
195 Reviews
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Gunsmoke (1955–1975)
Arness is NOT 6'7
12 July 2023
For years and years I wondered about the true height of Dreams or innocence Parker it says they're 6'7 but I never believed it I would see them standing alongside the guys that were 6'5 and be a little shorter like Forrest Tucker I just watched an episode called Never Fester or Chester there was an actor named Buddy b a e r I looked him up on this site he's six foot six and a half he towered over James Arness a good two inches or more my guess is Arness was an honest 6 foot 5 but he was no way was he or Fess Parker 6 foot 7 I just never believed that same thing with best parking in see him standing next to guys that you know for a fact or six foot four and he was just barely a little taller than them.
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3 July 2023
Quite frankly these review sites are a farce they are now dominated by representatives of the movies who use 15 to 20 underlings to get online and shower the movie with nines and 10s and accolades the worst the movie The more of them you get they give a false reading it with people's point of view is about the movie. I just watched three episodes of this quite frankly it sucks I'm so sick and tired of Maggie's constant incessant Style without exception I'm sick and tired of negan's smart aleck whips I'm sick and tired of seeing Vehicles 15 years later still have plenty of gasoline in real life stored gasoline found in tankers or cars or anywhere else goes bad in less than a year. It can't be undone it's simply goes bad yeah here they are 15 years later riding around in motorcycles and cars like gas is a plenty it's a boring continuation of the TV series.
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Joe Pickett (2021–2023)
Unlikeable lead
13 June 2023
The story and TV shows actually not a bad idea for a game warden in the wild trying to enforce the law. Unfortunately the problem with this series is the lead actor playing Joe Pickett he is an unlikable actor his rule is that of a very stupid Dudley Do-Right kind of guy that would risk his life to give somebody a fishing ticket. His actions are constantly idiotic foolhardy and against his family's wishes. They really need to make this guy more likable and more intelligent than he is. He carries an out-of-date revolver with Six Bullets in it but he runs out of bullets and he is vulnerable for any other law enforcement officer carries like a 15 or 16 round semi-automatic to make sure he doesn't run out of both any also carry an extra clip or two this idiot goes wrong with a six shooter.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Boring, uninteresting, unlikeable lead actor
30 September 2022
Man, this movie is boring. Was Ridley Scott desperate for money? Nothing new here, have seen the same in 100 sword movies. Slow moving and dull. Pedestrian dialogue. Uninteresting characters. Way too long. Unworthy of Scott's talents. Sometimes confusing, sometimes predictable, never intriguing. It is beyond belief this site compels us to write 600 letters to leave a review. That's, absurdly long, like a small novel. I still owe 180 characters from here. Omg. Four score and seven years ago..... Lol. OK, the move is dull and boring. Yada, Yada, Yada, save yourself 2 1/2 hours if misery and pass on this.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Rinse, repeat over and over
18 September 2022
Watch the first episode, then multiply it by 39. That saves you 38 hours of repetition. Every episode is basically the same as the last. Seriously, it is. They get a calling, decide they must solve a puzzle and save some strangers life. Over and over and over again. The solve what should be a complex case in mere minutes. The stupid half moon jawed blonde detective is reckless and stupid. Always risking people's lives. Ben stone, lock-jaws brother, is married to a black woman and their kids look like ivory snow. No way on Earth they have black blood. They think viewers are stupid.basically, the show is like a dog chasing its own tail. Just repeats endlessly.nothibg is accomplished.
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Could have been decent
30 August 2022
Terrible. It could have been good if it wanted to be but they had to be cutesy and had to go for laughs and it really ruined it.... nothing looked like an old western.... the woman looked like she was just out of the modern dressing room trailer it's a shame. Looks like nobody took it serious, every worn out cliche including tired dialogue. The woman is a smart Alec. A constant Cajun guitar twang plays throughout the movie. Very irritating. Poor casting, but the woman was to much to tolerate. She is like 120 pounds acting tough. Tiresome!!! When she was at gunpoint, she gives smart azz replies. God!!!!!!
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Kid is too dumb to care about him
13 August 2022
Finney is stupid, dumb, idiotic and deserves everything that happens to him. Filthy language abounds for such young kids. Unsavory movie. Coming out of the basement he could have smashed the guy over the head while he sat sleeping but no of course not then when he got out he could have run in the back of the house into the woods but no of course not he runs right down the middle of the sidewalk like an idiot. Could have been good but isn't.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
4 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Disgusting, revolting, vile, reprehensible, horrid mass murder of innocents... NON STOP!!!! KILLING, MURDER, SLAUGHTER, ENDLESS THROAT CUTTING, RAPE, VIOLENCE, this is tv at its worst. Not a sliver of redeeming value. I'm not talking about battle scenes, it's women, children and monks being slaughtered non stop, every episode. Murderous thieves. Horrible show.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Absolute crap
25 July 2022
This movie is horrible. Everything I hate about movies this has a colitis group directing one to two second action scenes over and over again Ludacris absurd Preposterous special effects and fight scenes it wants to be mission impossible James Bond and Jason Bourne and instead, it's just a mess. Terrible. Every cliche on Earth. Ugh.
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The Shack (I) (2017)
Begins great, then falls
25 July 2022
I'm a conservative and although I'm not religious I don't mind religious movies at all. This started out wonderful beautifully filmed great family action and once the man returned to the shack it just went over a cliff...... It was ridiculous, absurd, and incoherent and an obese black woman with split teeth is supposed to be God. It was really really lame after that I couldn't even finish the movie.
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Virgin River (2019– )
23 July 2022
Well acted, and the lead female is fine, but be prepared because it's a very depressing show. Heartbreak, crying, bad men. This is not a feel good series. Annette O'toole looks 80 years old, God did she age badly.
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This movie is a ZERO!!!
22 July 2022
A bunch of kids crash a plane in the jungle and this vicious tribe murder them and eat them one by one by one.... it is vicious, is graphic it is disgusting with no redeemable virtue whatsoever this is a disgusting disgraceful movie.
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Sweetheart (I) (2019)
Good concept, bad actress
21 July 2022
This actress was not compelling at all. Bad choice. This could have been much better with a different actress who could emote better. The concept was fine, she was just not compelling to watch.
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Lucky (I) (2017)
Absurdly high reviews
21 July 2022
What you are going to watch is a camera following around a 91 year old man who can barely walk and he's grumpy and that's basically it..... the scenes are stagey the dialogue is weak, it's really boring boring boring. This is a kind of movie where everybody feels obligated to say it's an eight or a 9 or 10 when in reality this is about a four or five tops.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
Horrible accents
18 July 2022
Not one accent is Norwegian. None are the same. They are more like Russian, just horrible. And wtf is with the black woman leader? There wasn't one black in Norway back then. There's barely any now. They had the know viewers would be furious at the woke casting and the lies about history.
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Stone is badly cast
16 July 2022
Terrible casting of Sharon Stone, terrible. She was ludicrous as a tough guy wannabee. Stick to stealing husband's and destroying families as you have done many times Sharon. It is more of a satire comedy than anything else. Absurd dialogue. Films like a bad TV movie. Stone is too pretty to be believed as a hardened gunslinger. Every scene looked like a movie being filmed. Just badly done.
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15 July 2022
Eckhart is badly cast here. Good actor, but this movie needed an actor who was about 6'5 and an imposing figure. Eckhart is 5 10. Also waaaay to much violence and way too many Demons.
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Rawhide (1959–1965)
Everyone is mean
13 July 2022
I had a chance to watch this series... I couldn't remember too much about it as a kid.... I what has shocked by how and nasty everyone was in Favor and Wishbone. And Wishbone is the nastiest meanest guy I've ever seen on TV, no humor, just mean and nasty... Clint Eastwood is a horn dog the stories are OK, but not the characters.
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The Toll (I) (2020)
Disgusting language
11 July 2022
The female lead is made by writers to use the F word non stop for 90 minutes. It's ruined by supernatural crap instead of regular enemies. Filthy mouthed woman.
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Dark Winds (2022– )
Longmire it aint
6 July 2022
Ugh.... (lol). I tried watching this show hoping it would be similar to Longmire in quality. It is not it is a colossal bore. It's as exciting as watching Cars rust... I couldn't believe how dull and drab and boring this show is I couldn't wait to change the channel after two episodes.
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Tail Sting (2001)
23 June 2022
Acting: terrible, directing : terrible, script: terrible. At no point, do you believe these idiots are on a plane. Just a dreadful excuse for a movie..............
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The Ledge (2022)
Good movie bad lead actress
19 June 2022
This was a decent movie for a change, the problem is the lead actress. At no point was she believable on the cliff face. Just seemed unconvincing. A shame. It needed a better actress. She was hanging by one hand for 3 minutes here and there... Absurd. Just looked like she was out of the makeup trailer in every scene.
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14 June 2022
Watching this movie was absolutely excruciating. My wife and I watched it and I was screaming at the TV set every 3 or 4 minutes. Totally ludicrous and unbelievable, preposterous, absurd, separated from any believable behavior. This girl who is the lead character is very very unlikable. Very dumb, hopeless moron. Does the stupidest stupidest things you can imagine. She doesn't go out the first and second day to get all the food, water and medical supplies and guns to protect herself, she just walks around like a bimbo and keeps running from the government cars. The directing is atrocious it's like an artsy-fartsy garbage movie. Maddening. Truly maddening. Could have been good.
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Beyond Loch Ness (2008 TV Movie)
Just horrendous
14 June 2022
As bad a movie as you will ever see. The acting is OK, but the writing and special effects are a disaster. Just absurdly unrealistic, and awful. People waiting to be killed and don't run away, etc. Oy.
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Good acting, so-so movie.
11 June 2022
Wasn't bad, acting was good. Mitch was great. Bad special effects. You could do worse than this movie on a Saturday night. I gave it a 5. Better than average ant movie.
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