pregnancies and was acted brilliantly by Tiffani. Clare was more of a good girl but still made for some fun storylines and was much more fun the Donna (Tori Spelling) and Kelly (Jennie Garth) who hardly ever left Beverly Hills.

Soon when the shows ratings were plummeting the two girls Kathleen and Tiffani left it, which was a very smart move leaving Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth, Ian Ziering, Joe E. Tata and Brian Austin Green as the only actors who survived all ten seasons, but there bad acting (except for Ziering) saved them especially Tori since the reason Shannen left was because of her and Luke Perry (Dylan McKay), but Luke soon found himself back in Beverly Hills when he couldn't find another acting job, but that's off topic, by the way i hate him and Tori for what they did to Shannen.

The show was once again saved by another evil vixen Gina i forget her second name but she was like the new and improved Valerie Malone who was even more of a bitch than Val and she stayed until the final episode and was the only actress that kept me watching it for 1998-2000.

Random Mentions:

-Tori Spelling can't act -Same goes with Luke Perry and he's a jerk. -Props to other decent characters Emily Valentine, Ginger LaMonica (Elisa Donovan) and Susan Keats (Emma Caulfield) who also helped the show stay good. -Ian Ziering was the best male actor on the show.
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Baywatch (1989–2001)
Good Watch
26 March 2004
So the writing wasn't of an A class standard, but the show last for over 10 seasons so you can't say that some people or should i say alot of people didn't like it or else it wouldn't have lasted that long. Here's just a summary of a few of the characters and why they made Baywatch so fun to watch and enjoy.

David Hasselhoff (Mitch)- Right, he wasn't the greatest of actors and i'll be the first to admit it but David provided the show with alot of advertising and was the only character in the show's history to last all 9 seasons of Baywatch: California. Mitch brought the machoness to the show and he always put on stellar performances when they were needed.

Pamela Anderson (CJ Parker)- Again not one of the best actresses but basically I think most of us know she was only really there for the eye candy, but CJ gave us some memorable moments on the show too especially when she struggled to find love through her years at Baywatch.

Yasmine Bleeth (Caroline Holden)- She has to be one of the best actresses to ever grace the Baywatch shores, Caroline was the shy, seductive type who was always getting things wrong with her work and like CJ with her love life. Unlike Pamela, Yasmine wasn't afraid to take to the water.

Alexandra Paul (Stephanie Holden)- Another good actress to grace the Baywatch shores and I think the only one to actually die, weird, but Stephanie's death was one of the best acted episodes from all characters.

Gena Lee Nolin (Neely Capshaw)- One of the only hardcore bitches to come to baywatch and she was a real bad girls, sueing Matt Brody and forcing him to quit after false sexual harrasement charges, sleeping with Logan and manipulating him in front of Caroline, seducing Cody and tricking Mitch into marrying her. She provided the best entertainment on the show and always got her commupance.

I could go through the rest but i'll not, but basically Baywatch provided us with some other great actors and actresses like Erika Eleniak, Nicole Eggert, Carmen Electra, Kelly Packard, Mitzi Kapture, Angelica Bridges and so many more.
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Miss Match (2003)
Hit Match!!
6 March 2004
Kate Fox, a divorce attorny who dabbles in matchmaking couples on the side (how controversial and so not cliche), the show is absolutely great and what a better lead than Alicia Silverstone, who is a great actress. The show always has something fun, new and exciting to offer the viewers and with recent special guest stars such as Charisma Carpenter the show just offers a new spice to the dull, boring shows which can run for many seasons. Give the show a chance Darren Star is a great creator of such shows as Sex and the city and Beverly Hills "90210"! Watch it as Alicia brings a lot of laughs to the table with her funny girlish screams and limericks, PURE ENTERTAINMENT!
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Charmed (1998–2006)
Charmed and Brilliant
19 February 2004
This is one of the best TV series/drama on TV at the moment, it's pure genious, it's well written and has a wide fan base due to the interest in wicca and the occult. The first season was a very good season but not the best, it introduced you to the characters and the girls only start to figure out how to use their powers. Season two was much better more demons and more powers made this season one of the greatest. Season three has to be my favourite, but not because Prue died, I love her come back Shannen, the season was brilliant, it introduced us to more new powers, the arrival of cole and Prue's death. There were also alot of funny episodes in this season especially the one with the seven deadly sins, that was a good one. Season four started off brilliant and ended brilliant, it dipped in parts but was still a great season with the arrival of another charmed one named Paige and it showed her struggle to use her powers. Season five was decent and provided alot of thrilling viewing and from what I have seen of Season six charmed is still going strong. The only bad point or dislike i have about it is they released Shannen Doherty! Bring her back from the dead, maybe not as a charmed one, just as a guide to the girls or a ghost like grams.

I'd give charmed a 9 1/2 out of 10
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Baywatch (1989–2001)
Only Pure Entertainment
25 January 2004
So the writing wasn't great, the storylines weren't brilliant and some of the actors weren't of an oscar winning standard, but it was a popular TV show that millions of people watched and enjoyed. It had some great moments and lasted for 11 seasons, most shows don't get past 5 never mind eleven.

Baywatch had its ups and downs but it was always fun to watch and an enjoyable show also you had the eye candy like Pamela Anderson, Yasmine Bleeth, Erika Eleniak, Donna D'errico, Brooke Burns, Mitzi Kapture, Alexandra Paul, Nicole Eggert, Marilece Andrada, Brande Roderick and so many more, so don't critisize it because I can guarantee you loved it in its prime.
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Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000)
Excellent Teen Show
16 January 2004
So it all started in 1990 with the original cast members (Jason Priestly) playing Brandon, (Shannen Doherty) playing Brenda, (Jennie Garth) playing Kelly etc. This show had its ups and downs but mainly ups, I was quite sad to see Shannen Doherty leave, but I heard she was causing trouble. The show had some great storylines and big name stars and guest stars like Dean Cain, Shannen Doherty, Tori Spelling, Luke Perry, Tiffani Theissan, Emma Caulfield, Christine Elise and many others. I loved and worshipped this show and always watch the re-runs it's a classic, it built into a popular teen soap opera and was great to watch and left you with suspense and drama. Shannen Doherty and Tiffani Theissan played excellent characters Brenda Walsh and the super b***h Valerie Malone, I also adored Ginger LaMonica and Susan Keats it was and still is a teen classic.
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Resident Evil (1996 Video Game)
19 December 2003
This game is not only a great survival horror, but you also need to use your brain, it's really tough and none of the sequels surpass it, it's great, enjoyable and very scary at times. The only real bad point about this game is the acting, it's not bad but it's not great although I like characters Jill Valentine and Rebbecca Chambers best.
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Baywatch: Hawaiian Wedding (2003 TV Movie)
Baywatch: Hawaiian Wedding-Good Enough
11 December 2003
This movie was pretty decent for a TV movie, it had action , excitement and all my favourite Baywatch characters including CJ, Neely, Caroline, Summer etc. Although it was missing one Erika Eleniak (Shauni), I have heard she did say that she didn't want to do it same thing could be said about Donna and Jordan another two characters who didn't return.

The plot outline is okay and the movie is relatively good, although it lacked motive in some parts it was still very good I would give this 3.5 out of 4.
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Wildflower (2000)
One of the best
24 October 2003
This movie is without a doubt one of the best erotic movies. I have ever seen, not because of the sex well that played a part, but because of the brilliant acting from these unknown stars, who aren't really credited enough. The only bad thing about this movie was some of the actors weren't given a full introduction and not much was known about a few sub-main characters.
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