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20 June 2011
"What a crappy costume! It looks like you got it at Zellers!" This line sums up the whole movie. I'm a huge zombie fan and this movie had me laughing from start to finish. It's kinda like the movie knows it's a terrible zombie movie that was made for like ten bucks, but the execution is spot on. There are some Hollywood movies that are "supposed to be bad", like a parody of B movies, but 'The Living Impaired' is different because it quite literally IS a B movie. It's more charming then a lot movies where they have big budgets but they're purposely trying to be cheesy. I would only recommend 'The Living Impaired' if you think Troll 2 is great. It has a similar kind of spirit to it and though it is completely self-aware, at no point do you feel like the director is trying to 'be clever' in the fact that the movie is self-aware. It's just good old fashioned cheese as opposed to being a movie that's 'purposely trying to be cheesy'.
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Clever "No Budget" Movie
20 June 2011
After watching "Film Amateura", I became interested in the other movies that the director had made previously that he was parodying. They're hard to find and you have to YouTube most of them. "Death's Apprentice" was actually a really good movie! I'd give it a Ten, but just because of the amateurish quality of it, I won't. It reminded me a lot of "A Christmas Carol", because the story is told through Shadows of previous events. One thing I noticed that was really neat was that even though all the events are out of sequence, we learn about them through shadows, so there aren't really any "official flashbacks". The acting was really cheesy and lame, but that was part of the charm. I think you need to see Film Amateura in order to understand why Death's Apprentice is so good.
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Smart but kinda preachy and amateurish
20 June 2011
I really enjoyed "Entherance Online" to the point where I would give it a 10, but I'm taking one point away just because it's a little preachy. It's a clever parody of the video game culture, specifically MMORGs and how people sometimes become addicted to them. The movie really makes you feel like it takes a stance on the subject and then at the very end, there is a twist I won't give away. The ending really makes you think though, which was great. I'm a big fan of the director's other movies "The Living Impaired" and "Film Amateura". Both of them were made on a really low budget and are basically 'amateur movies', but they're both really clever in the way they make the amateur aspect work for the story. "Entherance Online" doesn't do this though. It just looks like an amateur movie and so I take away another point for that. So I give it an 8. I think this should be re-made with a big Hollywood budget though! I can't imagine a lot of people have seen this, but I think it has potential to be a really cool movie if it were brought to a bigger audience, only if it wasn't made some amateurly.
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Lylian True (2001)
This Movie 'Inspired' the 2004 indie movie "Film Amateura"
20 June 2011
This movie isn't very good, but it was really interesting to watch it after seeing "Film Amateura", a really clever movie. Basically "Film Amateura" is about a movie director trying to make a fantasy movie on a video camera and you can obviously see where the inspiration comes from when you watch this low budget fantasy movie. I didn't hate "Lylian True", but it was really poorly made. The story was kinda clever though, like it wasn't very predictable. Maybe if this movie had better acting and wasn't shot on a video camera I would have enjoyed it more. The good things I'll say about it are: Hazard (played by Vaughan MacPhail) was one of the coolest characters ever. The movie should have been more about him.
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Excellent Movie (Unless You Have a Weak Stomach)
20 June 2011
I love horror movies and I love indie flicks. This movie was laugh-out-loud funny and it kicked my ass. Bravo! The best thing about this movie was Rutger Hauer and a close second was the song Run With Us at the end credits. Also, this movie is smarter than people give it credit for. This is a story of man who rises up against a corrupt government and he doesn't want to hurt anybody. He just has no choice. All 'The Hobo' wanted to do was start up his lawn-mowing business, but he wasn't going to just stand by and let this city tear itself apart. So he decided it was time to deliver justice, one shell at a time! And it was one shell of a movie too!
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Film Amateura (2004)
Really clever and really funny movie!
20 June 2011
I would almost say this is a near perfect movie. It is really funny and ever since I watched it, I just had to see the rest of the 'amateur movies' that the director had made. Not only was "Film Amateura" really, really funny, but it was very clever. The movie looks like it was made for like $100, and the characters constantly make fun of this aspect of the movie. It sort of works like an infinite mirror, the characters are making an amateur movie, but you're also watching an amateur movie, and then the characters start making an amateur movie about making amateur movies. Hard to explain, but it comes across brilliantly in the movie. I really recommend watching "Film Amateura". I know you can get it online for free somewhere, or you can buy it on Amazon. It's definitely worth checking out. The whole theme of the movie is that you don't have to spend millions and millions of dollars to tell a good story and it really works.
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