
2 Reviews
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Échangistes (2007)
Simon Boisvert is back, same as he ever was.
11 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
(Pardon the poor quality of my English, I had an accident...) Simon Boisvert is back. The infamous Uwe Boll from Quebec keeps on going on with his terrible movies, without any kind of help from the government, who would never accept to produce such horrible scripts anyway.

This new entry in his filmography is he first one to receive coverage from "serious" media like Voir cultural newspaper. Even more surprising, the movie had a short (1 week) run in theaters. Does that makes the movie any better ? Hell no.

The film "interest" is fueled by a ridiculous controversy about "échangistes bars". But don't expect to learn anything new on the topic, even if Mr. Boisvert tries really hard to look serious by inserting cheesy scenes where the main characters talk to the camera about their "feelings". Actually, the movie is closer to a porn flick than a documentary, thanks to the overall poor acting (even if Mr. Boisvert has only two scenes this time), cheap musical score and amateurish directing (by Simon Boisvert himself).

Other than that, this is pure Simon Boisvert. The dialogs still scream "I am a 40 something from West Island who never really had a life". There are several memorable one liners such as "Babies are just good to fill diapers and vomit" or this one, by Boisvert himself : "You can still come on your girlfriend's back, I can only reach her butt now". There is also an healthy dose of prejudice inserted in the dialogs. The people on welfare are all crooks trying to take advantage of the system, you need to be rich to be somebody, etc.

Thank you for producing another classic Mr. Boisvert, I sure love to hate you.
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Venus de Milo (2002)
A rare gem of indie cinematic embarrassment
13 August 2005
Simon Boivert is back in the second part of his famous trilogy. Virtually unknown by the average video store customer, Boisvert is a very special phenomenon of Quebec's underground scene. He writes his film's screenplay and always cast himself as the main character. Even if this reminds of Stallone and his Rocky film, Boivert is no Itallian Stallion.

Actually he's a not-so-good looking skinny boy in his mid-thirties. There is nothing wrong with that in the first place. The main problem is that Boivert cast himself as characters thats has nothing to do with his profile, such as womanizers and, in this new film, rock stars.

Even with the combined effects of cinema magic and hard drugs, it's barely possible to actually believe that Dan, Boisvert's character, is a sex-appeal loaded talented rock star. Worst, his screenplay seems completely out of track. Even if we're talking about a 2002 flick, the musical references looks as they were out of 1989. While listening to Boisvert's juvenile dialog you can't help yourself and say : "Simon, you have no life".

But the movie is directed by somebody who actually knows film-making, making Simon's contribution to it look even more flawed and embarrassing. Yes, this movie is crap. But still, watching it is a strange guilty pleasure. Yes Simon, you are, and you will always be, one of a kind.
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