
153 Reviews
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Weak and Uninteresting
20 March 2024
The story revolves around a government employee who distribute condoms to the community for free. His job started to create issues in his personal and social life.

The script is very slow and therefore the screenplay never did pick up the speed it needed. The story was worth making a film but script has only contents for maybe 15-20 minutes and they unnecessarily dragged the story to an unbearable length. The storyline was quite linear and had no twist or turn, not even a great revelation. The actor who played the center role failed to potray the emotions from various scenes properly which made the film quite dull.

Not Recommended.
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Sanctuary (I) (2022)
20 March 2024
The entire movie revolves around the relation between two person: one young man and a young woman.

The story is very poorly written and the screenplay did not ease the pain any way. The plot did not hold the viewers attention with their futile effort of unusal activities. The two main artists tried their best to perform their best with weak script. But the actor and actress both lacks the proper skills to make it at least a bit interesting or entertaining film. The set, lighting, sound and camerawork was average at best.

To be frank, please do not waste your precious time and money on such films. Not Recommended.
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Made in Heaven (2019– )
Made in Garage
3 January 2024
The story revolves around a wedding planner agency and their handling of various wedding ceremony.

The stories in each episode tries to convey a message related to personal life so many people but the acting and story telling fails it so miserably. And the need for finishing a wedding story in one episode made the storyline unnecessarily fast which is quite unappealing. The script did not do any good for developing the characters either as it lacks consistency and proper utilization of the storyline.

Overall, I find the series overhyped because of the apperance some popular guest star and a glamourous view. But contetwise it does not worth your precious time. Not Recommended.
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Fear and Loathing in IMDb
11 September 2023
This film revolves around two main character who are friends and some weird things happen to them in Las Vegas.

I totally did not liked the movie as I was not under the influnence of drugs neither I am a renowned critic with a sophisticated taste in films. This movie is really absurd in the point of a regular movie watcher. Things and events were happening here which were absurd and quite out of place. Characters showed the impact of different drugs in their system and doing weird things that I did not find amusing at all.

For me this is not a movie for everyone, I would suggest before watching the film just read about it a bit so you can decide whether it is your kind of movie or not.
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Low Class Movie
12 July 2023
This film revolve around a young immature guy with eyes full of ambition as it blinds him about the surronding world. Also the movie has two female main character who have their own issues to deal with.

This a typical story of misunderstanding and self realization. But the script was so poorly written so it was quite hurtful to watch this film. There were a ver little scope for the cast to offer a good performance even if they wanted to as the script did not provide the necessary suppport for the character.

If anyone wants to watch a light film for fill up a slow evening then one can watch it, otherwise it will be a complete waste of time..
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Such An Eyesore
12 July 2023
The film has multiple adversity which need to be dealt by The Batman.

The screenplay is so weak that it was really difficult to watch. Things were hard to follow as they had a very little logic behind it. Also there were too much things happening in the script with very little consequences. And worst thing about the script was it was full of plot holes.

Acting is another thing that was unpleasent to endure. They try to do some unsettling and bold things which was not executed properly which made the movie more cringy instead.

I really suggest you to avoid this movie if you really like the Batman series at all.
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All Cliche Great and Small
15 April 2023
This is a film which take place in a small community where almost everyone knows everyone and many of the shared a common love for various animals in their surrondings.

The film has no surprises or any unpredictable twists or turns so the story is kind of linear and monotonous. Also the screenplay and acting as well as dialouges are full of cliche which make the movie a bit dull. The cast tried their best to deliver the best performance but they lacks the skills to do so. This could be a better version if the film had a compeling script then everything else will become somewhat enjoyable.

Overall the film was a wasted effort. Not recommended.
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Sita Ramam (2022)
Out Of Balance
27 September 2022
This was supposed to be a beautiful love story but turns out to be a pointless story rather having hardly any love in it.

The script revolves haphazardly around one soldier and one princess. The story is so out of balance that it creates unnecessary situation to make a simple issue overly complicated and absurd emotional manipulation. The male protagonist saves female protagonist from danger for several minutes without even seeing her face which was simply insane. Moreover the acting of the supporting cast was excessively dramatized with subpar performance. Overall the film was quite unenjoyable.

Not recommended.
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Into The Nothingness
18 January 2022
This is a film about a young guy and girl who happens to meet each other on the road.

Frankly it is not clear why someone will make a movie so pointless. The story had no bearing on reality at all, things were happening in the story for the sake of something has to happen to fill up the run time. There was not a single meaningful scene in the entire film. It was made very poorly and without much care to storyline; as a result it failed engage viewer to the story. The entire premise of the movie fell through because of the script and it did not do any justice to the cast's performance.

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Binti (2021)
Wasted Effort
18 January 2022
The movie revolves around few women who are going through their own struggles with their life and how they finally cope with these struggles.

As the production budget was not huge viewer has to overlook some superficial things in the movie. The story was full of clichés which made the movie quite predictable and unenjoyable at the same time. It was felt that the screenplay failed to connect the audience to the story. Also the acting of the cast looked sloppy in the most part, had a lot of room for improvement.

Not Recommended.
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Cruella (2021)
23 July 2021
The film is about Cruella and how she become the person she is.

Firstly, the story struggles a lot to balance out the good and evil part of Cruella and actually failed to balance it logically. As a result a split personality issue was created which did not help the story anyway. Moreover, the script has its contents all twisted as their was no connection between the scenes or any consistency. Comedy, anger, joy, grief, sadness; all are placed in the script haphazardly. Also the big reveals or twists are placed in the story forcefully; without any common sense just to make a big impact.

Casting was okay and the acting was average. But it could definitely be better if the film had a better script.

Not recommended.
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Carry OFF
25 June 2021
The film is about a holiday package where number of individuals go away for a while. Everyone of the individual had a personal quirk to make the audience laugh.

The story was quite unflattering. Most of the pun used in the scenes were quite foolish, probably because the script was poorly written. Comic was supposed to be the center of the film but the film failed to make the case. The screenplay was equally bad and so does the casting. There is not a single element in the story that will encourage the viewer to carry on watching.

Not recommended.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
25 June 2021
This is a film about a mysterious man with a sordid past who is now trying to live a normal life. But a handful unfortunate events put his skills to use again.

Actually I have nothing good to write about the movie. Frankly the acting, the plot, the script, the storyline, the screenplay, the action scenes and even the acting was below average.

Not Recommended.
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Close Encounters of the Foolish Kind
22 May 2021
The story of the film is about encounter with some unidentified flying objects and how these encounters changed the life of the characters in the movie.

First of all this movie has a useless story which goes nowhere, the climax scene has no impact on the story although there was a significant build-up to the scene. The protagonist act like insane person without any reasoning and not a person to root for. It looked like a conspiracy theorist set out to absurd things to prove his irrational thoughts. Not an enjoyable film at all.

Not Recommended.
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A Decent Try
20 April 2021
The film is about a struggling artist who is just looking for a break. But when she gets her break in an unconventional manner her life just turned upside down.

The performance of the lead characters was good but it was nothing extraordinary. The script had some minor setbacks here and there but overall it was a decent story. Although the story do not have any amazing twists or turns but it has some exciting parts. The screenplay was average with ordinary camera work.

This film would be a good way to fill up a slow weekend but doesn't worth the effort if one has literally anything else to do.
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WandaVision (2021)
18 April 2021
This Marvel studio production is about two Marvel characters Wanda and Vision. The story revolves around them and the bizarre events happening in their life.

To a diehard fan of Marvel universe it might be seemed as an enjoyable tv series but for an impartial viewer the effort fall way short in becoming enjoyable. The story is so stale and pointless that it almost hurts your intelligence. The script was included with unnecessary characters with useless puns where it lacks basic logic in it. The screenplay was focused to stretch the scenes which dragged the story to unbearable extent. The good thing was the acting of the main characters while the supporting actors and actresses provided with an average performance.

Not recommended.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
15 April 2021
The story revolves around a short tempered con man who incidentally start impersonating as the town sheriff.

The rating in IMDb is quite confusing as it bears a high number but the actual series deserves a lot less. The series has nothing to offer to a quality viewers. To find out which is the worst element of the venture is a quite tough choice because of the script is very poorly written with no character consistency, the camera work is quite shake and angles are terrible, screenplay was erratic and beyond logic, and low grade acting from average actors and actresses with their terrible expressions. Logic hardly plays a vital role in an action oriented creation but without having a shred of the logic is quite unacceptable. Watching every scenes of the series was a clear insult to the viewer's intelligence.

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The Waste of Time
15 April 2021
The film is about a small town girl spending her days taking care of her disabled father, whose life gets some color when a boys enters her life.

The story of the film had potential if a little bit of more work was done in the script making the dialogues and scene sequences more vibrant. The annoying part of the film was the loud background music, which was clearly overdone. Acting was average overall with some occasional overacting here and there. Although the lighting and camera work was fine but the location section was not ideal to make an impact with the relevant scenes.

Not Recommended.
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My Little Brother (II) (2017)
The Family Stays Together Is The Family Fights Each Other
12 February 2021
This is a story of a family who despite their pure hearts stays away from each other for difficult circumstances. The story really begins when they find out about an additional member of their family whom they knew nothing about.

The story has every elements of family drama: comedy, love, mistrust, resentment, emotion, misunderstanding and a little bit thrill. The cast did a good job throughout the film. Although there were some room for improvements in the screenplay but all in all it was an enjoyable film.

Mildly Recommended.
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High Tide (I) (2015)
A Day Out
5 February 2021
The story of the film mostly revolve around a single day where a loving mother spends a day out with her teenage son.

The story of the film is quite simple but the representation of that story was quite intriguing. The script helped the viewer to wonder what new will happen in a such a linear stroyline. Within the simple story there were some strong points, powerful message and few twists. Although the performance of the supporting characters were mediocre, but altogether it was a enjoyable film.

Overall an average film.
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Courage (1984)
Courage (!)
5 February 2021
The film is about some runners who get in trouble with some characters in the way of their run.

The title was aptly chosen as the makers had a lot of courage to go through a movie with the cast they have selected. Their acting is quite horrible to watch and the amateur screenplay made the scenes looked totally unrealistic. Even though the story had some potential but the actors and actresses entirely let the movie down with their terrible performance.

Not Recommended.
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Ninong (2009)
Perfect Candidate For Negative Rating
22 January 2021
This is a film about a rescue mission where two expert martial art friends fight for saving their sweethearts.

The film was a complete joke. The script was poorly written with sloppy dialogues. The screenplay was horrible. The main characters were supposed to be martial art heros but the action sequences looked like a child's play. And the acting was the worst. None of the actors or actresses had any acting skills; so that the audience can endure the horrendous film.

The rating of the movie is fake and artificially increased.

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Seeking Revenge
22 January 2021
This is a story of a little boy who witnessed his father getting butchered and grows out to be a samurai to seek revenge for his father's death.

The script of the film is quite average and somewhat lacked logic in the story. The screenplay was also average, nothing exceptional. And the action scenes were a bit clumsy as well as missed the continuous flow. The performance of the actors and actresses were mostly okay.

Overall this is an average movie that one can watch if he/she a lot of spare time.
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Switching Identity
22 January 2021
This is a story of two identical guy from completely different profession who decides to switch places for their own reasons.

The script lacked logical material in its core and took a sharp turn at the end of the movie. The screenplay was quite average as many of the scenes lacked consistency with the previous scenes. The performance of the actors and actresses were mostly okay. The camera work looked fine but the editing was not that good.

Overall it is an average film.
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Rangreza (2017)
Zero Entertainment
28 December 2020
This is a love story between two very different people who found each other by chance.

The story had the potential of a amazing love story but script was quite poorly written. The screenplay was equally terrible, the sequence from scene to scene had very little connection to each other. As there was no smooth flow between scenes so it was unpleasant to watch. Moreover the over acting of the characters made the film totally unbearable. Most of the actors and actresses lacked basic acting skills. Watching this film might hurt viewers' intelligence.

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