
40 Reviews
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9 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A nice film. Nothing more to say nothing less. HDR though is absolutely fantastic, this is reference level HDR. Absolutely loved it. Probably one of the main reasons I enjoyed watching it very much. I love a beautiful film with great HDR and I cannot lie!!!

I have a minor complaint with the two main female leads. I truly think the movie would be way better if the main female lead was played by a more badass and vulnerable woman. Same with the Chinese female lead. They both don't have the look or charisma which drags down the movie a bit for me. Great actors who have charisma are so vital for a movie. This movie could've gotten an extra 0.5-1 points/stars just for that.

Story: A- Presentation: S Execution: B+ Score: A-
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Very nice!
27 August 2021
Absurdly Funny!

Heart warming in parts A feel good movie but is more than that aswell!
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Dragon Ball Bonanza!!!
9 August 2021

I absolutely loved this movie!!! If you're a fan of DBZ as a kid and relapsed as an adult, and when you see this movie as an adult mann! It's like taking the highlights of DBZ and packing it in a movie! 🔥😍💯

The animation is SO AWESOME! Fights, Effects, Visual style! This is the best I've ever seen Dragon ball look! The movie was popppingg on my OLED. Just extraordinary 🔥😁

Dragon Ball fans GO FOR IT!! ✅🎇😄🎆

Story: A+ Presentation: S Execution: S Score: S.
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Superlopez (2018)
Fantastic comedy !
7 August 2021
Fantastic comedy, slight parody on superman tropes, very impressive CGI for a Spanish film! My first Spanish film too!

A REALLY fun movie to watch not a single dull moment 😁

Story: A Presentation: A Execution: A+ Score: A+
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Filmmaking unleashed
15 July 2021
Where to begin, this is fantastic stuff. This is what filmmaking is. This movie could've turned out mediocre if the filmmaking wasn't there and it was based purely on story/screenplay. But the Directing, Editing, Song Selection oh man that song selection, Cinematography, Action sequences, Dialogues, elevate this movie to the next level! Superb! 🔥💯
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14 July 2021
Fantastic. Never played Resident Evil games before, but if this movie/series serves as any indication it must be great.

The animation, visual effects, textures, everything was superb. A good storyline and dialogue, characters are well developed for a 4 episode 104 min total runtime series. Go for it!
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Tommy Boy (1995)
Funny but missed opportunity
28 June 2021
Tommy Boyyy

Plus: + 1st Half movie is excellent! Comedy and everything was superb.

+ Great performance by Chris Farley.

  • 2nd half let down the film considerably. Nothing bad per say but I didn't feel as engaged as in the first half. The comedy got stale.

  • Not impressed by performances of David spade and Rob Lowe. They stick out like a sore thumb in this movie as they can't act that well and can't do comedy well even though they tried. They are a miscast here.
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Tag (2015)
Weird, Fresh, Interesting
6 June 2021
This is the weirdest movie I watched in my life. Period. Lol

I actually downloaded the wrong Japanese movie with same Japanese title so you can imagine my confusion 😂

I caught on to it after 10 mins, but the movie was interesting so i kept watching.

Man, this movie is one of those have to see movies just for the experience if not anything else crazy shit! But good ending nonetheless!
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God of War (2005 Video Game)
Absolute Masterpiece, breath of fresh air from the game movies we see now
5 June 2021
Absolutely fantastic game. Didn't age at all even though I'm playing decades apart. This is what a single player game should be!

Perfect match of gameplay drives the story and story drives the gameplay! Superb loved it!

Story is fantastic too, writing of this standards is missing nowadays. Terrific stuff!

Advice to modern AAA Devs: In modern games, single player games are mostly game movies. Please learn from this game, how to have the perfect sync of yin & yang of gameplay + story. AWESOME! God of war!!!!
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Fun, A palette cleanser film
23 May 2021
This is one of the best animated movies I've ever seen. It's Pixar Level CGI. Can't believe it's a Netflix original.

Really fun movie with a nice story and ending. It's great a palette cleanser when you don't know what to watch. I liked it more than I expected to!
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Corpse Bride (2005)
Sublime, Beautiful, Art
22 January 2021
Man... this movie is something.

Tim Burton is a genius, I love his filmmaking. I'm really transported to a different world. What beauty, what exquisite taste he has.

Where do I even begin for this movie. The Music and songs are so amazing, I absolutely love it, I'm listening to the soundtrack of the movie now as I type this review. And I never listen to movie soundtracks after the movie finishes.

The movie is so beautiful, so visually splendid, the colours, the combinations. It's like beautiful paintings coming to life on screen

Thank you Tim Burton for yet another Masterpiece. Bravo!
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Pixels (2015)
15 January 2021

This is what happens when you pick a script which reads well on paper, but translates terribly on screen. This movie can be summed up. All throughout the movie I was like who directed this, this is so cringe. And to my surprise after the movie I discovered that this guy directed movies like Harry Potter first couple movies, Home Alone Series, Mrs. Doubtfire and other iconic films. HOW is that possible!

Anyways, this film sucks!

P.S: This is also the only bad video game movie I watched till now. I enjoyed all the others.
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Hello Ghost (2010)
Another Fantastic Korean movie!!
14 January 2021

Oh man what an excellent film! I absolutely loved it! Cried my eyes out at few scenes!! 😭

How do they do it man, Koreans are awesome, I'm so glad I gave Asian movies a chance. I'm having the best movie watching experiences ever! 😭

They take even simple concepts and just give you a great movie experience with great storytelling capabilities! I'm so thankful for these guys! As it touches the irk I have for cinema as a storytelling artform with entertainment, and Koreans are masters at it!
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3 January 2021
I knew about the cult classic status of this movie going in. But I watched it as a movie by itself and not what is known as. So it was really funny and engaging until the final 30 minutes. Where the pre climax and climax were in my opinion atleast routine, i felt there could've been a more interesting resolution. But at the same time there's nothing wrong with the resolution in the movie too. Overall, didn't quite hit the cult status for me. But one thing for sure, I love the DUDE phrase 🤣
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Absolutely Lovely Christmas Movie!
26 December 2020
Absolutely Beautiful Movie! I had a grin on my face all the way through!! :)

Jim Carrey is extraordinary! No words are enough to him, he poured his life into this character and excels as usual! The other characters were perfect cast and were really fantastic, the little girl is so cute! :D

Watch it in 4K HDR, it just pops on the screen with all the Christmas colours and makes this visually rich movie even greater!
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U Turn (I) (2020)
One time watch, go for it if you're a world cinema enthusiast
24 December 2020
Apparently this is a remake of a Kannada movie. So I was skimming through the original kannada movie to find anything that was better, but I'm thoroughly impressed by the filipino remake in that there are almost no resemblance to each film. It's a inspiration for sure which the Filipino movie actually says so.

The movie itself I found it engaging for the most part if you watch it as a movie and not become too logical. The 3rd Act could've been better. Slight pacing issues in parts otherwise a one time watch for curious cats like me who like to explore world cinema. My first Filipino film done! ✅
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Extreme Job (2019)
Funny with heart
19 December 2020
Very interesting and funny movie that gets better as it progresses, fantastic cast and chemistry between them!

The end brought me a hearty smile, a nice watch for sure!
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Epic movie from a legendary director
13 November 2020
This movie is epic in so many levels. First of all watching it in HDR on an OLED is just mind blowing with the visual feast.

But the story, screenplay, acting and ofcourse the legendary directing by Steven Spielberg at 70 years old (what a genius) this movie is so amazing. And so apt for the modern world we live in.

Reality is the only thing that's real! Yes and Yes!
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A silly goofy enjoyable Halloween movie!
8 October 2020
This is just one of those movies that is heavily based around watching periods for eg: Halloween etc. As I'm watching it in Halloween period I quite enjoyed it!

Sure it's not like it's a great movie but the pacing was good and comedy was good, there is one plot-hole for sure. But that's upto you to decide, it's not a big deal if you see this as what it is, a goofy Halloween movie! And for that I really enjoyed it! But as a criteria for the movie in itself well let's not spoil the fun shall we it's a one time watch just for the silly fun and beautiful visual style of the movie! Overall a good watch 😁
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Single (II) (2015)
I loved it ! You'll love it if you're Single!
27 September 2020
Aww this is such a fun feel good movie 😍 You'll really like this movie if you're single, Adorable!

The main actress is so absolutely stunning! Wow I have a huge crush on her right now!

Huge props to the main lead who also directed this movie and wrote the script, what a talent! Well done!
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20 September 2020

Man I've never been so entertained by a movie in all emotions like this before. I only found this movie cos I searched for "asian vfx movies" on google. And Holy cow, did it deliver on EVERYTHING.

It was so much fun, so heartwarming, so visually stunning, the environments were beautiful, the story is fantastic, screenplay is unbelievably tight, EVERYTHING IS SO DAMN GOOD.

And, get this, I never cried in a movie at a frequency I cried in this movie. And also I never cried in a movie with the intensity I cried in this movie. I know it's unbelievable, I just went in for a fun visually appealing ride, but I got so , so, so much more than that. In Indian terms, we call this the 'full meals' experience. I got my full meals and then some!

Hats off to the director and the technical crew and cast. This is one of the best visually effects I've seen in a movie and apparently it's made in 36 million dollars!! THIS IS how it's done Hollywood. The VFX is not a replacement for the soul of the movie. This puts many Hollywood movies to shame with the quality of VFX and the soul of the movie! The acting was so well done, every single one of the main cast was fantastic. Even Junior actors, Kids, Side characters everyone were at their element.

This is my first Korean movie and man oh man am I glad to discover this, Excited for more!

This is most definitely in my Top 5 All time fav films 🔥 I'm so Pumped about this movie man I can't contain my excitement everybody must watch!!!!!!
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Gentleman (1993)
Shankar and Arjun's Masterpiece
7 September 2020
Just Wow!

It's been quite a while since I saw a movie from the motherland. And I've always been a fan of Shankar but I missed out on many movies of his.

This movie is sheer brilliance, how can a first time director create this monumental film with its high stakes emotional drama so masterfully?

Can't forget the absolutely stunning performance by Arjun aswell. These two relative newcomers at the time, gave us such a power packed movie. Holy hell.

The Music Maestro A.R.Rahman giving his colorful tunes to this, although I'd argue it wasn't needed in this movie but still the tunes are A+ Bangers.

Just overall, I'm not surprised that Shankar has become the No.1 Director of India now. Even seasoned directors would find it hard to do what Shankar masterfully created in his first movie with his iron grip on screenplay and pacing. JUST AWESOME!

I love the moral of the story. I truly wish India shines and gets rid of the corrupt politicians. Well a Man lives with hope. Jai ho!
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Sonic is Awesome! 🤙😁
4 September 2020
I absolutely LOVED THIS MOVIE! 🔥 Got me smiling like crazy while I watching it! Pure Joy and Fun! 😊

Great to see my man Jim Carrey back at his vintage self, missed him in that role so much! And He's ACE!

I played Sonic as a child very rarely, but man who knew he had this much personality !? Wow! I love this little blue alien! 😍

The other actors were apt for their roles and writing is really good! Can't wait for the sequel! I'm PUMPED! 💯👏👏😁
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Pee Mak (2013)
Absolutely beautiful, funny, scary and makes you cry till you drop
27 August 2020
It's a rarity that I watch movies more than once, no matter how much I like it. After more than 2 years I'm watching again, man this movie is now officially in my all time fav movies

Rarely do movies scare you, make you laugh your ass off and make you cry in one run time. This movie does that effortlessly, I JUST LOVE THIS MOVIE 💯

I remember feeling this way the first time I watched it, even though I remember the plot twists I still cried like a baby, what a Movie!! 👏👏
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It's a beautiful journey
13 July 2020
This documentary was extremely important to me. I identify with the protagonist so so much. Although this doesn't cure the existential crisis, it's a beautiful real journey of a young man who took the same steps I would've taken.

Two quotes I saved for my future reference from the movie:

Psychiatrists have no real understanding of how the brain works. Our weapons, tools, therapies are so primitive because of our fundamental lack of understanding of how the brain works. - Nobel laureate Neuroscientist And

I don't think Ayahuasca is to be worshipped. I don't think Ayahuasca gives you anything that you don't already have in yourself. And that was a message given to me from the plant spirits, that I hold the key in myself, to whatever it is I need to do in order to get well.
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