
37 Reviews
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Thoroughly enjoyed this movie.
15 June 2024
Unlike some viewers who expect this type of movie to be Oscar winning movies for acting, sets etc, I do not. I come here to be entertained for 90 minutes and I certainly was this time round and very often am with Reel movies. I feel they tend to be more 'natural' than some of the Hallmark movies are.

I want to give Reel a huge thank you and congratulations for realizing that not all viewers are sitting 6 inches away from the screen and /or have 20-20 vision and when they have to use a popup screen to tell us what the texts are saying they used (at least in this movie) a font size and colour that was clear enough to see so we knew where the story was going. Awesome and keep up the good work. Thank you.
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My Christmas Hero (2023 TV Movie)
Sort of enjoyable
7 February 2024
I wanted to like this movie but my head was busy most of the time trying to get it around the fact that a woman born near the end of WW11 looked not a day over 60 when in fact she would be nearer 80 than 70. Then the granddaughter portrayed as in her 30s would in real life be closer to, if not already 50. The 'saved' soldier Chris at least used a walking stick but he too would be in fact be almost 100 and this gentleman wasn't near that. The premise was good but I found all these casting errors way too distracting and it puzzles me that the people putting this movie together didn't do the math. Perhaps if they had added another generation it could have worked a whole lot better.
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Lighthearted and fun murder mysteries!
3 December 2023
This series took a little while to really get cruising and warm up, but it just got better and better as it moved along and I thoroughly enjoyed it. In my opinion the actors had good chemistry and of course the scenery was gorgeous. For those of us who can't travel to these places it was a delight. I am amazed at all the negative reviews. If it's not your thing don't watch. Personally speaking by the time, we got to the final episode I am left wanting more and I certainly hope a second series will be coming our way sooner rather than later. I had not heard of Shayne Ward before but I loved his character and really enjoyed his singing. He has a fine voice. The finale was awesome. Thank you.
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Thank you thank you thank you!!!
7 October 2023
I realised a long time ago that text messaging was just a part of daily life now and was not surprised when it started appearing in movies. But FINALLY a movie maker that while using text messaging as part of the story doesn't forget that not everyone has 20/20 vision and by not being able to read the texts loses a large part of what is happening. By having the texts spoken as well as on screen, they allowed the story to unfold for everyone.

I was really surprised and pleased. They only missed one right at the end but by then we knew what it would say.

I really enjoyed this movie, thought the chemistry between the leads was awesome and the supporting actors were great too. Scenery lovely and all in all an enjoyable movie made better for knowing what the texts said. Thank you.
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Puhleeze Hallmark, what were you thinking?
11 June 2023
I had been looking forward to this movie and sadly my wait wasn't worthwhile. Great leads, good chemistry and acting, beautiful scenery, however none of this could save a dreadful script. Weak from the first minute.

You take someone who supposedly is not a dancer and without any real lessons or hours of practicing turns into a top-notch dancer. Really? As for the ridiculous car/scooter chase around the streets of Malta, words truly do fail me.

As a longtime fan of Hallmark and your Mysteries this one is a real BIG loser and I sincerely hope you are not planning on making this into a series. Put you time, effort and money into something with a lot more substance that this. Thank you.
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I wanted to like it
4 November 2022
I really did. I loved the premise but by halfway through it hadn't been developed and I got tired of waiting for it to unfold and gave up. I was disappointed as I thought there might be some real Christmas magic to come in this movie. Something was missing and I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe the storyline wasn't strong enough, the srcipt too slow, maybe the directing was weak, maybe the wrong choice of actors for the job. I am no expert on this subject, I just know It was just a real disappointment as I liked the magical paintbrush idea. It needed more development and that's for sure.
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Open by Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
I enjoyed this movie
24 December 2021
And would of given a 10 but for the darkness of so many of the sets. Has Hallmark not paid the electric bill? OK lots of Christmas lights but the darkenss really annoyed me. Lighten, brighten up please.
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Angel Falls Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
Charming Movie with a good message
2 December 2021
I'm puzzled by the negative reviews. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and the message. Yes similar stories have been done but this was lovely and I'm hoping this is the first of a series. One of the top movies of this Christmas season to date. I guess we are all different but if you're wondering should you watch or not, I say go for it. Made me smile.
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Together Forever Tea (2021 TV Movie)
9 August 2021
I so enjoyed this movie. OK storyline is not unusual but the leads had great chemistry and the whole thing was enjoyable. I was smiling all the way through. Give these actors more projects together. They work!
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Her Pen Pal (2021 TV Movie)
I really enjoyed this movie!
21 June 2021
Great movie, with a believable story and the cast all did a fantastic job. I'm hoping this is the first of a series as it has so much potential. Just imagine all the events that could be held at that lovely Chateau, which could cover all angles of food, romance, even mystery. Yes please!
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Different but Delightful!
19 June 2021
I came across this movie quite by chance and am so pleased I did. So different from the usual light weight romance type movie but very enjoyable. At the start I was thinking, mmmm not sure about this but as it went on I was well and truly hooked. Change comes upon us in many ways and several were covered in this quirky look at romance in the cyber world. Give it a go. I don't think you'll be diasappointed. I certainly wasn't.
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Love's Sweet Recipe (2021 TV Movie)
So pleased I ignored the 2 negative reviews.......
16 June 2021
I really enjoyed this movie. Sure, the story has been done before in various ways but this is a Hallmark type movie and we all know what to expect. If that's not your cup of tea, all good but don't write negative reviews and put other folk off a pleasant and enjoyable movie.
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Cupids on Beacon Street (2021 TV Movie)
Great entertainment.
13 June 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Actors and storyline were great. OK the usual sort of plot but done better than in many other instances. Can I feel a series coming on? That would be fun. Worth viewing.
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Cooking Up Love (2021 TV Movie)
I am enjoying UPTv movies more and more!
21 May 2021
In the past few months UP movies are showing a 'growing up' if that is the correct term. Actors are better, stories are stronger and they are not only believable (well some of the time lol) but are enjoyable. This one was no different BUT just one thing that grated on me was the test tasting of the sauce using the spoon that was stirring the sauce. You may be able to do that in your own home but no cook or chef on TV would do that. You must always have other spoons available and once used are not used again, always a new one. I really enjoyed it and recommend.
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I love sunflowers and I love Sunflower Valey and..........
9 May 2021
I loved this movie! I agree with the previous reviewer who said it should be the beginning of a series. It certainly has the potential with a great team of actors with good chemistry and a solid story line that could certainly be developed in a similar vein to Signed, Sealed, Delivered. Bring it on I say!
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Hint of Love (2020 TV Movie)
Goodness me what did I watch?
3 March 2021
I am muchly puzzled by the previous review which pretty much slaugtered this movie. Not sure what I watched but defintely wasn't what they watched. I thoroughly enjoyed it and obviously others have too or it wouldn't have such a respectable rating. It's one thing for a movie not to be the right one for you, totally different to make personal attacks on an actor. If you just want to watch a pleasant typical fun light romance movie, watch this one. I think you'll be surprised.
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Finding Alice (2021)
Very Disappointing
15 February 2021
Annoyed that I sat through 6 episodes only to get left with no answers and just being set up for another series. I wont be watching. Keely Hawes does a great job as always but otherwise as I said, very disappointing.
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Love, Lost & Found (2021 TV Movie)
I wasn't sure if I could get through this....
24 January 2021
But there were a few redeeming moments and I got there. Not the best movie I have seen of late but bearable. The one thing that really grated was Jake's attempt at an Australian accent. Arrrrggghhhhh!!! Trust me not everyone down under talks like Crocodile Dundee and thank heaven for that. Worse ways to spend 90 minutes.
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A Fun way to pass some time.
1 January 2021
Tom Allen cracked it. I can't remember how long it has been when I was smiling or chuckling through an entire programme. Martin Kemp was an added bonus and I hope we seem him again along the way. Keep them coming Tom. I'll be watching. Thank you.
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Christmas Comes Twice (2020 TV Movie)
Very well done!
15 December 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I always like a time travel type of story and this was done very well. Well cast and great acting from all. Highly recommend.
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Lost at Christmas (I) (2020)
I thought it had promise.....
10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
And then it went nowhere. Very disappointing. I read all the positive reviews giving 10/10 and began to wonder had I watched a different movie? One of the most annoying things for me was these two trekking through falling snow with coats undone, no hats (can't remember if they had gloves on) and seemingly not even breathing hard when they arrived at the inn. Having lived in a cold climate for many years this was just so nonsensical that it diverted me from a lot of the other stuff but perhaps that was a good thing. The music was so off for the season, it would want to make me slit my wrists if I had to sit through it in reality. I persevered to see how it ended hoping for at least one happy moment, but boy what a waste of time that was. As I said at the start, the premise had promise but it was wasted with poor script, poor acting and no chemistry whatsoever between the main couple. I have to add I am not a harsh critic, often giving 10/10 but sorry, no redeeming features here at all.
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The Christmas House (2020 TV Movie)
A lovely Family story
26 November 2020
I am sad for those who refuse to watch this movie because of the so called 'Not Family Friendly' content. You missed a real beauty, a Christmas story of family, love and working through problems along the way. I was taught that is what Christian values are all about. The cast were well chosen and the acting was excellent. I throughly enjoyed this movie and I will certainly be looking out for more NFF movies in the future. Well done Hallmark and keep up the great work. Thank you.
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My Best Friend's Bouquet (2020 TV Movie)
I can feel a series coming on
12 October 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Well cast and acted by all. If you can keep them coming at this standard Hallmark you'll have a lot of satisfied viewers. Thank you and I really do feel you have an opportunity to do a few follow up movies with these characters.
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Follow Me to Daisy Hills (2020 TV Movie)
21 September 2020
I mostly enjoy Hallmark movies but this one was soooooo boring. l just couldn't get through it. Slow, colourless sets and acting, lacking any emotion or connection and as for the leading man's hair style puleeeeze. Hallmark you can do and have done way better. I won't give up on you just yet but if you keep turning out too many like this l sure will.
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Wonderful programme!
22 May 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed this show and I certainly hope there will be further series in the future. Kate is such a charming and knowledgeable presenter. Watching these couples changing their lives and lifestyles was fascinating and we got to see some beautiful countryside as well. Well done to all involved and thank you.
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