
43 Reviews
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The Rookie (2018– )
Good but...
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first couple of seasons because the rookie is just different then any other police show.

But of course, like many other shows, they just become weird and this one, is one of the weirdest ever Season 1 and 2 are very good, but starting with season 3, it's just weird and this continues in season 4 (where I am now).

I don't mind changing plots but I does it have to be THIS unbelievable? Like, Chen becoming the best Undercover agent lapd has ever seen? The whole team becoming CIA agents, experts in extraction? With a civilian and a rookie cop?

Nah, that's some miles too far. They should've just stick to their original story lines with police work in LAPD.

Also, don't like the storyline of Lucy Chen. She's becoming more annoying & I miss her old relationship with Bradford and not this "Chenford" one. Idk, maybe it's just me but I really likes them as trainee & trainer...

S5: just a mess, some good stuff but everything ends cliché (at least until the ep17 with the Elijah storyline).

I really hoped this wouldn't happen, but I guess it couldn't be helped.

While I'm all for good endings, I do love a couple of shocks, a couple of "bad guys" winning once in a while.

Unfortunately, the Rookie doesn't belong in that category and got the bad feeling it won't get better.
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Suits (2011–2019)
Harvey makes the show & after it, too many characters.
26 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let's keep it simple:

The series is great, even more than great. I love the storyline & I honestly never thought I'd love a serie solely based on lawyers.

But there are some problems: Mike,

Look I like Mike, I really do, but he really acts like a spoiled brat sometimes & he easily gets swayed the other way.

It's just crazy how easily he betrays Harvey, doesn't appreciate what Harvey did for him or even think about him.

Do I like everything Harvey does? No, but at least he's more or what consistent. He's a winner who doesn't show his emotions often, but he does back you when needed. While the other, runs whenever the other needs him... It's really sad...

Another one: season 8.

I like the Katrina & Samantha character, but the Alex character for ex., is just bad. Also, this season they just start fighting over everything & nobody tells anyone anything... Just a weird storyline...but still, fine. Just a bit less.

Imo, they introduced too many new characters. For ex, if they only focused on Katrina & Samantha for ex, fine. But also Alex , is just too much...
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Banshee (2013–2016)
Good but, (half of S3)
30 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Partial review after almost finishing S3 First of all, the show is very good and has some very good acting in it. The characters are great and I love the fact that they didn't shy away from violence and or sex scenes. Just not too much BS and straight to the point.

Now, what I love about the show is also linked with the worst part of the show. While I understand some characters have to stay, I'm not a big fan of the "one villain gets away with everything" type thing.

Proctor is great, a good villain, but after everything Hood's done, after everything Proctor did, just in the first 2S, imo he should've been dead or killed off a lot earlier. He's great yes, but sorry, you can't make Hood a cowboy on the one hand but when it comes to Proctor, he's fine. Again, could've killed him in S3 but surprisingly missed everything. Calling it stretched out would be calling it mildly lol. Good season 3, but again, proctor is a bit killing my vibe.

Now, yes I read about it but 4 seasons of one villain, idk about that. It's a bit like Justified with Boyd Crowder but at least they had a past. Hood has no connection with Kai and could kill him anytime just to get rid of him, and other villains could come in like idk, from his past. But yeah love the show and solid 8 for sure but not higher, at least not yet.
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Not the ending it deserved
17 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a fan of writing big reviews, but after years of enjoying this show, I feel like I owe it to everyone to write a review.

For years, this show has given us lots of good and incredible moments, and James Spader, was just the best actor for it, and I honestly believe nobody would've done it better... Now, for this ending, I don't really mind the fact that the mystery stays unsolved, because that's a part of the series itself so leaving it up to the people is not good but not bad either. However, the ending itself, with Red being killed, that's really just bad. Unnecessary. They should've just let the ending open and let him walk into the sunset, which would've been perfect imo. This, nah, terrible ending. Really too bad for such an incredible show.
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Cold Case (2003–2010)
Decent but lacks a few things
2 May 2023
Original series with a lot of interesting cases.

Still, there are some clear flaws in the series which unfortunately become more glaring season after season.

Now, first, like I said before, the series is very good, interesting & is filmed in an original way. Showing both flashbacks as present to complete the episodes.

Overall, the series takes a case by case approach, nothing too flashy, some very good and others are just 'buh".

For the problems, character development is a real missing point here, whereas the characters barely meet other people, you barely see a family member, or a personal (back) story. Not saying there aren't any but they sure are limited. There are also too many coincidences imo and I wish they would've used more bigger stories, for example, a serial killer spread over a couple episodes. Those always are the most interesting. A last problem for me, is the fact that most cases are just too "simple", for ex. A friend, a family member who randomly takes a gun and shoots someone. Not many, like mentioned before, premeditated killings, or even active ones, which would make the storyline & pace of the season a lot better imo.

To finish, I want to reiterate I like the show, but lack of backstory & storyline are a surely a downer...
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Cold Case: Stalker (2007)
Season 4, Episode 24
Good but
30 April 2023
I'm gonna try to write a review without spoiling the episode. But I really need something off my chest.

While I'm a fan of how these last few episodes were written, some things really need to be addressed.

For example, I like the main character, but a lot of times, she really takes on a completely bad approach when it comes to talking to people, especially family members. You can't attack victims of a murder in such a way... Especially when you're not certain.

Now, the rest, good solid episodes, and this last one is one of the best, but like I said, they chose to put the emotional sides of the characters a bit on the down low, but then you also gotta be consistent to when to use it and not just here or there.

But overall, good episode(s)!
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Cold Case: Blank Generation (2005)
Season 2, Episode 11
26 April 2023
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The demise of Elisa... I didn't really care about this plot ever since they mentioned Valen's (ex-)gf had died. We hadn't really seen her a lot but I felt really good about her and I think they should've given it a better ending.

Maybe it will be better for the upcoming seasons but I really believe Valen's and her had a nice story going and I really think there was a lot that could have been.

Overall, just a regular good episode, nothing really special but I'm never a fan of just letting characters come and go. If you're bringing in new people, they should or not have a relevant relationship, or get a good ending. Otherwise there's no point, which I really felt was the case now.
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Narcos: Follow the Money (2017)
Season 3, Episode 3
23 April 2023
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While the overall plot is okay, the raid scene was just hilariously stupid.

You can't actually believe people wouldn't notice a guy behind a door with a bucket full of cash, and not even do a full search on clearly the main desk of the office.

It was probably necessary for the plot but still, could've been better executed.

Then there's also the part with Pena and the fictional character of Stechner who keeps getting in the way of him.

But yeah, overall just an episode to keep the plot going. Nothing big happens and everything is falling into place for everyone.

Decent episode, but hope for better writing the coming episodes.
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Justified: Kill the Messenger (2014)
Season 5, Episode 6
Good but
19 April 2023
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This episode made no sense at all.

Raylan let a clear kidnapping go, no follow-up by even trying to follow one or the other. Boyd again finds every hole in the game to come out on top, which unfortunately, becomes a bit too easy.

This season made it clear for me that justified kept Boyd too long in it. At a time, despite his character and how people find him, when you do keep things over and over again, and escapes time and time again, it becomes a bit too easy too read.

And while it's always nice to see Raylan do his thing and go after people, his decisions surrounding the Crowes and Crowder is questionable at best so...
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Justified (2010–2015)
Good but
19 April 2023
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Very good and entertaining series but with a few flaws.

First, lot of things happen at the same time without some decent background but that's that. It can indeed be a bit hard but to follow some things but mostly it's fine and not that big of a deal.

Second. I know everyone loves Boyd and his villain like acting, and he's indeed a plus to the show. But the only problem is that he gets away with everything and never gets any consequences. He rarely gets arrested and his opponents never even get tired of him and shoot him. Now I do understand he has a nice storyline to him but doing the same over and over again, gets a bit "easy". I probably would've preferred if he met his death in around 3th season, just to introduce a new villain and not always the same old same old, where he gets in the way of everything, loses everything but eventually stays out of prison.

But overall, Timothy Elephant does a damn fine job in this series, and if you like a bit of western type series, this is a must watch with lots of nice characters.
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24 (2001–2010)
Good, underrated, BUT TOO LONG
21 February 2023
This is probably one of the most underrated series in tv history, but it has some obvious flaws, here are some examples: One: too many characters which makes for some obvious, unnecessary, plot lines Second: due to point one, some characters are seriously underdeveloped, which sees them make dumb, irrational mistakes.

Third: just some typical, irrational, decision making overall, coincidences all over the place, lack of trust, shifting of alliances from one second to the other...

Fourth; why are all vice-presidents & advisors just bad? Only thinking about themselves? Sheesh

A prime example of all the problems: Season 6... This season doesn't make sense at all. While the story overall is "okay", the timeline, decisions make no sense at all. Also, Jack is brought back and in 123 he's ready to go again, it's crazy. Wtf is this. Also, Jack still isn't trusted after everything he's done, he's still in doubt everytime... Politics & everyone still get in the way like every time. No this season could've been okay, but gets ridiculous more you watch.

In short: a very good, even underrated series, unfortunately with some obvious flaws. This unfortunately makes it harder and harder to watch as the seasons go by... 24 ep should have been 12 episodes. Which would make the plots a whole lot less ridiculous and repetitive... I'll watch everything, but I do am getting tired of these repetitiveness... It's just dumb and poorly written... First couple seasons were great, really, but ever since s6, it goes downhill.. quick.
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24: 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. (2002)
Season 1, Episode 16
Why the unnecessary drama and coincidences?
18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Worst episode of the season... Just too many coincidences... First, how do two teams get taken out so easily? No checkups? Alright, I could handle this.

Second: why is Keith so stupid? These kids in this season are a bit ridiculous and stupid with their decisions... How can a kid just shake the secret service like it's nothing is beyond me, especially considering the threats against the senator.

Third: a car, used in the escape by Teri & Kim, just happens to be on a ridge? And then Happens to fall down in just two seconds? Like, I understand it could happen, but after everything in this episode, this is a but much, it's really unfortunate for the episode imoz because all the rest is just so good.

What makes a good serie is the level of involvement and belief, and when a serie makes such stupid mistakes, it's really a shame... Also, wtf happens to Teri? She falls down Moments later of the explosion and can't remember anything? Sheesh, this episode is a bit too much filler like for my tasting... It's a shame.
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Line of Duty (2012–2021)
Good but...
2 February 2023
Now, I'm reviewing this during episode 3 of season 4.

While the first couple of seasons were very good imo, season 4 starts to show some cracks I believe.

I have no intention of spoiling anything big, but the approach by some of the characters is beyond belief sometimes.

Some examples are: why are some characters always acting alone, do they not know backup? And how people avoid things has becoming too easy Yes, I like the plot and yes, I like the characters even, but I do hope they're not getting sloppy, because it's just a shame. This has become one of the best police crime series on TV but some things are becoming like your everyday police crime drama. I certainly hope that is not the case...
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Good but:
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 4: while I understand the time to wrap things up, season 4 is a bit of a letdown. The first three seasons were sublime and full of surprises but now it's all rushed but on the other hand also too much filler. But the biggest problem I have with it are the unrealistic decisions from all parties starting with Jonah, who's plotline feels unnecessary and childish (btw, he's also just 14 and supposedly be an all world money launderer). Wendy I feel like is great but Marty is too passive, never speaks clearly about anything. But also, the FBI, they are projected very poorly, Omar also... But some things are just idk, too "easy". For ex, Ruth is nice but killing Javi in emotion, without consequence, is just not real even though it's a "shock" in the serie.
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Death Note (2006–2007)
Good but
15 May 2021
Second part becomes frustrating... Should've been stopped after part 1...
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Could've been more
8 April 2021
Poor execution & lack of character killing is really sad... Had a lot more potential actually.

Not bad but it's sad to see the lost potential...
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6 April 2021
Great! But a bit weird to see the childish fragments...
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Lost: Through the Looking Glass: Part 1 (2007)
Season 3, Episode 22
23 March 2021
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Didn't yet finish it, but damn, it's really good...
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Lost: Every Man for Himself (2006)
Season 3, Episode 4
21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just laughing about the fact that Linus' still saying things like '' we're not killers'' LOL
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Lost: Two for the Road (2006)
Season 2, Episode 20
I hated it
20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't like traitors... It's just sad actually...
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Good but
26 November 2020
Storylines are great, sometimes almost perfect. But the decision making can be terrible. Especially from Clarke. It's so annoying... But yeah x good storyline. But should've made the characters stronger, the decision making better... Too bad
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The 100: Red Sun Rising (2019)
Season 6, Episode 2
Good but
24 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't understand how ppl can only blame Octavia while Clarke, Abby for ex , get a free pass... Clarke is too selfish, Abby is suddenly becoming a hero again ? And Octavia is the one and only bad girl in the story? Makes NO sense whatsoever... Too bad...
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The 100 (2014–2020)
GREAR & Clarke...
17 November 2020
Lovely at times, but at other times, just as hypocrite af.. it's bad, really really bad... But yeah , the storyline is mostly GREAT besides those weird & yeah, 'bad' decision making & thinking (lot of times from Clarke...)
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The 100: Acceptable Losses (2018)
Season 5, Episode 7
17 November 2020
Love everything, but the Hypocrisy of Clarke ,I really really hate. To me it destroys everything.
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Criminal Minds: Entropy (2016)
Season 11, Episode 11
Good and bad
21 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Idk. Good , but at the end very cliché... Like, they could've disappeared, but they didn't, sad. Sometimes, you gotta accept you can't always win and they always do, that's why criminal minds is so cliché.
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