
44 Reviews
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Terrible, absolutely terrible. Passable Turkey Time movie. :)
27 January 2024
If you like turkey time movies then I'd say this one is a 6/10.

For example:

Scene: In a large telescope control room the lead character is told an asteroid clump is heading directly for earth. The techie tells him that "the density is 2 objects per meter". Of course that's using the well-known objects per meter density scale, eh! Lol

If you can see the comedy in that then this is worth a laugh or 3.

I can't say this for a fact but it looks like the casting call was for celebrity look-alikes. None of them are playing the celebrity they look like - they are simply acting - however almost everyone in the caste looks like a bit like a star with the minor exception of an actual semi-star Sean Murray, who played Timothy McGee on NCIS.
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Pot Luck (2020)
Anti-cannabis hit piece
28 September 2022
They spend the entire video pointing out the perils of legalized cannabis. They make many completely valid points. There ARE issues that need to be addressed.

Do they make any suggestions on how to fix any of the problems? Nope only back to criminalization.

Not once to they speak of the damage done by the drug war which focused on locking people in cages, ruining their lives and, often, entire families all because of a plant.

Also no mention of WHY cannabis was prohibited in the first place or HOW the escalation of the drug war was done so that the US government, under Nixon, could go after people who they disliked - blacks, Hispanics and hippies. That is well documented.

Still, while pointing out all the new problems they had zero solutions for any of them short of a return to medical cannabis cards instead of a free-for-all. Thinking through what the implications of doing that are and then justifying why we would do that will be left to everyone's imagination. Obviously they don't want you to consider it - just think about how many problems there are now and understand they would all be solved by making it illegal again. Then we could go back to the good old days when the war on drugs was helping everyone have a great life, eh! /s

Upshot: The makers of this propaganda piece are clearly out of touch with history. They should be getting a fat paycheck from the prison industrial complex, the police and the pharmaceutical companies.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
I guess it would be good if you are stupid
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't watch the whole movie. By half way through I was done due to all the stupidity.

Does anyone have a clue what you can do to protect yourself with $5 million dollars? Especially with days / weeks / months to prepare and all kinds of warnings. Perhaps hiring SOME security might be wise.

Do you think that someone who is invisible wouldn't show up with heat sensitive cameras, pressure sensitive flooring, laser beams or any kind of fog or spray?

To think that protection is spreading coffee grounds on the floor and grabbing a carving knife is beyond belief.

Dumping paint on them and immediately retreating to cower in an unescapable attic, instead of attacking them when you know exactly where they are, is also beyond belief.

This is another hide-in-the-closet-but-not-until-waiting-until-they-can-see-that-you-go-inside-it movie.

Why it got any awards at all is testament to the serious lack of cognitive reasoning skills these days.

Do yourself a favour and skip this ode to stupidity.
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Don't watch unless you like stupidity
16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: If you watch this movie, after reading this review, it will seriously spoil it so think twice before reading further.

I read many of the other comments here and I didn't see anyone mentioning the biggest plot hole - of the many, many plot holes.

Ask yourself: If I was in a helicopter, in the middle of nowhere, that was overweight due to too many bags of money what would I do about it?

If your answer was land, in the middle of nowhere, stash as much of the cash as needed to be able to fly to the other side of the mountain range and then come back later to get it. Maybe make 2 trips, or 3 or 4... and maybe leave a couple of guys with it to guard it on each side of the mountain range then you are smarter than the writers and everyone else imvolved who didn't say anything to the writers.

Time and again, throughout the whole movie, they have the obvious option to stash the cash and come back for it later but it never occurs to ANY of them.

So... what they do is throw some away, then burn some, then throw more away all the while taking more and more risks and making ever worsening decisions. Smh.

I get that sometimes a character has to make a bad decision or do something stupid to move the plot into some jeopardy but to think every single one of the supposedly trained mercenaries didn't even consider the most obvious solution at any point is stretching credulity past the breaking point.
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It is really a 7 but there are a lot of haters of the message posting negative ratings
10 May 2021
Cognitive dissonance strikes again.

A 5.7 rating with a 4.0 rating from the top 1000 people. That is absurd. This documentary is just about the same as every other documentary on this site that has a 7. It has the same acting, editing, cinematography, narration, script, etc. There is no reason for it to be rated as low as it is being rated except for dislike of the message.

The message is simple. Most green technology is far from green.

Intuitively we all know this as we know steel, concrete, aluminium and lithium are not made in a sustainable, eco-friendly manner. Aside from the mining to create the materials to make solar panels and windmills they rely on batteries and we've been told all our lives how destructive batteries are.

So the response to hearing what amounts to simple, easy-to-deduce facts is to trash the messenger.

Everyone should watch this to learn the facts instead of remaining brainwashed by those who don't want you to know them.
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Wonderful action, horrible documentary about it.
28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First let me say I congratulate Cher and all the others who saved this elephant for their actions. That is laudable. Now lets look at the documentary.

It is flat and empty. Cher's part is almost a walk-on. Despite her being instrumental in clearing away all the red tape: from dealing with the zoo to the airlines to the transportation team to the government where the elephant was to the government where the elephant was given sanctuary to the sanctuary itself I have no doubt it was Cher's celebrity that opened all those closed doors BUT the documentary barely even mentions those things.

We see a lot of the elephant in its original zoo. Most of the film is about getting the elephant ready to transport. Then we see a little of the transportation and less of after the elephant was relocated into a temporary holding pen. They tell us how great the temporary holding pen is compared to the miserable conditions it lived its life in. We are told of how that elephant will be released into a virtual paradise. We see a little of that paradise and how great its life will be. And then the documentary ends with the elephant in that temporary facility. Smh

Why didn't they spend time focusing on the urgent problems, chronologically, and Cher's role in the diplomacy required to solve them? That would have added a dramatic element and actually given Cher enough credit, and screen time, to be mentioned in the title.

Why didn't they show us the elephant happily living in the sanctuary interacting with other elephants and enjoying its freedom?

It looks more like someone decided, at the very last minute, to cobble together a documentary and didn't have any time to plan it properly from the beginning or to follow it through to a satisfying ending.

This could have been an very uplifting film - enjoyable for all to see. Instead it is a mess that ends flat leaving the viewers wishing they could see the elephant enjoying its freedom.

For those, and other reasons, this documentary simply misses the mark.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Great movie if you can ignore all the incredibly stupid things they do
22 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Does anyone remember the Apollo 13 mission where they had to build a CO2 scrubber to clean the air? One would expect that someone at NASA would. What do you think the odds are they would launch a mission to Mars without at least 1, if not several fully functional replacements. I certainly did.

So when the whole mission goes to hell because the SINGLE CO2 scrubber on a two year long mission to Mars is broken beyond repair .... well that is kind of hard to believe.

Then they go outside. The majority of the time they are untethered. When climbing a pole they go hand over hand, some of the time, without being tethered and, occasionally with BOTH hands off the pole! Any climber knows you always keep 3 points in contact and only move 1 at a time. In this case they only have 2 but you would NEVER take both hands off even if you were tethered, which they are not.

Then the most important thing they are carrying slips and flies away. Why? Because it wasn't tethered either. Smh

There are other flaws but those alone are enough to remove all possibility of suspension of disbelief.

This is all the writers fault for not having a clue they were doing.

Acting is good enough and so are the special effects.

It the braindead plot that turns a 7 into a 3.

Shame on everyone involved for not demanding the script be rewritten to be at least close to plausible. :(
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Hucksters and hoaxster all, including the documentary
15 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you think that you can prove someone didn't see something 20 years ago by proving that today they aren't the most articulate of people then this movie is for you. Concrete proof is simply stating that the person is not credible today. No need to consider if the experience caused them to have mental problems or if having mental problems is a necessity to see things other don't. Neither of those two possibilities exist in the world of this film-maker. He searches for loons and then proclaims everything is a hoax because... look at this loon. He "debunks" everything from UFO sightings to crop circles to abductions to psychics simply by finding someone that he can ridicule and stating that is proof. No science is used only opinions when it comes to debunking everything. Since the military of many nations claim to have seen UFOs it is amazing how he believes he can "prove" they don't exist by going to a UFO convention in Roswell and interviewing some colourful people. Then, in the finale of the film, he scams a bunch of people into buy some art pieces they have made by conning them into thinking the artist is French. More "proof" of everything being a scam. The real scam is getting this film to be rated more than 3 stars.
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Cardinal (2017–2020)
Unbelievable. This is like hiding in a closet from Jason after he sees you going into the closet!
24 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
How this is rated above 5 is beyond me.

High production values, good acting and horribly unbelievable writing.

I download every episode up until S04E02 and watched this because of how highly rated it was. It was only entertaining until it became incredibly annoying. I watched all of season one and then deleted it without bothering with any of the other seasons.

If you think the daughter of a policeman's idea of self defense is to cringe while a gun is pointed at her head, stay cringing while that gunman, who weighs about the same as her, turns away from her and shoots her policeman father - not once but twice - then continue to cringe while he gets into a wrestling match with the gunman instead of trying to help, wait to be TOLD to run but then only run a short distance and then stand around while his partner shoots the perp and do nothing until being told to phone the police/ambulance... well it would be just like being a victim who is being tortured and failing to take several opportunities to escape earlier on in the show.

It is hard to say that everyone deserved all the punishment they got but it is impossible to say their own actions warranted anything different.

Morons all, which is on the writers.

If you have ANY self preservation instincts, let alone any training whatsoever, this will seriously annoy you.
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Togo (2019)
After thinking it over I can't find any flaws or things I would change - my highest rating ever
21 December 2019
If you are a dog lover this is a must-see film! In fact, unless you hate dogs, this is one of the best animal films I've ever seen. That includes Call of the Wild.

This may be the best performance of Willem Dafoe's career so it is also a must-see for any of his fans.
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Skybound (2017)
1 star but 9 stars as a TURKEY TIME movie
19 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts off with bad acting clearly apparent.

My first thought was the lead actress was pretty but didn't know anything about acting. I looked her up, Scarlett Byrne, expecting this to be her first movie only to be very surprised that she is an experienced actress.

Then I noticed that a few others were acting badly and thought it must just be a bad director and a small budget.

Then things started to happen in the plot that made next to no sense.

As it continued it became more and more absurd. It continued getting funnier and funnier as it became less and less plausible.

For example: The stowaway, Morten Suurballe, says the bottles of pills that are found hidden away, nowhere near his reach, aren't hallucinogens. He needs them to stay alive. Literally 1 minute after they flush them down the toilet he is in a coma and is dead in minutes!

Another example: At one point someone asks the supporting actress, Carla Pimentel, if aluminum on the skin of an airplane would protect them from the radiation fall-out of a nuclear bomb - to which she answers she doesn't know. A few scenes later she is doing a calculation with pen and paper, which includes wind speed that is somehow available from instruments that have failed, to determine how far they need to fly to escape the fall-out. :)

Seriously this is hilarious and gets funnier and funnier the more you watch - right up to the end of the movie.

I nominate this as one of the best Turkey Time movies of all-time.
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I loved it. A unique sci-fi adventure with only minor flaws
5 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am tired of seeing the same few dozen sci-fi films shot with different actors and different scripts. If you are as well then this is well worth your time.

Yes, there are a few scientific factual errors but... not too many and none that destroy the plot or the viewing experience. To avoid spoilers I won't go into any details but I wasn't too happy with the scene where the water freezes as quickly as it does.

Still, to a large extent, it didn't do the standard replication of other movies which is bonus points IMHO.

If you have watched as many sci-fi movies as I have you will be pleasantly surprised that you cannot predict what will happen yet the writers avoid cliché - even the ending isn't standard.

This movie, IMHO, is not a 10 but if you love sci-fi movies you really should watch it.
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Nice list - you may not agree with them all but its worth a view
23 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers

Okay so if you are still reading this documentary is, obviously, a review of their pick of the top 12 Christmas movies of all time.

I don't agree with them all but its not my list.

It is well presented but for those who just have to know here is their list (Note: IMDb keeps reformatting it so I can't list them on 12 separate lines):

12. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 11. How the Grinch Stole Christmas 10. Scrooged 9. A Christmas Carol - Alastair Sim (original) 8. The Preacher's Wife 7. The Santa Claus 6. Home Alone 5. White Christmas 4. Elf 3. A Christmas Story 2. Miracle on 34th Street 1. It's a Wonderful Life
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Run the Tide (2016)
Run the Tide should say Crawl Away Slowly
3 December 2016
Hopefully by now you know the plot so I won't go into any details.

I'll just say if you read the overview you have obtained everything this film has to offer.

It starts slow, building to ... nothing. It keeps teasing you with the possibility of something dramatic suddenly happening, as is the way in most entertaining movies, but - nope - nothing, nada, zilch, zip.

I gave it a 5 solely because of the acting, which was fairly good but not great. It is enough to keep you engaged but if you are expecting ANYTHING to happen you will be sadly disappointed.

To summarize: If anything interesting had happened it might have been worth watching! ;)
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Army of One (2016)
Solid time waster that should be loved by Cage fans
31 October 2016
If you are a Nicolas Cage fan you'll love this as he gives a outstanding performance playing a truly bizarre individual. His character is annoying, pathetic and unlikable until you see him as off-the-wall funny and then you can find the humour in this movie. Once I got past being annoyed I found I was smiling quite a bit.

Since this is based on a true story you can't fault the writers for the plot, which, in my opinion, isn't great. It is hard to believe how the guy gets enough money to fund the things he does but apparently he did so...

Nothing, as they say, to write home about but interesting and very odd. Worth watching once just for Cage's performance - as there isn't much else to bother with.
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Almost as good for filling 12 minutes as a screen saver
30 October 2016
I watched this to be the first to review it.

I hoped it would be worth my time. I don't think it is worth anyone's time, even very young children unless they are only interested in watching a screen with moving colours on it (even then, IMHO, they are better off watching a good screen saver).

It is about a class whose teacher will be away for a week, their boring substitute teacher and their plan to be rid of him. That could have been funny or interesting but it wasn't either. It was simply boring and strained credibility - even for a show aimed at children.

I found absolutely no humour in it at all. Not even one line to smile at, unless you like turkey movies and can smile at the writer's ability to fill out the time slot with blandness.
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Non-stop adrenaline rush
8 September 2016
Okay so I need to say I don't play first person shooters because I find they make me sea-sick and this is a movie shot from the perspective of a first person shooter. It did not make me sea-sick.

After I relaxed and got into it I found myself smiling many times.

If you are looking for an action film that can carry you away this is for you.

I watched a couple of top-notch movies before this. Movies that were long on character development and plot and very intellectually stimulating. This is nothing like that but... it is perfect for just sitting back and enjoying the ride, which was how I wanted to end my evening so it was exactly what I wanted.

I'd like to add that one of the main features of a first person shooter is when you 'level-up'. Typically it involves a new quest on a completely different battlefield. This movie did an remarkable job of including 'leveling-up' in a real-life scenario. Each level is more challenging than the previous one, is set in a different physical location and at each level you learn a little more detail about the overall plot. At the last level the entire plot becomes revealed - just like in a video game. As such this is an excellent real-life representation of a video game.
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Trophy (2008 TV Short)
Amusing waste of 10 minutes
31 August 2016
I wondered why there were no reviews of this and watched it just so I could post the first review.

After watching it I know why there are no reviews.

It's impossible to describe this without giving away all the plot and/or seeming like a sexist, racist or male chauvinist while doing it ;)

Also it is simply too short to pick at the acting or editing or writing so I'll simply say it is an interesting view on human sexuality.

Warning: Not suitable for prudes or racists! For everyone else it is possibly arousing and kind of amusing :)
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The Circuit (2016 TV Movie)
Clever, witty, dry humour - surprisingly entertaining.
29 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First let me say I'm a sci-fi/action fan. This is not a movie I would have watched. I expected it was the Marina Sirtis / Mindy Robinson 2016 sci-fi movie of the same name (and year).

Also I should point out that the vast majority of my reviews are 6.0 or lower so keep that in mind before dismissing my 8 out of 10 as SPAM.

The Circuit has zero action or sci-fi. It is basically a dinner party thrown by people the main couple have just met. I expected to be bored to death and to change it to something else as I am not a fan of soap operas or melodrama but... it is really, really funny and insightful.

Not 3 Stooges funny but Steven Wright funny. Very dry humour - the kind you have to step back and think - did they just say that? Off the wall humour with a cast that are perfect in their roles. These are real people with real quirks. Each actor is odd but remains true to their own characters through-out and it never descends into farce. As such the acting is excellent.

One character, in particular, seems to be unreasonably offensive and vulgar however by the end of the movie I understood why he would be like that and even sympathized with his situation.

I highly recommend this movie for anyone with a dry sense of humour who isn't easily offended.

Lastly, this is a movie that will definitely provoke multiple discussions if viewed in a group.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
Great movie, stupid premise
27 August 2016
What can I say, I liked it.

Don't try to apply any logic to the scenario of the last of humanity surviving the apocalypse riding on a train - expenditure of energy and resources that would be better used in a bunker scenario - that will just hurt your brain and ruin the movie.

Take it as a given and then enjoy it.

Also ignore logic with regards to the ending. Sadly its a 'Hollywood ending' intended for the movie to end on an up beat.

If you are in the 1% you should see this as what inevitably happens when the elite allow the peasant class to suffer beyond reason. If you aren't you can treasure the payback, eh!

All in all if you check logical analysis at the door before, during and after the movie and, instead, just sit back and enjoy the ride you'll find this is an extremely entertaining waste of 2 hours.
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If you ARE a fan you may find this movie hard to watch
20 August 2016
This is truly awful.

If you have seen all the other Star Wars movies then you have pretty much seen this.

The plot is basically an amalgamation of the other Star Wars movies.

Nothing is new - even the dialogue copies from the original movies.

I have NO idea why a group of fans would make this. An original Star Wars movie, made by fans, would be great even if the special effects aren't as good as Hollywood can pay for. This badly made copy makes me wonder if any of the people involved actually like Star Wars.

I recommend avoiding this, if at all possible, even if you are a die-hard fan - actually avoid it especially if you are a die-hard fan!
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Proto (2012)
Wonderfully sappy version of Frankenstein's Monster
29 April 2016
This short plays into our tendency to anthropomorphize inanimate objects and our desires to cheer for the underdog.

Proto is simply a machine. A robot programmed to obey. Since all machines are just things they are treated as objects devoid of all emotion. However, most of us also have deeply ingrained beliefs regarding fair play and fair treatment.

Watching a machine, or an animal, being mistreated can be as upsetting, or more upsetting, than watching a human suffering the same treatment - if the viewer has empathy. This film plays on that empathy in the same way as Mary Shelly's Frankenstein did. If you understood the tragedy and felt for Frankenstein's monster then you'll get the point of this short.

For those with empathy this is a very moving film well worth watching. For those without - not so much, and I truly pity you.
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Boba Fett - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
29 April 2016
This short is under ten minutes long and almost 2 and a half of them are the intro and closing credits.

In that brief period of time it packs a real punch even though there is no dialogue.

It pays homage to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly with its style and music.

It also is reminiscent of the Dirty Harry movies and many westerns.

At first it looks like it will be animated 3D but then seamlessly switches to being live action.

The setting is the famous Mos Eisley bar where: "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

No spoilers - this one is well worth watching and saving in your Star Wars collection.
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TIE Fighter (2015)
Bad - really, really bad
29 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you like watching 2 dimensional illustrations that appear to be overlaid on further away 2 dimensional illustrations also overlaid on even further away 2 dimensional illustrations all trying to look like 3D animation then this might be entertaining.

Except: It has no plot, no dialogue, no characters (let alone character development) and, seemingly, no point.

It is simply a collage of badly done war scenes taken without context.

Even die hard Star Wars fans will be hard pressed to find anything interesting, let alone redeeming, in this time waster.

I suggest you avoid watching this and just watch the clock ticking as it will be equally entertaining.
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Christmas Truce (2015 TV Movie)
Absurd and unrealistic but sappy enough for many to like
30 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a run-of-the-mill war / action story with a Christmas theme. Totally unrealistic and unbelievable but if you like sappy love stories and can ignore all the plot holes it can fill some of your spare holiday time.

An example: The Germans have the drop on the good guys and are about to execute someone when they are suddenly overcome (by surprise). The good guys wrestle away several machine guns and a few have pistols (during the struggle none of the Germans fire a single shot). Then a car with a German officer arrives. Strange things happen. Then the officer pulls out his gun and tries to shoot someone - stopped by a local French woman. He then takes another shot at a good guy who punches him in the face when he misses. Then the officer turns and points his handgun at the main character and they discuss 'a Christmas truce' as the German reinforcements arrive. Why all the good guys with the machine guns didn't shoot him down the second he reached for his gun is totally beyond my imagination and IMHO no one will ever believe it could happen like that.

But... if you don't care about realism and like a sappy love story that is entirely predictable then you might just like this.
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