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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Felt Like Home!
4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a breath of fresh air Spaceman was! It felt like I was back in the late 60's/early 70's reading Heinlein, Herbert and Bradbury again. Adam Sandler did a fantastic job as Jakob. The writer was genius having his unlikely childhood friend, the spider, be his mentally saving illusion when the rigors of being alone in space for a long time overwhelmed him. Spaceman was visually incredible as well. The spaceship looked and felt austere and lonely. The "cloud" fantastically beautiful. Tying his journey in with his life on Earth brought humanity square into the focal point of Why We Explore Space. What good are our explorations if they are not ultimately for those we love?
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Somebody Feed Phil (2018– )
Refreshing, Whimsical, Lovely Show!
2 March 2024
I am absolutely Loving Somebody Feed Phil. I normally do not watch food shows but am finding Phil's contagious happy outlook on everything making this food show joyous to watch. He manages to makes you feel that you are right there meeting all those interesting folks and the food unique to their home. A real family show. No fear of sitting down with the kids and having to be concerned of what they may see or hear. The producers have done a great job of pulling together the whole package of a place: people, scenery, food. Learning so much about the many places I've never to and will never get to experience. Phil is a joy (his parents too!) Bravo Phil!! So well done!
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Under the Dome: Reconciliation (2014)
Season 2, Episode 5
Does it get better??
24 January 2024
I've invested this much time, guess I'll see it through, but what a slog!! With King as author and Spielberg as EP this series could have been So Much Better. It has evolved into a soap opera with a science fiction coating. The premise was so promising (I have not read the book) By this episode new characters are seemingly being introduced just to add more filler not more substance. No real depth of plot is being weaved. The dialog has become very soap opera-ish. Production value fairly good, acting seems strained. I wonder if they were frustrated with their scripts as well by this time. Truly hoped for more, a la The Stand (the original)
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The Watcher: Haunting (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Old School Haunted House Tale
17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't let the lower reviews on this episode keep you from watching it or the series. The ending, wonderfully summing up all is traditionally creepy. It's horror is FAR more subtle being filmed in the daylight, on manicured lawns, with no frightening soundtrack or shadows.

This is a 21st century old school haunted house tale, with a brilliant twist. Just the right amount of occasional humor to lure you into relaxing a bit. A dangerous thing in this house! You are given your first clue when it is the children that are first aware something is amiss in this old house. The teen daughter not so much, readily accepting the lipstick and not quite connecting the change in her that comes with it. The most innocent youngest child, the son, is aware from day 1.

The writers (and casting) did a Fantastic job choosing the supporting characters who have already become altered by the house and do it's bidding as protectors, helping the house survive.

It seems many watchers of the series are frustrated because they were searching for a "who"; not considering a "what".

Perhaps it would have tied it up with a bow and brought closure to those frustrated at the ending if a sentence would have scrolled at the very ending, "Have you ever considered a house is born bad?" (The Haunting?, can't recall precisely).

I enjoyed it start to finish in one go and look forward to more from these writers. I imagine this does qualify as a spoiler, so will mark it as such.

Very Good Series!!
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Night Sky: Compensation (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
YES, more like this please
16 October 2022
Best science fiction I've seen in very, very long time. Please continue to present content like Night Sky. With great admiration to the writers, and ALL involved in this series. It was so very refreshing to watch such a high quality series in every way. For those deciding whether or not to watch: essentially no sexual content, a minimum of language, some violence (not excessive or terribly graphic). This is a science fiction adventure mixed with an example of a marriage well lived. Through tragedy and joy, the Yorks present trust in a marriage. I can write no more without spoilers. Not for under 12. It's wonderful, ENJOY! (You will want to binge, so settle in!
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Night Sky (2022)
An excellent narrative driven science fiction series!
21 May 2022
Night Sky has the feel of a Ray Bradbury/Rod Serling/Robert Heinlein tale. Which is high praise indeed!! From the reviews I've read it seems that the most frequent that the storyline moves too slowly. That is what makes it so refreshing and unique.

Nighy Sky is a rare jewel amongst the muck and mire of what's generally out there today - especially in science fiction.

No sex, very. Very little bad language, a couple of fight scenes (not graphic)
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The Staircase (2022– )
A rare negative review
8 May 2022
After 2 episodes I am giving up on this version of The Staircase. Colin Firth and Toni Collette were a big part of my decision to watch and they are good with what they've been given. Sadly it is everything else that pulls this mini-series down. The lighting is an eye strain, cinematography as a whole is not up to par. Generally I don't mind a story that is told switching between past and present, but this narrative cannot pull that off. Very off-putting. At the end of two episodes I still am not entirely certain how all the children and family members are related.

The scene in episode 1 where the camera pans back and forth and upside down between the cars driving to the police station at night was just awful.

I wish the writers had spent episode 1 totally on establishing the characters, more of the situation, etc. Then the rest of the episodes could have bounced between years to weave in all the details.

Many of the angles shot are bizarre with no need to be. Sadly this is just a hot mess.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Great show-Incredible nod to farmers everywhere
8 July 2021
Thank you first to farmers everywhere!!

Original premise for a highly watchable show. Funny, sad, frustrating, encouraging.

I do so hope it finds a way to continue. Perhaps involve other farmers in the village. It could become a wonderful ongoing/deeper look into the daily lives and constant struggles of some of the most important people on the planet. Hopefully a nudge to young people to consider farming as their way of life.

You all are onto something not just entertaining, but very, very important to mankind - two areas that don't generally walk hand in hand.

Kaleb is an amazing hard working young man. What a fantastic teacher he could be to farming apprentices.

Again, many, many thanks to all involved.
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Out of Time (V) (2021)
Don't give up - it gets better.
4 July 2021
This turned into a pretty enjoyable little film. Wonderful low budget time portal thriller. I almost gave it up after 15 minutes, very glad I didn't. The ever changing aliens were a interesting twist.
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The Academy - haunting
2 July 2021
This was a very broad set of stories. After the first three I gave it a "6" rating. Changed to an "8" after watching Rod Serling's spine chilling adaptation of The Academy. I wonder who it was exactly that tapped Pat Boone for this role? Genius. Like all of Serling's work it's precise, no words are wasted. What a talent! I only recently got the series on disk, not having seen them since they originally aired. So there were many I missed, many I didn't recall. All have been wonderful to revisit. Don't let the bright blue sky and spotless building fool you. The Academy is pure horror; brilliantly acted by Boone.
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The Ray Bradbury Theater: The Long Years (1990)
Season 4, Episode 11
Beautiful tribute to The Lonely
26 June 2021
Ray Bradbury sprinkles in tributes to those he admires throughout The Ray Bradbury Theater. The Long Years airs some 30+ years after Rod Serling's poignant tale The Lonely, a tale of a prisoner (the great talent Jack Warden) "jailed" alone on an asteroid, with only a very brief supply ship crew that comes a few times a year as human contact. Bradbury even names the lead female "Cora", in The Long Years, just like The Lonely. The stories differ in most every other respect. (Trying hard not to contain a spoiler) Two tales of man's primal need for human company. I wish The Ray Bradbury Theater had remained with Home Box Office, it's original home. They seemed to value the strength of the actor to bring the story to life above expensive sets. Bradbury's tales simply don't need them. The show bounced around a good bit, even having Granada (a very fine production company who did the entire fantastic Jeremy Brett led Sherlock Holmes series) for a time as one of the producers. Each transition in sponsor seemed to place the value of the story as a distant second to fancier sets. They are all well worth watching all the same!! At least every episode remained a Bradbury story, unlike The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (it too is still worthy of watching). As we approach leaving Earth to live on other planets in reality, these early science fiction writers genius truly do serve as cautionary tales to be taken, and planned for, seriously.
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Fascinating Series
25 June 2021
I have read 20 or so reviews on this series given here on IMDb. I've watched every episode since S1E1 and love them all. Most are places I've never heard of much less been to or will ever have the means to do so. I assume many of the reviews that seem angry about every detail, or commentators voices, or information repeated must be historians. I can understand to comment on a factual error and give information on where to learn more, not the angry criticism. This is a fascinating show and the commentators are very good. I rewatch most episodes, sometimes more than twice, years apart. I'm loving having it available on Discovery Plus thus eliminating many of the criticisms some have that just come with cable - commercials, ads on the screen, etc. I got on to review S8E6, but it's not even listed on here yet, I assume it airs a bit early on Discovery Plus, so I'll refrain. I do hope the Science Channel keeps this program going (which is the channel it is currently listed under where I am), with current commentators. Even if every detail is not totally accurate (which we are all able to investigate further on our own), it is a massive improvement on reality tv. My thanks to all involved for all the informative and captivating hours of viewing you have provided.
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What a joy!
24 June 2021
Every bit as fun as when I first got the DVD's years ago. I don't know why some feel this is an insult to the Irish (of which I am half), or bemoan Bradbury for having a wide body of work. This little tale - and film - is sheer joy and great fun.
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Cosmos (I) (2019)
With Thanks to the Brothers Weaver
22 June 2021
What a wonderful gift to come across such a film. They are far too few and far between this century. A brief description: one night in the lives of three men involved in one way or another with space science. The background on our players is not rushed (I admire when a director has the guts to take that time). The personality and situation of each of these men is necessary to fully comprehend the emotional investment each has in the nights events as they unfold. It is a film that requires patience and your own personal investment in their adventure. I look forward to finding and watching their other two creations and anticipate whatever the next might bring. I enjoyed every minute and loved the ending.
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Another Mike Rowe hit
8 January 2021
I got Discovery+ primarily for this show and the Science Channel. Worth every penny. Mike Rowe always manages to come up with great ideas or provides that added something special even simply narrating. Add to that the fact that his shows (and podcasts and Facebook shows) are family friendly! This often means boring for adults - Mike Rowe proves again and again this doesn't have to be the case. I love the premise of this show, historical information given in an entertaining often hilarious format showing how we are all, after all, connected. I sure hope this show lasts as long as Dirty Jobs. Well done all involved! A upbeat bit of joy for the beginning of 2021.
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Walks with My Dog (2017–2018)
Dogs and beautiful countryside-no stress here!
9 August 2020
The only downside to this series is that there was only one season. I know there are other series about rambling about England, Scotland and Wales but there is so much to see it never fails to entertain. A good walk is always a great walk with a dog. The combination of countryside, doggie personalities and their owners narration make for a thoroughly wonderful hour. I would love to see another year of this series made. Very family friendly.
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Father Brown: The Celestial Choir (2020)
Season 8, Episode 1
Father Brown is Back!!!
6 August 2020
Being in the US I just saw this first episode of Season 8. Father Brown has always been one of my top 5 "go to" shows. It's beautiful, entertaining, soothing, just all around excellent. I was so happy to see that there was going to be a Season 8 (and according to this site Season 9), but I was a bit worried the storyline may have begun to be played out. Wow was I in for a wonderful surprise with this dynamic first episode of Season 8. I'm sorry I did not catch the writer's name to give him/her a mention here, but Job Well Done! Very excited to watch the remainder of the season. Good to have you back Father Brown cast and crew!
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Very dark Naked City episode
11 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Daughter Am I in My Father's House" is a dark and deeply disturbing episode of Naked City aired in 1962 that I believe would be hard put to air today. A young woman, appears to be late teens, is cat called in a movie by four teen boys. After the movie they follow her and tease her implying they want to harm her, yet not doing any physical harm. So far this episode seems like an ordinary Naked City episode. Enter Ken Duryea, the young woman's father, retired or ex military living in the past surrounded by the accoutremonts of war in their home. It is obvious from his opening lines this man is disturbed. This is where this episode turns very dark. This man, appearing to both want to defend the honor of his daughter (who was not physically harmed and does not appear to even hold a grudge against the young men after one of them talks to her and apologizes for their stupidity), and re-live his military days by hunting these young men down actually forces his daughter to "tart herself up" as bait to lure them out so he can attack them. You will have to watch to see how it concludes. This was a very well written and well acted episode that will stay with you. I was surprised this passed the censors of the time. Very good psychological thriller episode.
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Cannot wait to watch this series unfold
29 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I will put a warning for spoilers, although I'm not quite sure I am really giving any. At this writing there are only 2 other reviews, both of which I have a differing opinion to. We have a diligent researcher, McNamara in the 21st century, researching and pulling together; along with many, many other researchers, the pieces that will help to finally catch a murderer/rapist who began decades earlier. It seems the other reviewers expect the entire storyline in one episode. Just as it took many years of hard work to finally tell the full horror of this monster and catch the monster, it will take the whole series to tell the story of how this came to be. I found Michelle McNamara instantly relatable and unpretentious, which is, I imagine, what helped make her such a good researcher and why people trusted her. i'm so impressed with her tenacity. It may have been as she herself said "an addiction", but for the best of causes. She helped play a huge role in finally giving so many victims a measure of peace again. It was a bit here and there, but so is research in the the early stages. I will absolutely stick with it. I only wish it was all released at once.
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Laurel Canyon (2020)
Beautiful trip to the nostalgic history of the time and place
31 May 2020
I was very pleasantly surprised at the the amount of original footage and narration by the singers and songwriters themselves, thinking that there could not possibly be anything left that had not been shown elsewhere before. The show does a very creative job of joining that particular place - Laurel Canyon Road - with stories about the people and music that came out of that one location. Not to be missed if you love the music of that period in time. Thank you for a wonderful evening.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
This review is for Season 1 - excellent
6 May 2020
I am not very familiar with Jessica Biel's body of work, the first season of this show makes me think I should find out. She was incredible. So troubled, so disturbed, so ill treated, it was all in her face and movements, not histrionics. Bill Pullman's soft spoken, broken, tenacious detective was riveting. All of the supporting characters were top notch as well, especially the actress who played Biel's little sister and the highly disturbed mother. This series pulled off what few bother to do now, be incredibly dark and terrifying without the use of explicit gore or over the top sex. While the sexual aspects of the story are disturbing, they are not shown, and the telling, the innuendo, leaves a far greater punch than if it had been shown as full on nudity. Extremely well written. It kept me on the edge of my seat every episode, which I watched in all in one go. I'm looking forward to season 2. I noticed Jessica Biel has a Producer credit for this series. Well done and many thanks for excellent entertainment.
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Beautiful tribute to her mother
6 May 2020
Natasha Gregson Wagner has given the world a truly beautiful tribute to her mother, wife, mom, actress, friend Natalie Wood. We are simply strangers who enjoyed and appreciated Natalie Wood's work.I feel we have been allowed to see an honest look into the person through the words and memories of the beautiful daughter she raised. It was open and very forthright, making no attempt to gloss over the difficult parts of any life. Heartwarming to see the close knit, fun, home life Natalie and Robert Wagner worked so hard to give their children, who were so obviously such a central and important part of their lives. It's very much past time the tabloids leave this family in peace. It is obvious Robert Wagner has put his heart and soul into doing the difficult job of raising these girls after Natalie's death. I always enjoyed seeing him interviewed by Robert Osbourne on TCM. Thank you for allowing us to see your memories of your mother Natasha. Very well done indeed.
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Crooked House (2008)
Wonderful old fashioned ghost story!
21 April 2020
Mark Gatiss has written us a beautifully scary ghost story. One you could easily envision the telling of round a campfire in the middle of a deep, dark wood. I love the way he ties the beginning, which starts in today's time, back through time, of 3 separate stories all revolving around a grotesque door knocker which binds them all together. Mark Gatiss with his wonderful narrative voice is the teller of the tale, to a young history teacher who has just purchased a home in which he finds the unusual aforementioned object in his garden. Thus begins his nightmare. A classic ghost story, not dependent on buckets of gore, endless foul language, or gratuitous sex scenes. Just a well written tale. I was enthralled from beginning to end. Kudos for a job very well done Mr. Gatiss!
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A Fantastic Season!
5 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Thank you Duffer Brothers for creating this unique world to let us lose ourselves in for a time. There are so many reasons I am impressed with Stranger Things. It is the perfect balance of innocence (great job of progressing the main characters into their teen years), strength, comedy and drama. It absolutely was not the same ol/same ol science fiction story. From the initial decision to place Hawkins in the early to mid 80's (with plenty of memory lane quick references for older audience), combined with some brilliant kids, yet with the ordinary issues of growing up. A terrifying monster, world power conflicts and the always fascinating problems Eleven lives with daily learning to live with her special powers, yet try to have as much of a normal life as possible. Some have dissed what I considered a tender moment between Dustin and his really real Suzie duet. These are young teens in love and that totally was a situation that was within the realm of "this could happen". The tiny door left open during the credits both in the bad world (the wall was not totally closed) and emotionally (did Hopper really die?) are great cliffhangers. Overall I was very pleased with Season 3, as I have been with Season 1 and 2. Please don't make us wait 2 whole years for season 4!! Kudos for a job Very Well Done to all involved!!
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And Stranger Things is Back!!!
4 July 2019
This reviewer was concerned after episodes 1-3. Very concerned. Then "The Sauna Test" brings the full fun of watching Stranger Things back Full Force!!
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