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Arguably The Best Women in Prison Film Ever Made
4 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Before 1983's Chained Heat, there was The Concrete Jungle. TCJ does what Chained Heat attempts to do, yet fails, despite its cast of beloved cult stars. What TCJ has that Chain Heat does not is a solid script, solid acting, and characters that you actually want to see prevail. In fact, it is the characters of TCJ that make the movie such a treat. From the innocent Cherry (played by daytime legend Tracey Bregman) to the sexy, but compelling top dog Cat (played by Star Trek and another daytime vet Barbara Luna), these characters take the viewer on a journey of life inside a women's prison. From her harsh arrival to her ultimate release, Cherry guides the viewers on the story of an innocent girl set up by her boyfriend to carry drugs into the county and end up in a prison where the guards are just as bad as the cons. And speaking of authority, Jill St. John portrays Warden Fletcher and what a fantastic character! Brutal rapes, a charming friendship, an obsessed lesbian who happens to be the prison top dog, and a corrupt warden who is running a lucrative drug business with the help of the prisoners, TCJ is a great film and one you will enjoy watching. And what makes it so special is that you will remember watching it and want to watch it again.
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A Warm Comedy That Will Touch Your Heart
30 November 2010
I saw this film when I was 10 years old and fell in love with it. Now, at 31, I have rediscovered it and was amazed that it has withstood the test of time and remains the beautiful country movie that I remembered. The characters are well developed and three dimensional, which is good because a few of them come across as awful within the first ten minutes of the movie, making you want to hate them. A standout in the cast is Beverly D'Angelo and Tess Harper, who take their characters and run with them. Evilita is a spoiled, selfish, slutty young woman who's been married more over 6 times, while her spinster sister Sara Lee (Harper) has spent her life taking care of their elderly father. The whole family returns when he takes a turn for the worse and is not expected to live much longer. A hunt for his will is the main plot of the movie, but what keeps it going is the relationships between the family members. By the time the end credits roll, you will be misty eyed and grateful for having discovered this gem of a movie!
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Prisoner (1979–1986)
One of the Best Cult Television Shows
28 July 2010
I began watching Prisoner Cell Block H as a child while living in England. This was during the late 1980's and the show had already ended, but the reruns were extremely popular and people would forget the show had been over for two years. Right away, the show became my favorite. Prisoner was one of the first, if not the first, television show that was centered on and starring a cast of mostly women. It was also one of the first shows to portray an open lesbian in a positive light. Characters such as Bea Smith, Myra Desmond, Sandy Edwards, and Marie Winter made this show addictive. Besides rooting for the good guys to reclaim power in the constant power struggles, there was also the entertaining game of spotting actors who have been with the show before returning as another character and also spotting the wobbling sets. Low budget, starring plain, ordinary women... this show probably wasn't expected to be as huge as it became, but after watching a few episodes, anyone will see just why it became such a hit.
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Parker Posey At Her Best!
15 July 2008
Very few movies based on plays can be successful, but House of Yes is not one of those that fail. It succeeds where others have failed because of the energy put into a film that is mostly dialog. Parker Posey shines as Jackie-O, the mentally troubled sister of Josh Hamilton and Freddy Prinze Jr. Tori Spelling, whose only other film I have enjoyed was Trick, did a great job of playing Jackie-O's doormat.

The movie is at its strongest when Parker bares her sadness, always hidden beneath sarcasm. A classic movie of family dysfunction without playing out the same old tired roles. This family is anything but a typical dysfunctional family and though they all appear to be nuts, part of you wants to run out and find a family just like them, because looking past all of the sarcasm and insults, you sense and feel the love.

I highly recommend this movie to anyone who wants to see strong acting. Parker Posey is on top of her game here.
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Asheron's Call (1999 Video Game)
My First Obsession!
29 July 2007
First off, if the year was 2001 I would give this game 10 stars, but as it is, the game has become something very different. When it started, Asheron's Call was the best role-playing game you could find. The graphics were amazing, the battles were intense, and the friends/enemies you made contributed to how well you enjoyed the game. Now, however, the game is full of cheats and angry children (or just very immature adults). I can't play longer than a few minutes without hearing someone call someone else a fa**** or a cu**.

If Turbine is listening, get rid of housing. It took away from what had been a social game. Get rid of the cheats, it's what made honest players leave. (and probably why WOW is so popular)
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Prom Night (1980)
The Original Scream
4 June 2007
I first saw Prom Night back when I was 10 years old, but didn't appreciate it as a film until re-watching it at 19. Watching it a second time was like discovering a priceless gem and I must say, as a screenwriter, I still look to this movie as motivation and inspiration. Unlike most Hollywood horror/slasher movies, it did what most of the latter cannot, which is provide a combination of good lucks and good acting, therefor ensuring we care about the characters.

Scream most definitely took a page from this movie as inspiration for its mystery theme. Though the budget was low and this movie was made in 1980 I feel that it still has enough of a story to keep us entertained and also enough of a punch to make us jump a bit. But what really makes Prom Night a success is its actors. Jamie Leigh was wonderful as always, but one character I felt that stole the show was the character of Wendy. As vile and wicked as they made her, the actress portraying her gave her depth. I felt as a viewer that she was more than just the typical bitch character. With killer lines, a beautiful face, and a chase scene that has been the foundation of future horror movie chase scenes, this girl makes the movie worth watching.

If you happen to see this movie on or notice it in a video store I would suggest giving it a look. I would love to see a remake, ONLY if they kept the plot the same, but intensified the horror, much like what was done in TTCM remake. And, of course, to have Edie Benton and Jamie Leigh make an cameo or guest appearance somewhere!
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The Best X So Far!
28 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I just got back from seeing this and... WOW... I was very impressed. I loved both of the other X-Men movies, but this one finally gave us comic book fans what we wanted, which was less Wolverine and more of the others. Brett did what Bryan did not, which was throw in about ten or more mutants missing in the first two movies, even if for just a moment. The action scenes are great and the special effects were amazing, but it is the cast that really brings this movie home. I give it an 8 out of 10, missing one point due to the fact that once again Gambit was left out of the movie and the other being that there was not enough time for every Mutant to shine.
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Queer Duck (2000–2004)
Hilarious Cartoon
9 May 2006
This cartoon series was so hilarious that when I first watched it, my father was in the room, and he thought I was choking. It happened to be the episode where Queer Duck is prank calling Dr. Laura and she gets so mad she shows up at his house with a shotgun and proceeds to chase him around. Very stereotypical view of gays in a fun, "is this what you think we are" way that will make anyone chuckle.

Queer Duck is a duck who is a nurse that spends his time figuring out ways to make himself more fabulous. Terrific spoofs of gay-haters like Dr. Laura and Jerry Falwell are guaranteed to make even the both of them smile.
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So Notorious (2006)
The Best Sitcom on TV (I PROMISE)
8 May 2006
Okay, this show is fantastic. I beg everyone to watch it once and I promise you will be hooked. The chemistry between the cast is fantastic and it shows up on screen. Tori Spelling is perfect playing herself, she is not afraid to make fun of herself. A side-note, her gay best friend, is absolutely fantastic. He is no token gay guy, equipped with killer lines, a hot face, and a great talent for scene stealing. But watch for the character Janey, as she is probably the best in the show. Armed with lines not seen since Karen from Will and Grace, this girl is hands down the reason I watch the show. (but the entire cast is why I love it)
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Great Potential!
15 January 2006
This show may appear to be a rip-off of Sex and the City, but I think there are a lot of differences in the two shows. I think it is fair to call it a mix of Ally McBeal, Will and Grace, and Sex and the City. Heather Graham was born to play this role and it is a great career move, as it moves her away from the sex bombshell she is known for, and brings a more vulnerable light to her. True, her acting is not as cutting edge as Sarah Jessica Parker, but I see great potential, especially with this role. The show is fun, hip, and clever. I think if a little more cattiness is added we may have a great new hit on our hands. Well done, Heather!
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Mama's Family (1983–1990)
Time to Sit Down and Watch One of the Best Sitcoms
14 January 2005
I first discovered this show in 2000 and I loved it right away. This show is not meant for those who expect it to be realistic. It is meant for those who want to take a break from everyday life and just have a laugh. I eagerly look forward to 5:00 am every weekday so I can watch this show. As soon as theme comes on I am instantly in a good mood. The entire cast is marvelous. I recommend anyone who has not seen to tune in to TBS on weekday mornings at 5:00 Central Time! Okay, so the earlier seasons (1 and 2) were great because of the appearances of Carol Burnett playing daughter Eunice, but even the later seasons were funny. I didn't think Beverly Archer was as funny as Carol, but I have to admit, when I hear that "Knock Knock" I immediately start to laugh!
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Bread (1986–1991)
One of the Greatest British Sitcoms
31 May 2004
I love this show! I used to watch this when my family was stationed in England and it became a favorite for my whole family. The mother was one of the best; loud, dominant, and acid tongued. She keeps her five children at home with her, as her husband continues coming back and forth between his family and his Irish mistress. Some of the best scenes are between the mother (Nelly Boswell) and the mistress (Lillian, but known as Li Lo Lil or Tart). Joey was a hottie with his bleach blond hair and black leather clothing. Aveline was the cute, but bumbling model. Jack was the shy, overweight antiques dealer. Adrian was the sexually repressed poet. And Billy, the youngest, was a daddy at 16. This comedy was great when its original cast was present, but once the actors playing Joey and Aveline left, it lost its humor. I'll always remember Bread for Nelly standing on her doorstop screaming," SHE IS A TART!" and then crossing herself before she returns to her chaotic family. A British Married With Children, but funnier. If you see this show, watch it!
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