
51 Reviews
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A touch absurd, funny and in the end hard hitting
11 December 2021
We, a whole bunch of masked colleagues, watched this in 'Version Original', the French version, with subtitles, which made it so much better to absorb the atmosphere that is set down by the makers.

Absurd, yes, over the top but oh so funny because of it and for those that were in France at the time in many, exaggerated, ways recognizable.

It is a drama as well, not just comedy, the undertone of different people living together apart is so clearly recognizable and more true then many might think it is.

The acting, well, not Oscar winning maybe but who cares, it fits the movie well.

The end, we did not expect that at all, and I won't give it away, but the human side of the whole Pandemic surfaces hard hitting and many had to shed a little tear.

You do not like the idea of watching something about the Pandemic and it being ridiculed partially, don't bother watching and commenting. Keep an open mind, you will laugh, you will cry, all human emotions are in it with a clear message at the end.

Watch It !
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Best movie ever
19 September 2021
Well, what can one say, seen it now umpty times over the years and it remains one of the best m9vies ever. Not only is the story gripping but the acting, out of this world mostly. Not only gripping, drama, humour, it has it all. It is so well played you feel like that you are locked up with them. Get the popcorn out, have a nice cold beer ready, you are going to love this and sit through it in one session!
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Gripping, masterpiece
19 September 2021
Very gripping story based on a wealth of thruth as well. Michael Caine is brilliant as the Scotland Yard Inspector. Costume period drama as they can only make in the UK. ,ost actors very good, but even the few that are a bit, uh, too much actors can not spoil the story. Binge watch both episodes, it is well worth it. Mystery drama as they do not make anymore.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
What a load of rubbish
4 August 2021
Typical NY style movie, lots of shouting, calling names, '' 'talking' over each other, impolite behavior, F... this, F... that, F... you. I don not give a about cursing but this is just not funny. I would actually say the acting is good, you straight away sit in the mood how, as a non NY'r, you envision NY. It is totally annoying. There is no need for all this I did not get beyond 10 minutes and then gave up. Could be a nice story but the but if you start a movie this way you have lost me.
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Typical Dutch, but, worth the watch
3 May 2021
Yes the acting is not brilliant, but, the story line is very good. If you are like me, Dutch, growing up in those days you not easily forget this story as it is a true story all in all. The ransom was back in those days 35 million Dutch Guilders, a kings ransom really as those 35 million was an enormous fortune in those days, mind boggling number. And the story, the low life petty criminals that performed this kidnap, very Dutch (=not great). But the aftermath is just as great a story as any how they managed to bring them to justice by sheer bloody minded Heineken hunting them down. Well worth to watch!
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The Good Liar (2019)
Lovely story with character actors
28 November 2020
Not sure why this movie hassuch alow score, we found it thoroughly enjoying. Yes, you can seea bit through the plot but it has lovely unexpected twists and turns with a good depth. Touch of humor, well developed characters, all in all a nice relaxing but intriguing view!
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Just poor which gets worse during the movie
27 November 2020
It started of somewhat funny but from then onwards it keeps going further downhill. Poor acting, poor story line, just not funny, a complete waste of time.
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The Bridge (2011–2018)
11 stars out of 10 !
26 July 2014
Once you start watching this you can't stop. You have to watch it from season one episode 1 as otherwise you won't get it and the characters are meaningless. It's a police series but a very unusual one. It is not only the actual story that matters, finding the bad guy/girl, it's also the development of the characters in the film. Very strong characters, very well acted, very believable. Don't mind the subtitles, you will understand it as it's just such a strong story, so suspenseful. After each episode you want to see the next one, ...., soonest as you need to know. Season 2 is not much different, surprising all the way. You think you figured it out, you will be proved wrong.

Watch this, it's really 11 out of 10 !
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The Concert (2009)
Surprisingly captivating
11 June 2014
I was apprehensive at the start of this movie, the language for instance, Russian, French, I don't really understand them so despite being used to reading subtitles it's always nice to understand the actual spoken language a bit. However, the movie will capture you in such a way this hurdle is easily overcome. It's funny, no, you won't laugh your socks off, but it's just funny at times. It's also mysterious as you will see things developing from which you want to know where it goes. It's a human story, taken from life as it's played as such, like if it's real, not acted. Watch it and be amazed, well worth the time.
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Uncovered (1994)
Wonderful unusual crime thriller
4 February 2014
Seeing the movie and seeing the review here in IMDb I am surprised at the low rating this movie has. It is not a perfect movie but it is fairly well played with a number of interesting characters and above all in my eyes a good deal of proper suspense on a level you don't see often anymore. The whole setting of the movie is pretty unusual which makes it all the more interesting. Art world, Murder, Theft, it's all in there in a relative well paced movie. It also has a great level of realism, you can actually imagine this to be real, it could have happened this way. Ignore the bad reviews, watch the movie with an open mind, in my opinion you can't really be disappointed.
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Ballykissangel (1996–2001)
Just plain enjoyable day to day life with a twist of humor
4 October 2013
It is not for everybody most likely but as you can see at my rating it is for me. I never saw this originally when it came out but a re-run about 6 years or so ago. I really enjoyed the simple humor, the simple drama, the stories as a whole, the characters. It's nearly real life with a bit of a twist at times but you could imagine is to actually have taken place. It never left my mind so this year I bought the DVD's to watch it all again and, so far, not disappointing, it has not lost it's charm. You like action, hero's, spectacular drama, belly aching laughter, this is not for you. You like good humor that puts a smile on your face, a nice story line, things that could be happening next door (if you would live there), this is for you.
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Fortress (2012 Video)
6 September 2013
I seldom rate so low as this. Why? I actually did not even watch the full movie as I got so fed up with the totally unbelievably bad CGI used in this movie. The first 5 minutes was already enough to decide that this was going to be bad. The airplanes look so clean, so crisp, the motion so unrealistic, the attacks unrealistic, the acting poor (it's not the actors but what they are made to depict). I would compare this movie to that thing with the name, I think, Red Tails as recently also launched. It seems that these type of movies that would be great if CGI was used in a realistic way need to be ruined by unrealistic close combat and movements of airplanes and such. Hollywood, grow up, use CGI the way it's supposed to work, to enhance realism, not to try to make it more spectacular by introducing unrealism. Honor to the man and women that made the raids possible, that suffered in this war. Shame on those that ruined what could have been a good story, good movie. My advise, avoid like the plague!
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Enjoyable story, different in a way
6 September 2013
I normally don't really watch these type of happy ending family movies but occasionally I endure one. This movie was not enduring but enjoying. The story of this movie is believable. I am sure it's romanticized but you feel for the characters, you will like the way this develops different as you might expect. There is a lot of predictability in the movie but with the interaction of the animals it makes it worth while watching. Besides the predictability there is also humor in the movie. The acting is for the most part pretty good, not spectacular but what you expect of a family style movie. Make sure you watch this, some nibble bits, a soda, a friend, enjoy.
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19 May 2012
Saw this unfortunately in the English dubbed version. But, that actually did not detract from the fact it's an awesome movie. What a story and so well played. If you don't know the story it will keep you entertained from start till finish (and then 2 more movies to see on the same level). Although not a massively exciting story it seems at first glance it develops so well. Well acted I think. The dubbed version they could have used better voices but you can see the intensity of the filming in the acting. Swedish police series are often very good, they are realistic. It's not about cars flying through the air and guns blazing cops. It's the human story behind it that matters, this could have happened in real life! Go and watch it, actually try the Swedish version if you can lay your hands on it. I will do that too, see it, it's so well worth it.
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Just old fashioned excellent acting and story
18 May 2012
Real old fashioned lawyer drama but with a human aspect in it. It's not all in the courtroom though, most is actually out of it. There are a number of stories running together but that's the life of a lawyer really all about. Al Pacino is his usual best again, the roll is really the type of character he excels in. Most other characters are fine too but it's all about Pacino of course. Very watchable movie, it continuously moves forward and changes. The actual main story is almost a side line in the story but it comes to a end with a big bang. Although the bang is big the outcome is a bit unexpected and in a way I think the movie is not completely finished. Watch it for sure though (and ignore the cheesy 70's music).
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A nearly forgotten era well depicted
16 May 2012
Most people have most likely forgotten this era in the history of Europe. But those that grew up in these times can most likely remember this well. There were of course more terrorist groups in those days but for myself, coming from The Netherlands, these were one of the more notorious groups. Although the cause was not as much the problem, the means to try to achieve this were of course totally unacceptable. The movie is a good depiction of this era and all what happened around the Baader Meinhoff group. Possibly not all fact are true in the movie but it's not a documentary, it's a proper movie with high realism. You have to see this in German of course, that adds to the realism of the movie. I think it's well played, no nonsense, believable characters. Watch it, well worth it I think!
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Good movie like they don't make them anymore
14 May 2012
What can you say, Errol Flynn, can't get much better as that. Absolutely great actor. Maybe not perfect for each roll but he plays these type of action "hero" roles very well. B & W movie that of course shows it's age. CGI did not exist, techniques to make scenes realism to a believable level were unknown yet. But this does not distract from creating an atmosphere where you take the imperfections as they are. The story is not all about action, hero's, it's a lot also about emotions, horrors of war, horrors of loosing good close friends and family. It's about WW I where not that much movies are still circulating. Watch it with an open mind, know that scenes will look fake, but take in the story and learn about WW I where good was fighting evil, although it was not always clear who evil was.
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Good but not timeless
9 May 2012
Nice story, starts off pretty lame but develops in a good story with a unexpected twist. Acting is not perfect but of a decent standard. Story is not perfect either, you can kind of see in what direction it's going but then there is a twist in the story that really gives it actually depth. I must say that twist is very well done, you wont's see that one coming. You could classify it as a thriller and some will say it has a bit of horror in it but I don't think so. The exciting bits are pretty realistic, bit gory, but, realistic. It certainly worth watching. Don't judge the movie by the first 30 minutes, hang on, you'll be surprised. The settings on Hawaii are stunning. Personally having been to most of the islands it's nice to see it back. It's a unique landscape that features well in the movie too.
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The Help (2011)
Maybe well played, but, ...., yawn
30 April 2012
I choose this movie to watch full knowing what the story is about. A good story. A worthwhile story. But i got bored very quickly by the way the movie just does not seem to pick up pace. I've seen movies on this subject before and, well, it's not my cup of tea really. I kept my mind open and was fully ready to see this movie. Based on the ratings, awards, it's got to be a good movie. Without doubt it's well played/acted, but, the story is where it goes sour in my opinion. What I said in the summary, yawn, it simply does not seem to pick up any pace. There seem to be a lot of flash backs or flash forwards, whatever way you look at it, but that does not add to the story at all, it actually makes it complicated, slowing down the actual story. They should have stuck to the theme and kept it chronological. I was so bored I actually stopped watching it, I never made it to the end, and I'll never will. If you really are in to the theme of the movie and you want to see the story and are not phased by possible boredom, go see it, it's well played. If it's not fully your cup of tea but you have an open mind, try it, make up your mind yourself. If you don't really like that type of stories andare not much for patience, don't bother, you won't finish it.
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Up to date real life success story
29 April 2012
Now you might wonder why yet an other review of this movie? Well, the more the better as it proves the movie is talked about which means it brings a message, like it or not. That is what Facebook is as well, like it or not. But in the end, it does not really matter as it has proved to be a success. The movie is well played. The story well written. It's a very believable story. I am sure not everything is like depicted in the movie but does that really matter? It's a movie, not a documentary. The characters play very believable personalities. I am not a "drama" watcher really, thrillers, war movies, that is my thing. But, I really enjoyed this movie. Being a relative Facebook fan it's interesting to see how the whole idea evolved into what it now is. Watch it, sit back and relax, let it take you into the world of intelligent people who create a vision. It's entertaining too.
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Of old fashioned quality
27 April 2012
When I wanted to watch this movie the ratings were on average 7. After I watched it I realized I don't understand the low ratings. Maybe the movie is not entirely following the real life story, but, who cares. Johny Depp puts down an excellent character. So unlike him really. The cool calculated gangster, big difference with his usual roles, pirate, chocolate factory, etc.. Depp makes the movie, you can see a gangster in him, determined, calculated, ruthless but a bit of a romantic too. It's a real crime movie, well played, good sets, determined police/fbi. So why only a 9, well, it does miss a little bit, the whole J Edgar Hoover thing and the upcoming FBI could have had a little bit more depth. But then again, it's not really about that, it's about the gangster. If you like a bit of gangster style movies, you like 30's atmosphere, bit of action, OK, lot of action but in a realistic manner, go and see the movie, be entertained, I was.
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Good story but the end questionable
20 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There is a slight spoiler in this review. A good story but the end is a bit of a dud. Although the end is surprising it's also not that unexpected. It's the end that also indicates that the journalist in question could very simply have given in to the demands as it would not have made a blind bit of difference. You are curious? Go see the movie, judge for yourself, it's pretty good despite the end. The whole story is a clear indication on how rotten the US system actually is. National security, nonsense, the lamest excuse that is used for the most pathetic purpose. The acting is not bad but not great either. They could have made more from it. It's not a courtroom drama but a legal drama nevertheless. It does not contain massive speeches, just a few good ones, but it could have been better.
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The American (2010)
Good story, bit predictable though
20 April 2012
The story line sounds like a good thriller. It has all the potential of a good thriller, but, while you're watching you miss something. Firstly the story is a bit predictable, there is only one element which remains a bit of a mystery till the end but even that is not deeply mysterious. There are moments where our professional killer is in real action but that action just looks a bit too acting, you expect more of a professional killer. Love the fact the story is set in Europe. It gives it a positive edge, a foreign edge, it helps with the tone setting of the story. No flashy fast cars, simple ordinary day to day cars are used. No high speed chases, normal driving. What makes the whole movie a bit disappointing is the lack of music and conversation, it's too silent, you depend too much on guessing what the main character is thinking and as you need to understand that the movie becomes it therefore becomes a bit predictable.
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More horror as thriller
16 April 2012
I was expecting to see a thriller, but, .... In a way it's a thriller that seems to follow a pretty well used theme, savaging, rage, revenge. But once you get to the revenge stage it starts transforming into horror. The movie in a way is very predictable, but it's nevertheless pretty scary put together. The characters are believable and well played. So why only a 7 and not higher? It's the predictability factor that drags the movie a bit down. Then if you expect a thriller but it ends in more horror like scenes it knocks an other point of the numbers. If you're not easily scared and like a bit or horror like events, go and watch it. If you only like pure thriller, don't watch it, you'll be disappointed.
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Very good, a great watch
6 April 2012
Bit apprehensive at first to watch a movie with subtitles again but these type of movies/series you really need to watch in it's original language (its actually fun trying to understand words, you'll be surprised how much you'll actually pickup). It's a very good series, believable in many ways. There are nut cases out there indeed, maybe not as sophisticated as these in the series but it's filmed in a believable way. It's not about all guns blazing, it's about characters, mistakes, reality which is what makes this so good. If you're after action, car chases, explosions, machine gun fire, you're in the wrong place. If you like mystery, bit of love, bit of human relations, bit of thriller, watch it. It's not a 10 as I think there is some acting that could be improved on and maybe conclusions are sometimes a bit far fetched/too easy found, but a 9 is pretty damn high I would think.
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